Module 2 My family, my friends and me-4 My friends-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-沪教版三年级上册英语(编号:8116b).zip

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We study together. 我们一起学习 Were friends. We work together. 我们一起工作 Were friends. We have new friends. We play together. Who are they? Meet new friends 认识新朋友 王宝强 郑恺 邓超 t-a-l-lt-a-l-l b-all ball c-all call m-all mall th-i-nth-i-n th-i-ckth-i-ck Hes _.(tall/ short/ fat/ thin)tall Look and say Hes _.(tall/ short/ fat/ thin)short Hes _.(tall/ short/ fat/ thin)fat Shes _.(tall/ short/ fat/ thin)thin Lets chant. Tall, tall, tall. Make myself tall. Tall, tall, tall. Make myself tall. Short, short, short. Im not short. Short, short, short. Youre not short. Fat, fat, fat. Are you fat? No, no, no. Im not fat. Thin, thin, thin. He is thin. Thin, thin, thin. She is thin. Task 1 Guess the name 根据背影猜人物 This is _. Hes/ Shes _. (tall/ short/ fat/ thin) This is Li Chen. Hes tall. Hes strong. Hes Big Black Cattle. This is Wang Zulan. Hes short. Hes fun. (有趣的) This is Zheng Kai. Hes handsome.(帅气的) Hes cool. He can run fast. This is Chen He. Hes fat. He likes to eat. This is Deng Chao. Hes friendly. (友爱的) This is Angelababy. Shes thin. Shes beautiful. Shes lovely. ( 可爱的) She can dance. This is Wang Baoqiang. Hes strong. He can play Kung Fu.(功夫) Task 2 Whos Peters friend? 前往Happy School找朋友 Happy School Read and answer Whos Peters friend? Whos Alices friend? Whos tall? Whos thin? Alice is thin./ Shes thin. Shes Kitty. Hes Joe. Joe is tall. / Hes tall. Read and say ThisThis is is . Hes/ShesHes/Shes Task 3 Find your friends in the class 根据线索找出对应的同学或老师 Shes tall. Shes lovely. She can play the piano. 弹钢琴 Shes _. Hes short. Hes handsome. He can sing very well. Hes _. Shes thin. Shes beautiful. She can dance. She is our new friend. (新朋友) Shes _. Task 3 Find your friends in the class 根据线索找出对应的同学或老师 Shes thin. Shes lovely. Shes friendly. (友爱的) She can sing very well. Shes _. Hes short. Hes handsome. He likes crafts.( 做手工) Hes _. Shes a teacher. Shes thin. Shes beautiful. She likes to read. She likes to write. She likes to travel. (旅行) Shes _. Shes a teacher. Shes lovely. Shes young. She can speak English very well. Shes _. Task 4 How is your friend? 请你说说你的朋友 fat thin tall short strong handsome cool beautiful play together 一起做游戏 help each other 互相帮助 share together 一起分享 learn together 一起学习 draw together 一起绘画 work together 一起劳动 smile together 一起欢笑 grow up together 一起成长 We are friends! 3A3A ModuleModule 2 2 UnitUnit 4 4 MyMy friendsfriends 【教材分析教材分析 UnitUnit Analysis】Analysis】 3B M2U4 的教学主题是 My friends.以“friends”为话题,牛津教材注重语言知识和 技能发展上的叠加式积累与增长。因此,在进行教学设计之前,需要对各个年级同一模块下 的学习内容进行梳理,明确学生在 My friends , my family and me 这个主题下需要掌握 哪些知识以及怎样打好基础为目标,为四,五,六年级这一模块的学习做好铺垫。 从横向上来说,在本模块主题下,共有三个单元。Unit 4 My friends,学会对自己朋 友的外形进行简单描述;Unit 5 My family,要求学生了解自己的家庭,并初步构建 family tree 的家族概念;Unit 6 Me,学生不仅要学会人的五官,还要对自己的五官进行 描述。 本单元共有 4 个页面,在对教材进行梳理、统整之后,立足 friends 本身所包含的情感 元素,设计出 Finding friendsMeeting friends-Making friends 的情感体验历程梯度, 并进行了三课时的教学。 【语言任务语言任务 TasksTasks】 1.学习各种外形的单词:tall, short, fat ,thin 2.学会描述朋友的外形:This is ;He /She is my friend;He/She is (tall, short, fat ,thin). 3.能从姓名、外形以及人的五官等方面介绍朋友 4.能够以书面或口头的方式介绍朋友。 【语言知识语言知识 LanguageLanguage FocusFocus】 1、掌握本单元的核心词汇:tall, short, fat, thin, friend, this etc. 2、能用 This is(name) ,Hes/Shes(adj.)介绍朋友。 