Unit 5 Signs-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:20c46).zip

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Revision Time Complete the diary Thursday,Thursday, 6th6th NovemberNovember Mike,Mike, HelenHelen andand TimTim areare atat a a shoppingshopping centre.centre. TheyThey seesee manymany _._. TheThe firstfirst signsign meansmeans thethe floorfloor is is _._. Then,Then, theythey buybuy juicejuice atat a a juicejuice shop.shop. TimTim seessees a a sign.sign. It It meansmeans youyou cantcant _ there.there. HelenHelen wantswants toto gogo intointo a a bookshopbookshop withwith herher _._. ThereThere is is a a signsign in in thethe bookshop.bookshop. It It meansmeans youyou cantcant _ oror _ there.there. TheyThey finallyfinally eateat _ in in a a restaurant.restaurant. A A manman is is smoking.smoking. TimTim pointspoints atat thethe signsign andand says,says, PleasePlease dontdont _ here.here. signssigns wetwet litterlitter brotherbrother eateat drinkdrink noodlesnoodles smokesmoke Where did they go? Lets review shopping centrejuice shop booksho p restaura nt Lets review 1 2 3 4 1.大声地说出你看到的标志大声地说出你看到的标志. 2.当你看到炸弹当你看到炸弹 时,请说时,请说 Be careful. Super bomb * * What do the signs mean? What does it mean? It means you cant park here. No parking. Lets learn Danger! What does the sign mean? It means we should be careful. Lets learn What does the sign mean? It means there is a school nearby. School crossing (附近)(附近) Lets learn * Sign Park * It means you cant fish here. It means you cant swim here. It means you cant run here. It means you cant shout here. What does the sign mean? Can you find the rule? 动词原形动词原形 Lets find * Can you find the rule? N o N o N o It means you cant here. No It means you cant here. It means you cant here. It means you cant here. ing. ming. ning. ing. fish swim run park No后面接后面接 动词动词 +ing Lets find * No pets. It means you cant bring your pets here. No + 名名 词词 (宠物)(宠物) Lets find No photos. No umbrellas. No hats. Lets say . Ask and answer No eating or drinking. No fishing. No smoking. No littering. No swimming. No pets. Wet floor. Danger! School crossing. Whats the sign? Its . What does it mean? It means Lets play! Rules: 1.4人一组,轮流掷骰子。人一组,轮流掷骰子。 2.遇到标志停下谈论,一人(非掷骰子者)问,一人遇到标志停下谈论,一人(非掷骰子者)问,一人 (掷骰子者)答,答对可再掷骰子一次。答错后退三格。(掷骰子者)答,答对可再掷骰子一次。答错后退三格。 3.最先到达终点者获胜。最先到达终点者获胜。 4.时间:时间:3分钟。分钟。 Lets play! Bobby: I want to. S1&S2&S3: No, Bobby!/Bobby, you cant. S1: Look at this sign, Bobby. S2: It means S3: It means Bobby: Oh, sorry. 活动要求:活动要求: 1. 一位同学扮演一位同学扮演Bo obby. 2. 其余三位同学要尽力劝说其余三位同学要尽力劝说 Bo obby. 3. 可以加上适当的语言和动作可以加上适当的语言和动作 哦!哦! B:Be careful! You cant . Please dont A:Look at the sign. It means Little designer 小小设计者小小设计者 We will build a new park in Jiulong Town. We are going to put new signs in it. Can you design(设计设计)new signs for us? A: Hi, I made a sign. B: What does it mean? A: It means B: Where can we put it? A: We can put it in/on/at B: Good idea. Lets show Summary Time Different signs mean different things. . ( (不同不同的的标志标志有有不同不同的的含义含义。) ) We should be careful. (我们要(我们要小小心心。) We should obey the rules. (我们要遵守规则(我们要遵守规则。) 我们必须遵守社会公我们必须遵守社会公 德德! Lets take actions. Homework 1.Finish the exercises . 2. Look for more signs on the Internet, and draw 1-2 and figure out their meanings. What does it mean? Lets learn It means Wet floor. It means the floor is wet. What does it mean? Lets learn It means No littering. It means you cant litter here. What does it mean? Lets learn It means No eating or drinking. It means you cant eat or drink here. What does it mean? Lets learn It means No smoking. It means you cant smoke here. 1 单元:Unit 5 课题: Signs 课时: 2 课型: 新授 【教学内容教学内容】 Grammar time&Fun time 【教学目标教学目标】 (一)知识目标(一)知识目标 1. 学生能流利地朗读公共标志的单词:No smoking,No littering, No parking, Danger, No eating or drinking, wet floor. 2. 进一步巩固掌握句型:What does it/this sign mean? It means (二)能力目标(二)能力目标 1. 通过本课的学习,让学生能够看懂一些极其常见的公共标志,并能用英语进行询问极 其描述。 (三)情感目标(三)情感目标 通过学习公共标志常识,加强社会公德教育,提高学生自身的文明素养 【教学重点教学重点】 掌握谈论公共标识的问答句型和常用文字标识句型,即 No+doing(动名词)结构 【教学难点教学难点】 1. 立足于 Fun time 中的内容,灵活运用所学句型与他人进行询问及其描述。 【教学准备教学准备】 PPT 课件、图片等。 【教学过程教学过程】 先先 学学 预预 设设后后 教教 策策 略略二次调整二次调整 Step 1. Preparation 1. Greetings 2.Sing a song:hands up,hands down 3.Revision time:Discuss and retell 4.Lets review:Where did they go? What signs did they see? Step 2. Presentation & Practice 1.Check the answers. 2. play a game “super bomb” T: Look at these new signs. Guess , what do these signs mean? S: T: It means you cant Rules: cant+动词原形 No+动名词/名词 祈使句 It means you can be quiet. (呈现 be quiet/ keep off the grass/ No pets/ No cameras.,引导学生自主发现公共文字 标识的构成规则,为自己设计制作标识 做准备) 学生小组讨论预习先学中的表格内容, 然后根据表格尝试复述课文,小组人 人参与,可以每人复述 1-2 句。 利用课件快速闪现公共标识的图片, 要求学生一见到图片,便快速大声地 说出标识名称:若看到弹出的炸弹, 则迅速趴下躲避。期间要注意学生 litter/ smoking 的发音。 教师向学生拓展介绍生活中其他常见 的公共标识,在此基础上引导学生小 组合作,自主探究,发现构成的规律。 2 3.(1)Lets say (2)Ask and answer Fun time 1.T: Now, we know a lot of signs, so lets play a game. Take out your paper, please ask and answer with your classmates by using “What does the sign mean? It means” Eg: S: Look at sign 1. What does it mean? S2: It means you cant fish. S1: Yes!. Step 3. Production 1.Help Bobby Today Bobby goes to the park.Look ,what is he doing?Is he right? 2.Lets show: Little designer 3.Summary time Rules: 1.4 人一组,轮流掷骰子。 2.遇到标志停下谈论,一人(非掷骰 子者)问,一人 (掷骰子者)答,答对可再掷骰子一 次。答错后退三格。 3.最先到达终点者获胜。 4.时间:3 分钟。 活动要求: 一位同学扮演 Bobby. 其余三位同学要尽力劝说 Bobby. 可以加上适当的语言和动作哦! 鼓励学生关注公共场所的标识,然后 小组合作,一起为学校设计一个新标 志。 作业作业 设计设计 1.Finish the exercises . 2. Look for more signs on the Internet, and draw 1-2 and figure out their meanings. 板书板书 设计设计 Unit5 Signs What does the sign mean? It means we cant Cant +名词 No No +动名词/名词 教后教后 反思反思
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