六年级上册Unit 2 What's your hobby -Lesson 12-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-人教(精通)版(编号:b0585).zip

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Revision: Unit 1&2 You And Me About you: How old.? What do you usually do .? What are you interested in?/ . How many people.? Is your father a driver/.? About me: How old.? What do you usually do .? What are you interested in?/ . How many people.? Is your . a .? I think your hobby is . Look and guess: whats my hobby? My hobby is playing badminton. 密室逃脱 ROOM 1ROOM 1 Tips1: find out the right answers according to Unit1&2! 线索1:根据1、2 单元的内容找到正确的答案! B. C. G . F. E. D . A. Whose hobby is it?这是谁的爱好? B. C. G . F. E. D . A. Yang Ming / Zhou Pei / Li Yan /Kate /Lisa / Bob /Peter? Peter B. C. G . F. E. D . A. Bob Kate Lisa Li Yan Zhou Pei Yang Ming Tips2: Do the next task according to Unit1&2! 线索2:根据1、2 单元的内容完成下一任务! My name is Lucy White. Im from London. Im twelve. Im in Primary Six. Now let me tell you about my _. I _ at 7:30 in the morning. I _ at 8:00. I go to school at 8:30. School begins at _. We have seven subjects. They are English, maths, Chinese, science, PE, art and music. I _ at school at 11:45.School is over at 3:30 in the afternoon. I go home at 4:00. I have dinner at about 7:00 in the evening. After dinner, I _ for 30 minutes and do some reading. I _ at about 9:30. daily life watch TV go to bed have lunch have breakfast 9:00 get up Tips2: Do the next task according to Unit1&2! 线索2:根据1、2 单元的内容完成下一任务! PASS ROOM 2ROOM 2 Tips: Choose the words you need,talk about youself in groups ! 线索:选择所需词汇,小组内谈论自己! About you: 4.go to school / have classes / have lunch / go home . 3.reading / taking photos / singing/ dancing /playing. /planting flowers / collecting. 2.active / quiet / tall /short / beautiful / handsome /clever /lovely/ . 1.13 / China / student / 6.3 /. Tips: Choose the words you need,talk about youself in groups ! 线索:选择所需词汇,小组内谈论自己! PASS ROOM 3ROOM 3ROOM 3ROOM 3 Tips: Choose the words you need,copy on the paper,then stick them on your tree ! 线索:选择所需词汇抄下来,然后将纸片贴在树上! About a person you like关于你喜欢的一个人: 4.go to work /cook breakfast/ have breakfast / have lunch / go home/ watch TV/ . 3.reading / taking photos / singing/ dancing/ cooking /planting flowers /playing. / collecting. 2.active / quiet / tall /short / beautiful / handsome /clever /lovely/ . 1.father/mother/China / teacher / worker / housewife/driver/. About a person you like关于你喜欢的一个人: 4.go to work /cook breakfast/ have breakfast / have lunch / go home/ watch TV/ . 3.reading / taking photos / singing/ dancing/ cooking /planting flowers /playing. / collecting. 2.active / quiet / tall /short / beautiful / handsome /clever /lovely/ . 1.father/mother/China / teacher / worker / housewife/driver/. cook breakfast/ have breakfast / watch TV reading beautiful mother/worker have breakfast / go to school/ watch TV reading active son My son My son is 8. He is very active. His hobby is reading books. He has breakfast at 7:00. He goes to school at 7:50. He has classes from 8:00 to 12:00. He goes home in the afternoon. He has dinner at 6:00. After dinner, he does homework and then do some reading. He goes to bed at 10:00. I love my son! Tips: Choose the words you need,copy on the paper,then stick them on your tree ! 