(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 Reading and thinking同步练习(含答案).docx

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1、人教版(人教版(2019)必修一)必修一 unit 1 reading and thinking 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号: _ 一、阅读理解一、阅读理解 1.If you are a teenager without a job, you probably do not have much extra money. Sometimes parents will give their children a weekly pocket money for doing small housework, but it is often not enough once the children g

2、row into teenagers and want to do things with their friends all of the time. How to make money is an important thing for teens to learn. If youre wondering how a teenager can make good money, some ideas might be: Getting a part-time job at a local restaurant or store is always a sure way to make mon

3、ey as a teen. But getting a job somewhere like this might be hard, considering many jobs in local stores are being taken by adults more and more often. Babysitting is always a good way to make money as a teenager, and finding jobs as a babysitter is often easier than finding a job at a store. Doing

4、landscaping(绿化) is something that most adults do not like to do, and teens can usually find jobs around their neighbourhood doing the landscaping of friends and family. Some teens are good at something such as writing or photography. These teens can make money by doing things such as writing article

5、s for newspapers or magazines or selling their photos online. Teens who live in a country area can earn money by helping out on farms, or they can try raising their own animals such as chickens, and selling them or their products. Looking for jobs can seem hard at first, but if you have a try, it sh

6、ould not be too hard to find a job or way to make money. 1.What problem do teenagers have to face when finding a job in local stores? A.Low pay.B.Heavy work. C.Long working hours.D.Competition with grown-ups. 2.Which of the following is easier for teens from the country if they want to earn extra mo

7、ney? A.Babysitting.B.Doing landscaping. C.Selling photos online.D.Raising animals. 3.What can we learn from the text? A.Most grown-ups hate doing landscaping. B.Getting a part-time job is hard for teens. C.Pocket money from parents is often enough for teens. D.Looking after babies is easier than ser

8、ving customers in a restaurant. 4.What can be the best title for the text? A.The Necessary Skills to Make Money B.How Important Is Money to a Teenager? C.How Can a Teenager Make Extra Money? D.Teenagers Should Depend on Themselves 二、七选五二、七选五 2.There are some children who love to fly and then there a

9、re the kids who are afraid of the unknown. The following tips may help you if you want to travel with your children by plane. _ If you tell the child he will soon be flying on an airplane and leave it at that, his imagination can turn to fear. Instead, tell him how wonderful it is to fly. Dont tell

10、children about the dangers of flying. _ And you can promise him that the plane will not crash. Read a book to your children. _ Reading may also make your children fall asleep. Bring a comfort thing that your child enjoys. _ Be sure to bring that blanket along as it will provide a safety net for the

11、child. Having this blanket along may also help him fall asleep. Bring a safe electronic device that shows movies or supports video games, and offers children puzzles. Bring snacks. Children are picky eaters and may not like the food being offered. Three to five hours can be a long time on an airplan

12、e without food. _ When they are upset, it is easier to let the fear of the unknown take control. A.Children may get upset when they are hungry. B.Tell your children how much fun it is to fly before the trip. C.Most kids have a stuffed animal (绒毛填充玩具) or a blanket that they love. D.If your child brin

13、gs them up, tell him that flying is perfectly safe. E.Leave a little extra time so you can make your children walk. F.Bring a childs favorite book or a new book your kids have never read. G.Your phone is another favorite tool for keeping them happy on a flight. 三、完形填空三、完形填空 3.Fear started taking ove

14、r when I was walking into my first school in America. I had travelled a long distance from India in order to1my mother, who had been here for three years. With2and fear, I reached for the door cautiously, opening it3. Everyone stared at me as I entered the room. Without paying attention to them, I4t

15、he teacher and asked if this was the right class.5a soft voice he answered, Yes. His voice6me a little. Then he asked me to choose where I would7. I chose the seat closest to the door. I didnt actually want to8a seat. In India we had9seats, so I never needed to worry about that. I spent the rest of

