五年级上册Unit 3 My father is a writer.-Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-人教(精通)版(编号:f294e).zip

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Unit 3 My father is a writer . 教学案例及评析 教学背景 教学年级:五年级 课型:听说课人教(精通)三年起始五年级上册第三单 执教教师 一、教材分析: 本课选自元第三课时,本单元主要学习向别人介绍自己及谈论有关家庭成员职业的情况。这一话题和我们的生活 息息相关,因此可以课前让学生对家人的职业提前预习表达,以便于课堂上灵活交际使用。本课通过 Wei Min 向大 家介绍自己的家庭并回答主持人的提问,让学生进一步学习职业类的词汇。通过前两课的学习学生已经掌握了一些简 单的职业表达,所以说对于别人提问来回答职业的表达充满了兴趣。要求学生通过看,听课文,整体感知本课内容, 并且灵活运用本课重点词汇 an actor/actress,a factory worker,parent(s)句型 What does your father/mother do ? Hes/Shes a .,What do you want to be in the future ? I want to be a/an.在相互交流中,表达 自己家人的职业信息及树立未来的职业理想。 本课我注重前后知识的有效衔接,培养学生通过整体感知,理解文本内容,来灵活创建自己的新对话,同时注重 对学生英语核心素养的养成。 二、学情分析: 本课授课对象是五年级的学生,通过两年的学习,有了一定的知识储备和积累,已经能灵活向他人介绍自己的家人, 所以要充分挖掘学生已有的知识水平,来进一步学习本课内容。五年级的学生爱玩,喜欢竞猜,善于表演,求知欲强, 爱表现自我,好胜心强,结合这些特点,运用多种教学手段,充分调动学生学习的积极性,主动参与到课堂上来。 3、教学目标 1.学生能够借助图片听懂对话,并正确朗读本课内容。 2.学生能够听懂并正确读写 actor , actress,worker 职业词汇及 parent(s) 区分 a,an 的用法 3. 学生能够在语境中理解并初步运用有关家人职业的句子的问答 What does your father/mother do ?Hes/Shes a/an. 4. 通过主持人问 Wei Min 未来的理想职业,引导学生树立自己的职业理想,并且为了这个理想要从现在努力学习本 领。 四、教学重难点: 能正确读写 actor , actress,worker 词汇, 能在实际情景中灵活运用询问某人家人职业的句子 What does your father / mother do ?Hes/Shes a /an .以及询问某人职业理想的句子 What do you want to be in the future ? I want to be a/an .本课的难点是让学生区分不定冠词 a,an 的用法。 5、教学准备:多媒体课件,家人照片,头饰 六、教学过程: Step 1.Warm up and lead in Free talk T:Hello,boys and girls . Ss:Hello,Miss Wang . T:Nice to see you again . Ss:Nice to see you ,too . T:Whos this ?(教师随意指着一个同学) S:Hes/Shes . T:What does he do ? S:Hes a student . T:Is your father a teacher ? S:Yes,he is ./No,he isnt . T:What does your father do ? S:He is a . T:Do you want to be a .? S:Yes./No,I want to be a . (通过教师与学生之间的自由谈话,把学生迅速带入到英语学习课的氛围中,并且选择了与本课内容有关的话 题,让学生提前感知学习内容,为下面的学习做了良好的铺垫。) Lead in T:Lets play a guessing game .Please read and try to guess .What does he/she do ? (学生读 PPT 里的职业信息,并且试着说出答案,培养了学生的朗读,理解能力及辨析语言的思维品质。教师给与适当 的评价。类似于 I like your voice . Sounds good .激发了学习英语的兴趣。) T:You did a good job ! Now Lets chant . (学生利用学过的职业单词说 chant,培 养了英语语感的核心素养。) T:So great!(竖起大拇指)Do you know other jobs ? S :doctor,nurse,postman,farmer. (课前布置了让学生提前预习查找自己家人的职业表达,培养了学生探索英语知识,自主学英语,大胆开口说英语的 能力。) T:Well done !I will give you a surprise .Please look . (通过一些职业单词的人物图片,有的是学生 们熟悉的人物,做简单介绍,激发了学习英语 的热情。) T:Who can try to make a new chant and share it ? (学生试着说自己编的 chant,既巩固了旧知,也让学生体会 到了成就感,同时也增强了英语学习的自信心。) T:You are a good chant maker .Maybe you will be a good rapper. 2.Presentation T:Today our school will have a TV Talk Show .well invite some students and their families .Lets talk about our families .Lets look Unit 3.Who knows the title ?(学生举手说课题,老师在黑板上板书,并 指导学生在空中模仿老师编写边读。然后写在自己的本上。设置了情景,为本课的学习做了良好的铺垫。培养了学生 读与书写的技能。) T:In this lesson , Wei Min and his parents are on TV.What do you want to know about him ? (引导学生通过观看对话图片,引导学生提问题。