Module 4 The world around us-10 Numbers-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-沪教版三年级上册英语(编号:00095).zip

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1010 NumbersNumbers Donald Duck Hello, boys and girls. Im Mr Donald. Today, I have three tasks for you. If you can finish them, you will get a chance to take an adventure in the jungle. (如果你能完成三项任务, 你可以获得一次去丛林探险的机会 ) What can you hear from the song? 从歌曲里你能听见了什么? One apple, two apples, three apples, four, Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more, Eight apples, nine apples, ten apples, all. One _, two _s, three _s, four, Five _s, six _s, seven _s, more, Eight _s, nine _s, ten _s, all. 游戏规则: 10个同学跟节奏转 圈圈,听老师喊数字, 按照数字和身边的同学 拥抱在一起,落单的淘 汰。 Were waiting for the bus. We cant see the number on the bus. Can you help us? 62 5 93 8 47 1 58 3 Heres our bus. Thank you! 79 43 2 1 1. 444 333 222 1?1 2. 155 145 135 1?5 3. 146 157 168 1? 4. 765 654 543 ?2 S1: Hello,. S2: Hello,. S1: How are you ? S2:. S1: Look! How many.? S2:. How many.? Numbers around us Road numbersPhone numbersQQ numbers Car numbersRoom numbers Birthday cake 1.Copy new words: one-ten. 2. Do a survey: Ask your friends: How many? 用“How many?”调查身边物品的数量。 Things(物品)物品)Number 任选其一 1 学科(版本)学科(版本) 英语英语 年级年级 三年级三年级 课课 题题Unit 10 Numbers章节章节 Period 1 备课时间备课时间 2018 年 11 月 14 日星期三教师教师 教材分析教材分析 本单元主要是关于 one-ten 这十个数字的学习,学会使用 how many 来问, 教师要借助多媒体教学辅助手段,为学生创设生动有趣的英语学习情境,逐 步学习新单词。 学情分析学情分析 数字学习是很枯燥的,老师要通过创设各种情境让学生们感知这些数字,用 多媒体呈现不同场景,让同学们在熟悉的语境中学会这些数字。在任务型练 习过程中,帮助学生操练巩固新词新句。激发学生积极学习英语的兴趣,培 养学生思维能力和细心的品质。 教学目标教学目标 1、 学生能准确认读 110 数字单词。 2、 学生能规范书写单词 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 3、激发学生积极学习英语的兴趣,培养学生思维能力。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 学生能准确朗读并识记所有单词,在任务型练习中熟练说出每个单词。 2. 单词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten。 教学准备教学准备教学光盘,ppt 课时安排课时安排 Period 1 教学环节教学环节教学内容教学内容师生活动师生活动媒体使用媒体使用二次修改二次修改 一、一、Pre-Pre- tasktask preparationpreparation s s 1、Creating a situation:Hel lo, boys and girls. Im Mr 2 2 2、While-While- tasktask proceduresprocedures Donald. Today, I have three tasks for you. If you can finish them, you will get a chance to take an adventure in the jungle.。 2、播放数字英 文儿歌,学生聆 听,初步感知 110 数字单词 的读音。 1、Look and learn.看数字, 学单词。 依次出示单词卡 片 1one 2 two 3three 4four 5 five 2、 Play a game: Hug in number 3、 Learn numbers: six, seven, eight, nine, ten。 4、 Chant together 5、 Task 1:Make a new chant by yourself. 6、 Read and find the correct numbers T:What can you hear from the song? T:Look at this apple. What number is it? S1:One. T:Listen to the music Twothree T:One apple, two apples, three apples, four, Five apples, six apples, seven apples, more, Eight apples, nine apples, ten apples, all 3 三、三、Post-Post- tasktask activitiesactivities 7、 Task 2:Help the Old people find their car. 8、 Task 3: Make a dialogu 1.Walking in the jungle. 2.Find more numbers in life. T:There are two old people. They cant find their bus. Lets help them. Ok? Ss:Ok. 板书设计板书设计 Unit10 Numbers 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 课后作业课后作业 1.Copy new words 2.Do a survey.
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