Unit 5 Signs-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:f14be).zip

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Unit5 Signs Grammar time (Period 2) Rules(游戏规则 ) 判断你所看到的信息是否正确。判断你所看到的信息是否正确。 如果是正确的,请大声说如果是正确的,请大声说“YeahYeah,yeahyeah, yeahyeah”, 如果是错误的,请大声说如果是错误的,请大声说“NoNo, nono,nono” 。 Lets play We should keep quiet in the hospital. 保持安静保持安静 We can play football in the playground. We can climb trees. Lets play Lets play PlaceSignNameIt means Wet _ The floor is wet. No littering We _litter. No _ or _ We cant _ or _ . No _ We cant_. Lets review Where did Mike, Helen and Tim see the signs? shopping centre PlaceSignNameIt means Wet _ The floor is wet. No littering We _litter. No _ or _ We cant _ or _ . No _ We cant_. Lets review shopping centre juice shop PlaceSignNameIt means Wet _ The floor is wet. No littering We _litter. No _ or _ We cant _ or _ . No _ We cant_. Lets review shopping centre juice shop bookshop PlaceSignNameIt means Wet _ The floor is wet. No littering We _litter. No _ or _ We cant _ or _ . No _ We cant_. floor eating drinking smoking cant eat drink smoke Lets review shopping centre juice shop bookshop reataurant 自己读一读:自己读一读:当今社会,越来越多的人自愿地参加一些无报酬的公益性工作,例如宣扬社会美德,服务他人当今社会,越来越多的人自愿地参加一些无报酬的公益性工作,例如宣扬社会美德,服务他人.,这类人群被称为,这类人群被称为“志愿者志愿者”或或“义工义工”。 Mike,Helen and Tim saw some bad behavior (不文明行为不文明行为) in many places. I want to be a volunteer ( 志愿者)。志愿者)。 Be civilized people, do civilized things. 当文明人,做文明事。当文明人,做文明事。 They want to go to the park as volunteers. They meet at the school gate(学校门口学校门口). * Lets learn A good volunteer Know the signs 1 2 3 Lets learn Lets learn No shouting No feeding out shout feet feed No swimming No fishing 你你找找到规律了吗?到规律了吗? No 后面后面+动词动词ing. No+名词复数名词复数. No shoes No pets No photos * No walking. No climbing. No picking. No running. Do you know? No umbrellas. No hats. A good volunteer Know the signs Explain the signs 1 2 3 Lets explain It means you cant _ here. It means you cant shout here. It means you cant swim here. What does it mean? fish 你又你又找找到规律了吗?到规律了吗? cant +动词原形动词原形 Lets explain No shouting No swimming No fishing It means you cant fish . It means you cant shout . It means you cant swim . What does it mean? 说说法换一换法换一换 Lets chant No shouting,no shouting. It means you cant shout. What does it mean? What does it mean? No fishing,no fishing. It means you cant fish. What does it mean? No swimming,no swimming. It means you cant swim. * It means you cant _ here. Lets guess No walking No sleeping No eating or drinkingNo littering It means you cant . It means you .It means . What does it mean? Rules:一人上台背对屏幕,其余一人上台背对屏幕,其余 同学解释屏幕上出现的标志图片。同学解释屏幕上出现的标志图片。 A good volunteer Know the signs Explain the signs 1 2 3Remind people of the signs Swimming pool Zoo Snack bar Restaurant Toy shop Childrens land大型综合性公园大型综合性公园 Lets talk Tips: 以四人小组为单位,其中一人扮演志愿者,选择以四人小组为单位,其中一人扮演志愿者,选择1 至至2个个 场所,提醒其余三位场所,提醒其余三位“游客游客”在游玩中应注意的事项。在游玩中应注意的事项。 A&B&C: What sign is it ? D: Its No. . A&B&C: What does it mean ? D: It means you cant . here. A&B&C: Thank you. Swimming pool Zoo Snack bar Restaurant Toy shop Childrens land Swimming pool Zoo Snack bar Restaurant Toy shop Childrens land A good volunteer Know the signs Explain the signs 1 2 3Remind people of the signs Lets think You can not only be a volunteer in the park, but also a volunteer in our school. 学校的不文明行为也随处可见学校的不文明行为也随处可见 英语标志征集大赛英语标志征集大赛 为了让我们的校园更美丽,更温馨,特为了让我们的校园更美丽,更温馨,特 举办英语标志征集大赛,请您为校园一角举办英语标志征集大赛,请您为校园一角 (教室,走廊,图书馆,操场,花坛等)(教室,走廊,图书馆,操场,花坛等) 设计英语标志。设计英语标志。 比赛设比赛设“最具创意奖最具创意奖”和和“最佳口才奖最佳口才奖”。 Draw and write 除去学校已有的标志,我们学校的各个场所还需要一些什么样的标志呢?除去学校已有的标志,我们学校的各个场所还需要一些什么样的标志呢? My sign This is my sign. Its “” It means We can put it in the Love our school,love our environment. 1. 寻找身边的公共标志并寻找身边的公共标志并尝试尝试用用 英文表达。英文表达。 2.2. 上网搜集更多的学校标志,上网搜集更多的学校标志, 下节课和老师同学交流。下节课和老师同学交流。 