Module 3 Places and activities-7 At school-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:d58c5).zip

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school 7 Module 3 Places and activities At school 学习目标学习目标(Learning Aims) : 1.能能听、说、读、写学校和场馆的五个单词。听、说、读、写学校和场馆的五个单词。 2.能正确熟练的朗读课文。能正确熟练的朗读课文。 3.主动与小组同伴互相帮助,克服困难。主动与小组同伴互相帮助,克服困难。 playgroundThere is(有)(有)a libraryThere is a There is an office. computer room Quick response (快速用英语说出你看到的场所快速用英语说出你看到的场所) playground office librarycomputer room 自学提示:自学提示: Listen carefully, and circle the strange words. ( 认真听录音,认真听录音, 不会的单词不会的单词.)圈出圈出 自学提示:自学提示: Listen and follow ( 模仿录音,跟读课文模仿录音,跟读课文, 注意新单词的发音和注意新单词的发音和 句子的语音语调句子的语音语调) (要求:互帮互助,小组成员轮流领读课文要求:互帮互助,小组成员轮流领读课文) Read in groups, and help each other. 自学提示:自学提示: 自己小声读课文两遍,划出自己小声读课文两遍,划出“Theres” “There are”的句子。的句子。 1.We have a computer room. There are many computers in it. 2.This is our library. There are many books in it. 3.Theres a big playground in our school. We can run and play there. Theres=There is 我用我用am,你用你用are, is连着他,她,它。连着他,她,它。 单数单数名词用名词用 is, 复数复数名词全用名词全用are. Lets review 1.There _ a library . 2.There _ many books. is ar e 用用is ,are 填空。填空。 1. There _ a library. 2. There _ an office. 3. There _ 2 playgrounds. 4. There _ 10 desks. 5. There _ many computers. is is are are are 选择填空。 is are Welcome to our_. Can you remember?(你还记得吗?)你还记得吗?) This is the teachers _. Look! Miss Fang is _ now. We have a _ room. There are many _ in it. This is our _. There are many _ in it. Theres a big _in our school. We can run and play there. 仿照课文,每人选择一个场所介绍我们的学校。仿照课文,每人选择一个场所介绍我们的学校。 Welcome to our school. This is our . There is a .in my school. There are it. A.A.ReadRead andand reciterecite “Listen“Listen andand say”say” onon pagepage 3 34 4. . (熟练朗读并复述课文(熟练朗读并复述课文3434页)页) B.B.IntroduceIntroduce ourour schoolschool toto youryour parentsparents in in EnglishEnglish. . ( (用英语向你的爸爸妈妈介绍我们的学校)用英语向你的爸爸妈妈介绍我们的学校) 1 Unit 7 At school Period 1 Teaching content:上海教育出版社 义务教育教科书 英语(三年级起点)4 年级上 册 P34 Teaching aims: 1.听、说、读、写学校和学校场馆的六个单词。 2.能用已学 句型简单描述学校设施及功能。 Teaching key points:1.词汇:school,classroom,library,office,playground 2.句型 There is .There are. Teaching difficult point: Be 动词 is,are 的选用。 Eg:There is a playground and a library in our school. There are many classrooms and a hall in our school . Teaching aids:multi-media cards Teaching procedures: warm-up aHelp students calm down. bI say,you do : one two three four Jump jump jump Run run run Clap your hands Wave your Arms Stamp your feet Shake your body 【Do with the pop music,chant 能很快把学生带到课堂,enjoy our English class】 Lead-in 展示学校图片,显示正门及学校名称,引出课题 T:Do you know this place? S:This is our school 出示学习目标 Presentation 1 通过学校场所照片依次学习 playground,office,library,school T:library,There is a library.(渗透句型) T:Can you find the key sentences? (通过比对,让学生了解 There be 的含义,并知道何时用 is ,何时 are.) .Practice 1 2 a .Quick response: 快速出示卡片,大声说出相应的单词 1 b. Instant memory: 让学生仔细观察,快速说出出示单词。 .Presentation 2 a Listen carefully, and circle the strange words. . b.模仿录音,跟读课文模仿录音,跟读课文, 注意新单词的发音和句子的语音语调)注意新单词的发音和句子的语音语调) c.Read in groups, and help each other d.自己小声读课文两遍,划出自己小声读课文两遍,划出“Theres” “There are”的句子。的句子。 There be 句型表示有。句型表示有。 .Practice 2 a. I can do. 1. There _ a banana. 2. There _ an office. 3. There _ 2 playgrounds. 4. There _ 10 desks. 5. There _ a blackboard b. Can you remember? c.仿照课文,每人选择一个场所介绍我们的学校。仿照课文,每人选择一个场所介绍我们的学校。 【这是对所学知识的反馈,要求学生合作学习,共同完成任务,在活动中培养协作精 神和竞争意识,发展综合运用语言的能力和人际交往智力,并享受成功的喜悦。】 .Homework a.Read and recite “Listen and say” on page 34. (熟练朗读并复述课文 34 页) b.Introduce our school to your parents.
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