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1、人教版高中英语必修人教版高中英语必修 2 2 市一等奖优质课全册完整教案市一等奖优质课全册完整教案 教学目标 1. 通过阅读教学,掌握单元词汇及重点句式表达。 2, 培养学生的阅读能力- 根据标题进行推理判断以及学生的细节信息寻找能力。 3. 让学生明白琥珀屋的历史,培养学生保护文物遗迹的意识。 2学情分析 重点中学的普通班,学生基础中等偏上。学生比较活跃。 3重点难点 1. 文章相对比较生僻,不属于学生喜欢的话题。所以如何引导学生好好读比较难。 2. 通过文章学习,如何提高学生的情感价值态度。 4教学过程 4.1第一学时warming 和 reading 4.1.1教学活动 活动 1【导入】

2、图片 以图片的形式引导学生进入课文 活动 2【讲授】读前 根据标题对文章的主要内容进行猜测。训练学生的预测能力 活动 3【讲授】泛读 通过阅读,归纳全文的主旨大意以及各段的段落大意。 活动 4【讲授】精读 通过每一段内容的细节阅读,掌握琥珀屋的历史以及获取与琥珀屋相关的历任 主人。 活动 5【活动】读后 通过听,让学生回顾全文信息,同时思考问题-为什么作者选择标题In Search of the Amber Room而不是The history of the Amebr Room。 活动 6【活动】读后 讨论为何作者选择标题The history of the Amber Room。通过对于该

3、问题的讨 论,训练学生的推理判断能力。 活动 7【活动】情感态度价值观升华 小组合作探究:我们是否应当重建琥珀屋以及颐和园这样的古迹。通过该活动 培养学生的情感价值观。 活动 8【练习】作业 根据对课文的分析和讨论,形成文字材料“Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics like the Amber Room or Yuanmingyuan in Beijing?” 教学目标 I. Teaching Aims Knowledge Aims: 1. Let the students learn about the history of the Amb

4、er Room. Ability Aims: 1. Let students read the passage In search of the Amber Room to develop their reading ability. 2. Enable students to learn to talk about the history of the amber room. Moral Aims: Stimulate students sense of cultural relics protection by reading the passage In Search of the Am

5、ber Room 2学情分析 3重点难点 II. Key points: 1. Let students read the passage in search of the amber room and learn about the history of the amber room. 2. Get the students to learn different reading skills. III. Difficult points: 1. Develop students reading ability 2. Enable students to learn to talk about

6、 the history of the amber room 4教学过程 4.1第一学时 4.1.1新设计 IV. Teaching procedures: Step1 Warming up by looking and talking 1. Show some pictures of cultural relics, such as Forbidden City, Classical Gardens of Suzhou, The Taj Mahal (In India), ivory dragon boat, Mogao Caves. Then T asks: What do they ha

7、ve in common? Long history ?Be rare ? Be valuable ?Survive (保存)for a long time ? Tell people about the past ? Then lead in the title “Cultural relics” Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Show some pictures about the amber and ask them: 1) What color is the amber? 2) What do you think amber can be made into? 3) Ca

8、n you imagine a house made of amber ? 2. Ask students to predict what is the reading passage is about according to the title and the picture. The aim is to let students read the reading passage with a purpose. Step 3 Reading Task 1 To find the detailed information about the amber room After finding

9、out the detail information, T asks, Do you want to know the history of the Amber Room? Task 2: 1. Find out characters(人物) in the passage. 2. Read Para 2-5, Get to know the history of the Amber Room, Fill in the blanks in the following passage. Task 3 1. To get the information about what these people

10、 do to the amber room. Finish the following pictures about characters and the amber room. Task 4 Summary Ask the students to retell the history of the amber room according to the pictures. Step 4 Discussion We know the Amber Room was lost at last, it is regret(遗憾) for mankind. After studying this pa