3.3. GrammarGrammar TimeTime中的句型抄写中的句型抄写 二遍,并会运用。二遍,并会运用。 Zoo Childrens land Swimming pool Snack bar Restaurant Toy shop 1.1.试着把生活中的标志介绍给你的父母和朋试着把生活中的标志介绍给你的父母和朋 友。友。 2.2.为学校和家庭设计更多的标志,并把它们为学校和家庭设计更多的标志,并把它们 贴在相应的地方。贴在相应的地方。 Homework What sign is it? No parking. Lets learn Danger! / eI I / / What sign is it? Lets learn Watch for children. 注意儿童注意儿童 What sign is it? Lets learn Unit5 Signs 第二课时教案第二课时教案 教学内容:Grammar time 教学目的: 1.能听懂、会读、会说 Wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking, No smoking, No parking, Danger! 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 What does it mean? It means (No littering/parking/smoking/) You can /cant 3. 能正确地理解并学会使用“No + V-ing” 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论公共标识的含义。 教学重难点: 1.能正确地理解并学会使用“No + V-ing” 2.能进一步学用句 What does it mean? It means (No littering/parking/smoking/ ) You can/cant 教学用具:多媒体,PPT 教学过程: Step1 Warm-up Good morning. How are you? Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Play a game Rules: 判断你所看到的信息是否正确。 如果是正确的,请大声说“Yeah,yeah, yeah” , 如果是错误的,请大声说“No, no,no” 。 PPT 呈现: We can play football in the playground. We can climb trees. We should keep quiet in the hospital. 图片践踏草坪,在公交车上让座、抽烟,在博物馆拍照。 教师播放 PPT,引导学生游戏。 2. Review the story time T:Look ,heres a sign.There are some signs in the story time.Where did Mike, Helen and Tim see the signs? Lets review. 引导学生完成表格: PlaceSignNameIt means. Wet _The floor is wet. No litteringWe _litter. No _ or _ We cant _ or _ . No _ We cant_. Step3 Grammar time 1.学习“No parking” “Danger” T: Mike,Helen and Tim saw some bad behavior (不文明行为) in many places.I want to be a volunteer ( 志愿者) 。引导学生理解 volunteer,进行情感教育 Be civilized people,do civilized things.当文明人,做文明事。 T:They want to go to the park as volunteers.They meet at the school gate(学校门口). PPT 出示学校门口“No parking” “Danger”图片,学习这两个标识。 2. know the signs T:To be a good volunteer,we must do these things.One, know the signs.Now , lets learn. 出示图片,学习 No shouting, No feeding.后两幅图引导学生自己说 No fishing, No swimming. 学习 No pets,后两幅图引导学生自己说 No photos, No shoes. T:Look at these phrases. What can you find? 通过找规律,引导学生总结 No 后面+动词 ing.No+名词复数. T:Now, can you say these signs? Have a try. 学生看图说标识 No walking,No climbing,No umbrellas,No picking,No running,No hats. 3. Explain the signs T:To be a good volunteer, you must explain the signs. 出示图片,T:What does it mean? (板书并领读) It means you cant shout here.出 示图二,T:What does it mean? 引导学生回答 It means you cant _ here. 图三同样引导学生回答 It means you cant swim here. T:Look at these sentences. What can you find? 通过找规律,引导学生总结 cant +动词原形 Lets chant: What does it mean? No shouting,no shouting. It means you cant shout. What does it mean? No fishing,no fishing. It means you cant fish. What does it mean? No swimming,no swimming. It means you cant swim. Lets guess: No walking, No sleeping, No eating or drinking, No littering Rules:一人上台背对屏幕,师问:What does it mean? 其余同学解释屏幕上出现 的标志图片,这名同学猜标识。 4. Remind people of the signs T:To be a good volunteer, you must remind people of the signs. Lets talk: 以四人小组为单位,其中一人扮演志愿者,选择 1 至 2 个 场所,提醒其余三 位“游客”在游玩中应注意的事项。 A&B&C: What sign is it ? D: Its No. . A&B&C: What does it mean ? D: It means you cant . here. A&B&C: Thank you. 5.design the signs T:Now, you know the signs, you can explain the signs and you can remind people of the signs,you are all the volunteers.You can not only be a volunteer in the park, but also a volunteer in our school. 英语标志征集大赛 为了让我们的校园更美丽,更温馨,特举办英语标志征集大赛,请您为校 园一角(教室,走廊,图书馆,操场,花坛等)设计英语标志。 比赛设“最具创意奖”和“最佳口才奖” 。 学生设计标识,并上台介绍,可以用上以下句子: My sign This is my sign. Its “” It means We can put it in the T: Love our school,love our environment. Step4 Homework 1. 寻找身边的公共标志并尝试用英文表达。 2. 上网搜集更多的学校标志,下节课和老师同学交流。 3. Grammar Time 中的句型抄写二遍,并会运用。 板书设计: Unit5 Signs What does it mean? It means.
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