Unit 3 Holiday fun-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:90af0).zip

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积极参与积极参与课课堂堂学习学习的小组的小组不仅不仅能得能得到采到采 访证访证,还还有有机会成为机会成为本本节节课课“超级访问超级访问”的的 主持主持人人!C Comeome onon! ! Unit 3 Holiday fun (Story time) National Day 10.1-10.7 the National Day holiday Watch and choose Where did they go for the holiday? A . B . C . ( )( ) Watch and choose Where did they go for the holiday? A . B . C . ( )( )AC What did Liu Tao and Mike do there? LiuTao Mike Look and guess Get the information from the pictures. 从从图片中图片中获取信息获取信息。 导学提示导学提示 (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示): : What did Liu Tao do in Shanghai? Task 1 Read and find 试学提示试学提示: 1. Read Page 26 silently. (默读默读26页内容页内容) 2. Underline the key sentences. (划出关键句划出关键句) Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday? I called you, but you werent at home. I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. What did you do there? We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things. How was Mikes holiday? Task 2 Read and circle 试学提示试学提示: 1. Read Page 27 quickly. (快速阅读第(快速阅读第27页内容)页内容) 2. Circle the key sentences.(圈出关键句)(圈出关键句) That was great fun. 当我们当我们在在阅阅读时,如读时,如果遇到不认识果遇到不认识的的新单新单词词或或 短语短语,可以,可以尝试根据尝试根据上上下下文和文和语境推测语境推测词词义义。 导学提示导学提示 (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示): : What was great fun? Task 3 Read and tick 试学提示试学提示: 1. Read Page 27 carefully. (仔细阅读第(仔细阅读第27页内容。)页内容。) 2. Tick the right pictures. (勾出正确的图片。)(勾出正确的图片。) Any other fun? Task 4 Think and say 合作探究合作探究: 1. Work in four . (四人一组)(四人一组) 2. Discuss and say. (讨论并说出其他有趣的事情)(讨论并说出其他有趣的事情) Mike caught a big fish Any other fun? Task 4 Think and say Mike caught a big fish He wanted to . He , but Liu Tao . So Mike. eat-ate The students came back to school after the National Day holiday. Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday? I called you, but you werent at home. I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. What did you do there? We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things.How was your holiday? Task 5 Listen and repeat It was great fun. Our family went to a farm near Star Lake.We picked some oranges and went fishing. Did you catch any fish? Yes, I did. I caught a big fish. Thats great. Why did you call me? Because I wanted to give you the fish. Wheres the fish now? I ate it. Where did Liu Tao go in Shanghai? Why did Mike call Liu Tao? Did Mike catch a big fish? Where did Mike go for the holiday? Task 4 Think and say Think and write What did they do for the National Day holiday? 独立思考,完成书独立思考,完成书P28 可以参考课文或板书可以参考课文或板书,注意注意大小写大小写哦!哦! Think and say How to talk about the holiday? 导学提示:在文中找一找谈论节日的问句。 Any more questions? Super interview超级访问超级访问 汇报:采访同伴的MidAutumn Festival 1.Work in four. 四人小组 2.Write down the questions . 写下想问的问题 3.Interview your group members. 采访组内成员(获得采访证的同学优先) Keep our holiday fun and meaningful 预习自测反馈预习自测反馈 ( )1. LiuTao and Mike are talking about their summer holiday. ( )2. Liu Tao visited his uncle this holiday. ( )3. Liu Tao saw many interesting things in Shanghai. ( )4. Mike picked some oranges and ate them. ( )5. Mike caught a big fish and ate it. F T F F T National Day holiday aunt went fishing 请认真完成当堂检测 Homework 1.Listen and repeat. 听录音,听录音,跟读课文跟读课文 3.Preview 0302. 