线索:选择所需词汇抄下来,然后将纸片贴在树上! PASS Super Speaker Good hobbies can make the world more beautiful! Summary & homework: 1. To talk more about a person you like. 2.To write more about the person you like. Happy EnglishHappy English, healthy life.healthy life. 学学习习目标目标 1. 知识目标:能够介绍家庭成员的职业。 2. 能力目标:能听懂,会说要求的单词和句子What do you do on Saturdays?I often go and see a film. I have breakfast at 8:00. I have lunch at 12:00. I have dinner at 7:00 . 及其单三人称:She gets up at 6:00. Then she cooks breakfast. She goes to school at 7:00. Whats your hobby?My hobby is collecting maps/ stamps/picure cards/toy cars. Whats your dads/ mums/grandpas/grandmas hobby? His/Her hobby is cooking/planting flowers/fishing/ singing/drinking tea. What are you interested in? Im interested in making dolls/ playing computer games/ taking photos. 3. 情感价值:进一步提高对英语学习的热情,培养更加稳定的学习兴趣。 能积极主动地参与课堂活动,在情景对话中大胆开口,主动模仿。 Unit 1&2 Revision 教学设计 You And Me 执教内容:人民教育出版社(精通版)六年级上册 执教教师: 执教时间:2018.10.17 执教班级: 【目标确定的依据目标确定的依据】 1.1.课程标准相关要求。课程标准相关要求。 能在教师的帮助下简单介绍自己介绍自己。 能在具体语境中进行交流表达自己的观点。 在词语和相应事物之间建立联想。 乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。 2.2.教材与学情分析。教材与学情分析。 本节课的教学内容是人民教育出版社精通版教材六年级上册第一和第二单 元综合复习课。这两个单元学习了有关日常生活和爱好的话题。本节双单元复 习课的功能是在理解并熟练认知课本内容的基础上,继续巩固复现两个单元所 学习的日常生活及爱好的核心句型“What do you do on Saturdays?I often go and see a film.Whats your hobby?My hobby is collecting maps/ stamps/picure cards/toy cars.及其单三人称的交流:She gets up at 6:00. Then she cooks breakfast. She goes to school at 7:00. Whats your dads/ mums/grandpas/grandmas hobby? His/Her hobby is cooking/planting flowers/fishing/ singing/drinking tea. What are you interested in? Im interested in making dolls/ playing computer games/ taking photos. ” 本次执教的班级为沙河一小六年级的学生。他们从已经学了三年多的英语, 有相当扎实的英语语言综合运用能力。刚刚学习过的第一二单元是有关日常生 活和爱好的话题,贴近生活实际,学生感兴趣,也有话可说。三年级时已经学 过家庭成员的表达,四年级时学过职业类的词汇,五年级时已经学习过描述人 物个性和一些动词短语,加上六年级一二单元的学习认知,学生能够更加精细 地对人物进行描述和交流。由于是六年级,又是复习课,因此听说读写各项能 力都需要得到提升,在教学设计中都要加以考虑。 【学习目标学习目标】 1.1.借助师生互动问答信息,能够听出并准确回答出关于自己、家人的日常生活、借助师生互动问答信息,能够听出并准确回答出关于自己、家人的日常生活、 爱好等信息爱好等信息 I I oftenoften gogo andand seesee a a film.Ifilm.I havehave breakfastbreakfast atat 8:00.8:00. I I havehave lunchlunch atat 12:00.I12:00.I havehave dinnerdinner atat 7:007:00 .My.My hobbyhobby isis collectingcollecting maps.maps. 及及 SheShe getsgets upup atat 6:00.6:00. ThenThen sheshe cookscooks breakfast.breakfast. SheShe goesgoes toto schoolschool atat 7:00.7:00. His/HerHis/Her hobbyhobby isis cooking/plantingcooking/planting flowers/fishing/flowers/fishing/ singing/drinkingsinging/drinking tea.tea. 2.2.借助课本中一二单元的相关图片,能够想得出并熟练说出两个单元的内容。借助课本中一二单元的相关图片,能够想得出并熟练说出两个单元的内容。 PetersPeters hobbyhobby isis collectingcollecting toytoy cars.cars. JimsJims dads/dads/ mums/grandpas/grandmasmums/grandpas/grandmas hobbyhobby isis cooking/plantingcooking/planting flowers/fishing/flowers/fishing/ singing/drinkingsinging/drinking tea.tea. LisaLisa isis interestedinterested inin makingmaking dolls/dolls/ playingplaying computercomputer games/games/ takingtaking photos.photos. 