Module 1 Getting to know each other-1 Growing up-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(编号:50845).zip

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Oxford English Period 1Period 1 Growing up 1 Module 1 Getting to know you 1 Yvoon English teacher Jian dong 33 tall/short hair (short) eyes (big) . I am . My . is . My . are . I was different many years ago. five I was . My .was. My .were. child/ little girl short lovely hair (short ) eyes (small) hands (small ) . 5 in the past I was . My .was. My .were. child/ little girl short lovely hair (short ) eyes (small) hands (small ) English teacher tall33 hands (big) eyes (big) Yvoon . now I am . My . is . My . are . As time goes on, I am growing up. growing up In the past, the tree _ small. was Now, it _ big. is growing up In the past, the bananas _ green. were Now, they _ yellow.are growing up In the past, they _ tadpoles (蝌蚪). wereNow, they _ frogs.are Task1. Listen and order 听录音,给图片排序 1 2 3 4 Task2: Listen and find the unknown words. (听录音,找出生词,写下来) Group work: 小组合作 1. Help each other to solve the problems. (互相帮助,共同解决生词) 2. Report the most difficult points. (组内解决不了的,请老师来帮忙) Task3. Listen and underline the key words 听录音,划出关键词语。 Age(年 龄龄) Status(身份 ) Appearance( 外貌特征) photo1 photo2 photo3 photo4 In Photo 1, Sally was a baby. She was about two months old. She was small and cute. In Photo 2, Sally was one year old. Her hair was short and her eyes were big. In Photo 3, Sally was about six years old. She was a primary school student. Now Sally is 14 years old. She goes to junior high school. She is tall and pretty. Her hair long. Task4. Listen read and complete 听录音,跟读并完成填空。 Task4. Listen read and complete 听录音,跟读并完成填空。 In Photo 1, Sally _ a baby. She was about _. She was _. In Photo 2, Sally was _. Her hair _ and her eyes _. In Photo 3, Sally was about _. She was a _. Now Sally _ 14 years old. She _ to junior high school. She is _ and _. Her hair _. In Photo 1, Sally was a baby. She was about two months old. She was small and cute. In Photo 2, Sally was one year old. Her hair was short and her eyes were big. In Photo 3, Sally was about six years old. She was a primary school student. Now Sally is 14 years old. She goes to junior high school. She is tall and pretty. Her hair long. Task4. Listen read and complete 听录音,跟读并完成填空。 Task5. Retell the text 看板书复述课文 In Photo1, Sally was . In Photo2, Sally was. Her . was . and her . were . In Photo3, Sally was Now, Sally is. Her . is . In Photo 1, Kitty was a baby. She was cute. She was about six months old. In Photo _, _ was a _. She/He was _. She/He was about _ old. Compare the photos and talk about them.(对比图片,用心学的句型描述他们) Growing up In the past NowIn the future was/wer e In the past, she was a baby . Her hands were small. am/is/are Now,she is a junior high school student. Her hands are big. will be In the future, she will be a teacher. am/is-was are- were verb s (动词 ) What does “growing up” mean? To be taller? To be stronger? To be smarter? Homework 1. 