(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第一册Welcome Unit 单词、短语及句式练习(含答案).docx

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1、Welcome Unit 课文重点单词、短语及课文重点单词、短语及重点重点句式句式、 Part I 课文重点单词课文重点单词 1.exchangen交换交换vt交换;交流;交易;兑换交换;交流;交易;兑换 (教材 P2)Im an exchange student from the UK 我是来自英国的一名交换生。 (1)in exchange for交换 exchange student交换生 (2)exchange sthfor sth用来交换 exchange sthwith sb与某人交换某物 He would like to work in the restaurant in exc

2、hange for a meal for free 他想在餐馆干活换取免费的一顿饭。 We students should often exchange ideas with our parents, who are rich in experience 我们学生应该经常和经验丰富的父母交换意见。 Id like to exchange some pounds for dollars 我想把一些英镑兑换成美元。 【例题检测】【例题检测】 1. The School of Life has a large number of professional staff who are willing

3、to meet up with you for an hour of chat in exchange _ a small fee. 2. The Internet enables us to exchange ideas _ many others to check our claims, and judge our actions. 3. 翻译句子 我们不能用钱来交换友情或爱情。 _ 2.lecturen.讲座;讲课;教训讲座;讲课;教训 vi.(开(开)讲座;讲课讲座;讲课 vt.训斥训斥 (1) a lecture on sth 有关的讲座 (2) attend a lecture 听

4、演讲,听课 (3) deliver a lecture 演讲,讲课/give a lecture 给上课,发表演讲 (4) give sb a lecture on sth/to give sb a lecture about sth 就给某人一番训诫 I couldnt understand any of your lectures last week. 上周我听不懂你的任何讲课。 She is invited to give a lecture on Chinese history this weekend. 她被邀请在这个周末就中国历史发表演讲。 【例题检测】【例题检测】 翻译句子 请带

5、上那篇论文,或者你的演讲笔记或文章的副本。 _ 2. After he finished the book, he found time_(lecture)at various colleges. 3.registervt. (2)junior reporter 初级记者 (3)senior high school 高级中学 (4)be senior to 较.年长 【例题检测】【例题检测】 翻译句子: 他地位比我高,虽然他比我年轻。 _ 9. impressionn印象;感想印象;感想 (教材 P4)I want to make a good first impression 我想留下一个好

6、的第一印象。 (1)have/leave a(n)impression on sb给某人留下一个 的印象 (2)impress vt使铭记;铭刻;使印象深刻 impress sb with sth(impress sth on/upon sb)使某人牢记某事 (3)be impressed by/at/with对印象深刻 (4) impressiveadj. 给人深刻印象的;令人赞叹的 My new teachers rich knowledge and humorous talk left a deep impression on us 新老师渊博的知识、风趣的谈吐给我们留下了深刻的印象。

7、My father impressed the value of hard work on/upon me My father impressed me with the value of hard work 我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。 For some reason, she was_impressed with my work and me 由于某种原因,她对我和我的工作印象深刻。 【例题检测】【例题检测】 1.Shes always trying to make an impression_ people with her new clothes. 2. I had a chanc

8、e_(impress)her with my efficiency but I missed it. 3. I was very_(impress)by her performance at a celebration. 4. 翻译句子 我对他的第一印象是他是个和善和体贴的年轻人。 _ 10.explorevt奇怪地 curiosity n. 好奇心 【例题检测】【例题检测】 1. She watched _(curious) as I opened the box. 2. Not only does he want his students to know more about modern

9、 science, but he also tries hard to arouse _(curious) about nature among them. 3. She was curious _(know) what was going on in the neighborhood. Part 02 短语精讲短语精讲 1. concentrate on集中精力于集中精力于 (教材 P4)I couldnt concentrate on the experiment 我无法集中精力做实验。 (1)concentrate on (doing) sth专心于(做)某事 concentrate o

10、nes mind/attention on集中注意力于;致力于;专心于 (2)concentration n集中;专心 Playing computer games can give us some relaxation after school, but as students we must concentrate on our studies 放学后玩电脑游戏使我们放松,但是作为学生我们应该集中精力学习。 If you concentrate(your_mind/attention/yourself)_on learning English, you will master the la

11、nguage 你若集中精力学习英语,你会掌握这门语言的。 Concentration on your studies will result in good grades 专心于你的学习将会取得好成绩。 【例题检测】【例题检测】 1.(2015 四川卷)Previous generations concentrated _ getting children to school on time, fed, dressed and ready to learn. 2.The confusing matters make him unable_(concentrate)on his study. 3