【课时划分课时划分 Periods】Periods】 第一课时:Finding friends 第二课时:Meeting friends 第三课时:Making friends UnitUnit 4 4 MyMy FriendsFriends PeriodPeriod 1 1 ContentsContents 3A Module 2 Unit 4 My friends(Period 1) AboutAbout Language:Language: 1. Grasping the words of peoples characters: tall, short, fat and thin. 2. Mastering the sentence pattern “This is .Hes my friend. Hes .” “This is . Shes my friend. Shes ” 3. Organizing some activities to strength the use of the key sentences. TeachingTeaching AimsAims AboutAbout Skills:Skills: 1. Be able to understand and speak the words of characters. 2. Be able to use the sentence to describe friends. AboutAbout Emotions:Emotions: Teach the students to cherish the friendship. KeyKey PointsPoints 1. Be able to speak the words of characters correctly. 2. Be able to use the key sentences. DifficultDifficult PointsPoints 1. Mastering the pronunciation and intonation of the new words. 2. Be able to ask the questions correctly and be able to answer the questions. TeachingTeaching MethodsMethods Communicative Approach Task-based teaching approach TeachingTeaching AidsAids a multimedia computer ACTIVITIESACTIVITIES TeachingTeaching ProcedureProcedure PRE-TASKPRE-TASK PREPARATIONPREPARATION TeachersTeachers ActivitiesActivitiesStudentsStudents ActivitiesActivitiesPurposePurpose 1. Warming up Look and say We study together. We work together. Were friends. 图片导入,引 入一起学习、 一起工作的朋 友的定义。 听听说说,引 2. Ask and answer Answer the questions and introduce Running Man. 3. Introduce Running Man one by one. There are seven people in the group. We meet some of them. 入本课主人公 Running Man, 带领学生进入 情境。 引入 Running Man 的各位成 员,为下面的 新授做铺垫。 WHILE-TASKWHILE-TASK PROCEDUREPROCEDURE TeachersTeachers ActivitiesActivitiesStudentsStudents ActivitiesActivitiesPurposePurpose 1.Learn the new words by introducing the main character. 1)This is Li Chen. Hes tall. t-all b-all c-all m-all 2) Listen and do. Do the actions of being short and fat. 3)Learn:thin,compare the thin and thick to find the commons in pronouncing. 通过成员的 高矮胖瘦, 在语境中进 行单词教学 结合描述, 训练学生语 段输出的能 力 通过说一说, 做一做 学习新单词, 使学生学习 兴趣高。 4)look and say Describe the characters by using the new words in new sentences. 运用已经学 过的句型操 练新授单词。 通过游戏激 发学生的学 习兴趣,同 时初步感知 句型,为下 面的学习做 好语言铺垫。 将核心单词 和句型融入 Chant,寓 教于乐,进 一步巩固核 心单词和句 6)Chant it. Review the old language and use the new word. 2.Finish Task 1 Guess the name by using the new sentences. During this time, students are access to more words to describe their friends. 型。 任务型教学, 层层驱动。 拓展词汇, 为学生的学 习设计坡度, 丰富语言的 输入。 3.Finish Task 2 Listen and answer whos Peters friend? 4.Read and answer. Students read the text by themselves and find 先听后学, 使学生养成 良好的听音 模仿的习惯。 听后回答问 题,及时反 馈听力效果, 提高学生有 效获取信息 的能力。 角色扮演, 学生在情境 中操练语言; 同时,也调 动学生参与 活动的积极 性。 more information. 5.Read and say. Let Ss have a clear idea about the dialogue. 6.Read the dialogue loudly Act it out POST-TASKPOST-TASK ACTIVITYACTIVITY TeachersTeachers ActivitiesActivitiesStudentsStudents ActivitiesActivitiesPurposePurpose Read and guess Find friends in our class. Students can understand the short passage. 9. Make a dialogue Discuss in groups Try to say in groups about your friends. 自读文本,猜 测人物,学生 提高学生的阅 读能力。 举一反三,鼓 励学生积极交 流。活学活用, 通过变换操练, 创设比较真实 的情景,让语 言操练与学生 的实际生活有 机结合。 10.Look and enjoy. Enjoy pictures about sharing and helping. Friendship is so important. 检验学生写的 能力。 体验感知,提 升情感。 BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesign This is _. Hes _. Shes_.
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