五年级上册Unit 6 It's a grapefruit.-Lesson 32-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-人教(精通)版(编号:50a99).zip

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Mike: Hello, Lisa! Today well have a party. Lisa: Yes. Look! We have some m 、juice and vegetables. Mike: Lets buy some f , shall we? Lisa: Ok. Lets go. Whats this? Mike: Its a w .Its so big. Lisa: Can I have one? Mike: Yes, Ill buy one for you. Whats t ? Lisa: Its a p . I like it very much. Mike: Is it yummy? Lisa: Yes. Ill buy one for you. Mike: Thank you. Look! We can make salad. Mike: Hello, Lisa! Today well have a party. Lisa: Yes. Look! We have some m 、juice and vegetables. Mike: Lets buy some f , shall we? Lisa: Ok. Lets go. Whats this? Mike: Its a w .Its so big. Lisa: Can I have one? Mike: Yes, Ill buy one for you. Whats t ? Lisa: Its a p . I like it very much. Mike: Is it yummy? Lisa: Yes. Ill buy one for you. Mike: Thank you. Look! We can make salad. Lesson 32 课件非PPT,请在其他资源 处查看,谢谢。 fruit drinks vegetables = water melonhami coconut grapefruit vegetables fruit drinks fat fish five fine funny face find fins find f I find a fat fish, It has five fins. To see its funny face. I find a fine place, f Mike: Hello, Lisa! Today well have a party. Look Lisa: Yes. Look! We have some m 、juice and vegetables. Mike: Lets buy some f , shall we? Lisa: Ok. Lets go. Whats this? Mike: Its a w . Its so big. Lisa:Can I have one? Lisa: Yes, Ill buy one for you. Whats t ? Mike: Its a p . I like it very much. Lisa: Is it yummy? Mike: Yes. Ill buy one for you. Lisa: Thank you. Look! We can make salad. go to see your grandpa and grandma Lets go shopping ,shall we? Do you like .? Whats this/that? Its a. Its yummy/big/. Is it yummy? Can I have one? Yes, Ill buy one for you. word bank 1. 1. ChooseChoose youryour favoritefavorite fruitfruit to to makemake youryour ownown saladsalad withwith youryour familyfamily andand friends.friends. 2. 2. CopyCopy thethe wordswords andand sentences.sentences. Teaching Plan for Unit 6 Its a grapefruit. Lesson 32 一、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词:pear, watermelon ,water, juice, milk, fruit,并能够在句子中运用;能听、说、读、写语句:Whats this? Its a pear. Whats that? Its a watermelon.并能在真实情景中输出语言。 2能听、说、认读短语:coconut ,grapefruit, hami melon 并能在真实 语境中初步运用。 3能够理解、听说、认读 Can I have one? Yes, Ill buy one for you.并能够在真实语境中表达。 (二)语言技能目标 1.能听懂、理解句型及单词 2.能够在游戏,购物等真实情境中运用所学语言交流。 3.能够正确书写四会句子及单词,认读所学单词及句子。 (三)情感态度目标 1.养成不随意采摘水果和景观植物的好习惯。让学生明白要先征得他人的 同意才能获取不属于自己的物品。并让孩子们懂得感恩,懂得回报父母及亲人! 2.通过合作学习使学生掌握本课新知,培养学生语言运用能力。 培养学生热爱生活,丰富语言知识,激励主动学习,感知和体验尊重与被 尊重的快乐!能够初步形成与同伴合作学习乐于分享的学习习惯和良好品质。 二、教材分析 本节课的教学内容是精通版英语五年级上册 Unit 6 Lesson 32,本课继续 学习如何表达询问物体,引导学生逐步理解并习得核心内容:Whats this/that? Its a/an 及利用 Can I have? 句型来征求别人的意见。在 新的语言环境中,结合新的话题,拓展交际语言,即:Its nice、yummy、good Ill buy one for 三、学情分析 五年级是小学高年级学段,孩子们的逻辑思维、实践操作等能力初步形成 并且逐步提高。他们在英语学习中也积累了一些的词汇,并且能够简单地运用 到实践当中去,有一定的英语知识储备,乐于主动的感知、模仿新知,具备一 定的语言交际能力。