12、. 翻译句子: 为了达到成功,你应该集中精力于你在做的事情。 _ 2.leavealone不打扰;不惊动不打扰;不惊动 (教材 P4)I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone! 我真想告诉他请安静,别烦我! leave for动身到 leave out省略;遗漏 Ive told you beforeleave my things alone! 我以前告诉过你,别管我的东西! When do you plan to leave for Canada? 你们打算什么时候动身去加拿大? Well leave

13、aside the difficult problem until next week 我们暂时把困难问题搁置到下周。 【例题检测】【例题检测】 1. Now that the children are older, we can_ to amuse themselves. 孩子们大了,我们可以不干涉他们,让他们自己去玩了。 2. Each of us can not leave _ other peoples work and lives along in a civilized society. 3.look forward to期望;期待;盼望期望;期待;盼望 (教材 p6) Tom i

14、s looking forward to meeting the new exchange student. 汤姆期待见到新的交换生。 We are looking forward to your early reply. 我们盼望着你尽快回信。 【归纳拓展】 look after照料look ahead向前看;为将来打算 look back on回顾look down on/upon 瞧不起,看不起 look into 调查look onas把看作 look through 浏览look around 环视 look out for 注意,当心,留意look up 查找 look up to

15、 仰慕,尊敬 【例题检测】【例题检测】 翻译句子 学生们盼望着有机会去探索社会获取真实的生活经验。 _ Part 03 句型精讲句型精讲 1.What if?要是?要是将会怎么样?将会怎么样? (教材 P4)What if no one talks to me? 要是没人跟我说话怎么办? 此句中的 What if?意为“要是将会怎么样?”。类似句型还有: How/What about?怎么样? Why not do sth? 为什么不做某事? What if this problem has to be solved in the next half hour? 在接下来的半小时里,如果这个问

16、题必须被解决会怎样? What if she finds out that youve lost her book? 如果她发现你把她的书丢了怎么办? Why not give(give) him a second chance? 为什么不给他第二次机会呢? 【例题检测】【例题检测】 翻译句子 1. 要是他们没赶上火车会怎么样? _ 2. 要是那是你呢? _ 2. findsb/sthadj(宾补宾补) (教材 P4)I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful 我发现我的大多数同学和老师都很友好和乐于助人。 “

17、find宾语宾补”结构: find宾语adj(宾补) find宾语doing(宾补) find宾语done(宾补) You wont find paper cutting difficult if you keep practising it 如果你坚持练习,你就不会发现剪纸很难。 When we see from the top of the hill,we can find the city more beautiful 当我们从山顶上看,我们感觉这个城市更美。 I hurried to the post office only to find it closed 我匆忙赶到邮局,却发现它

18、关门了。 When I arrived home, I found my mother watching TV 当我到家时, 我发现我妈妈正在看 电视。 【例题检测】 翻译句子 1. 我们发现山上的花很美。 _ 2. 你会发现有人在湖边照相。 _ 3. 他发现一头大象被杀死在森林。 _ 3.I take notes while listening and reading.我在听和读的同时记笔记。我在听和读的同时记笔记。 while listening and reading 是 while I am listening and reading 的省略形式。状语从句的省略包 括两种情形: (1)

19、当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中含有 be 动词时,可将从句的主语和 be 动词一起省略。 (2)当从句中含有“itbe 动词”时,可将 it 和 be 动词省略。 While (I was) in Italy, I went to seeAlessandro. 在意大利的时候,我去看望了亚历山德罗。 If admitted(I was admitted),I will do all I can to do the work well. 如果我被录用,我会尽我所能把工作做好。 If (it is)possible,leave the room immediately and go t

20、o the open space. 如果可能,立即离开室内到空旷处。 【例题检测】【例题检测】 1. When _(ask) to answer the question, he said nothing. 2. While_(walk) across the road, you should pay attention to the cars. 3. If _(rain) tomorrow, we will have to stay indoors. 4.either.or.或者或者或者或者,在句中连接两个相同的成分。,在句中连接两个相同的成分。 当连接两个名词/代词作主语时,谓语动词遵循“

21、就近一致”原则。有类似用法的还有: neither.nor.既不也不,not.but.不是而是,not only.but also.不但 而且等。 Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycle. 观光最好是乘游览巴士,或者骑自行车。 You must either go at once or wait till tomorrow.你要么马上走,要么等到明天。 Either he or you are(be) right;this is to say,not both of you are right. 要么他对,要么你对,或

22、者说,不是你们两个都对。 Not only the nurses but also the doctor is(be) very kind to the patients. 护士和医生对病人都很好。 温馨提示温馨提示 (1)either.or.除可连接两个词或短语外,还可连接两个句子,如: Either you must improve your work or I shall dismiss you. 要么你改进工作,要么我就辞退你。 (2)either.or.的否定式可以是 neither .nor.,也可是 not either.or. 【例题检测】【例题检测】 1.Either you

