Module 4 The world around us-12 The four seasons-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-沪教版三年级上册英语(编号:8006c).zip

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Module 4 The world around us TheThe fourfour seasonsseasons 12 Oxford English Period 1 spring summer autumn winter Spring,Spring, spring,spring, springspring is is warmwarm. . Summer,Summer, summer,summer, summersummer is is hothot. . Autumn,Autumn, autumn,autumn, autumnautumn is is coolcool. . Winter,Winter, winter,winter, winterwinter is is coldcold. . Summer,Summer, summer,summer, summersummer is is hothot. . swim eat watermelon eat ice creams Autumn,Autumn, autumn,autumn, autumnautumn is is coolcool. . I like . s Winter,Winter, winter,winter, winterwinter is is coldcold. . make a snowman make a snowball Spring,Spring, spring,spring, springspring is is warmwarm. . f l y fly a kite InIn spring,spring, it it is is warm.warm. InIn summer,summer, it it is is InIn autumn,autumn, it it is is InIn winter,winter, it it is is cold.cold. InIn spring,spring, it it is is warm.warm. InIn summer,summer, it it is is InIn autumn,autumn, it it is is InIn winter,winter, it it is is cold.cold. In spring, it is warm. In summer, it is hot. In autumn, it is cool. In winner, it is cold. 1 1 Listen and read Page 58. 2 2 Copy the words. spring summer autumn winter cool cold warm hot 3 3 Introduce a season and talk about your favorite season. 沪教版牛津小学英语3A Unit 12 Period 1 UnitUnit 1212 PeriodPeriod 1 1 英语公开课 一、教学目标、教学目标 知识目标: 1、学生会认读会运用单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter. 2、学生会认读会运用单词:warm, cold, hot, cool. 3、学生会运用句型 In xxx(season), it is +adj.(描写季节 的单词) 4、能在教师引导下使用拓展词汇和扩展句型。扩展词汇: fly a kite, make a snowman, go swimming, go hiking 等; 拓 展句型:What can I do ? I can 能力目标: 1、通过单词,歌曲和对话的学习培养学生说英语的语感和习惯; 并能用所学的知识进行交流和表达;能利用有关的季节单词和 句子叙述和介绍自己喜欢的季节。 2、培养学生利用网络资源的能力,学生间自主学习和合作学习 的能力。借助网络这个平台把网络知识和英语学科进行整合的 基本能力。 3、通过自主说,两两对话和小组活动等形式使学生的听、说及 口语交际的能力得到逐步的提高。通过网络的“拓展听”培养 学生提取信息的能力和综合语言的运用能力。 情感目标: 通过本课的学习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生热爱和 保护环境的意识。借助网络资源的学习激发学生用科技爱科学 的热情。在学生两两交流和小组合作交流中,培养孩子合作学 习的意识,激发学生学习兴趣,实现“趣能”两得。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: Vocabulary: spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, cool, hot, cold. Key Structure: In xxx, its xxx. 三、教学准备:三、教学准备:教学卡片,多媒体 四、教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup Sing a song :The Seasons StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1教师展示 spring 的图片,并描绘出 spring 的特点,学生猜。 教师导语: We know , there are four seasons in a year, and show them a picture of spring , and say : This is the first season , the trees and the grass are green , we can fly a kite , What season is it ? Can you guess ? 2 2依次呈现新单词:spring , summer, autumn , winter , warm, cool, hot, cold ; 并引出新句型:In xxx, its xxx. 3 3师生示范,然后 Pair work 。 T: What season is it ? S: ItsIn xxx, its xxx. 4 4小组反馈。 5 5进一步深化。 设计意图:图片有助于学生的理解,用猜谜的形式学习新单词可以设计意图:图片有助于学生的理解,用猜谜的形式学习新单词可以 激发学生的学习兴趣,同时引出两个新句型。激发学生的学习兴趣,同时引出两个新句型。 StepStep 3 3 播放歌曲,巩固新单词播放歌曲,巩固新单词 为学生播放一首歌曲,巩固新单词: In spring, it is warm_. In summer, it is hot. In autumn, it is cool. In winter, it is cold. StepStep 4 4 网络资源的学习网络资源的学习 播放资源并提出问题:Which season do you like ? T: Which season do you like , children ? S1: I like spring . In spring , I can fly a kite . S2: I like winter . In winter , I can skate , I can make a snowman . S3: I dont like winter . Its cold . I like summer . summer , I can go swimming . S4: I dont like summer . Its hot . I like autumn . In autumn , I can go hiking with my mom and dad . StepStep 6 6 SingSing a a songsong :The:The SeasonsSeasons 设计意图:巩固新知,设计意图:巩固新知, 活跃课堂气氛。活跃课堂气氛。 设计意图:学习的资源都是精心选过的,与本节课内容紧密相连,设计意图:学习的资源都是精心选过的,与本节课内容紧密相连, 巩固学生学习。巩固学生学习。 四、作业设计:四、作业设计: a) 听读录音 10 分钟 b) 抄写四季单词四英一中 c) 预习 Say and act 五、板书设计:五、板书设计: Module 4 Unit 12 The four seasons In _, it is _. In _, it is _. In _, it is _. In _, it is _. 六、教学反思:六、教学反思: 在本节课中,我运用了以信息化手段为主的多种教学手段,不 仅有力地支持了学生对知识意义的建构、解决问题和完成学习任务, 而且明显地提升了学生学习的水平,体现出了信息技术在创建理想 的教学环境、提高教学的质量和效益和全新的教学方式与学习方式 方面的关键性作用。实现一种既能发挥教师主导作用又能充分体现 学生主体地位的以“自主、探究、合作”为特征的新型教与学方式, 这样就可以把学生的主动性、积极性、创造性较充分地发挥出来, 使传统的以教师为中心的课堂教学结构发生根本性变革,从而使学 生的创新精神与实践能力培养的目标真正落到实处。但本课仍有一 些不足之处,我将会在今后的教学中注意改进。
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