16、the class taking notes from the10produced by the overhead projector (投影仪). In Indian schools, the technology was not11. Since it was my first day, I was12about which classroom I should go to, but I13to get to my classes without asking anyone. It was14. I went to my next class and the bell rang15I en

17、tered. I went through the regular16of asking the teacher if I was in the right class. She said, The17is over. But the bell just rang, I said. She said, That is the lunch bell. I apologized. Then I headed for the18. At the end of the day, I was on my way to the bus stop. I19my bus and sat down inside

18、 happily. Though I felt a little confused today, everything seemed all right. Every confusion seemed like a (n)20I had to overcome to reach my goal. 1. A. searchB. assistC. joinD. care 2. A. surpriseB. curiosityC. confidenceD. anxiety 3. A. slowlyB. loudlyC. quicklyD. immediately 4. A. blockedB. app

19、roachedC. disturbedD. followed 5. A. AboveB. AtC. InD. With 6. A. puzzledB. promotedC. inspiredD. comforted 7. A. standB. sitC. lieD. listen 8. A. rule outB. carry outC. give outD. pick out 9. A. assignedB. paintedC. repairedD. marked 10. A. soundB. imageC. effectD. record 11. A. developedB. invente

20、dC. improvedD. employed 12. A. touchedB. disappointedC. confusedD. impressed 13. A. failedB. pretendedC. tendedD. managed 14. A. noonB. daybreakC. dawnD. dark 15. A. ifB. thoughC. asD. since 16. A. processB. excuseC. exerciseD. examination 17. A. workB. meetingC. discussionD. class 18. A. libraryB.

21、cafeteriaC. labD. gym 19. A. spottedB. leftC. uncoveredD. locked 20. A. goalB. objectC. obstacleD. destination 四、单句改错四、单句改错 4.I have studied in a same school with them for three years. 5.Tired as he was, Peter tried to finish all the homeworks that day. 6.You get used to have your actions directed b

22、y others. 7.I recommend (that) he must go to see his mother every week. 8.She didnt always think careful about what she was doing. 9.If you ask me, I think you should choose which you like. 10.All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 11.Do you know anything about the club where your son joins? 12.

23、He had the good fortune to join in the famous football club. 五、书面表达五、书面表达 13.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 In storm-ravaged Santa Clarita, California, last March, Martinez drove on Runner Road carefully. A small stream had overflowed onto the road. Martinez, driving a Toyota SUV, believed hed be OK

24、. Big mistake. Halfway across, the rushing waters grabbed hold of his car, sweeping it off the road and washing it down the stream full of rocks. It finally stopped a good 80 feet away, with the doors seriously damaged and unable to open. Injured, shaken, and trapped inside with the water rising qui

25、ckly, Martinez was certain he was going to die. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为 50左右; 2.应使用 3 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分只有一段,开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 On the road right behind Martinez were a truck driver and his nephew. _ _ _ 六、单词拼写六、单词拼写 14.All copy must be printed and sent to the _ (编辑) by Friday mornin

26、g. 15.The first part of the project was completed two months ahead of _ (工作计划). 16.This television program caused a _ (争论) in the United Kingdom. 17.When her son _ (毕业) from high school, Ann moved to a small town. 18.Theres no simple _ (解决办法) to this problem. 19.He _ (停止) the show last year because

27、of bad health. 20.Im totally _ (糊涂的). Could you explain that again? 21.The article is good in _ (内容), so you can read it. 22.I just spent a holiday there and would _ (推荐) it to anyone. 23. Since his parents died early, he had to earn his own living when he was a _ (青少年). 24.Since his parents died ea

28、rly, he had to earn his own living when he was a_ (青少年)。 25.Some change their behaviour in real life to _ (改善)their image on the web. 26.As for me,Im interested in basketball since it has been giving me strength to face the _ (挑战) in my life. 27.One way to encourage customers to stay and order that

