Unit 8 Chinese New Year-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:90e86).zip

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Re evieiew She wants to tell Su Hai about her plans for Chinese New Year. Shes writing an email to Anna. Shes writing back to Anna. the Dragon Boat Festival the Lantern Festival the Chinese New Year the Mid-Autumn Festival cookcookbooklookgood / classroom food foot book look good moon fool cool cook /u:/ T The e gooood d c cooook k wit ith a a fooood d booook k wentent toto t the e zoooo onon foooot t lalast t weekeek. 自己读一读,注意oo组合的长音与短音! Readead cleaclearl ly / / u: / / / / / u: / Whats Bobbys mother cooking? Whats Bobbys mother cooking? What do Bobby and Tina get after dinner? 富有的 plan 计划 Read in groups Read together 小组齐读小组齐读 Read in roles 分分角色朗读角色朗读 Other ways 别的朗读方式别的朗读方式 Be efo ore e C Chineinese e Ne ew Yeaear, peoeoplele willill cleanclean t the e ho ouse e. All ll ho ouse es willill looklook bri ight t, nenew andand cleanclean. ho ouse es /hauziz/ Do you know more about Chinese New Year? T The eyll ll sa ay “Ha appy Ne ew Yeaear” toto grandandpa arentents atat Sprining Fe esti tivalal Do you know more about Chinese New Year? T The ey willill vi isit it oldold peoeoplele andand buy so ome e pre esentents fo or t the em. Do you know more about Chinese New Year? Do you know more about Chinese New Year? T The ey a are e deliciodelicious. Andnd t the ey ha ave e sweeteet smellell. 香甜的味道 柑橘,蜜柑,蜜橘 t ta an nge eri inene /t tndndri i:n n/ t t s Do you know more about Chinese New Year? Enjonjoy a a rhyme ePa ay attentionattention toto t the e nenew wo ord ds ItIts Sprining Fe esti tivalal a againain! ItIts Sprining Fe esti tivalal a againain! All ll ho ouse es looklook bri ight t, nenew andand cleanclean. T The ere es a a sweeteet smellell o of tantange erineine! ItIts Sprining Fe esti tivalal a againain! At t ho ome e, fa amilieilies andand goodood friendiends meeteet. T The ere es lotlots o of deliciodelicious foodood toto eateat. ItIts Sprining Fe esti tivalal a againain! ItIts a a holidaoliday full ll o of lolove e andand jojoy . A holidaoliday fo or e eve eryoneone toto enjoenjoy. 充满爱与欢乐 享受 ItIts Sprining Fe esti tivalal a againain! Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly All ll ho ouse es looklook bri ight t, nenew andand cleanclean Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly T The ere es a a sweeteet smellell o of tantange erineine. Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly ItIts Sprining Fe esti tivalal a againain! Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly At t ho ome e, fa amilieilies andand goodood friendiends meeteet. Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly T The ere es lotlots o of deliciodelicious foodood toto eateat. Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly ItIts Sprining Fe esti tivalal a againain! Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly ItIts a a holidaoliday full ll o of lolove e andand jojoy. Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly A holidaoliday fo or e eve eryoneone toto enjoenjoy. Enjonjoy t the e rhyme eLetLets readead beaeauti tifull lly _ is the most important festival in China. We also call it “Spring Festival”. Chinese New Year C Cult lture e ti time e _ is the most important holiday in the UK. Christmas C Cult lture e ti time e Christmas Make Christmas cakes. Eat Christmas pudding. Decorate(装饰装饰) the Christmas tree. Light up(点燃点燃) the Christmas candles. Give presents to family and friends. Sing Christmas songs. When is Christmas? Its on 25th December . What will people do at Christmas? They will _ is a very important holiday in the US. Thanksgiving C Cult lture e ti time e Thanksgiving When is Thanksgiving? Its on the fourth Thursday of November. What will people do at Thanksgiving? They will 1.get together to have a big dinner. 