培养了学生质疑的能力。) S:How old is he ? What class is he in ? What does his father/mother do ? What does he want to be in the future ? T:You are a good questioner .Now Lets listen carefully and follow to read it , then try to answer the questions . (学 生听并且跟读,然后回答问题,并且通过听录音检测正误,培养了学生听的能力。) T:Now lets try to read it and act it out . (学生分角色戴头饰表演朗读,或者男同学扮演 Wei Min,女同学扮演 hostess,通过不同方式的读,内化所学知识。 并且互相评价) T:Look at this picture . This is a hostess .(出示董卿图片) (引导学生说出他们所熟悉的其他 hostess,host,并且强调性别) T:What does the hostess ask Wei Min ? S:What does your father do ? (教师板书,学生书写。并且引导学生表达另外两种方式 Whats your fathers job ? Whats your father ?) T:What does Wei Mins father do? S:Hes an actor . (教师板书,学生书写) T:Right . Look ,can you read it ? 课件出示 act ,邓超图片,actor ,an actor , 赵丽颖图片,actress, an actress . work,工人图片,worker,a worker S:Shes a factory worker . T:Is she an actress ? S:No,she isnt . (教师板书 She isnt an actress.引导学生正确书写,培养了学生书写的能力。) (由学生熟悉的单词呈现,拓展职业单词的变化规律,加强记忆,从图片、单词、短语到句子,层层递进,做到了图 文并茂,词不离句,句不离词,体现了综合运用的能力。) T:Do you know some actors ,actresses or workers ? S:Cheng He is a fat actor . Li Chen is a strong actor . Fan Bingbing is a pretty actor . My father is a clever worker . (学生在表达时把人物的性格特点或外貌加上,复习了第二单元的内容。真正达到了融会贯通,灵活表达的能力。) T:Very good ! Now lets fill the blanks with a,an (课件展示习题。达到了学练结合的能力。强调 a university , an hour ) T:Look at the picture .Lets read it . (通过图和英文解释让学生区分 parent 和 parents,培养了学生的理解能力) T:What does Wei Min want to be in the future ? S:He wants to be an actor . T:Right . What do you want to be in the future ?(教师板书,生书写) S:I want to be a writer /singer /an actor . 3.Practise T:Look,here are many jobs .Lets try to read it and find the differences . (用学生们熟悉的九 宫格形式拓展职业单 词,激发了学习兴趣。并且用不同颜色笔把变化规律标出来,让学生自己发现,并做以总结。同时也为下面的对话交 际做了良好的铺垫。) T:This is a wish tree .You can write down your dream job on your sticker .Then we can put it here.Lets go on to look .Whose family photo is it ? S:Its my family photo. T:You have a happy family ? Do you love your family ? S:Yes ,I do . T:Can you come to the front and introduce your parents to us ? S:Yes . T:What does your father do ? S:Hes a policeman . T:What does your mother do ? S:Shes a teacher . T:What do you want to be in the future ? S:I want to be a/an .(教师和学生进行示范,学生表达后把心愿粘在心愿树上,进行情感教育,培养了学习能 力。) T:Now you can practise it with your partner .And then lets show it . Lets look which team is better . (学生拿出照片,互相练习,最后进行展示,并且把心愿帖粘到愿望树上,为了能把自己的愿望粘到树上,学生肯定 会踊跃变现自我。每组展示后请同学给与评价,通过生生评价,是为了让学生们取长补短。) 4.Sum up and homework 1. T:What did we learn today ? (通过学生的总结,检测了学生的对本节课的掌握情况,同时也培养了学生思维品质的形成。) 2.Homework (通过分层星级作业的设计,体现了从基础知识到 学生所学内容的生成。具有面向全体、分层优化、主体参与的特点,激发学生兴趣、促使学生主动获取知识、大幅度 提高学习成绩。) 板书设计: Unit 3 My father is a writer . 教学案例及评析 Unit 3 My father is a writer .Unit 3 My father is a writer . 人教(精通)五年级上册 I am Helen. I am I am Helen. I am from China .I teach from China .I teach English in Meicheng English in Meicheng Primary School . I Primary School . I am a am a teacherteacher . . she His name is Karry Wang. He is handsome .He likes singing . He is a singer . His name is Jackson. He is cool .He dances very well . He is a dancer . Her name is JK Rowling . She is good at writing . She is a famous writer from Britain. . Lets chant .Lets chant . Teacher , teacherTeacher , teacher , my father is a , my father is a teacheteacher .r . Singer , singerSinger , singer , my mother is a , my mother is a singersinger . . Writer , writerWriter , writer , my uncle is a , my uncle is a writerwriter . . Dancer , dancerDancer , dancer ,my aunt is a ,my aunt is a dancerdancer. . Student, studentStudent, student , , I am a I am a studentstudent . . Make a chant .Make a chant . _,_, my father is a _._,_, my father is a _. _,_, my mother is a _._,_, my mother is a _. _,_, my uncle is a _._,_, my uncle is a _. _,_, my aunt is a _._,_, my aunt is a _. Student,student, I am a student .Student,student, I am a student . 1.How old is he ? 12 11 13 2.What class is he in ? Class Three , Grade Five Class Three , Grade Four 3.Wei Min wants to be a(an) _ in the future . actress factory worker Listen and check actor 1.Wei Mins father is a(an) _. 2.Wei Mins mother isnt a(an) _ . Shes a _ . listen and choose actor actress factory worker What does your father/mother doWhat does your father/mother do Shes /actress. actact actactoror actactressress workworkworkworkerer anan anan a a 1. _ear 1. _ear 2._actor 2._actor 3. _ 3. _ writerwriter 4. 4. _toy _toy 5. _5. _u university 6. niversity 6. _elephant _elephant 7 7._umbrella ._umbrella 8 8._rabbit ._rabbit 9 9._idea ._idea 1 10 0._._h hour our 1 11 1._orange ._orange coatcoat 12._ eraser12._ eraser a a ,anan ananan a a a a a a anan an an anan anan an an a parentparentfather father oror mother mother parentparents s father father andand mother mother singer, TV reporter teacher , lawyer +er . daner , writer officer , driver +r . doctor, actor, translator +or . waitress,hostess, airhostess,actress, +ess/ress . musician,libraian, magician +ian . runner,swimmer, 双写尾字母+er . cook,vet,nurse, guide 特殊变化 policeman/woman, fireman/woman, salesman/saleswoman, businessman/woman +man/woman . scientist,violinis t,pianist,artist +ist . Practise Practise : NameAgeFathers job Mothers job Want to be 1.Whats your name ?1.Whats your name ? 2.How old are you2.How old are you? 3.What does your father/mother do ?3.What does your father/mother do ? 4.What do you want to be in the future ?4.What do you want to be in the future ? Homework:Homework:今天的作业有三项,完成第一项会有一星,完今天的作业有三项,完成第一项会有一星,完 成第二项,会再加两星,如果三项全完成,会有六星等着成第二项,会再加两星,如果三项全完成,会有六星等着 你哦你哦 会听、说、读、写单词会听、说、读、写单词actor actor ,actressactress,workerworker及及parent(s)parent(s) 背诵背诵1515课对话课对话 写一篇介绍自己及家人职业的小作文,写一篇介绍自己及家人职业的小作文, 不少于不少于1010句话。句话。 Unit 3 My father is a writer . 教学案例及评析 教学背景 教学年级:五年级 课型:听说课人教(精通)三年起始五年级上册第三单 执教教师: 一、教材分析: 本课选自元第三课时,本单元主要学习向别人介绍自己及谈论有关家庭成员职业的情况。这一话题和我们的生活 息息相关,因此可以课前让学生对家人的职业提前预习表达,以便于课堂上灵活交际使用。本课通过 Wei Min 向大 家介绍自己的家庭并回答主持人的提问,让学生进一步学习职业类的词汇。通过前两课的学习学生已经掌握了一些简 单的职业表达,所以说对于别人提问来回答职业的表达充满了兴趣。要求学生通过看,听课文,整体感知本课内容, 并且灵活运用本课重点词汇 an actor/actress,a factory worker,parent(s)句型 What does your father/mother do ? Hes/Shes a .,What do you want to be in the future ? I want to be a/an.在相互交流中,表达 自己家人的职业信息及树立未来的职业理想。 本课我注重前后知识的有效衔接,培养学生通过整体感知,理解文本内容,来灵活创建自己的新对话,同时注重 对学生英语核心素养的养成。 