同时由于他们的年龄特点决定了他们有一定的是社会责任 及对周围人的感恩之情,所以他们一定会对本次教学活动充满兴趣的,并认真 学习和运用到实际生活中去。 四、教学重难点: 为学生灵活运用语言做好铺垫,能使他们结合所学话题表述自己所思、所 想并能与他人展开交流。 五、教学过程 Step One: 热身导入热身导入 1. Say hello to the students. 2. Ask and answer the questions. T: Now answer my questions quickly. Whats your name? What class are you in? Where are you from? Where do you live? What does your mother do? What do you want to be in the future? Now lets change. Its your turn. You can ask me some questions. (奖励回答问题出色的学生一张卡片,为后面的教学活动做好铺垫) 【设计意图设计意图】学生积极回答教师问题巩固旧知,操练口语,活跃课堂氛围。 Step Two: 新课呈现新课呈现 1. Say and stick. T: Now please show me your cards. What are they? P: Theyre fruits, food and drinks. T: Look at the blackboard. We have a mini-shop here. Look, fruits, food and drinks. Can you spell” fruit”? P: f-r-u-i-t T: Very good. Now put your cards on the right places. T: Good! Whats this? (食物区和饮料区) P: Its a/an. (板书) T: Can you ask the whole class? P: Whats this? T: Pay attention”this”? (纠正发音) P: Its a/an. T: Whats that? (水果区) P: Its a/an. (板书) P: (贴卡片) T: Can you ask others? (学生之间互相询问,区分远近) P1:Whats that? P2: Its a/an. T: Wow, we have so many things. Are they yummy? P: Yes. T: Do you want to eat them? P: Yes. T: OK! But not these. Theyre pictures. Where can we buy them? P: We can buy them in the shop. T:Ill buy them for you. Lets go shopping, shall we? P: OK! 【设计意图设计意图】创设去购物的情景,从游戏中自然过渡到新课内容,在与教 师的问答中巩固上一课学习的句型。贴图片,了解图片代表的单词属于哪一类。 2. Learn the new words. (1) Hami melon T: Look, Whats that? I cant see it clearly. Is it a watermelon? P: No, it isnt. T: Oh, Its yellow. Its a hami melon. (新授单词) T: The hami melon is so yummy!Do you want to one? P: Yes. T: Me too. Can I have one? (贴句子,操练句型) P: Can I have one? (通过学生询问老师,引出重点句型) T: Yes. Ill buy one for you. (贴句子,操练句型) 利用图中出现的单词卡片做句型练习: P1: Whats that? P2: Its a hami melon. P1:_ is yummy! Can I have one? P2: Yes. Ill buy one for you. (奖励糖果,为之后的教学步骤做铺垫) 【设计意图】强调区分远近,从颜色上区分西瓜和哈密瓜。充分操练句型, 让学生在真实情景中习得语言。 (2) Coconut T: If you have the candy, you can open and eat it. Who wants the candy? You can ask me “Can I have one?” P: Can I have one? T: Can you guess which kind of fruit in it? P: Coconut. T: .Right! Look, its a coconut! (新授单词) P: Can I ? (学生两组问答) 【设计意图设计意图】从味觉上感受椰子,充分调动学生的味觉和视觉。 (3) Grapefruit Guess a riddle. T: Lets have a rest. Lets play a guessing game. P: OK! T: Listen carefully! Its a kind of fruit. Its name has a “grape”, but its not a grape. Its big and round. Whats that? P: Its grapefruit. T: Youre so clever. Its a grapefruit. (新授单词) 【设计意图】猜谜语,了解柚子单词的构成。用不同的方法教授新单词, 让孩子们在快乐中认知新单词,在此基础上学生们可以加深对单词的认知。 3.Compound words T: look,we have hami melon, coco-nut, grape-fruit. Can you think any other words like this? P: . T: It doesnt matter. I have some pictures for you. P: foot- ball football; pencil- box pencil-box; hand-bag handbag; basket ball basketball 【设计意图设计意图】通过图片,激发学生的已有知识。通过了解单词的构词法, 让学生能举一反三,自己找到识记单词的规律,把枯燥的识记简化为形象的记 忆,更接近学生的认知水平。 4. Make up a dialogue P1: Whats that? P2: Its a /an P1:_ is yummy! Can I have one? P2: Yes. Ill buy one for you. 