29、_ (额外的) round: put on some Mozart. 28.He said that if he q_ the job, he would lose his drive to work and succeed. 29.Its Chinese _ (文学) major is perfect for you where you can completely learn Chinese history and culture. 30.In America, a f_ is a student who is in his or her first year at university

30、or college. 31.By the time these “_” (解决方案) become widely available,scammers (骗子) will have moved 32.In this paragraph, the author wants to introduce a new _ (话题) for discussion. 33.Our team have won the _ (头衔) of “Star of the World” and “Star of China” for many times. 34.The new bridge has been fin

31、ished two years ahead of s_. 35.Obviously, students are terrible at adjusting their sleep cycles to their daily _ (时间表). 36.I have just spent a holiday there and would r_ it to anyone. 37.Martha g_ from high school two years ago. 38.Besides knowing some Japanese, she was f_ in Russian. 39.The role w

32、ill be the biggest c_ of his acting career. 40.He likes to _ (辩论)issues with his friends. 41.This can become a driving force for social_ (前进). 42.Things were happening too quickly and Brian was_(弄糊涂). 43.She would have loved to have a better-paying job with More_ (责任). 参考答案参考答案 1.答案:1-4 DDAC 解析:1.细节

33、理解题。根据第二段第二句But getting a job somewhere like this might be hard, considering many jobs in local stores are being taken by adults more and more often.可知答案。 2.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知答案。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段中的Doing landscaping(绿化) is something that most adults do not like to do 可知答案。 4.标题归纳题。本文在第一段的最后点出主题: If youre

34、 wondering how a teenager can make good money, some ideas might be:下文进行了具体介绍。故选 C。 2.答案:- BDFCA 解析:根据本段最后一句 Instead, tell him how wonderful it is to fly. 可知,旅行前要告诉孩子乘坐飞机 是多么有趣.故选B. 根据设空处前的 Dont tell children about the dangers of flying. 可知,不要告诉孩子坐飞机的危险,如果 孩子提出来要告诉他们坐飞机是安全的.故选D. 根据空前的 Read a book to

35、your children. 可知,乘坐飞机可以带一本孩子最喜欢的书或者一本新书来 给孩子阅读.故选F. 根据空后的 Be sure to bring that blanket along as it will provide a safety net for the child. 可知,很多孩子 都有绒毛填充玩具或者自己喜欢的小毛毯,给孩子带上它们.故选C. 根据空前的 Three to five hours can be a long time on an airplane without food. 及空后的 When they are upset可知,孩子们饿的话就会情绪低落,所以要带

36、些零食. 3.答案:CDABC DBDAB DCDAC ADBAC 解析:1. C 根据下文中的 who had been here for three years 可知,我到美国是为了与母亲团聚。 join 在此意为加入,与会合,符合句意。 2. D既焦虑(anxiety)又害怕,我小心地把手伸向教室的门。 3. A根据前面的 reached for the door cautiously 可知,应该是慢慢地 (slowly)打开门。 4. B 根据 and asked 可知,我走近(approach)老师。 5. C 名词 voice 通常与介词 in搭配 6. D他的声音稍稍安慰(com

37、fort) 了我。 7. B 然后他要我选择一个座位坐(sit)下来。 8. D 我实际上不想挑选(pick out)座位。rule out 排除的可能性;carry out 执行,实施;give out发 出,发放。 9. A在印度我们被分配(assigned)座位。 l0. B此处指头顶上面的投影仪产生的图像(image)。 11. D印度学校还没有应用(employ)这种技术。develop 开发,发展; invent 发明;improve 提高,改 善。 12. C 后文Though I felt a little confused 有提示。confused 困惑的, 符合句意。tou

