- Culture, Grammar, Fun time课件.ppt--点击预览
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- 教案70254.doc--点击预览
EnergyDay Itson1stNovember. Mostofourenergycomesfromcoaland oil. ThereisnotmuchcoaloroilonEarth. Weshouldsaveenergy. Weshouldnotdrivesomuchbecausecars usealotofenergy. ? ? NoPlasticDay Itson8thOctober. Weuseplastictomakebagsandbottles,buttoo muchplasticisbadfortheEarth. Weshouldnotusetoomanyplasticbagsorbottles. Weshouldusepaperbagsandglassbottles. ? ? NoPlasticDay Itson8thOctober. Weuseplastictomakebagsandbottles,buttoo muchplasticisbadfortheEarth. Weshouldnotusetoomanyplasticbagsorbottles. Weshouldusepaperbagsandglassbottles. Why? NoPlasticDay Itson8thOctober. Weuseplastictomakebagsandbottles,buttoo muchplasticisbadfortheEarth. Weshouldnotusetoomanyplasticbagsorbottles. Weshouldusepaperbagsandglassbottles. Why? NoPlasticDay Itson8thOctober. Weuseplastictomakebagsandbottles,buttoo muchplasticisbadfortheEarth. Weshouldnotusetoomanyplasticbagsorbottles. Weshouldusepaperbagsandglassbottles. Why? How? NoPlasticDay Itson8thOctober. Weuseplastictomakebagsandbottles,buttoo muchplasticisbadfortheEarth. Weshouldnotusetoomanyplasticbagsorbottles. Weshouldusepaperbagsandglassbottles. Why? How? 运用时要注意 什么语法知识点 呢? Weuseto. water coal oil wood plastic 1.Readandchoose.看图文,快选择。 2.Standupandsay.看组号,齐起立,说句子。 water coal oil wood plastic 5 Weusetomakebottles. water coal oil wood plastic Weusetowashclothes. 2 water coal oil wood plastic Weusetomakeelectricity. 4 电力 water coal oil wood plastic Weusetomaketablesandchairs. 6 water coal oil plastic Weusetorunourcars. 3 wood Discussandwrite 小组讨论,写一写 Weshould/shouldnot. Weshould/shouldnot. Shareandcorrect 小组按序轮换 阅读并完善 归还原组 Weshould/shouldnot. Showandreport 小组汇报 suggestions 建议 .Day Itson. Weuse.to. Weshould/shouldnot. What? When? Why? How? 同同桌互评桌互评 1. 循环再利用,制作小物品; 2.正确运用useto和should /shouldnot,完成补充习题 P33D部分; 3.利用我们共同制作的海报,号召 更多的人写下自己的环保心愿。 Iknow Autonomic learning Cooperativelearning Thankyou! Unit 7 Protect the Earth Teaching materials: Culture time, Grammar time 3. reuse daily waste things to make handworks; Focus of the lesson: Using the sentence structures “We use to.” and “We should / should not.” to express ideas of protecting the Earth. Predicted areas of difficulty: 1. The pronunciation of the word “environment”; 2. The sentence structures: “We use to.” and “We should / should not.” Teaching aids: CAI; something can be reused Teaching procedures: Step Culture time 1. Give feedback about Earth Day and World Environment Day. 2. Talk about other days for environment. 3. Guess the names of the days designed by the teacher. (设计意图:了解学生采用微课自主学习,对 Culture time 的掌握情况,复 习 Story time,拓展相关的环保文化。) Step Grammar time 1. Read the sentences and find the rules. 2. Learn “We use to.” Play a game to practise using the sentence structure. 3. Learn “We should / should not.” Discuss and write Share and correct Show and report 4. Design the days for environment and give assessments to each other (设计意图:通过小组合作学习和游戏活动,帮助学生理解并自主归纳语 法规则,综合运用句型结构表达环保的目的并提出建议。) Step Fun time 1. Enjoy the teachers handworks and know how to reuse things. 2. Talk about the handworks made before class and complete the poster. (设计意图:以老师的实际行动引导学生变废为宝,利用课前小组合作制作 的手工作品完善海报,潜移默化地渗透环保意识。) Step Show time. Call on more people to protect the Earth with the help of the poster. (设计意图:运用句型综合反馈学习内容和成果。) Step Homework 1. Try to reuse daily waste things to make more handworks. 2. Finish the exercises on P33 of workbook. 3. Complete the poster and put it on the school notice board. (设计意图:巩固本节课的语法学习;通过废物制作培养学生的创造思维, 将环保理念渗透生活和身边人。)