【设计意图设计意图】整合之前所学内容,为之后的对话做铺垫。 5. Say the chant T: Which letter pronounces “f”? P: f T: Can you think any other words with “f”? P: T: Look, I have some words. Lets read together! P: T: Now lets read the chant together. 【设计意图设计意图】通过歌谣,激发学生的积极性和求知欲,为后面的课文情景 再现铺垫并达到扩展延伸。 6. Listen and fill the blanks. Mike: Hello, Lisa! Today well have a party. Lisa: Yes. Look! We have some m 、juice and vegetables. Mike: Lets buy some f , shall we? Lisa: OK. Lets go. Whats this? Mike: Its a w .Its so big. Lisa: Can I have one? Mike: Yes, Ill buy one for you. Whats t ? Lisa: Its a p . I like it very much. Mike: Is it yummy? Lisa: Yes. Ill buy one for you. Mike: Thank you. Look! We can make salad. 【设计意图设计意图】通过练习,使学生从听说读写四个方面掌握四会单词。以小 组为单位培养学生们的合作意识。强化新知,从听说、认读、理解过渡到写的 过程。 Step Three: : 情景再现,拓展延伸情景再现,拓展延伸 1. 创设情境,操练巩固 T: We have three choices. (1) Go to see your friends: your friend is ill. You can buy some fruit for him. (2) Go to see your grandpa and grandma (3) Birthday Party 2.小组编演新对话 T: Two of you as a group. Each group chooses one and makes a new dialogue. Ready? S: Go! T: Excellent! 【设计意图设计意图】在真实的情境中,感知本课所学内容。在购物的场景中,感 知语言素材,拉近知识与生活的距离,表演对话,在生活实际中运用语言来交 流,帮助学生活学活用。 toothachetoothachetoothache stomachachestomachachestomachache headacheheadacheheadache wrongwrongwrongwithwithwith stomachachestomachachestomachache 3评价(发给学生奖励糖果) Step4. Consolidation Watch a video about fruit. T: There is a saying “An apple a day keep away.” Can you guess keep whom away? Eat more fruit. You can be healthier. So you dont need to go to the hospital. P: doctors T: Excellent! 【设计意图设计意图】通过观看视频,感知本课所学内容。谚语帮助学生提高知识 储备,与实际生活想联系。 Step Five: 作业布置作业布置 1. Choose your favorite fruit to make your own salad with your family and friends. 2. Copy the words and sentences. 板书设计板书设计: 教学反思教学反思: : 在本课的教学中,我努力营造直观、有趣的英语学习情境,创设与实际生 活紧密相关的学习活动,并引导学生积极参与进来,充分调动学生的学习兴趣, 激发学生大胆实践、大胆交际,以达到快乐学习和学以致用的目的。 导入热身环节中,通过快问快答,消除学生的紧张情绪,拉近师生距离, 快速的进入到英语学习中来。通过贴卡片这一环节帮助学生对食物进行分类。 新授环节中,进入到超市的场景之中,让学生在熟悉的语言环境中进行语 言的输出,紧密联系生活实际。通过看图片,品尝糖果以及猜谜语的不同呈现 方式,充分调动学生的听觉,视觉和触觉,在图片中感知,在品尝中了解,在 情感中升华。复合词的教授与拓展,帮助学生在学习过程中观察、思考、发现、 总结自己的学习策略,让学生“有智慧”的学习。 巩固操练环节中,通过 fill in the blank 帮助学生进一步掌握本节课的 四会单词的写法,并为之后的小组对话提供语言素材。 课后扩展环节中,我设计了三个不同的场景:探望朋友、拜访祖父母以及 举办生日聚会。让学生在真实的语言环境中输出本节课的重点。创设实际应用 的任务活动,提高学生语用意识和能力,让学生在语言应用过程中的自然应用 所学新知。之后通过观看各种各样水果造型的视频激发学生对水果的喜爱,养 成多吃水果的良好生活习惯。最后通过“An apple a day keep doctors away”作为本课的提高和情感升华,在挖空的设计中,拉开学生梯度,引发学 生思考。 在本课中,我也存在很多不足,如活动的设计应多考虑加大活动的参与度, 有效设计课堂训练,体现三个梯度,让不同层次的学生都有所获。既能满足大 部分学生的知识水平,还应对基础能力强的学生进行更高难度的教学设计,拉 开学习的梯度和层次。今后英语课堂的活动应更多考虑以语言运用为落脚点。 评价的方式和方法也力争更多样化。 课后点评:课后点评: 本节课教师能够紧紧围绕教学内容及教学重,难点精心设计教学活动,教 学环节清晰、紧凑,层层递近,环环相扣。热身阶段的快速问答不仅复习了旧 知而且在奖励小粘贴的过程中也自然地为后面新知的学习做好了准备和铺垫; 在新授单词的过程中,教师通过看图片,尝糖果,猜谜语等不同方法来调动学 生多种感官参与教学活动,很好地激发了孩子们的学习积极性。句型教学 Can I have one? Ill buy one for you. 过渡自然,操练充分;在巩固阶段, 老师能为孩子们创设不同的情境,运用所学知识进行拓展延伸,从而达成言语 技能,收到了较好的教学效果。
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