Unit 8 Chinese New Year-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:2000d).zip

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译林六年级上册译林六年级上册 UnitUnit 8 8 ( Story time ) Page * ToTo c checkeck Page * ToTo enjoenjoy ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear Page * ToTo gue ess Its small and red. Its made of paper. People put money in it. a red packet jacket Page * Chinese New Years Day 大年初一大年初一 Chinese New Years Eve 除夕除夕 When is Chinese New Years Day this year? Page * ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear Chinese New Year is full of(充满着充满着) nice food 美食美食 interesting activities 有趣的活动有趣的活动 happiness 快乐快乐 wishes 祝福祝福 Page * . . A: What are you going to do? B: Im going to C Chineinese e Ne ew Yeaear i is cocomining. Tip: 我们把我们把“主语主语+be going to+动词原形动词原形”结结 构的句子称为一般将来时的陈述句。它们的构的句子称为一般将来时的陈述句。它们的 特点是含有特点是含有“be going to”,在翻译时,翻译,在翻译时,翻译 成成“将要,将会将要,将会”。 Page * Anna is writing an e-mail. 1.Who is Anna going to write to? 2. What is the e-mail about ? Watcatch andand ananswe er Page * Watcatch andand ananswe er Page * ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear where whe n Hong Kong 香港香港 next week 下周下周 where What is the e-mail about ? Watcatch andand ananswe er Page * Scancan andand cicirclecle 问具体时间的问句问具体时间的问句 TipTip: 1.1.快速浏览课文。快速浏览课文。 2.2.划出划出e-maile-mail中中 故事片段的时间线故事片段的时间线。 Page * before Chinese New Year on Chinese New Years Eve on Chinese New Years Day on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year tomorrow1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 在正月初二 Scancan andand cicirclecle WhatWhat areare AnnaAnna andand herher familyfamily goinggoing toto dodo ? Page * LiListenten andand undenderlineline WhatWhat areare AnnaAnna andand herher familyfamily goinggoing toto dodo ? Tomorrow, my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food .Then, In the evening ,were going to make some cakes and tangyuan. Page * Readead andand undenderlineline before Chinese New Year on Chinese New Years Eve on Chinese New Years Day on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year WhatWhat areare AnnaAnna andand herher familyfamily goinggoing toto dodo ? Tip: 1. 四人小组合作。四人小组合作。 2. 细读课文,划出具体时间做的事情。细读课文,划出具体时间做的事情。 3. 完成导学单上的思维导图。完成导学单上的思维导图。 Page * Readead andand undenderlineline On Chinese New Years Eve, Were going to have dinner with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle and my cousin. Then, were going to buy some flowers. On Chinese New Years Day, my parents are going to give me red packets. Then, were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon . On the second day of Chinese New Year, were going to watch fireworks in the evening. 看烟花看烟花 看舞狮看舞狮 fire + works Chinese New Year Anna . Chinese New Year is coming . Su Hai gets an email / from her e-friend Anna / in Hong Kong. Su Hai Chinese New Year To: Subject: Dear Su Hai , How are you? . Its going to be Chinese New Year next week . Im very excited. Su Hai Chinese New Year To: Subject: . Tomorrow ,my family and I /are going to buy some new clothes and food. Then ,in the evening, were going to make some cakes/ and tangyuan. Su Hai Chinese New Year To: Subject: . Then ,were going to buy some flowers. On Chinese New Years Eve, were going to have dinner /with my grandparents , my aunt and uncle /and my cousin . Anna Su Hai Chinese