3.3. 通过通过“密室逃脱密室逃脱”的过关游戏,能够逐渐说出自己以及他人的个性、爱好、的过关游戏,能够逐渐说出自己以及他人的个性、爱好、 日常生活,能够在实际生活中灵活运用这些目标语句进行交流。日常生活,能够在实际生活中灵活运用这些目标语句进行交流。 WhatsWhats youryour hobby?Myhobby?My hobbyhobby isis collectingcollecting maps/maps/ stamps/picurestamps/picure cards/toycards/toy cars.cars. WhatsWhats youryour dads/dads/ mums/grandpas/grandmasmums/grandpas/grandmas hobby?hobby? His/HerHis/Her hobbyhobby isis cooking/plantingcooking/planting flowers/fishing/flowers/fishing/ singing/drinkingsinging/drinking tea.tea. WhatWhat areare youyou interestedinterested in?in? ImIm interestedinterested inin makingmaking dolls/dolls/ playingplaying computercomputer games/games/ takingtaking photos.photos. 4.4.通过通过 HobbiesHobbies 绘本的视听,能够体会出作为地球小主人的美好和自豪。绘本的视听,能够体会出作为地球小主人的美好和自豪。 【评价任务评价任务】 1.1.师生互动问答信息热身活动。师生互动问答信息热身活动。 (检测目标(检测目标 1 1) 2.2.看课本中一二单元的相关图片和完成看课本中一二单元的相关图片和完成“密室逃脱密室逃脱”的过关游戏中的一号的过关游戏中的一号 房间的任务。房间的任务。( (检测目标检测目标 2 2) 3.3.完成完成“密室逃脱密室逃脱”的过关游戏中的二、三号房间的任务。的过关游戏中的二、三号房间的任务。 (检测目标(检测目标 3 3) 4.4.视听视听 HobbiesHobbies 绘本。绘本。 (检测目标(检测目标 4 4) 【教学实录及点评教学实录及点评】 1.Greetings: T:Hello,boys and girls.Are you ready ? Ss:Yes, we are. T:Class begins.Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Ms Shi. T:Nice to see you . Ss:Nice to see you, too. T:Today, we are going to review unit 1 and unit 2. Were going to talk about : You and me.I know you are from Class 3,Grade 6. I want to know more about your information. First,whats your name? S1: My name is . T: What are you interested in? S1:Im interested in . T: What do you usually do on Saturdays? S1: I usually . T:Whats your name? S1: My name is . T:How old are you? S1: Im . T: What are you interested in/ Whats your hobby? S1:Im interested in ./ My hobby is. T: What do you do on Saturdays? S1: I . T:Whats your name? S1: My name is . T:How old are you? S1: Im . T: How many people are there in your family? S1:There are. T: Is your father a worker? S1: . T:What about your mother? . T:Do you want to know something about me? You can ask questions with them. Ss: . T:Thats about me! And I many hobbies.This is one of them. Can you guess : whats my hobby? Ss: . 互致问候,师生互动中彼此熟悉。启发学生向教师提出问题,满足他们 的好奇心。根据所给线索,猜测问题的答案,师生围绕个人、家人的日常生活 以及喜好等进行交流,在不断地增加话轮,复习再现第一二单元的话题,提升 他们的思维能力和语言运用能力。 2.Review: (1)呈现图片 1. T:Who is she? Ss: She is Jims mother. T:Whats her hobby? Ss: Her hobby is singing. T: How do you think of her? Ss:. (2)呈现图片 2. T:What do you want to know? Ask about it. 预设:S1:Who is he? S2:He is Jims father. S3:Whats his hobby? S4: His hobby is cooking. (3)呈现图片 3. T:What do you want to know? Who want to ask about it? 预设:S1:Who is she? S2:She is Jims grandmother. S3:Whats her hobby? S4: Her hobby is drinking Chinese tea. 回归课本,内容复现。以遮挡部分图片的方式,师生互动交流中提取第 二单元的主要内容,增加趣味。 