Module 3 Places and activities-9 At home-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:90040).zip

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Module 3 Places and activities Unite 9 At home 课时三课时三 教学重点教学重点: 词汇: floor, angry 句型: Where is the plate now? It is on the floor. 教学栏目教学栏目: Enjoy a story 教学目标教学目标: 1.通过阅读故事 Where is my fish? 和反复练习,了解故事大意,巩固核心句 型。 2.通过学习任务(Task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识。 教学过程:教学过程: Pre-task preparations: 1.出示同一物品在不同地方的图片,如一只猫在桌子下方、在椅子上、在床上、 在箱子里等,提问并让学生说出该物品的位置。 2.出示 Enjoy a story 的挂图,指着图 5 并介绍,引出故事人物。 也可通过提问激发学生的阅读兴趣。 While-task procedures: 1.将学生分成四人一组,把复印好的 Enjoy a story 的五张图片分发给每组学 生,让学生先浏览图片,随后教师朗读故事两遍,要求学生根据故事内容的先 后顺序,给图片排序,在每张图片的左上角编号。 2.播放课文录音,学生模仿跟读。然后根据图片提问,帮助学生进一步理解故 事内容。随后出事 floor, angry 的单词卡片,带领学生拼读单词。 3.将课本故事内容以五个片段形式分发给每位学生,要求学生先阅读每个片段 内容,随后根据故事图片进行内容配对。并试着给故事自拟题目。 Post-task activities: 1.将学生分成四人一组,设计并画出简易厨房图,并进行介绍。 将小组设计的厨房图贴在黑板上,组内成员在班级内进行介绍、交流;随后学 生自评,在自己认为最好的图上贴上笑脸图 “ ”或五角星图“ ” ;最后 选出班级最好的厨房设计图。 2.请学生带一张自己的卧室或家里卧室的照片。发给每个学生一张信息记录表, 请学生参考第二部分的问题在与同桌问答时记录同学卧室的信息。然后组织学 生在班级里以 Free talk 的形式把同桌的卧室介绍给其他同学;听介绍的同学 再次记录。最后,将第三部分作为回家作业,请每个同学写一段话,介绍同桌 卧室的情况。 家庭作业家庭作业: : 1.1. ReadRead thethe storystory onon StudentsStudents BookBook pagepage 44.44. 2.2. ActAct outout thethe storystory withwith youryour friends.friends. 3.3. CompleteComplete WorkbookWorkbook pagespages 25and25and 26.26. 板书设计板书设计: : Module 3 Place and activities Unite 9 At home Lesson 3 Where is my fish ? It is in Read and complete Name Mrs Brown is Ginger the cat is Ginger can jump. Now she is Where is the plate now? It is Ginger is Ginger is She is happy, but Mrs Brown is Module 4 The world around us At home 9 Module 3 Places and activities Oxford English Period 3 Whats in the box? Its a Where is it ? Its in/on/under/beside 1. Who is she? 2. Where is she? 1.Who is she? 2. Where is she? She is Mrs Brown. She is in the kitchen. Mrs Brown is . in her kitchen Ginger the cat is hungry. Whats her name? Im hungry. Wow! Fish! Where is Ginger? What can she see? How does Ginger feel? Ginger can _. Now she is on the table. jump What can she do? Where is Ginger? One, two,three. I can jump. Where is the plate now? It is on the floor. Ginger is under the chair. Its yummy! (美味的 ) Ginger is full. She is happy, but Mrs Brown is angry. Im full. Im happy. Where is my fish? Im angry ! I am . I am a cat. I can . Jump, jump, jump. Jump . Jump . Jump . Jump Mrs Brown. I can jump. Jump, jump, jump. Ginger jump on the chair on the table under the chair beside 语音清晰语音清晰 语调自然语调自然 语速适中语速适中 表达流畅表达流畅 表情丰富表情丰富 动作到位动作到位 Ginger the cat is _. Ginger can jump. Now she is _ _. Where is the plate now? It is _. Ginger is _. Ginger is . She is happy, but Mrs Brown is . Mrs Brown is her kitchen hungry on the table on the floor under the chair full angry 1.1. ReadRead thethe storystory onon StudentsStudents BookBook pagepage 44.44. 2.2. ActAct outout thethe storystory withwith youryour friends.friends. 3.3. CompleteComplete WorkbookWorkbook pagespages 25and25and 26.26.
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