New Year To: Subject: . On Chinese New Years Day ,my parents /are going to give me red packets. Then, were going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon . Su Hai Chinese New Year To: Subject: . On the second day/ of Chinese New Year ,were going to watch fireworks / in the evening . Su Hai Chinese New Year To: Subject: . Love , Anna What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? Read and show 选择喜欢的一段用自己选择喜欢的一段用自己 的方式表演的方式表演 Read by yourselves 个人读个人读 Read in groups 四人一组分段朗读四人一组分段朗读 whenwho be going to activities On Chinese New Years Eve On Chinese New Years Day Before Chinese New Year On 2nd day of Chinese New Year Anna and her family Annas parents are going to am going to is going to have dinner watch fireworks watch a lion dance buy some new clothes and food give her red packets Rules: 根据根据Anna的新年计划,分别从的新年计划,分别从4类不同颜色类不同颜色 的卡片中选择一个,组成一句完整通顺的话的卡片中选择一个,组成一句完整通顺的话,其他其他 同学判断句子是否正确。同学判断句子是否正确。 Su Hai Chinese New Year To: Subject: Dear Su Hai, How are you? Love, Anna How to write an English email? Tips: 在左上角写上收件人的称在左上角写上收件人的称 呼,如呼,如DearDear SuSu HaiHai或或HiHi NancyNancy . .结束语写在正文的结束语写在正文的 下面,如下面,如BestBest WishesWishes 或或 Love.Love.最后在结束语的下最后在结束语的下 一行写上自己的名字。一行写上自己的名字。 My plans for Chinese New Year Its going to beIm very Before Chinese New Year, Im/Were going to On Chinese New Years Eve/Day, On 2nd day of Chinese New Year, I think Im going to have a lot of fun . 同学们,今年的新年你想做些什么呢?赶同学们,今年的新年你想做些什么呢?赶 快和伙伴们一起来讨论说一说吧!快和伙伴们一起来讨论说一说吧! Homework 1. Listen、read and try to retell the story. (听听读读故事故事,并尝试并尝试借助思维导借助思维导图复述图复述) 2. Try to write an email to tell your family or friends about your Chinese New Years plans. (尝试写尝试写一一份邮件告诉家份邮件告诉家人人或朋友你或朋友你的的新年新年计划。计划。) Thank you! Unit8Unit8 ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear (story)(story)教学设计教学设计 学校 课名 Chinese New Year 教师姓名 学科(版本)苏教版译林小学英语章节 Unit8 课时第 1 课时年级六 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写 get, next week, food。 2、能听懂、会说和会读单词或短语 Hong Kong,tangyuan,firecrackers, fireworks, lion dance,red packet,Chinese New Years Eve,Chinese New Years Day。 3、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句子 What are you/they going to do? Im / We re /Theyre going to 4、能通读并理解故事的内容,并尝试借助思维导图,用 be going to 句型复述。 5、通过本节课的学习,学生知道并了解邮件的格式和主要结构。 6、通过学习,学生能了解中国新年的风俗习惯,加深对我国传统文化的理解。 三、学习者分析三、学习者分析 本届六年级同学是从三年级开始学习译林小学英语教材的。通过三年半的学习,绝大部 分的孩子养成了良好的学习习惯,孩子们英语学习兴趣浓厚,语言表达清晰。但是由于所执 教班级是离县城较偏僻的学校,学生的基础相对比较薄弱,不敢大声开口讲英语,加之六年 级孩子的年龄特征,上课不敢发言或发言声音太小的情况已经成为一种常态。本节课教学时, 基于学生的这种情况,从激发学生的学习兴趣出发,最大限度地调动学生讲英语学英语,参 与英语课堂互动的热情。 四、教学重难点分析及解决措施四、教学重难点分析及解决措施 1. 能理解故事的内容,并尝试借助思维导图,用 be going to 句型复述。在进入句型的学习时, 尽可能多地创造机会让孩子们多练习,比如师生问答、同伴问答、小组讨论汇报等形式的操 练。孩子们借助思维导图理解文本后,运用 be going to 进行复述也就水到渠成了。 2. 通过本节课的学习让学生知道并了解邮件的格式和主要结构。本节课最初进入文本的两个 问题就是针对邮件格式上的 To 和 Subject 展开的,其中还借助了板书生成邮件的格式,读后 的巩固练习也是围绕邮件的结构和格式,相信孩子们通过本节课学习,定能熟练掌握。 3. 通过学习,学生能了解中国新年的风俗习惯,加深对我国传统文化的理解。春节是中华民 族的传统节日。本节课从看、听、吃、感觉等方面多个角度,并结合课内外的传统文化活动, 加深对中国传统文化理解,丰富孩子们的文化底蕴。 五、教学设计五、教学设计 教学环节 起止时 间( ”环节目标教学内容学生活动 媒体作用及 分析 - ” ) Step.1 Pre-reading (2 15”- 1050 ” ) 1. 营造春节氛围, 创设良好的语言 交际环境。 2. 温故而知新, 了解更多春节的 文化习俗活动。 3. 感知本课的部 分生词和新句, 为故事板块的学 习做铺垫。 1. Check the self- study paper 2. Lead in the topic 3. Guess and teach 4. Teach the sentence pattern of be going to. 1. Read and revise in groups 2. Enjoy and guess (节日和红包) 3. Say the impression of Chinese New Year 4. Learn and say Im / Were going to. 