Unit 3 Holiday fun-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-省级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:70125).zip

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Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Fun time&Culture time) playplay a a gamegame see went did like catch ate walk looked go do eat caught 任务一:你能快速反应出闪现动词的任务一:你能快速反应出闪现动词的 对应原形或过去式吗?对应原形或过去式吗? Bingo!Bingo! look like walk go see eat do catch pick 1.1.将下列动词的过去式任意写在格子里将下列动词的过去式任意写在格子里 2.2.给老师读到的单词打勾给老师读到的单词打勾 3.3.勾到的单词可以横竖或斜着成为一排勾到的单词可以横竖或斜着成为一排 , 即可喊即可喊BingoBingo! sawwent caughtwalkedate Tips:1分钟小组准备分钟小组准备 .went to . He+做了. It was great fun. NewsNews 前方记者发来了假期图片,前方记者发来了假期图片, 你能根据图片播报新闻吗?你能根据图片播报新闻吗? LetsLets talktalk Do you like holidays? Why? LetsLets talktalk NewNew YearsYears DayDay 新年新年 SpringSpring FestivalFestival 春节春节 MayMay DayDay 劳动节劳动节 ChildrensChildrens DayDay 儿童节儿童节 NationalNational DayDay 国庆节国庆节 Mid-AutumnMid-Autumn FestivalFestival 中秋节中秋节 DragonDragon BoatBoat FestivalFestival 端午节端午节 DoubleDouble NinthNinth FestivalFestival 重阳节重阳节 There are many holidays in China. They are LetsLets talktalk What are the main school holidays in China? 主要的主要的 the summer holiday the National Day holiday the winter holiday Can you say something about these holidays? Holidays Wh en Activi ties What did you do? . summer holiday winter holiday National Day holiday TipTip:1.1.小组展示调查成果。小组展示调查成果。 2.2.其他组员向调查小组提问。其他组员向调查小组提问。CultureCulture timetime How many main school holidays are there in the UK? There are three main school holidays in the UK. What are they? 1.the Easter holiday 2.the summer holiday 3.the Christmas holiday CultureCulture timetime HolidaysWhenActivities Easter holiday summer holiday Christmas holiday TipTip:1.1.小组展示调查成果。小组展示调查成果。 2.2.小组成员每人说一句小组成员每人说一句 。 CultureCulture timetime 复活节 Mar.22nd-Apr.25th two weeks holiday make easter eggs colour the eggs rabbits six weeks holiday two weeks holiday in July and August in December work for money 打工 CultureCulture timetime NewsNews My holiday was tiring but wonderful. ? How was your holiday, Jay? 疲劳的疲劳的 I went to Hangzhou City. ? Where did you go for the holiday? NewsNews I went on a show named The voice of China . ? What did you do ? NewsNews I visited many places this year. Can you interview me? 你能采访我吗? How was your . holiday? Where did you go? What did you do ? Did you. ? Dragon Boat Festival summer holiday . InterviewInterview Shenzhen farm Key sentences: 1、Hellogood morning. 2、Where did go? 3、What did do? 4、Why did you ? 5、Did you ? 6、How was ? InterviewInterview 请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙请你来当小记者,采访身边的小伙 伴,他们在今年假期都去了哪?做伴,他们在今年假期都去了哪?做 了什么有趣的事?了什么有趣的事? Tips: 1、组内选出三位当小记者进行采访。、组内选出三位当小记者进行采访。 2、小组中的其余人拿着照片接受采访、小组中的其余人拿着照片接受采访 。 3、小组派代表以对话形式在班里展示、小组派代表以对话形式在班里展示 。 SongSong timetime Where did you go on your holiday, holiday,holiday? Did you swim? Did you shop? What did you do? I went swimming in the sea,in the sea,in the sea. I went shopping near the sea. I bought a gift for you. (buy ) Can you adapt the liric according to your experience? 