T:Is she from China? Ss: No. T: But she likes China. Because China is a very beautiful and wonderful country.Lisa,Kate,Bob and Peter want to come here,too.I think you will be good friends.Do you want to play a game with them? Then you will know more about each other and you can show them around your school,your city,even your country. (4)Game of Puzzle Room Escape: ROOMROOM 1 1 T:Lets play. Where is the key? Here is it. The tips here: find out the right answers according to Unit 1 and 2. The task is: whose hobby is it? Discuss in groups. Ss:. T:Task 2 is: fill in the blanks. Ss:. 通过一号密室所给线索完成两个小任务,快速复习一二单元内容,以加 深对课本知识的理解,内化两个单元的目标语言,为下一关的“个人说” 做足准备。 3.Practice3.Practice (1)Talk(1)Talk aboutabout you:you: ROOMROOM 2 2 T:Room 1,Pass!Lets go to Room 2. Where is the key? Here is it. The tips here:choose the words you need, talk about yourself in groups. The words here:(PPT 呈现) 。 预设:小组表达 2 分钟,台上展示。 通过二号密室所给线索,小组内互相交流个人情况,完成第三个个小任 务,培养听和说的能力,养成注意倾听和大胆表达的习惯。 (2)Talk(2)Talk aboutabout a a person:person: ROOMROOM 3 3 T:Room 2,Pass!Lets go to Room 3. Where is the key? Here is it. The tips here:choose the words you need, copy on the paper,then stick them on your tree. The words here:(PPT 呈现) 。 T:You can do as this: T:Then copy them as this: 预设:书写并粘贴到大树上需要至少 3 分钟。 T:I choose the words copy them as this: T:So I can introduce my son as this: My son is 8.He is a student.He usually has breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. He goes to school at 7:50.After school, he has dinner and then do homework.He is interested in reading.He often goes to the bookshops and do some reading on Sundays.He is active.I love my son. What about the person you choose? Please try to say in groups. 预设:小组内表达大概需要 3 分钟。 T:You are so wonderful.Now you can write down on your paper like this. T:Room 3,pass.You are so wonderful.Look, you are super speakers! 通过三号密室所给线索,从认读、选择需要的词汇词组开始,再到根据 自己所选小组内互相交流,最后形成一篇小文章记录下来,完成第四个小任务, 层层铺垫,由浅入深,培养听-老师的要求及示范、说-自己喜欢的人的情况 介绍、读-老师示范的文章、写-关于自己喜欢的人物的文章的语言综合运用 能力。 4.Extension: T:Now Lisa,Kate,Bob ,Peter and you, know more about each other.You are good friends.You can go around the world together, and make the world more beautiful. Good hobbies can make the world more beautiful.Lets see.(视频播 放) 通过视听关于 Hobbies 的绘本,了解更多喜好的英语表达方式以及这些 喜好可以给人们带来美好的体验和感悟,体会这个世界因为有了这些美好的感 悟而变得更加和谐美好。从地球小主人的格局来认知世界,学会做一个美好的 人。浅浅渗透情感教育。 5. Summary& Homework: T:Today we had a good revision of Unit 1 and 2.We know more about :you and me.(根据板书) The homework is :(1) To talk more about a person you like. (2)To write more about the person you like. 通过板书框架和内容总结本节课所复习的话题及语句,复现目标语句, 避免知识的支离破碎。继续完成谈论人物的作业,用更加细致的语句来描述一 个人,语境和语用都更加真实。 【板书设计板书设计】 YouYou AndAnd MeMe I Family Friends Teacher Jobs/familyHobbies/daily life Doctor/driver/teacher/f armer/worker/. Clever/lovely/. Father/mother/. I go to school at 8:00. . Whats your hobby? Revision: Unit 1&2 You And Me About you: How old.? What do you usually do .? What are you interested in?/ . How many people.? Is your father a driver/.? About me: How old.? What do you usually do .? What are you interested in?/ . How many people.? Is your . a .? I think your hobby is . Look and guess: whats my hobby? My hobby is playing badminton. 密室逃脱 ROOM 1ROOM 1 Tips1: find out the right answers according to Unit1&2! 