11、ssage, what should we do to cultural relics like the Amber Room? Step 5 Homework 1. Read the passage after class. 2. Finish the exercise book. 教学目标 review the words and basic information 2学情分析 all students will master the points clearly this time 3重点难点 words and its knowledge 4教学过程 4.1culturalrelics

12、 4.1.1新设计 4.1.2教学活动 活动 1【导入】culturalrelics amaze amazing select honey design fancy style decorate jewel artist 活动 2【测试】culturalrelics belong troop reception at war remove wooden doubt mystery former worth 新设计 Step I Lead-in Show students some pictures of the Amber Room. Ask students : Whats this ? D

13、o you know where the Amber Room is ? 2新设计 Step II Listening 1.The teacher says a sentence. “Although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is now missing . What happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. ” Ask students to get the key words from the sentence. Where is t

14、he former Amber Room? It ismissing . Where it is remains a mystery. 2. Listen to Hans Brauns story. Ask students to get the main idea for the first time What was his job? A sailor. Where did he think the Amber Room was lost? At sea. Ask students to get some detailed information for the second time.

15、Listen to Part A again and choose the best answer to each question. (1). What were put onto Hans ship? A. Some vases.B. Some heavy boxes. C. Some suitcases. (2). What were in those big wooden boxes in Hans opinion? A. Clothes.B. Stone.C. Treasure. (3). How many kilometers did he swim before saved? A

16、. One.B. Two.C. Three. (4). He was saved by _? A. A German ship. B. An England ship . C. A Russia ship. After listening, ask students to share the answers with group members. And the teacher check the answers . 3. Listen to Anna Petrovs story. Ask students to get the main idea for the first time Wha

17、t was her job? A maid. Where did she think the Amber Room was lost? In a fire. The second time ask students to get some detailed information . Listen again and fill in the blanks. One night in _ many trucks came to the castle with large _.The German soldiers took the boxes into the castle. Later we

18、heard that a special art_ was shown to important visitors. Perhaps it was the _ but I never saw it. Then at the end of _,1944,I heard something _ .When I looked outside I saw that the castle was _. The next morning I found some melted pieces of something that looked like _.Russian soldiers told me i

19、t was _ and it could have come from the _. Ask one group to fill in one blank . After that ask students to read the tape script together. 3新设计 Step III Reading Give students two guide questions . What is a fact? What is an opinion? Ask students to listen to the tape and read the passage. After readi

20、ng, ask students to answer the two questions. It is anything that can be proved. An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved. Give two statements and ask students to tell which is a fact and which is an opinion. Ask students to say a fact and an opinion about the famous perso

21、n -Mandela. Step IV Reading and discussing Before reading give students the table. Name Job Place Time What he heard What he saw What he believes After reading and listening ,ask students to do it . Discussing . Is it a fact or an opinion? Give us your reasons . Give students a possible answer. I th

22、ink it is an opinion because he did not see what was in the boxes. He listened to other peoples ideas of what might have been inside. So his evidence is an opinion. StepV Conclusion 1. Lets see a video about a research report of the Amber Room . 2. Praise the best group in this class . 3. Assign the

23、 homework . Surf the internet to look for more information about the Amber Room . Use your imagination to make up a story about the lost Amber Room . 4教学目标 1.Target language Key words: trial, eyewitness, consider, prove,evidence, treasure,explode,entrance,sailor, mystery maid. 2. Ability goals Enabl

24、e students to get the main idea after listening to a short passage. Enable students to get the detailed information after listening to a short passage. Enable students to find the anwers to the questions after reading a short passage. 3. Learning ability goals Help students learn how to tell a fact

25、from an opinion. 5学情分析 Students of senior one have some skills of listening and reading ,but their skills need improving. 6重点难点 Important skills :listening and reading skills. 教学目标 1. 让学生掌握单词前缀后缀的一般规律、形近词的用法以及一词多义的现象 2. 创造性地运用重点词汇表达自己的想法 3. 激情投入,享受学习英语的快乐 2学情分析 高三学生由于词汇记忆量大,且学习压力大,存在单词遗忘较快的现象。教师除了要求

