Module 4 The world around us-12 Weather-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:0060a).zip

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LOGO 12 Weather Oxford English Module 4 The world around us LOGO Task: The weather Which season does like ? Hows the weather in ? What can do? LOGO Spring, spring, Nice and warm. Spring, spring, I like spring. LOGO Summer, summer, Sunny and hot. Summer, summer, I like summer. LOGO Autumn, autumn, Windy and cool. Autumn, autumn, I like autumn. LOGO Winter, winter, I like winter. Snowy and cold. I like winter. LOGO cold cool warm hot dry wet sunny rainy cloudy windy 1. In spring, it is _ and _. In spring, it is often _. 2. In winter, it is _ and dry. In winter, it is windy and _. 3. In summer, it is _ and wet. In summer, it is _. 4. In autumn, it is _ and _. In autumn, it is sunny and _. LOGO cold cool warm hot dry wet sunny rainy cloudy windy 1. In spring, it is warm and wet. In spring, it is often rainy. 2. In winter, it is cold and dry. In winter, it is windy and cloudy. 3. In summer, it is hot and wet. In summer, it is sunny. 4. In autumn, it is cool and dry. In autumn, it is sunny and windy. LOGO sunny Hows the weather in ? Its . LOGO LOGO Typhoon LOGO Four distinctive seasons (四季分明) LOGO 新疆谚语谚语 “早穿皮袄袄午穿纱纱,围围着火炉吃西瓜 Early afternoon wearing coats wearing yarn,weizhahulou eat watermelon. LOGO An email from Amy At Christmas, Jill receives an email from Amy. Here is the email. Hi Jill , Merry Christmas! How are you? In Australia, summer comes in December. And there is no snow at Christmas. The sun shines and shines, and it is very hot. We often go to the beach at Christmas. We go swimming and have a Christmas party. Its fun! I like Christmas very much. Look, here are two photos of Christmas. Can you see the balloons? Look at the stars on the Christmas tree! Theyre beautiful.How is your Christmas? Please write and tell me about it. Best wishes, Amy LOGO 1 Can Amy see snow at Christmas? 2 Hows the weather at Christmas? 3 What can you see in the photos? 4 What do Amy and her parents often do at Christmas? 5 Does Amy like Christmas? LOGO 1 Can Amy see snow at Christmas? No, she cant. 2 Hows the weather at Christmas? There is no snow at Christmas./ The sun shines and shines, and it is very hot. 3 What can you see in the photos? I can see some balloons and the stars on the Christmas tree. 4 What do Amy and her parents often do at Christmas? They often go to the beach at Christmas. They go swimming and have a Christmas party. 5 Does Amy like Christmas? Yes, she does. LOGO 1. Ask and answer about the four seasons. 2. Write an email to Betty. 3. Complete Workbook pages 68 and 71. Module 4 The world around us Unit 12 Weather 课时教学内容及目标 教学重点掌握本单元的四会单词与句型。 教学栏目Look and learn, Listen and enjoy & Listen and say 教学目标 知识目标:掌握四会单词与句型: cloud, cloudy, rain, rainy, sun, sunny, wind, windy Hows the weather today ? Its. 能力目标:1.能够用 Hows the weather today ? Its .描 述天气现象。 2. 通过 Listen and enjoy 的儿歌,帮助学生学 习日常用语。感受单元话题 情感目标:告诉孩子们要保护环境热爱大自然。 课时一 拓展内容snowy 教学重点 理解并熟读对话。复习五个元音字母在开音节和闭音节 中 的发音。 教学栏目Say and act, Draw and say & Review the sounds 教学目标 知识目标:1. 能够正确理解 Say and act 对话的内容。 2.复习五个元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的 发音。 能力目标:在不同的天气里,表达自己不同的情感。 情感目标:通过学习,培养学生热爱自然保护环境意识。 课时二 拓展内容seasons and weather Module 4 The world around us Unit12 Weather 【第一课时第一课时】Listen and say, Look and learn & Listen and enjoy( Page58,59, 61) 教学内容:教学内容:通过本课的学习, 学生可以掌握描述天气的词汇,并且能对天气状况进行 简单的交流。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标:知识目标:1. 掌握四会单词: cloud, cloudy, rain, rainy, sun, sunny, wind, windy 2. 