五年级上册Unit 3 My father is a writer.-Lesson 17-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-人教(精通)版(编号:f5075).zip

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人教精通版五年级上人教精通版五年级上 Lesson17Lesson17 Look and read quickly . fire fighter writeractor policeman reporter dancer waiter teacher doctor worker singerpolicewoman cookactress nurse postman What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a/an_. 1、Whos he in the newspaper? 2、What does he do? Whos he in the newspaper? Hes Gao Weis _. uncle Can you read the compound words? school + bag schoolbag bed + room bedroom police + man policeman news + paper newspaper What does he do? Hes a policeman. Whats his job? Hes an actor. Whats _ job? Hes a worker. his Whats_ _? Hes a writer. his job Whats _ job?her Shes a dancer. Whats _ _? Shes a policewoman. her job Whats her job? Shes an actress. Writer , writer , hes a writer. Great , great , he looks great . He often writes stories in his work . Singer , singer , shes a singer . Pretty , pretty , she looks pretty . She often sings songs in her work . Lets chant Doctor, doctor, hes a doctor . Kind , kind , he looks kind . He often helps people in his work . _, _ , hes /shes a_ . _ , _ , he/she looks _. He/she often _in his/her work . Lets chant : Hi, Kate! Look at todays newspaper. : Wow! A policeman. : Whos he? Can you guess? : Sorry, I dont know. : Hes my uncle. : Really? He looks great in his uniform. : Yes. He often helps people in his work. : Oh, hes a good policeman! How about your aunt? Whats her job? : Shes a policewoman. : I want to be a policeman in the future. Listen and read : Hi, Kate! Look at todays _. : Wow! A _. : Whos he? Can you guess? : Sorry, I dont know. : Hes my uncle. : Really? He looks great in his uniform. : Yes. He often _ in his work. : Oh, hes a good policeman! How about your aunt? _? : Shes a _. : I want to be a policeman in the future. Read in roles newspaper policeman helps people Whats her job? policewoman A: Hi,_ ! Look at_. B: Wow! _. A: Who_? Can you guess? C: Hes/Shes_. A:Whats his/her job? C:Hes/Shes _. B: Really? He/She looks_ . A: Yes. He/She often _in his/her work. I want to be _in the future. How about you? B: I want to be _in the future. C: I want to be _in the future. What Why Who Where Hes Mr.Gao. Hes a waiter. He often gives people some services. He works in the hotel. Because its interesting. Who is he/she?Hes/Shes_. Whats his/her job?Hes/Shes a/an_. What does he/she do?He/She often_. Where does he/she work?He/She works_. Why does he/she like his/her job?Because its_. Make a survey Every job is glorious and great , its worthy of our respect and love. Homework for today: 1、Guess the riddles on your book marks after class. 2、Write a composition according to your survey. 人教新版五年级上 Lesson17 教学设计 人教新版小学英语五年级上人教新版小学英语五年级上 Lesson17Lesson17 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析教材分析 本册教材注重学生语言应用能力的培养,教材在整体构思、内 容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用等方面紧密联系学生的生活实际, 把知识和技能目标融会于完成任务的过程之中,充分体现了交际教 学的思想。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、继续巩固有关职业的词汇 (singer、writer、dancer、worker、actor、actress、policeman 、policewoman、reporter 等)。 2、学习询问他人职业的句型(Whats his job? Hes a/an.Whats her job? Shes a/an). 3、在文本学习过程中处理新词 newspaper,以及有关描述职业的 陈述句 He/She often _in his/her work.