通过媒体播 放的新年歌 让学生猜节 日,轻松地 营造新年的 气氛。 Step.2 While- reading (10 51”- 3205 ” ) 1. 读熟并理解故 事的内容,了解 春节前后四天的 活动安排。 2. 初步感知并学 会学会用一般将 来时be going to 描述并表达 自己的计划。 3. 了解并知道 中国不同地区的 春节习俗。 4. 通过阅读, 学会用思维导图 理清文章的脉络。 1. Ask students to watch and answer. Who? What? 2. Ask them To read quickly, circle the timeline and check. 3. Ask them to Listen and underline the things they do before Chinese New Year. 4. Lead the students to read and complete The mind-map. 5. Play the tape and ask them to repeat. 1. Watch and answer 2. Scan and circle 3. Listen and underline 4. Read and complete. 5. Check and say 6. Listen and repeat. 在教授本课 的重点句型 be going to 时,运用放 大镜功能, 突出重点知 识,引起学 生的注意, 教学效果明 显。 Step.3 Post- reading (32 06”- 4725 ” )1. 加深学生对文 本的理解和巩固。 2. 了解电子邮件 的书写格式,并 学会在实际生活 中运用。 3. 加深对中国传 统文化的理解。 1. Choose the way to read 2. Play a card game 3. Think and say 4. Sum up the form of writing an email 5. Know more about traditional Chinese New Year. 1. Play a card game. 2. Lets think! 3. Lets talk . 4. Lets know. 运用多媒体 的触屏功能 和孩子们玩 卡片游戏, 学生学习兴 趣浓厚,既 是对所学句 型的巩固, 也是对本课 文本的复述, 更是对学生 学习效果的 检测。 Step.4 Homework 1. 巩固本节课所 学的知识。 2. 了解中国传统 的节日文化,也 为下面文化板块 的学习作铺垫。 1. Listen、read and try to retell the story. 2. Look for more information about some traditional festivals. 3. Try to write an email to tell your family or friends. 六、教学流程图六、教学流程图 建湖县实验小学导学单建湖县实验小学导学单 六上六上 Unit8Unit8 ChineseChinese NewNew YearYear (Period(Period 1)1) StudyStudy PaperPaper 姓名姓名_第第_小组小组_号号 1 1、【Pre-learning】(】( CheckCheck andand saysay ) ) 1. I I cancan singsing : : (会唱春节相关的歌曲) 2. I I cancan saysay : : (知道春节活动短语) _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.3. I I cancan read:read: (借助媒体自读故事) 家家长评长评价:价: 二二、【While-learning】(Pair(Pair workwork inin differentdifferent ways)ways) 1.1. LearnLearn andand saysay (学习用所学句型表达自己的计划) A A: What are you/they going to do on Chinese.? B B: Im / Were/ Theyre going to. 我们把我们把“主语主语+be+be goinggoing to+to+动词原形动词原形”结构的句子称为一般将来时结构的句子称为一般将来时 的陈述句。它的特点是含有的陈述句。它的特点是含有“be“be goinggoing to”to”,翻译成,翻译成“将要,将会将要,将会” 。 2.Read,2.Read, choosechoose andand plete.(读一读,选一选,完成思维导图) When? What? A. On Chinese New Years Day B. Before Chinese New Year C. On the second day of Chinese New Years Day D. On Chinese New Years Eve buy some new clothes and food make some cake and tangyuan ( B ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 同伴同伴评评价:价: 三、三、【Post-learning】(say】(say andand write)write) 1.1. ListenListen、readread andand trytry toto retellretell thethe story.story. ( (听读故事,并尝试借助思维导图复述听读故事,并尝试借助思维导图复述) ) 2.2. LookLook forfor moremore informationinformation aboutabout somesome traditionaltraditional festivals.festivals. ( (搜集更多关于中国传统节日的信息搜集更多关于中国传统节日的信息) ) 3.3. TryTry toto writewrite anan emailemail toto telltell youryour familyfamily oror friendsfriends aboutabout youryour ChineseChinese NewNew YearsYears plans.plans. ( (尝试写一份邮件告诉家人或朋友你的新年计划。)尝试写一份邮件告诉家人或朋友你的新年计划。) D D 春节是中华民族的传统节日,这些节日活动你会说吗?春节是中华民族的传统节日,这些节日活动你会说吗? (扫尘(扫尘 cleanclean thethe househouse 守岁守岁 staystay upup latelate 贴对联贴对联 putput upup coupletscouplets 做年糕做年糕 makemake ricerice cakescakes 看春晚看春晚 watchwatch NewNew YearYear GalaGala 拜年拜年 paypay NewNew YearYear callscalls 放鞭炮放鞭炮 lightlight firecrackersfirecrackers 吃鱼吃鱼 eateat somesome fishfish ) Dear_ Love,Love, _ _ _ 自我自我评评价:价: 老老师评师评价:价:
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