38、ched 感动的; disappointed 失望的;impressed 印象深刻的。 13. D manage to do sth.意为设法做成某事,符合句意 a fail to do sth.未能做某事;pretend to do sth.假 装做某事;tend to do sth.易于做某事。 14. A 根据That is the lunch bell. 可知,已到了中午(noon)。 15. C 我进去的时候铃响了。从属连词 as 在此意为当时 候,引导一个时间状语从句。 16. A 我经历了一个常规的过程(process),询问老师我是否上对了课。 17. D 她说下课(class

39、) 了。 18. B 前文That is the lunch bell.有提示,故作者决定去自助食堂 (cafeteria)吃午饭。 19. A 我找到了(spot)公交车,高高兴兴地坐了进去。spot 在此用 作动词,有发现之意。leave 离 开;uncover 揭开;lock 锁住。 20. C 根据下文的I had to overcome to reach my goal可知,此处应填 obstacle,意为障碍。 4.答案:a the 解析: 5.答案:homeworks-homework 解析: homework 是不可数名词。 6.答案:havehaving 解析: get us

40、ed to doing sth.习惯做某事。 7.答案:must-should 或去掉 must 解析: recommend 后接宾语从句时,谓语要用(should) do 形式。 8.答案:carefulcarefully 解析:此处要用副词 carefully 修饰动词 thinks 9.答案:whichwhat 解析: what 在此做 like的宾语。 10.答案:make-makes 解析: 11.答案:where-that/which 或去掉 where 解析:先行词 club 在定语从句中做 join的宾语,故关系代词应用 that/which 或省略。 12.答案:去掉 in

41、解析: “加入俱乐部”用 join the club 表示。 13.答案: On the road right behind Martinez were a truck driver and his nephew. Seeing Martinez trapped, they ran to the rescue. The driver managed to tie the car with a rope to a rock on the bank and tried to open the door but failed. Then he shouted to his nephew to bri

42、ng a rock. Finally they succeeded in breaking the window with the rock and Martinez was saved. 解析: 14.答案:editor 解析: 15.答案:schedule 解析: 16.答案:debate 解析: 17.答案:graduated 解析: 18.答案:solution 解析: 19.答案:quit 解析: 20.答案:confused 解析: 21.答案:content 解析: 22.答案:recommend 解析: 23.答案:teenager 解析: 24.答案:teenager 解析:

43、 25.答案:improve 解析:句意:有些人改变他们在现实生活中的行为.以改善他们在网络上的形象。improve意为改善;提 高。 26.答案:challenges 解析:句意:对我来说,我对篮球感兴趣.因为它给了我面对生活中挑战的力 it。challenge 是可数名词,根 据其定语 in my life可知要用复数形式。 27.答案:extra 解析:句意:一种鼓励顾客留下来额外点餐的方法是播放莫扎特的音乐。extra意为额外的。 28.答案:quit 解析:句意:他说,如果他辞职.他就会失去工作和取得成功的动力。根据 said 可知,此处用一般过去时 表示过去将要发生的动作。 29.

44、答案:Literature 解析:句意:它的中国文学专业非常适合您,您可以完整地学到中国的历史和文化。literature 意为文学 。 30.答案:freshman 解析:句意:在美国,一年级新生指他或她在大学或学院的第一年。freshman 指大学一年级新生。 31.答案:solutions 解析:句意:当这些解决方案被广泛应用时,骗子已经转移到更聪明的办法上了。 32.答案:topic 解析:句意:在这一段中,作者想提出一个新的议题以供讨论。 topic意为话题。 33.答案:titles 解析:句意:我们队多次荣获世界之星和中国之星等称号。 title意为头衔,此处要用复数形式。 34.答案:schedule 解析: 35.答案:schedule 解析:句意:很明显,学生们并不擅长调整睡眠周期以适应日常作息表。schedule 意为日程安排;时间表 。 36.答案:recommend 解析: 37.答案:graduated 解析: 38.答案:fluent 解析: 39.答案:challenge 解析: 40.答案:debate 解析: 41.答案:advance 解析: 42.答案:confused 解析: 43.答案:responsibility 解析:


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