2. Finish the after-class exercises. 完成完成课后延伸课后延伸 完成完成03020302的预习的预习 the Bund the Shanghai Museum 1 义务教育教科书 六年级上册 Unit 3 Holiday fun Teaching material: Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives: 1. Enable the students to master the four-skill word and phrase:holiday, National Day 2. Enable the students to understand,read and say the words and phrases:call, Bund, Shanghai Museum, came, great fun, caught, ate. 3. Enable the students to master the four-skilled sentences :Where did you/he go for the holiday? What did you/he do for the holiday? Did you/he? Yes, I/he did./No, I/he didnt. How was your holiday? Why? Because 4. Enable the students to use the past tense to talk about their holidays. 5. Guide the students to discover the joy of life, and to share their happiness with others. Focus of the lesson: 1. Using reading skills and strategies to understand the story as a whole ; 2. Training the students to use the past tense to talk about their holidays. Predicted area of difficulty: 1. Using the sentences learnt to talk about their own holidays. Teaching aids: CAI Teaching procedures: Step I Warm-up and leading-in 1.Present the evaluation method of this class. 2.Talk about the date and lead in the topic 【设计意图设计意图】运用采访证作为本节课的评价方式,既是对个人课堂表现的肯运用采访证作为本节课的评价方式,既是对个人课堂表现的肯 定,也是对小组合作学习方式的一种激励。谈论星期和日期自然引出即将到来定,也是对小组合作学习方式的一种激励。谈论星期和日期自然引出即将到来 的国庆假期,导入课题。的国庆假期,导入课题。 Step Understanding and learning 2 1. Talk about teachers holiday. 2. Watch and choose Where did they go for the holiday? 3.Look and guess what Mike and Liu Tao did there? 4.Read and find what Liu Tao did in Shanghai? 5.Read and circle :How was Mikes holiday? How was Mikes holiday? What was great fun? Think and say:Any other fun? Work in four and discuss. 【设计意图设计意图】由教师的假期活动引出本课的两个主要任务刘涛和迈克,出示由教师的假期活动引出本课的两个主要任务刘涛和迈克,出示 第一个整体理解全文的问题;学生整体感知课文后通过看图猜测,挖掘插图信第一个整体理解全文的问题;学生整体感知课文后通过看图猜测,挖掘插图信 息,培养学生的观察能力和运用英语进行思考的能力;通过分版块阅读查找信息,培养学生的观察能力和运用英语进行思考的能力;通过分版块阅读查找信 息,重点对迈克的假期活动深挖文本,拓展学生思维,提高小组合作学习的效息,重点对迈克的假期活动深挖文本,拓展学生思维,提高小组合作学习的效 率。率。 Step Consolidation 1. Listen and repeat. 2.Think and say. 3.Think and write. 【设计意图设计意图】三个层次的活动,由易到难,跟读三个层次的活动,由易到难,跟读表达表达书写,使学生在不书写,使学生在不 同的活动中运用本课的语言知识。同的活动中运用本课的语言知识。 Step Development 1. Summary. 2. Super interview. 3.Present different ways to spend the holidays. 【设计意图设计意图】结合板书及课文回顾谈论节日的问句,为语言实践活动作铺垫。结合板书及课文回顾谈论节日的问句,为语言实践活动作铺垫。 同时这也是一个头脑大风暴。学生需要不断回顾旧的知识点,从而使今天的话同时这也是一个头脑大风暴。学生需要不断回顾旧的知识点,从而使今天的话 题表达更加丰满,为超级访问这个活动做好充分准备。同时超级访问也是对本题表达更加丰满,为超级访问这个活动做好充分准备。同时超级访问也是对本 课评价手段的反馈。不同度假方式的呈现引导学生合理安排假期,是自己的假课评价手段的反馈。不同度假方式的呈现引导学生合理安排假期,是自己的假 期更加期更加 有意义。有意义。 Step Homework 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Finish the after-class exercises. 3. Preview 0302. Step Blackboard design 3 Unit 3 Holiday fun went.the Bund visited. Shanghai . the Shanghai Museum piked. went fishing a farm caught. 【设计意图设计意图】这是本单元的第一课时,重点在于掌握本课的基本语言点,安排这是本单元的第一课时,重点在于掌握本课的基本语言点,安排 了相应的听说练习。同时本课是语篇阅读,相应的练习是与节假日有关的两篇了相应的听说练习。同时本课是语篇阅读,相应的练习是与节假日有关的两篇 短文阅读。预习作业通过预习案,对学生提出具体的预习要求:用提示句型说短文阅读。预习作业通过预习案,对学生提出具体的预习要求:用提示句型说 说自己的假日活动;阅读说自己的假日活动;阅读 Grammar time,试着找找一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,试着找找一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 的使用规律。从感知语言到运用语言。的使用规律。从感知语言到运用语言。 随机板书学生在文中和已学 课文中找到的有关谈论节假 日的问句。
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