Unit 3 Holiday fun-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:304e5).zip

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    • 素材
      • 1-2.wav
      • 1-3.wav
      • 1.wav
      • 2-1.wav
      • 2-2.mp3
      • 2-3.wav
      • 2-4.wav
      • 3-1.wav
      • 3-2.wav
      • 3-3.wav
      • 3-4.wav
      • 4-1.wav
      • 4-2.wav
      • 4-3.wav
      • 4-4.wav
      • Cartoon time.mp3
      • Cartoon time.swf
      • cross my mind.m4a
      • Culture time.mp3
      • fromthesea.wav
      • heypleasepick.wav
      • im yours.mp3
      • intheuk.wav
      • iwantaorange.wav
      • pleasecatchafish.wav
      • Sound time.mp3
      • Sound time.swf
      • trouble is a friend.m4a
      • U303.swf
      • U3Cartoo.swf
      • 说说看吧.m4a
      • 轻音乐 - 真爱 - 班得瑞.mp3
      • 鼓掌欢呼.mp3
    • 6A unit3.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案304e5.doc--点击预览


HolidayHolidayfunfun Soundtime&Culturetime &Cartoontime Letsknow Mid-AutumnFestival eatmooncakes watchthemoon Letsknow DragonBoatFestival eatricedumplings watchdragonboatraces Letsknow SpringFestival visitgrandparents eatdumplings Letsknow Three main school holidays 主要的主要的 Letsknow Easter复活节复活节 coloureggs giveeachother Eastereggs Letsknow 复活节复活节(主复活日)是 一个西方的重要节日 ,在每年春分月圆之 后第一个星期日。基 督徒认为,复活节象 征着重生与希望,为 纪念耶稣基督于公元 30到33年之间被钉死 在十字架之后第三天 复活的日子。 summerholiday haveapicnic swim Letsknow Christmas getsomepresents haveaparty Letsknow Letsknow Tip:认真倾听认真倾听语音、语调语音、语调;试着跟读;试着跟读 Letsread Hey!Pleasepickanorangeforme. Iwantanorangefromthetree. Hey!Pleasecatchafishforme. Iwantafishfromthesea. Heyme tree me sea Hey 陈述句和祈使句,句末降调。陈述句和祈使句,句末降调。 Letsread Hey!Pleasecatch_forme. Iwant_fromthehouse. Oh,Imafraid. Letsread Letsread Hey!Pleasebuy_forme. Iwant_forthefashionshow. 时装表演时装表演 * Afashionshow * Didtheshowgowell? 演出演出进展的顺利进展的顺利吗?吗? Afashionshow Imexcited.兴奋的兴奋的 Itsexciting.令人兴奋的令人兴奋的 anexcitingshow Letsread Hey!Pleasebuy_forme. Iwant_forthefashionshow. Oh,Ihavenomoney. paper T-shirt and paper shorts a lot of bottles Letsread Icanmakeforyou. wearwore 过去式过去式 Q1:Where did Bobby go? Q2:What did he do? Letswatch What did wear? How was the weather at that time ? Letslisten AB heavyrain Letsread Letsread Letsread Letsread Letsact Group1 Group4Group3 Group2 LetswriteT/F 1.Bobby came home late because he played games at school. ( ) 2.Tina was excited about the exciting fashion show. ( ) 3.There was heavy rain at first. ( ) 4.The show didnt go well because there was heavy rain. ( ) F T F T Letsshow Letsknow 1.Finish the passage 2.Act the cartoon time 3.Have a fashion show with your parents Homework Letsshow Itistimefordinner.Bobbycomes homelate.He_inthepark. Theyhada_ _ there.Tinais_ aboutthe show,sheasksBobby:Whatdid youwear?Bobby_ apaperT- shirtandpapershorts.ButSam didnt,heworealotof_. Thatsinteresting.Itwas wonderfulatfirst,butthenthere was_. was fashionshow excited wore bottles heavyrain LetswriteT/F 6A Uniy3 HolidayFun 教学设计教学设计 sound、 culture time and cartoon time 【学习目标学习目标】 1.知识目标 能理解,听懂,发音准确,语调适当的读好歌谣(Sound time) 。 了解英国学生的放假情况。体会中西方在放假上的文化差异。 能听懂会说、会读、会写单词 excited, paper, ask, bottle, at first 能听懂会说、会读词汇 fashion show, go well, heavy rain 2.技能目标 能掌握本课时中出现的动词过去式形式。 能理解,正确朗读,表演 cartoon time 中的故事。 能运用新学文章和词汇写想象短文。 3.情感目标 通过本课时的学习,激发学生对美好景物的向往,感受愉快假期活动的乐趣。 【学习准备学习准备】 1. PPT 2. 学案 【课堂互动课堂互动】 Step 1: Free talk T: Hi, boys and girls. Do you like holidays? Lets say something about holidays in China. (Review: Mid-Autumn Festival ,Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival) Step 2: culture time. T: We all like holidays. Do you know any holidays? PPT 介绍(dragon-bote festival, mid-autumn festival, spring festival, easter, christmas) 运用刚才的句型进行操练 We have two main school holidays: the summer holiday and the winter holiday. Do you know what main school holiday is in the UK? Lets look at the culture time Step 3: Sound time Mike had a good time for his holiday, lets play with him. 播放 Sound time 录音,让学生注意倾听语音,语调并跟读。 找规律; 找出重读词,读; 跟读句子; 齐读; 拓展读。 Step 4 Cartoon time 1.Mike had a good time. How about Bobby ?Lets learn the cartoon time. 2. Show the aims of teaching (Ticking time) S: 自读第一幅图内容,回答:Where did Bobby go ? What did he do? 相机教词汇: fashion show 相机教 wear 的过去式 wore. T: Bobby is late for home .His mother and sister is very worry about him. Can you act this scene? Mother/Sister: Oh, Its time for dinner. Bobby, youre late. Where did you go ? Bobby : I Mother/Sister: What did you do there ? Bobby : I Mother/Sister: Dont be late for home again! 3. T: 询问一下问题,帮助学生理解故事: What did Bobby wear? How was he at that time ? What did Sam wear? How was he at that time ? Did the show go well ? At last, how was the fashion show ? Why ? S: 看视频动画,找到答案,并演一演。 T:相机教新词汇 excited, paper, ask, bottle, go well, heavy rain Step 3. Practice 1. 组织学生完整的欣赏课文内容视频,模仿人物的语音语调。尝试配音。 2. Act the text in different roles in groups. 3. Lets talk:It is time for dinner .Bobby comes home late .He _ in the park. They had a_ _ there. Tina is _ about the show, she asks Bobby. ;What did you wear ?Bobby _ a paper T-shirt and paper shorts.But Sam didnt ,he wore a lot of _. Thats interesting. It was wonderful at first ,but then there was _ _. 4. Judge and tick.(Ticking time) Step 4 Homework 1. 背诵 Cartoon time 中的四会词汇,熟读,熟记三会词汇。 2. 跟录音熟读 Cartoon time,在小组中分角色尝试演一演。 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit 3 Holiday fun How was your summer holiday? Where did you go for the summer holiday? What did they do for the summer holiday? Did you swim?
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