最终将所学内容运 用到真实的情境中进行交流。 三、教学准备三、教学准备 1.准备图片:actor, dancer,news, magazine, film 及标题。 2.准备两张书写句子的四线格贴纸。 3.准备书签(写有猜职业的谜语) 。 4.准备调查表及报纸。 4.准备多媒体教学课件。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1.在巩固有关职业单词的基础上,学习新词 newspaper(进而拓 展更多的合成词)。 2.在复习四会句型的同时引出文本中的三会句型:Whats his job? Hes a/an.Whats her job? Shes a/an.并 熟练问答。 3.能够熟练运用与本课相关的特殊疑问词 who, what, where, why 于实际生活中,并能在真实的语境中进行交流。 五、教学设计五、教学设计 I.I. GreetingsGreetings andand revisionrevision 1、 与同学们进行问候交流。(Good morning, everyone!) 2、 以头脑风暴的形式复习所学的职业。 (singer、writer、dancer、worker、actor、actress 、policeman、policewoman、reporter 等) II.II.PresentationPresentation 我们已经学习了如此多的职业,那么 What do you want to be in the future?让同学们自由回答 I want to be a/an,并与其进行简单的交流。 III.III. NewNew lessonslessons 1. 由 presentation 的问答句引出本课 Gao Wei wants to be a policeman.听音并且回答问题: (1)Whos he in the newspaper? (2)What does he do? 2.回答第一个问题 Whos he in the newspaper? Hes Gao Weis uncle.同时学习新词 newspaper(由 schoolbag,bedroom, policeman 等合成词引出新词的发音),接着拿出实物报纸与同学谈 论是否喜欢读报纸,进一步强化新词。 3、回答第二个问题 What does he do? Hes a policeman.给回答 正确的同学书签以奖励。课件展示出教师与爸爸的照片,介绍 This is my father. What does he do? Can you guess?给猜对的同学以 击掌鼓励,继而交流同学们爸爸都是做什么工作的 How about your father? What does your father do? 在问答中最终引出本节课的 重点句型 Whats his job? 4、板书重点重点句型:Whats his job?并拿图片引出答语 Hes an actor.接着用不同职业的男性人物进行阶梯式问答训练,进一步 巩固句型。 5、课件展示出杨丽萍的图片问:How about her? How to ask?引出 另一个重点句型 Whats her job?板书重点句型,并拿图片引出答 语 Shes a dancer. 接着用不同职业的女性人物进行阶梯式问答 训练,进一步巩固句型。 6、课件展示一个有关职业的 chant.先由老师表演,再与同学们共 同表演,最后让同学们自己编出一个类似的新 chant. Writer, writer, hes a writer. Great, great, he looks great. He often writes stories in his work. Singer, singer, shes a singer. Pretty, pretty, she looks pretty. She often sings songs in her work. Doctor, doctor, hes a doctor. Kind, kind, he looks kind. He often helps people in his work. . _, _, hes a_. _, _, he looks_. He often _in his work. .本部分主要操练课文中的有关描 述职业的句型 He often _ in his work. 7、听音跟读课文,分角色朗读课文。 8、课文是在讨论今天的报纸,借此让同学们了解西方文化知识, 西方人在见面时经常讨论天气和报纸,而对于我们,还可以讨论杂 志,电影,新闻等等。给出相关的图片,让同学们自由选择讨论的 内容,并更根据课文自编对话,并表演汇报。如: S1:Hello,_! look at_. S2:Wow!_. S1:Whos_? Can you guess? S3:Hes/Shes _. S1:Whats her/her job? S3:Hes/Shes_. S2:Oh!He/She looks_! S1:Yes.He/She often _in his/her work. I want to be _in the future. How about you? S2:I want to be_ in the future. S3:I want to be_. 9、课件展示出教师前一天报到时拍的一张照片,让同学们根据思 维导图中出现的特殊疑问词 Who,What,Where,Why 来提出他们 感兴趣的问题。如: S:Whos she? T:Shes _. S:Whats her job? T:Shes a waitress. S: Where does she work? T:She works in the hotel. S: What does she do in her work? T:She gives people some services in her work. And she likes her job very much. Because its interesting. 10、让同学们拿出课前发好的调查表以及准备好的被调查人的照片, 在课堂上自由组合进行调查,最先完成的组要说 Bingo.如: Who is he/she? Hes/Shes_. Whats his/her job? Hes/Shes a/an_. What does he/she do? He/She often_. Where does he/she work? He/She works_. Why does he/she like his/her job? Because its_. 找同学与大家分享她的调查,并给予书签作为鼓励。 11、小结:Whatever we do in the future, please remember: Every job is glorious and great. Its worthy of our respect and love. 12、For todays homework : (1) 、Guess the riddles on your book marks after class. (2) 、Write a composition according to the survey. 13、T:Times up. Class is over. Goodbye ,everyone! S:Goodbye,Candy! T:Thank you very much!
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