23、 or he _(be) to blame for the silly mistake. 2.You can either stay at home _go out with us. 5.No matter what you want to learn, it is important to decide on your goal before you make a plan.不管你想学什么,重要的是在制定计划之前确定你的目标。不管你想学什么,重要的是在制定计划之前确定你的目标。 no matter what(whatever)无论,不管,用来引导让步状语从句,类似连词还有: no matte

24、r who(whoever)无论谁, no matter which(whichever)无论哪一个(些), no matter when(whenever)无论何时, no matter where(wherever)无论哪里, no matter how(however)无论怎样。 No matter what the matter may be,we should do our best. 无论事情会成什么样,我们都应当尽最大的努力。 No matter when you call on me,you are welcome.不管你什么时候来拜访我都欢迎你。 Dont open the

25、door no matter who knocks. 不管是谁敲门都不要开门。 【例题检测】【例题检测】 句型转换 No matter how busy he is,he is ready to help others. _ busy he is,he is ready to help others. 6. If you are learning new words,it is wise to use small cards with the words written on them.如果你正在学习生词,最好使用上面写有单词的小卡片。如果你正在学习生词,最好使用上面写有单词的小卡片。 本句中

26、的“with the words written on them”是 with 复合结构,此结构在句中常作状语,也可以 作定语。常见的结构有: with宾语doing with宾语done with宾语to do with宾语adj. with宾语adv. with宾语介词短语 With the floor wet,I had to stay outside. 由于地板很湿,我只得待在室外。 She lay in bed,with her eyes wide open. 她躺在床上,眼睛睁得大大的。 The room is clean,with a dining table laid(lay)

27、 for a meal. 房间很干净,一张餐桌已经摆好等着用餐了。 With so much homework to do(do),I wont go to see the film tonight. 有那么多作业要做,今晚我不去看电影了。 【例题检测】【例题检测】 句型转换 As time went by,the woman gradually forgot that accident.(with 复合结构) _ _ _ _,the woman gradually forgot that accident. Unit 3 课文重点小结课文重点小结 词性转变词性转变 1.register vt

28、.施工 12. contain v.包含:含有container n.容器:集装箱:货柜 content n.所含之物:内容:日录 课文重点短语课文重点短语 1.at last 最后;终于 2.make/leave an impression 留下印象 3. concentrate on 集中精力于 4.leave .alone 不打扰;不惊动 5.on campus 在校园里 6.senior high school(美国)高中 7.right now 现在;此刻 8.make friends 交朋友 9.junior high school(美国)初级中学 0.feel confident

29、 感到有信心 课文重点句式课文重点句式 1. What if. 2. find sth/sb +adj/doing/done . 3. 状语从句的省略(when/while/if.) 4. either.or. 5. no matter +特殊疑问词=特殊疑问词+ever 6. with the 复合结构 Welcome Unit 课文重点单词、短语及句式随堂练习答案课文重点单词、短语及句式随堂练习答案 Part I 课文重点单词课文重点单词 题号答案 1 1. for 2. with 3. We cannot exchange money for friendship or love. 2

30、1. Please bring that paper or your lecture notes or a copy of the article. 2.to lecture 3 1. registered for 2. registered 4 1. to be; 2. designer; 3. for; 4. by 5 1. anxious; 2. to find; 3. anxiety 6 1. annoyed; annoying 2. annoyed 3. It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you. 7 1. fri

31、ghtened, 2. frightened 8He is senior to me, though he is younger. 9 1. on 2. to impress 3. impressed 4.My first impression of him is that he is a kind and thoughtful young man. 10 1. to explore; exploration 2. explorer 11 1. confidence; 2. about; 3. in; 4. I am confident of my success./ I am confide

32、nt that I will succeed. 12 1. reflected my interest; 2. on/upon 13 1. organization; 2. be organized 14 1. curiously; 2. curiosity; 3. to know Part 02 短语精讲短语精讲 题号答案 1 1.on 2.to concentrate 3. To achieve success, you should concentrate on what you are doing. 2 1.leave them alone ; 2. alone 3 The stude

33、nts are looking forward to having an opportunity to explore society for real-life experience. Part 03 句型精讲句型精讲 题号答案 1 1. What if they didnt catch the train? 2. What if that were you? 2 1. We found the flowers on the mountain top very beautiful. 2. You will find some people taking photos on the lake. 3. He found an elephant killed in the forest. 3 1. asked 2. walking 3. rainy 4 1. is 2. or 51.However 61.With time going by 7.


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