二、学情分析: 本课授课对象是五年级的学生,通过两年的学习,有了一定的知识储备和积累,已经能灵活向他人介绍自己的家人, 所以要充分挖掘学生已有的知识水平,来进一步学习本课内容。五年级的学生爱玩,喜欢竞猜,善于表演,求知欲强, 爱表现自我,好胜心强,结合这些特点,运用多种教学手段,充分调动学生学习的积极性,主动参与到课堂上来。 3、教学目标 1.学生能够借助图片听懂对话,并正确朗读本课内容。 2.学生能够听懂并正确读写 actor , actress,worker 职业词汇及 parent(s) 区分 a,an 的用法 3. 学生能够在语境中理解并初步运用有关家人职业的句子的问答 What does your father/mother do ?Hes/Shes a/an. 4. 通过主持人问 Wei Min 未来的理想职业,引导学生树立自己的职业理想,并且为了这个理想要从现在努力学习本 领。 四、教学重难点: 能正确读写 actor , actress,worker 词汇, 能在实际情景中灵活运用询问某人家人职业的句子 What does your father / mother do ?Hes/Shes a /an .以及询问某人职业理想的句子 What do you want to be in the future ? I want to be a/an .本课的难点是让学生区分不定冠词 a,an 的用法。 5、教学准备:多媒体课件,家人照片,头饰 六、教学过程: Step 1.Warm up and lead in Free talk T:Hello,boys and girls . Ss:Hello,Miss Wang . T:Nice to see you again . Ss:Nice to see you ,too . T:Whos this ?(教师随意指着一个同学) S:Hes/Shes . T:What does he do ? S:Hes a student . T:Is your father a teacher ? S:Yes,he is ./No,he isnt . T:What does your father do ? S:He is a . T:Do you want to be a .? S:Yes./No,I want to be a . (通过教师与学生之间的自由谈话,把学生迅速带入到英语学习课的氛围中,并且选择了与本课内容有关的话 题,让学生提前感知学习内容,为下面的学习做了良好的铺垫。) Lead in T:Lets play a guessing game .Please read and try to guess .What does he/she do ? (学生读 PPT 里的职业信息,并且试着说出答案,培养了学生的朗读,理解能力及辨析语言的思维品质。教师给与适当 的评价。类似于 I like your voice . Sounds good .激发了学习英语的兴趣。) T:You did a good job ! Now Lets chant . (学生利用学过的职业单词说 chant,培 养了英语语感的核心素养。) T:So great!(竖起大拇指)Do you know other jobs ? S :doctor,nurse,postman,farmer. (课前布置了让学生提前预习查找自己家人的职业表达,培养了学生探索英语知识,自主学英语,大胆开口说英语的 能力。) T:Well done !I will give you a surprise .Please look . (通过一些职业单词的人物图片,有的是学生 们熟悉的人物,做简单介绍,激发了学习英语 的热情。) T:Who can try to make a new chant and share it ? (学生试着说自己编的 chant,既巩固了旧知,也让学生体会 到了成就感,同时也增强了英语学习的自信心。) T:You are a good chant maker .Maybe you will be a good rapper. 2.Presentation T:Today our school will have a TV Talk Show .well invite some students and their families .Lets talk about our families .Lets look Unit 3.Who knows the title ?(学生举手说课题,老师在黑板上板书,并 指导学生在空中模仿老师编写边读。然后写在自己的本上。设置了情景,为本课的学习做了良好的铺垫。培养了学生 读与书写的技能。) T:In this lesson , Wei Min and his parents are on TV.What do you want to know about him ? (引导学生通过观看对话图片,引导学生提问题。培养了学生质疑的能力。) S:How old is he ? What class is he in ? What does his father/mother do ? What does he want to be in the future ? T:You are a good questioner .Now Lets listen carefully and follow to read it , then try to answer the questions . (学 生听并且跟读,然后回答问题,并且通过听录音检测正误,培养了学生听的能力。) T:Now lets try to read it and act it out . (学生分角色戴头饰表演朗读,或者男同学扮演 Wei Min,女同学扮演 hostess,通过不同方式的读,内化所学知识。 并且互相评价) T:Look at this picture . This is a hostess .(出示董卿图片) (引导学生说出他们所熟悉的其他 hostess,host,并且强调性别) T:What does the hostess ask Wei Min ? S:What does your father do ? (教师板书,学生书写。并且引导学生表达另外两种方式 Whats your fathers job ? Whats your father ?) T:What does Wei Mins father do? S:Hes an actor . (教师板书,学生书写) T:Right . Look ,can you read it ? 课件出示 act ,邓超图片,actor ,an actor , 赵丽颖图片,actress, an actress . work,工人图片,worker,a worker S:Shes a factory worker . T:Is she an actress ? S:No,she isnt . (教师板书 She isnt an actress.