Unit 7 Protect the Earth-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:80ecd).zip

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Learning aimsLearning aims 1. I know how to protect the Earth. 2. I can write a proposal about protecting the Earth by using “use to” and “should”. coal wood water 迅速说出与所给 图片相关的资 源。 Lets Lets reviewreview oil coal energy wood water Lets Lets reviewreview oil trees coal energy wood water Lets Lets reviewreview oil trees the Earth many years ago now Lets Lets reviewreview the Earth waterSave _Save _ Save _ Dont _ _ trees energy use too much plastic Lets make a proposalLets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Wash Cook Water Clean water We use water to Lets thinkLets think WeWe use wateruse watertoto WeWe use wateruse watertoto WeWe use use waterwatertoto WeWe use wateruse watertoto. c clean thingslean things. . cook foodcook food. . wash clothes.wash clothes. Lets find the rules(Lets find the rules(规则规则) ) Lets thinkLets think WeWe use wateruse watertoto WeWe use use waterwatertoto WeWe use wateruse watertoto c clean thingslean things. . cook food.cook food. wash clothes. wash clothes. useusetoto Lets find the rules(Lets find the rules(规则规则) ) sthsth. .do do Lets try to useLets try to use use.to. We useto . energyenergyenergy woodwoodwood plasticplasticplastic Task1: Try to write with “use .to .”! We should _ the tap(水龙头) after using it. We should take short showers rather than baths. We should collect rain water and use it to water flowers. We should . We should not . Task2: Try to write with “We should.” and “We should not .”! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic turn off the lights in time (及时关灯) some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic use air conditioners less ( 少使用空调) some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic use both sides of the paper (双面用纸) some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic cheap and convenient (既便宜又方便) some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic drive more new energy cars (多使用新能源汽车) some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic use recycable materials ( 使用可回收材料) some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic Plant a tree! Green the Earth! some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic Say no to plastic bags! some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic Save energy! Start from me! Save energy! Start from now! some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! Save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic some tips some tips (小贴士)小贴士) Task3: Try to make a proposal! turn off the lights in time (及时关灯) use both sides of the paper (双面用纸) use air conditioners less (少使用空调) drive more new energy cars (多使用新能源汽车 ) use recycable materials (使用可回收材料 ) cheap and convenient (既便宜又方便) Save energy! Start from me! Save energy! Start from now! Plant a tree! Green the Earth! Say no to plastic bags! Learning aimsLearning aims 1. I know how to protect the Earth. 2. I can write a proposal about protecting the Earth by using “use to” and “should”. HomeworkHomework 1. Find some other ways to protect the Earth. ( 思考更多保护地球的方式) 2. Finish a handcopied paper about how to protect the Earth in group and use your proposal. (小组合 作完成一张“保护地球”的手抄报,用上你的倡议 书) Make a proposal 教案教案 教学目标; 1. 能知道保护地球的方式。 2. 能使用句型“use . to .”和“should .”来写一封倡议书。 教学重点: 句型“use . to .” “should .”的用法以及倡议书的格式。 教学难点: 句型“use . to .”的用法。 教学方法: 任务型教学法 教学过程: Step 1 Warm up T: Today we will have a writing lesson “Make a proposal”. First lets have a review. Look at the pictures and say out the words quickly. (ppt 出示图片,学生大声说出图片相关的资源单词) T: All these resources are from the Earth. We should protect the Earth. How should we protect the Earth? S: We should save water, save trees, save energy and not use too much plastic. T: Yes, and Earth Day is on 22nd April. We should do something for the Earth Day. So lets make a proposal. Step 2 presentation 1. T: To make a proposal, first we need a title. Take water as an example. Can you think of a title for water? S: Save water. T: Next we need to write a salutation. A salutation is to whom you write the proposal. So we can write? S: Dear friends. T: We can begin with “Water is very useful.” We use water to do many things. Can you say what can we use water to do? (ppt 出示一些提示) S: We can use water to . T: Now look at the sentences. Can you try to find the rules? Lets watch a short vedio together. (播放泰微课视频use . to .的理解与运用 ) T: Now lets find the rules. 2. T: Now can you try to use “use . to .”? Finish Task1. T: We use water to do many things. Look at the pictures, the people still need water. We can write “But there is not much water in many places.” T: Look, in this part we write why we should save water. 3. T: So what should we do to save water? S: We should . T: Anything else? Look at these pictures. We should . (ppt 展示图片,学习更多 save water 的方法) T: What about energy, trees and plastic? Take out your paper and finish Task2. T: Can you read your answers to me? 4. T: Look, this part is How. And we need a slogan. A slogan is you call your friend to do. Can you think of a slogan? T: The last we should write a name. Step 3 Production T: Now look here. To write a proposal, we need a title, a salutation, Why, How, a slogan and a name. Lets read it together. T: Now its your turn. Choose the three titles and try to write a proposal. I have some tips for you. (ppt 出示 tips 并适当讲解) T: Now take out your paper and write a proposal. (学生完成 Task3) T: Can you read your proposal to us? Step 4 Homework T: You have done a very good job! Share your proposals to your friends after class. Now lets come back to the learning aims today. Can you .? Here is the homework. 板书设计: Make a proposal Title Save water Salutation Dear friends: Why Water is very useful. We use water to clean things, wash clothes, . But there is not much water in many places. How We should save water. . We should not waste water. . Slogan Water is life! Save water! Save our lives! Name Miss Cai
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