Module 3 Places and activities-9 At home-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:10352).zip

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Module 4 The world around us At home 9 Module 3 Places and activities Oxford English Period 2 What do you like eating? What does your father/mother like to eat? Do you have a pet at home? What kind of pet is it? Ginger the cat is hungry. Where is Ginger? What can she see? How does Ginger feel? What can she do? Ginger can _. Now she is on the table. jump Where is the plate now? It is on the floor. Ginger is under the chair. Ginger is full. He is happy, but Mrs Brown is angry. Ginger: The fish is really nice! Thank you, Mrs Brown. Mrs Brown: You cant eat my fsh. You cant break my plate. Ginger: Im sorry! I am Ginger. I am a cat. I can jump. I can jump. Jump on the chair. Jump on the table. Jump under the chair. Jump beside Mrs Brown. Jump, jump, jump. I can jump everywhere! on beside under in TheThe catcat is is chasingchasing thethe mouse.mouse. J Ju udydya a p pu upilpil makemake mmu usicsicwithwith t tu ubesbes ReadRead thethe story.story. FillFill in in thethe blanks.blanks. ActAct outout thethe story.story. Ginger the cat is _. Ginger can jump. Now she is _. Where is the plate now? It is _. Ginger is _. Ginger is full. He is happy, but Mrs Brown is angry. Mrs Brown is the kitchen hungry on the table on the floorunder the chair 1.1. ReadRead thethe storystory onon StudentsStudents BookBook pagepage 44.44. 2.2. MakeMake a a storybookstorybook aboutabout Ginger.Ginger. 英语导学案英语导学案 课课 题:题:UnitUnit 9 9 AtAt homehome 主备教师:主备教师: 备课时间:备课时间: 所属学科:英语(所属学科:英语( 4A4A ) 学学 习习 目目 标标 1.通过故事 Where is my fish ? 和反馈练习,了解故事大意,巩固核心句型。 2.学习元音字母 u 在开音节中的发音。 自自自自 学主学主 指学指学 导习导习 1. 热身导入:Greeting T:Hello , boys and girls.Nice to meet you ? How are you ? Today we are going to have a new lesson.(指教学课件的标题) Its about “Where is my fish ?”.(板 书课题) 2. 温故知新:Ask and answer 3. 探究新知: Step1Step1.出示 Enjoy a story 图画引出故事人物。 T : Its Ginger,She is Mrs Browns cat.Look,Is she happy ?(No,She isnt.She is angry.) Step2.Step2.小组活动:学生浏览图片,自主朗读课文。小组活动:学生浏览图片,自主朗读课文。 Step3Step3. 播放课文录音,学生模仿跟读。随后出示 floor,angry 的单词卡片,带领学生拼 读单词。 Step4Step4.出示 Learn the sounds 的语音卡片,听录音模仿练习。 Step5Step5. 小组活动,再次朗读课文,可进行分角色朗读。 自交自交 学流学流 检展检展 测示测示 ShowShow timetime (Read(Read aloud)aloud) 要求:(表演者大声朗读课文,其他同学认真听,并进行必要记录。) 当拓当拓 堂展堂展 测延测延 评伸评伸 ThinkThink andand saysay Hello!Hello! ImIm Kitty.ThisKitty.This isis mymy kitchenkitchen .Its.Its n_andn_and c_.Tc_.T herehere _a_a tabletable inin thethe kitchenkitchen .There.There _six_six platesplates onon thethe tabtab le.Therele.There _a_a potatopotato inin thethe I I likelike mymy 堂课堂课 堂课堂课 清结清结 BoysBoys andand girls,Ok,girls,Ok, ClassClass isis over.over. Goodbye!Goodbye! 作作 业业 1.1.放学回家后,给家长朗读今天学到的小文章,并写下来。放学回家后,给家长朗读今天学到的小文章,并写下来。 课板课板 堂书堂书 反设反设 思计思计
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