26、学生掌 握单词外,还应帮助学生掌握记忆单词的方法,培养词汇学习策略,提高记忆单词的效率,为后 期的学习打下坚实的基础。 3重点难点 1.掌握形近词的用法; 2.创造性地运用重点词汇表达自己的想法。 4教学过程 4.1第一学时 4.1.1新设计 教学过程教学过程 教学步骤教学步骤 To promote students creativity. 6. Show time (3 mins) Ask students to tell stories using 3 words Present their stories orally To offer students a chance to air

27、their own ideas; To improve the ability of oral expression 7. Summari ze (2 mins) Summarize the three parts on the blackboard To encourage students to make challenges into strengths 板书设计板书设计 Vocabulary ChallengesStrengths Prefix and suffix Similar words Polysemy loading. 设为首页 我的收藏 登录 注册 首页 新闻 资源 中高考

28、 网校 慕课 超市 活动 社区 更多 全国 首页 优课展示 排行榜 我晒的课 我的 已晒 7374620 课本年度 4326380 课 我要晒课 高中英语 人教 2003 课标版 必修 2 Warming up、Pre-reading、Reading、Comprehending WarmingWarming upup、Pre-readingPre-reading 高中英语 人教 2003 课标版 2015 年度 张永利 指导教师:无 地区:云南省 - 玉溪市 - 华宁县 学校:华宁县第一中学 发布时间:2016-07-20 10:07 云南省省级优课 0.0 分(0 人) 教学设计 课堂实录

29、教学资源 我要点评 共1学时 1教学目标 . To help students learn to read an interview about the Olympic Games. 2. To train the students reading ability. 3. To help students better understand“the Olympic spirit” 4. To train the students ability to cooperate with others. 2学情分析 Train the students reading abilityskimming

30、and scanning. 3重点难点 Describe the Olympic Games and master reading skills. 4教学过程 4.1第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动 1【导入】Step1.Leadin Enjoy some wonderful moments in a clip which took place in the 2008 Olympic Games to lead in the topic: the Olympic Games. 活动 2【活动】Step2Prereading Have a quiz: Who knows the most ab

31、out the Olympic Games? Who is the best competitor ? Five Rings Flag(Students activities: five students to put each ring on the blackboard, each color stands for each continent. The five rings stand for the friendship of five continents.) Blue=Europe Black=Africa Red=America Yellow=Asia Green=Oceania

32、 the main stadium of the 2008 Olympic Games? bird nestwater cube 3).When and where were the Games first held? A.1896 in AthensB.1906 in New YorkC. In Greece in 776 BC 4).When did the ancient Olympic Games stop? 393 ADB.393 BCC.1896 AD 5).When and where were the first modern Olympic Games held? A.198

33、6 in SydneyB.1896 in AthensC.1698 in New York 6). How often are the Olympic Games held? A. Every three yearsB. Every Four yearsC. Every Five years 7). The three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games are_ A. faster, higher and further B. better, healthier and higher C. faster, stronger and

34、better 活动 3【活动】Step3ReadingAnInterview 1. Skimming Task1. Skim the reading passage and conclude: What are they mainly talking about? _ _ 2. Scanning Task2. Read the passage carefully and find out the similarities and differences between the ancient and modern Olympics.(Students activities: Group wor

35、k, discuss with partners and write down the answers on a piece of paper, and then exchange their paper to correct the answers.) Similarities Task3. Read the passage carefully and tell the statements true from false.(Students activities: reading the passage, five minutes later, each group chooses one

36、 student to answer to the question, if the statement is true, show us the gesture “Ok”,if it is false () 1. The olive wreath has been replaced by money.() 2. The Olympics were not always held in Greece 2000 years ago.() 3. Pausania is surprised to know that women are to take part in the modern Olymp

37、ic Games.() 4. Horse riding events belong to the Winter Olympics.() 5. The village built for Olympic athletes is made up of a main reception building, several stadiums and a gymnasium.() 6. 2012 Olympics will be held in London.() 活动 4【测试】Step4.PostreadingSummary(Experienceafter cl Pausanias and Li Y