2.Eat turkey, corns(玉米玉米), potatoes, pumpkin pies, and so on. 3.Have a Thanksgiving day parade(游行游行). 4.Say thanks to other people. What holiday is coming? _ _ is coming.Mid-AutumnFestival It is an important holiday in China. It is in S_ or O_. When it is coming, we _ going to _the moon in the evening. Were going to _ moon cakes. Children are going to play with _. eptemberctober are lanterns watch eat It is an important holiday in China. It is in M_ or J_. When it is coming, People _ _ _ _ dragon boat races. We are going to_them. We are going to eat _ _ on that day. What holiday is coming? _ _ _ is coming.Dragon Boat Festival ayune are going to have watch rice dumplings What holiday is coming? _ _is coming.Lantern Festival It is an important holiday in China. It is in J_ or F_. When it is coming, we are going to _ lanterns. We _ _ _ guess the riddles on lanterns. We are going to _ _ on that day. ebruaryanuary watch are going to tangyuan eat Mid-Autumn Festival Dragon Boat FestivalHalloween Easter Day _ is coming. Its on/in_. Im going to _. My _ is/are going to_. We are going to_. We are going to have a good time/ have fun/ great fun/ T Try toto sa ay 假如你喜欢的节日就要来了,你对此有假如你喜欢的节日就要来了,你对此有 什么计划?写一写,秀一什么计划?写一写,秀一秀秀。这些句子。这些句子 有可能对你有帮助!有可能对你有帮助! Homework: 1 . Listen and read Cartoon Time. 2.Use Simple future tense to make a dialogue or write a passage about your favourite festival. 地址:苏州高新区镇湖街道 电话:0512-66911069 Email: snd- http:/ 教学内容:Cartoon time, Culture time Sound time & check out time The 3rd period 12 月 14 日 教学目标: 1.能理解并体会字母 oo 组合在单词中的发音 2. 能理解 culture time 中的内容并适当拓展。 3. 能理解和熟读 cartoon time。试着有感情朗读。 4. 能够用将来时态表达未发生的事情 “be going to do ., will do.” 5. 完成 Su Hai 的 email. 教学重点: 1能理解 culture time 的内容并适当拓展。 2. 能在前两课基础上正确并熟练地表达将来时。 3. 与上个单元相呼应,了解 oo 的发音。 教学难点: 1. 一般将来时态的灵活运用。 2. oo 的长短发音 教学准备: PPT、小纸条(小练笔) 教学过程: Step1. Free talk Review Say something about Annas plans for Chinese New Year. Step2. Presentation 1. Help Su Hai complete her email to Anna. Try to read together. 2. Learn the pronunciation of “oo” a. We eat different food at different festivals. Cook is an important job. b. Try to find out the pronunciation of “oo” c. Make sentences. d. Read the rhyme. 3. Cartoon time. a. Look and say. b. Read and say. c. Read together. d. Read in groups. 4. Know more about Chinese. Enjoy the rhyme of Spring Festival. 5. Culture time Say something about Christmas and Thanksgiving. 6. Say some other holidays. (机动环节) Step 3. Production 地址:苏州高新区镇湖街道 电话:0512-66911069 Email: snd- http:/ Try to write and introduce a holiday. Homework: 1. 听读 cartoon time 尝试背诵. 2. Try to write and introduce more holidays. Blackboard design 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 8 Chinese New Year oo /: cook book foot good look _is coming. Im/ were going to 教后记教后记: 字母组合 oo 的发音,在之前的教学中,一直有涉及到,但是孩子们还是不能很好的 区分。尤其是 classroom,这种,既可以发长音,又可以发短音的,不具有代表性的。 另外上完课发现,介绍西方国家的东西倒是很多,对春节的拓展反而不足。很多习 俗孩子们都不太清楚了。因此,我将旧版本上面的有关春节的一首诗歌搬过来。虽然有 新单词,也不是书本上的知识,会有一些挑战性,但是我觉得课堂上适当的拓展是必须 的。毕竟英语是一门语言。 再次上完,发现孩子们果然对 oo 的读音不能很好的辨别。难点突破不到位。在平时 的课堂上,还是要不停反复,读准每一个音。 拓展了旧版本的诗歌,时间有点儿来不及。可能 chant 上面多花了 3 分钟。最后没 有当天练到。
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