引导学生正确书写,培养了学生书写的能力。) (由学生熟悉的单词呈现,拓展职业单词的变化规律,加强记忆,从图片、单词、短语到句子,层层递进,做到了图 文并茂,词不离句,句不离词,体现了综合运用的能力。) T:Do you know some actors ,actresses or workers ? S:Cheng He is a fat actor . Li Chen is a strong actor . Fan Bingbing is a pretty actor . My father is a clever worker . (学生在表达时把人物的性格特点或外貌加上,复习了第二单元的内容。真正达到了融会贯通,灵活表达的能力。) T:Very good ! Now lets fill the blanks with a,an (课件展示习题。达到了学练结合的能力。强调 a university , an hour ) T:Look at the picture .Lets read it . (通过图和英文解释让学生区分 parent 和 parents,培养了学生的理解能力) T:What does Wei Min want to be in the future ? S:He wants to be an actor . T:Right . What do you want to be in the future ?(教师板书,生书写) S:I want to be a writer /singer /an actor . 3.Practise T:Look,here are many jobs .Lets try to read it and find the differences . (用学生们熟悉的九 宫格形式拓展职业单 词,激发了学习兴趣。并且用不同颜色笔把变化规律标出来,让学生自己发现,并做以总结。同时也为下面的对话交 际做了良好的铺垫。) T:This is a wish tree .You can write down your dream job on your sticker .Then we can put it here.Lets go on to look .Whose family photo is it ? S:Its my family photo. T:You have a happy family ? Do you love your family ? S:Yes ,I do . T:Can you come to the front and introduce your parents to us ? S:Yes . T:What does your father do ? S:Hes a policeman . T:What does your mother do ? S:Shes a teacher . T:What do you want to be in the future ? S:I want to be a/an .(教师和学生进行示范,学生表达后把心愿粘在心愿树上,进行情感教育,培养了学习能 力。) T:Now you can practise it with your partner .And then lets show it . Lets look which team is better . (学生拿出照片,互相练习,最后进行展示,并且把心愿帖粘到愿望树上,为了能把自己的愿望粘到树上,学生肯定 会踊跃变现自我。每组展示后请同学给与评价,通过生生评价,是为了让学生们取长补短。) 4.Sum up and homework 1. T:What did we learn today ? (通过学生的总结,检测了学生的对本节课的掌握情况,同时也培养了学生思维品质的形成。) 2.Homework (通过分层星级作业的设计,体现了从基础知识到 学生所学内容的生成。具有面向全体、分层优化、主体参与的特点,激发学生兴趣、促使学生主动获取知识、大幅度 提高学习成绩。) 板书设计: Unit 3 My father is a writer . 教学案例及评析 鹤 岗 市 煤 城 小 学 王 家 丽 Unit 3 My father is a writer .Unit 3 My father is a writer . 鹤鹤 岗岗 市市 煤煤 城城 小小 学学 王王 家家 丽丽 人教(精通)五年级上册 I am Helen. I am I am Helen. I am from China .I teach from China .I teach English in Meicheng English in Meicheng Primary School . I Primary School . I am a am a teacherteacher . . she His name is Karry Wang. He is handsome .He likes singing . He is a singer . His name is Jackson. He is cool .He dances very well . He is a dancer . Her name is JK Rowling . She is good at writing . She is a famous writer from Britain. . Lets chant .Lets chant . Teacher , teacherTeacher , teacher , my father is a , my father is a teacheteacher .r . Singer , singerSinger , singer , my mother is a , my mother is a singersinger . . Writer , writerWriter , writer , my uncle is a , my uncle is a writerwriter . . Dancer , dancerDancer , dancer ,my aunt is a ,my aunt is a dancerdancer. . Student, studentStudent, student , , I am a I am a studentstudent . . Make a chant .Make a chant . _,_, my father is a _._,_, my father is a _. _,_, my mother is a _._,_, my mother is a _. _,_, my uncle is a _._,_, my uncle is a _. _,_, my aunt is a _._,_, my aunt is a _. Student,student, I am a student .Student,student, I am a student . 1.How old is he ? 12 11
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