你能根据你的经历改编歌词吗? Where did you go on your holiday, holiday,holiday? Did you ? Did you ? What did you do? I rode a bike in the park,in the park,in the park. I didnt see a big round stone(石头). And ouch, I hurt my foot! SongSong timetime Tip:小组讨论,试着改编 课下改编第二段 Report 你能写篇关于你假期的报道吗?你能写篇关于你假期的报道吗? 小组内互相检查语法、单词拼写错误小组内互相检查语法、单词拼写错误 1.Read culture time after the tape. 2.Try to adapt the song. 3.Write a diary about your last National day holiday and share with me. 1 教学内容教学内容Unit 3 Holiday fun(Fun time&Culture time) 教学课时教学课时第 3 课时主备人复备人 教学目标教学目标 1.知识目标: 能听懂、会说、会读句型 How was your holiday? It was. Where did you/he go for the holiday? I/He went .What did you/he do for the holiday? I/He. Did you/he.? Yes, I/he did. No, I/he didnt. Why did you. Because I. 能初步掌握疑问副词 what, where, how, why 一般过去时中的 使用,掌握一些不规则动词过去式的变化及读音规律。 2.能力目标: 能熟练运用一般过去时的疑问句与同学谈论自己的假日活动。 3.情感目标: 激发学生善于发现生活中的乐事, 并与他人分享自己的快乐。 教学重点与教学重点与 难点难点 教学重点: 1. 一般过去时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的结构。 2. 正确谈论交流自己的旅游经历。 教学难点: 1. 一般过去时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的结构。 教学准备及教学准备及 手段手段 1教具准备:ppt Ipad 电视白板 2教学准备:学生预习, exercise paper 3板书准备:课题 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1 Revision 1. Show the learning tasks Do you want to take part in Tiffanys talk show?You should finish two tasks. 2. Show the learning steps a.Say the past tense verb words. b.Play bingo game about the past tense verb words. 3.Review the text T:Can you report the news according to the pictures?Practice in groups. .went to. He . It was great fun. Step 2 Culture time 1. Free talk. T: Do you like holidays? Why? 2. T: There are many holidays in China. They are. 学生发散思维,说出学过的节日。 New Years Day 新年 Spring Festival 春节 May Day 劳动节 课前调整课前调整 2 Childrens Day 儿童节 National Day 国庆节 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 齐读一遍 3. T: What are the main school holidays in China? 教授 main the summer holiday the National Day holiday the winter holiday 4. T:Can you say something about these holidays? 课前布置的小组调查任务,小组展示调查结果,每人说一句。 HolidaysWhenActivitiesWhat did you do? Summer holiday Winter holiday National Day holiday 5. T:How many main school holidays are there in the UK ?What are they? 听录音,回答问题。 6. 展示调查结果 HolidaysWhenActivitiesWhat did you do? Easter holiday summer holiday Christmas holiday 7.学生跟读 culture time,齐读,个别学生朗读。 Step 3. Fun time 1. 展示三幅图,由回答引出问题。 How was your holiday? Where did you go? What did you do? 2. T: I visited many places this year. Can you interview me? 展示教师的旅游照片,让学生做一个小记者来进行提问。 3. Group work 组内选出三位当小记者进行采访,小组中的其余人拿着照片 接受采访,最后小组派代表以对话形式在班里展示。 Step4. Consolidation 1. Enjoy a song. Adapt the song,finish it on the paper. 2. Writing time. 完成课本上的习作练习,小组内互相检查语法、 拼写错误,教师选出范文用 Ipad 拍照投屏在电视上。 Step5. Homework 3 1.Read culture time after the tape. 2.Try to adapt the song. 3.Write a diary about your last National day holiday and share with me. 板书设计板书设计 Unit3 Holiday fun How.? Where.? Why.? What.? Did.? 教学反思教学反思 本堂课的基本出发点就是通过各种形式的练习让学生巩固过去式的 单词和句型,许多环节借助多媒体来呈现,比如学生照片、学生习作展示, 学生参与度高,基本达到每位学生都能在本堂课都能单独展示至少一次。 但是由于时间限制,有个别活动未能达到更加理想的效果,特别是最后一 项习作活动,可以留作课后任务,让小组继续互相检查。 Travel experience My holiday I for the holiday. I visited and . They are very magnificent(雄伟的). I in 798 Original Lity Square. I in South Luogu Alley. It was great fun!
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