38、an are talking about the _(similar) and differences between the ancient and modern Olympics. The Ancient Olympic Games were first held in Athens, in_ only men from the Greece had the right/hornor _ (compete). The champions were awarded olive wreaths _ prizes. The modern Olympics _ (start) in 1896. F

39、rom then on, athletes from all over the world have come to take part in the games every four years. There are two sets of Games-only athletes reach the standard _ (admit) to the games. There are over 250 sports. To host all the competitors, _special village is usually built, with a stadium, a very l

40、arge swimming pool, a gymnasium as well as seats for those who watch the_ (game). The winners of the first three places _ (award) gold, silver and bronze medals. The motto of the Olympic Games is: _ (swift), Higher and Stronger. Step 4 Homework 1. Prepare for a class discussion: Why do many countrie

41、s want to host the Olympic Games? Find out the important language points. 活动 5【作业】Step5Emotionalpromotioneducation Step 5 Emotional promotion/education All the students listen to a song named Go Beyond Our Dreams. Everyone has their own dreams, to realize our dreams, we should: Believe in ourselves

42、and go beyond our dreams by actions. loading. 设为首页 我的收藏 登录 注册 首页 新闻 资源 中高考 网校 慕课 超市 活动 社区 更多 全国 首页 优课展示 排行榜 我晒的课 我的 已晒 7374620 课本年度 4326380 课 我要晒课 高中英语 人教 2003 课标版 必修 2 Learning about Language LearningLearning aboutabout LanguageLanguage 高中英语 人教 2003 课标版 2015 年度 黄嘉敏 指导教师:无 地区:广东省 - 阳江市 学校:阳江市第三中学 发布

43、时间:2016-10-11 11:35 广东省省级优课 0.0 分(0 人) 教学设计 课堂实录 教学资源 我要点评 共1学时 1Analysisofstudents 1. Students are so poor in English that they have little interest in English. They lack skills of reading and writing, especially the latter. 2. Students have understood reading about the Olympic Games in Unit 2, kno

44、w the spirit of Olympic Games and learn some key vocabulary in this unit. 3. Students have learned the passive voice. 4. Students have great enthusiasm in the Olympic Games and look forward to the following school sports meeting, on which they are going to make an advertisement. 2Analysisofteachingc

45、ontent Unit 2 is about The Olympic Games. With the background of 2016 London Olympic Games, students must have been interested in it. Having already learnt the vocabulary in Unit 2, students can use the words to make simple sentences. Students have learnt the future tense and the passive voice befor

46、e, and based on them, students will easily master the future passive voice, but they may have difficulty in using it. 3Importantpointanddifficultpoint Teaching important point:The basic concept and structure of the future passive voice. Teaching difficult point:How to use the future passive voice in

47、 real situation. 4Teachingmethods inductive method, exercises, 5Teachingpreparation a classroom with multi-media, PPT, textbook, exercises. 6教学过程 6.1第一学时 6.1.1TeachingObjectives 1. Know the concept and structure of the future passive voice by reviewing future tense. 2. Understand the future passive

48、voice and try to use it in real situation, such as write an advertisement for our school sports meeting. 3. Be more interested in using different patterns in describing a future event, and have more desire for school sports meeting. 6.1.2Teachingimportantpoint The basic concept and structure of the

49、future passive voice 6.1.3Teachingdifficultpoint How to use the future passive voice in real situation. 6.1.4Assessmentdesign Students are interested in the Olympic Games and they are quickly involved in class. The teaching plan is according with students level. The design of exercises is from easy

50、aspects to hard part. The teaching objectives have achieved on time. 6.1.5教学活动 活动 1【导入】Thefuturetense Q do you think so? S: Yes. T: Now, lets look at the picture coming from the ancient country. T: Class, it is obvious that the two pictures tell us a magical legend. Do you know what happened to the


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