听课文,熟练朗读并背诵。 2. 找一些家人过去和现在的照片,用学到的语 言对照片进行描述。 Unit 1 Growing up Word box(请在下面横线上写书你不认得的单词吧!)请在下面横线上写书你不认得的单词吧!) Sentence box(请在下面横线上写出你认为重要的句子吧!)请在下面横线上写出你认为重要的句子吧!) - 1 year / short/baby 25 years/tall/basketball player This is _. In photo1, he was _. He _.His hands _. In photo2, he is _. He _. He _. His hands _. Photo1 Photo2 This is my _. In photo1, she/he was _. She/He was _.Her/His _ was/ were _. _ In photo2, she/he is _. She /He is _. Her /His _ is/are _. 活动二:找到家人过去和现在的照片,写写他们的样子吧! 活动一:看看这组照片,跟你的同伴介绍一下吧! Unit 1 Growing up Word box(请在下面横线上写书你不认得的单词吧!)请在下面横线上写书你不认得的单词吧!) Sentence box(请在下面横线上写出你认为重要的句子吧!)请在下面横线上写出你认为重要的句子吧!) - 6 years / short/primary school student 22 years/tall/singer This is _. In photo1, he was _. He _.His hair_. In photo2, he is _. He _. He _. His hair _. Photo1 Photo2 This is my _. In photo1, she/he was _. She/He was _.Her/His _ was/ were _. _ In photo2, she/he is _. She /He is _. Her /His _ is/are _. 活动二:找到家人过去和现在的照片,写写他们的样子吧! 活动一:看看这组照片,跟你的同伴介绍一下吧! 1 Unit1 Growing up 第一课时第一课时 1、设计意图设计意图 1. 本课是沪教版牛津英语 (三年级起点六年级上册)第一单元 第一课时。主要谈论 Sally 从婴儿,幼儿,小学生到中学生等不同成 长阶段在外貌特征,并引出一般过去时。本课以“成长”为话题, 让学生能够用一般过去时和一般现在时来介绍自己和朋友的成长过 程。 2. 本课采用任务型教学法,由易入难,生动有趣,层层递进。以 “成长”为主题,在学习课文的同时和学生共同构建思维导图,优 化文本信息,巧妙搭建语言支架。鼓励学生注重观察,大胆发言。 在对图片的描述过程中,感知课文,发展思维能力。 3. 挖掘教材资源,创设连贯的教学情景。课程伊始,通过对比教师 小时候和现在的照片,引出话题“成长” ,并巧妙的将此话题贯穿整 个教学活动,使学生在不断裂的,丰富的主题情景中,感受语言, 运用语言。 4. 激发兴趣。兴趣是学习的动力。因此我将激发学生的兴趣贯穿与 教学环节的始终。通过丰富的图片,和精美的视频让学生乐于参与, 在体验中学习。 2、教学目标教学目标 1. 语言能力:语言能力: 2 能听懂,会说,认读单词:month, cute, pretty, handsome, grow up 能听懂,会说,能认读句型:His /Her .was/were. 能听懂,会读课文,并能根据图片的提示复述课文。 能用 cute, handsome, pretty 和 His /Her .was/were. 描述某人在过去某个成长阶段的年龄和外貌特征。 能综合运用所学语言描述人在不同成长阶段的情况。 2. 思维品质:思维品质: 自主运用英语思维,描述某人的成长过程。 培养善于观察和比较的能力。 3. 学习能力:学习能力: 能在观察图片,听课文录音,观看视频等渠道的帮助下,进行信 息的提取和归纳总结。 能在思维导图的帮助下,结合已有的语言,运用所学达到有效的 输出。 4. 文化品格:文化品格: 理解各种事物成长的过程,接受成长中带来的变化,明确成长的方 向。 3 3、教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 能听懂,会说,认读单词:month, cute, pretty, handsome, grow up 能听懂,会说,能认读句型:His /Her .was/were. 能用 cute, handsome, pretty 和 His /Her .was/were. 描述某人在过去某个成长阶段的年龄和外貌特征。 教学难点:教学难点:在句型: His /Her .was/were.中根据名词的单复 数形式正确使用 was 或 were。 4、教学准备教学准备 PPT, 图片,学生练习纸 5、教学过程教学过程 StepsActivities Step1 Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Step2 Leading in 1. Self- introduction T: Today Im your new English teacher. My name is 4 Yvoon. Do you want to know something about me? (设计意图:教师介绍自己,并引导学生谈谈对教师 的印象,包括外貌特征等。激发学生已有的语言储备, 为后续课文学习建构语言基础。 ) T:But I was different in this photo.In the photo I was four years old. Can you say something about me in this photo? (设计意图:用教师小时候的照片,引出过去式 was。通过教师的描述,学生初步感知 was 的用法, 并引导学生用 was 来描述教师小时候。 ) T: You see. In the two photos, I was small. And now I am tall. As time goes on, I am growing up. (设计意图:通过两幅照片的对比,引出主题 growing up.) 2. T shows more pictures. T: children, in photo 1, the tree was small. Now it is big. How about this one? Step31. Listen and order T: Here are four photos about our friend Sally. Please 5 Presentationlisten and try to order the four pictures. (设计意图:听课文录音,整体感知文本。学生一边 观察图片,一边听录音帮助学生理解课文,再对图片 进行排序,检测学生对文本结构的掌握。 ) T: In photo 1, Sally was big or small?. (设计意图:引导学生观察图片,通过几幅图片的对 比,了解 Sally 成长的过程。并为后续学习建构语言 基础。 ) 2. Listen and find the unknown words T: Open your books and listen again, while listening, please underline the unkonwn words. After listening T: Please work in groups and try to solve the problems with each other and report me the most difficult points. (设计意图:再听课文,画出生难单词。小组合作, 互相帮助尝试解决疑难问题,让学生尝试自主学习与 合作学习。教师总结重难点,面向全班讲解,提高教 学效率。 ) 3. Listen and find the keywords. 6 T: Children, lets listen again. Then try to find some key words to describe Sally in each paragraph. (设计意图:通过听音跟读,尝试获取文本的关键信 息。 ) Step4 Practice 1. Listen and complete T: Children, please listen for the last time and try to complete the text. (设计意图:通过对文本的挖空练习,检测学生对文 本内容的掌握。 ) 2. Watch and read T:Lets watch the video and try to read after it. (设计意图:观看文本视频,模仿跟读。再次整体回 顾文本,加强语音语调的朗读。 ) 3. Retell the text T: Children, look at the blackboard. Can you talk about the growing up of Sally? (设计意图:观看板书复述课文,通过之前的语言建 7 构,达到有效的语言输出。 ) Step5 Consolidaton and Extension 1.Think and say T: Now lets look at the four pictures. In photo 1, Sally was a cute baby. She was about six months old. How about other photos? (设计意图:观察图片,运用所学语言知识用一般过 去时,介绍人物的年龄和身份或职业。 ) 2.Watch and say T: Children, here are some pairs of photos. Watch them carefully and work in groups to talk about them. (设计意图:观看图片,对比人物过去和现在的变化, 运用所学语言进行描述。 ) 3.Think and write T: Now you have talk about your photos. Try to write it down on your paper. (设计意图:在前面进行了充分的听说练习后,学生 们尝试运用所学语言知识构建一个简单的语篇,达到 8 语言能力的赔养。 ) T: Children, Sally tells me in the future, she will be a teacher. She wants to teach English like me. What would you like to be? (设计意图:拓展到将来时,说说自己的理想) Step6 Summary 1. Watch a mini video T: Children what have we learnt today? Lets see a video. (设计意图:通过微视频,帮助学生回顾本课重点。 ) 2. Talk about “growing up”. T: We have learnt “growing up”.Do you really understand what is growing up. Growing up means you will be stronger and smarter. But there may be some difficulties. We should work hard and be optimistic. (设计意图:通过对“成长”的讨论,理解成长的含 义,成长意味着改变,成长的过程中,我们可能会变 得更强,更聪明,更理智;但成长也会伴随着我们一 些困难。我们要做好充足的准备,努力的成长吧。 ) Step71. 听对话,熟练朗读并背诵。 2. 找一些家人过去和现在的照片,用一般过去时和 9 Assignment一般现在是分别描述他们的年龄,职业和外貌特征。 6、板书设计板书设计 Unit1 Growing up In the past Was/were Now am/is/are In the future will be Baby 2 momths Small cute 1 year Hair(short) Eyes(big) 6 years Primary school student 14 years Junior high school tall pretty Hair (long) Teacher .
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