(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 Travelling around预习学案(课文翻译+同步练习) (含答案).docx

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(2021新人教版)高中英语必修第一册Unit 2 Travelling around预习学案(课文翻译+同步练习) (含答案).docx_第1页
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1、新高一:必修一 Unit 2 Travelling around 预习学案(课文翻译+同步练习) PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas:narrow, dry,flat land running along the coast,the Andes Mountains,and the Amazon rainforest. 秘鲁是一个位于南美洲太平洋海岸的国家,主要有三个地区:狭窄的 、干燥的、平坦 的陆地沿海岸延伸,安第斯山脉和亚马逊雨林。 In the 1400s and 15

2、00s, Peru was the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire. The Inca emperor lived in the now-famous site Machu Picchu. Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821. It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru. 在 14 世纪和 16 世纪,秘鲁是强大的古代印加帝国的中心。印加皇帝

3、住在现在著名的 地点马丘比丘。西班牙在 16 世纪控制了秘鲁,并一直统治到 1821 年。正因为如此,西班 牙语才是秘鲁的主要官方语言。 TRAVEL PERU 秘鲁旅行 Amazon Rainforest Tour 亚马孙热带雨林之旅 A short flight from Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest. From there, youll spend one day travelling by boat to your accommodation in the middle of the forest.

4、You can then spend three days exploring the rainforest with a local guide and enjoying the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.从库斯科出发的短途航班带你从安第斯山脉前往亚马孙 雨林。从那里,你将花一天时间乘船前往位于森林中间的住处。在接下来的三天里,你可 以在当地导游的陪同下,深入雨林进行探索,欣赏雨林独有的动植物。 Machu Picchu Tour 马丘比丘之旅 This four-day walking tour will take you on

5、 amazing paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu. After reaching your destination,you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city. Especially amazing is the Incasdry stone method of building. Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing w

6、as needed to hold walls together other than the perfect fit of the stones. 这次为期四天的徒步旅行将带你在通往马丘比丘的途中,踏上穿越安第斯山脉的神奇 之路。到达目的地后,你将有一天时间探索这座令人惊叹的古城。特别令人惊奇的是印加 人的干式石头搭砌的建造方法。印加的建筑工人将石头切割成精确的尺寸,仅仅凭着石头 间的完美贴合,即可稳固墙体 Cusco Tour 库斯科之旅 Spend four days enjoying the unique Spanish and local Indian culture high in

7、 the Andes at Cusco,the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th until the 16th century. Stay in a local hotel, visit the museums,admire the architecture,enjoy the excellent local food,and go shopping at the local markets. 在安第斯山脉高处的库斯科,花四天时间享受独特的西班牙和当地印第安文化。库斯 科是 13 世纪至 16 世纪印加帝国的首都。入住当地酒店,参观博物馆,欣赏建

8、筑,品尝当 地美食,并在当地市场购物。 Lake Titicaca Tour 的的喀喀湖之旅 Enjoy the beautiful countryside as you spend a day driving along the new highway connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca. There,a boat will take you to stay with a local Uros family on an island for three days. Both the island and the Uros homes are made of w

9、ater plants from the lake. 沿着连接库斯科到的的喀喀湖的新公路,你可以欣赏美丽的乡村。在那里,一艘船将 带你去与岛上当地的乌鲁斯人家庭住在一起三天。岛屿和乌鲁斯人的住宅均由湖中的水生 植物制成。 So come and experience what Peru has to offer:everything from the ancient Inca culture and centuries-old Spanish villages to deep rainforests, high mountains, and a beautiful coastline. 所以,

10、来体验一下秘鲁所能提供的一切吧:从古老的印加文化和有数百年历史的西班 牙村庄,到茂密的雨林、高山和美丽的海岸线。 For more brochures aboutother packagetours around Peru , contactusat tourinfotravelperu. org.想获得有关秘鲁周边其他包价旅游的更多资料手册, 请与我们联系: tourinfotravelperu. org. Reading for WritingP30 Dear Xiao Li, 亲爱的小李, My time here in China is going well. I love my ne

11、w school and classmates. Over the October holiday, my parents and I are planning to go to Xi an to see the Terracotta Army. I ve heard that it is an amazing sight,and I cant wait to go. To me,the story of the Terracotta Army is almost unbelievable. It s amazing that there are more than 8, 000 statue

12、s, and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.我在中国度过的时间很顺利。我爱我的新学校和同学。十 月假期,我和父母打算去西安看兵马俑。我听说这是一个令人惊叹的景象,我迫不及待地 想去。对我来说,兵马俑的故事几乎令人难以置信。令人惊奇的是,有超过 8 000 个雕像, 直到 20 世纪 70 年代,现代人才了解它们。 Were also planning to visit several other places in Xian. My dad and I are both looking forward to goi

13、ng to the Shaanxi History Museum, because my dad loves history and I have heard that this museum is known as a “Chinese treasure house” ! We re also going to the Xi an City Wall and a few other famous sights.我们还计划去参观西安的其他几个地方。 我和父亲都期待 着去陕西历史博物馆,因为我父亲喜欢历史,我听说这个博物馆被称为“中国宝库” !我们 还要去西安城墙和其他一些著名的景点。 Were

14、 taking the train,leaving the day before the October holiday begins. Were arriving at 9:30 a.m. and will start sightseeing right away,so I hope we sleep well on the train!我们将 坐火车,在十月假期开始的前一天离开。我们将在上午 9:30 到达并立即开始观光,所以 我希望我们能在火车上睡个好觉! I guess that s all for now! I ll write again soon and send photos!

15、 Do you have any plans for the coming holiday? Hope to hear from you soon.我想就写到这里吧!我很快就会再写信并发 送照片!你对即将到来的假期有什么计划吗?希望早日收到你的来信。 Your friend,你的朋友,Richard 理查德 TERRACOTTA ARMY 兵马俑 Come and see the Terracotta Army:more than 8,000 statues were made in the third century BCE to guard the tomb of the Chinese

16、Emperor Qinshihuang! Each statue has a different face,leading researchers to believe that each one is a copy of a real soldier. The statues fill only one part of the emperors huge tomb,which still has not been completely unearthed. More than 700, 000 people worked for nearly 40 years to build this t

17、omb. However, no one in modern times knew about the tomb or the terracotta statues until 1974,when some farmers discovered the tomb while they were digging a well!来看看兵马俑:公元前 3 世纪制作的 8 000 多件雕像 是为了守卫中国皇帝秦始皇的坟墓!每个雕像都有一个不同的面孔,使得研究人员认为每 个雕像都是一个真正的士兵的副本。这些雕像只占秦始皇巨大坟墓的一部分,坟墓尚未完 全挖掘出来。超过 70 万人工作了近 40 年来建造这

18、座坟墓。然而,直到 1974 年,一些农民 在挖井时发现了坟墓,现代人才知道这个坟墓或者兵马俑雕像! Listening and Speaking that 4. so he passed the exam 5. other than yourself Discovering Useful Structures to 7. put up 8. In order to 9. hear from 10. More than 三、 1.economic 2. were 3. have 4. To 5. in6. have taken 7. hiking 8. to make 9. from 10. breaking 四、 1. cant wait to get a new job 2. as soon as possible 3. was known as 4. have a hard time with pronunciation 5. what to do


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