掌握四会句型: Hows the weather today? Its rainy. 能力目标:能力目标: 1. 能够用英文描述描述天气的能力。 2. 积极运用所学语言进行信息交流,培养良好的语言表达能力。 情感目标:情感目标:通过本课的学习, 引导学生爱护环境,保护自然。培养学生探究意识和自 主学习能力。 重点难点重点难点: : 重点重点: 四会掌握本单元单词和句型。 难点:难点:不同天气里,做不同事情的正确表达。 教学准备教学准备: : 录音机、图片、卡片 教学过程:教学过程: ProceduresContentsMethodsPurpose二次备课二次备课 I. Pre-task preparation Warming up1. Greeting 2. Listen and enjoy the song (P61) Its sunny today. I take my cap. I take my cap when I go out to play. Its rainy today. I take my umbrella. I take my umbrella when I go out to play. 欣赏歌曲,活跃 课堂气氛。并为 本文所学词汇和 句型做铺垫,感 受单元话题。 II. While- task procedure 掌握四会单词: cloud, cloudy, rain, rainy, sun, sunny, wind, windy 熟练掌握 Hows the weather today ? Its 1. Show pictures. T: I have some pictures .Look, Whats this? Ss: Its a sun. T: The sun is shining. Hows the weather? Ss: Its sunny. 2. Read and spell the words sun / sunny. 3. Teach the other words rain/ rainy, cloud/cloudy, wind/ windy by the same way. 4. Ask and answer in pairs. 1)Hows the weather today? Its . 2) T: Its sunny and warm. I can ride my bike in the park. What can you do? S1: I can swim. S2: I can run. 5. Listen to the dialogue. 6. Ask and answer: 1) T: Hows the weather in P1? Ss: Its rainy. 2) S1: Hows the weather in P2? S2: Its windy. 3) S3: Hows the weather in P3? S4: Its warm and sunny. 4) S5: What can Kitty do? S6: She can run. 5) S7: What can Joe do? S8: He can ride his bike in the park. 通过图片和语言, 让学生理解新词 意思。 通过同桌对话, 练习巩固句型和 单词。 通过师生问答, 挖掘已有的语言 基础,丰富学生 谈论有关天气的 语言话题。 检查学生对所听 到内容的领会程 度,同时帮助学 生进一步在情境 中体会语言的魅 力。激励学生热 爱生活,热爱自 然。 通过练习让学生 自主理解句子的 意思。 III.Post-task activity Group work Sing a song Make language situation. Make and act the dialogue. Listen and enjoy. Learn to sing. 让学生们在愉快 的心情中获取知 识。 Homework基础:听读,指读Page59-58。 提高:描述在不同的天气里做不同的事情。 On Board Unit12 Weather Hows the weather ? Its sunny / rainy / cloudy / windy/ snowy. Looking back Module 4 The world around us Unit12 Weather 【第二课时第二课时】Say and act, Make and say & Review the sounds ( Page59-61 ) 教学内容教学内容: : 通过课文场景会话的学习,进一步帮助学生组织并运用语言,激发学生 热 爱生活热爱自然的情感。巩固元音字母在开闭音节中的发音规律。 教学目标教学目标: : 知识目标:知识目标:能够正确理解 Say and act 对话的内容。了解字元音母在单词中的发音。 能力目标:能力目标:在不同的天气里,表达自己不同的情感。 情感目标:情感目标:通过学习小故事,培养孩子热气自然的,保护自然的美德与情操。 重点难点重点难点: : 重点重点: : 能够正确理解 Say and act 对话的内容。了解元音母在单词中的发音。 难点:难点:在不同的天气里,正确表达自己不同的情感。 教学准备教学准备: : 录音机,卡片 教学过程:教学过程: ProceduresContentsMethodsPurpose二次备课二次备课 I.Pre-task preparation Warming up1.Listen and sing the song: 2. 将cloud, cloudy, rain, rainy, sun, sunny, wind, windy等 单 词卡片贴在黑板上,学生根据 给出的句型来介绍天气。It s. 欣赏歌曲,活跃 课堂氛围。 复习上节课内容, 与学生自由对话。 II.While-task procedure Say and act 1. Show the pictures about Say and act,then ask the students 通过听录音锻炼 学生听的能力。 Review the sounds: some questions. T: (point to P1) Who are they? S1: Theyre Kitty and Joe. T: Hows the weather today? S2: Its rainy. T: Does Kitty like the rain? S3: No, she doesnt. T: Why? S4: She cant play in the park. 2. Listen to the tape. 3. Read say and act, then check. T: Does Kitty like the rain? S1: No, she doesnt. T: Why? S2: She cant play in the park. . 4. Act the dialogue. 5. Show flashcards of Review the sounds Read and understand the sounds. 带着问题阅读短 文,更能帮助理 解短文内容。 通过听录音锻炼 学生听的能力。 通过提问检查他 们的理解程度。 让学生能在完成 本课学习内容的 同时,提高阅读 能力。 掌握元音字母在 开闭音节中的读 音。 III. Post-task activity Make and sayPair work 1: 1. Make a turntable. 2. Practice the sentences. Pair work 2: Make a conversation. 通过动手制作转 盘,提高学生课 堂积极性。 Homework基础:听读,指读 Page69-70。 提高:陈述小故事。 On BoardUnit12 Weather Hows the weather today? Its . a cake table jam hand e he she ten pen i kite bike pig pink o photo rose dog shop u pupil tube duck sun Looking back
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