Module 2 Relationships-4 Our neighbours-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(编号:b0b86).zip

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OurOur neighboursneighbours 4 Module 2 Relationships Period 2 Oxford English It looks lovely. It has two long ears and two red eyes . It sleeps at night. It has a short tail . It likes eating carrots. What is it ? It It is is a a rabbit.rabbit. It doesnt look lovely. It has two big eyes. It sleeps during the day. It can fly. It can catch mice. What is it? It is an owl. Read a story.swf 1.What was in the forest? 2.Where did the rabbits and the owl live? 3.Why were the rabbits tired and angry? 4.Was the owl a good neighbour? Why or why not? 5.Where do many rabbits sleep today? 1.What was in the forest? 2.Where did the rabbits and the owl live? 3.Why were the rabbits tired and angry? 4.Was the owl a good neighbour? Why or why not? 5.Where do many rabbits sleep today? 1.Read the story “A noisy neighbour”. 2.Finish Workbook pages 32and 33. Homework Our neighbours 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:1.帮助学生阅读故事吵闹的邻居 ,引导学生通过阅读 抓住关键信息,理解故事大意。 2.帮助学生学习词汇:noisy , dig , make noise. 3.帮助学生学习行为动词的过去式变化。 教学重难点:学生能听说读写词汇:noisy , dig , make noise. 学生能流利的朗读下故事,并能抓住关键信息。 学习行为动词的过去式变化,以及过去式的发音。 学情分析:本课时为第二课时,在上一课时,学生已经学过关于邻 居的话题,所以这部分内容不是很难,不过有些学生的 基础不是很好,所以要多读多练单词句子的发音,另外 是本部分有行为动词的过去式变化,需要着重讲解,并 领读过去式的发音。 教学过程:一,导入 T: Last class we learned neighbours,we know everyone has a neighbour , yes or no ? S:Yes. T: So the animals also have neighbours ,yes or no ? S: Yes. T: Ok. Now I show you two animals , I want you to guess what are they ? 出示两段话,让学生根据描述猜测是什么动物,引出文章故事中的 主人公。 二 ,教授 播放动画,让学生初步整体感知故事。 出示问题: 1) What was in the forest? 2)Where did the rabbits and the owl live? 3)Why were the rabbits tired and angry? 4)Was the owl a good neighbour ? why or why not ? 5)Where do many rabbits sleep today ? 让学生带着问题开始学习课文。 播放录音,学生听录音,逐段跟读。小组合作朗读,找出句子中行 为的动词过去式并说出原形,以小组形式展示成果,其他组进行纠 正补充。然后个别学生根据对文章的理解回答所提出的问题,其他 学生可发表自己不同的观点。 三成果展示 1)小组进行朗读翻译,并找出各段中的行为动词过去式。 is-was live-lived make-made can-could are-were say-said do-did have-had dig-dug 2)回答问题,个别学生进行展示。其他学生可发表观点或进行纠正 补充。 四,练习 1,给出示的图片进行排序。 2,根据排序完的图片,进行故事复述。 五,作业 1,Read the story “ A noisy neighbour”. 2,Finish workbook page 32 and 33. 六,板书设计 A noisy neighbour is -was live -lived make -made can -could are -were say -said do -did have -had dig -dug 教学反思 本课时体现了以学生为主体,自主学习,小组合作的课程理念。 先出示目标帮助引导学生抓住关键信息,逐渐渗透,符合学生的学 习规律。利用多媒体呈现图片、声音,学生在动画情境中对单词, 文本的理解更容易,也可以准确的锻炼学生的语音语调。本节课学 生基本能通过引导自主学习找出关键信息,教学目标实现,重点、 难点突出。但在阅读方面锻炼的比较少,应该让学生多跟读,朗读, 在这方面应多加注意。自己在语言表达能力还有欠缺,所以要多加 强学习,提高自己的专业素养。
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