线索1:根据1、2 单元的内容找到正确的答案! B. C. G . F. E. D . A. Whose hobby is it?这是谁的爱好? B. C. G . F. E. D . A. Yang Ming / Zhou Pei / Li Yan /Kate /Lisa / Bob /Peter? Peter B. C. G . F. E. D . A. Bob Kate Lisa Li Yan Zhou Pei Yang Ming Tips2: Do the next task according to Unit1&2! 线索2:根据1、2 单元的内容完成下一任务! My name is Lucy White. Im from London. Im twelve. Im in Primary Six. Now let me tell you about my _. I _ at 7:30 in the morning. I _ at 8:00. I go to school at 8:30. School begins at _. We have seven subjects. They are English, maths, Chinese, science, PE, art and music. I _ at school at 11:45.School is over at 3:30 in the afternoon. I go home at 4:00. I have dinner at about 7:00 in the evening. After dinner, I _ for 30 minutes and do some reading. I _ at about 9:30. daily life watch TV go to bed have lunch have breakfast 9:00 get up Tips2: Do the next task according to Unit1&2! 线索2:根据1、2 单元的内容完成下一任务! PASS ROOM 2ROOM 2 Tips: Choose the words you need,talk about youself in groups ! 线索:选择所需词汇,小组内谈论自己! About you: 4.go to school / have classes / have lunch / go home . 3.reading / taking photos / singing/ dancing /playing. /planting flowers / collecting. 2.active / quiet / tall /short / beautiful / handsome /clever /lovely/ . 1.13 / China / student / 6.3 /. Tips: Choose the words you need,talk about youself in groups ! 线索:选择所需词汇,小组内谈论自己! PASS ROOM 3ROOM 3ROOM 3ROOM 3 Tips: Choose the words you need,copy on the paper,then stick them on your tree ! 线索:选择所需词汇抄下来,然后将纸片贴在树上! About a person you like关于你喜欢的一个人: 4.go to work /cook breakfast/ have breakfast / have lunch / go home/ watch TV/ . 3.reading / taking photos / singing/ dancing/ cooking /planting flowers /playing. / collecting. 2.active / quiet / tall /short / beautiful / handsome /clever /lovely/ . 1.father/mother/China / teacher / worker / housewife/driver/. About a person you like关于你喜欢的一个人: 4.go to work /cook breakfast/ have breakfast / have lunch / go home/ watch TV/ . 3.reading / taking photos / singing/ dancing/ cooking /planting flowers /playing. / collecting. 2.active / quiet / tall /short / beautiful / handsome /clever /lovely/ . 1.father/mother/China / teacher / worker / housewife/driver/. cook breakfast/ have breakfast / watch TV reading beautiful mother/worker have breakfast / go to school/ watch TV reading active son My son My son is 8. He is very active. His hobby is reading books. He has breakfast at 7:00. He goes to school at 7:50. He has classes from 8:00 to 12:00. He goes home in the afternoon. He has dinner at 6:00. After dinner, he does homework and then do some reading. He goes to bed at 10:00. I love my son! Tips: Choose the words you need,copy on the paper,then stick them on your tree ! 线索:选择所需词汇抄下来,然后将纸片贴在树上! PASS Super Speaker Good hobbies can make the world more beautiful! Summary & homework: 1. To talk more about a person you like. 2.To write more about the person you like. Happy EnglishHappy English, healthy life.healthy life. 学学习习目标目标 1. 知识目标:能够介绍家庭成员的职业。 2. 能力目标:能听懂,会说要求的单词和句子What do you
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