(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第一册Unit1 基础达标训练(含答案).doc

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1、基础达标训练(一)基础达标训练(一) . .课文单词默写。课文单词默写。 1._ /ti:ned/ adj.十几岁的(指 13 至 19 岁); 青少年的 2._ /ti:ned(r)/ n. (13 至 19 岁之间的) 青少年 3._ /ble/ n. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧 4._ /vlnt(r)/n. 志愿者 5._ /d bet/ n. 辩论;争论vt. preferred; preferring) 7._ 喜欢多于 8._ /kntent/ n. 内容; pl 目录; (书、讲话、节目等的)主题 9._ /mu:vmnt/n. 动作;运动; 活动 10._ /gri:nhas/n. 温

2、室;暖房 11._打扫(或清除)干净 12._ /su:tbl/ adj.适合的;适用的 13._对适合的 14._ /ktuli/adv. 事实上; 的确 15._ /tlnd/ n. 挑战;艰巨任务vt. 怀疑;向挑战 16._ /tatl/ n. (书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔 17._ /tpk/ n. 话题; 标题 18._ /fremn/ n. (especially NAmE)(中学)九年级学生;(大学)一年级新生 19._ /knfju:z/ adj.难以理解的;不清楚的 20._ /knfju:z/ vt. 使糊涂;使迷惑 21._ /knfju:zd/ adj.糊涂

3、的;迷惑的 22._ /flu:nt/ adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的 23._ /rdet/ vi. 文学作品 29._ /ekstrkrkjul/adj.课外的; 课程以外的 30._ /ekstr/adj.额外的;附加的 31._ /bvisli/ adv. 显然地;明显地 32._ /kwt/ vi. 答案 37._ /edju:l/ n. 工作计划;日程安排 vt. 安排;预定 38._ /edt(r)/ n. 主编;编辑;编者 39._ /plet/ n. 盘子,碟子 40._ /dvent(r)/n. 冒险; 奇遇 41._ /ju:/ n. 青年时期; 青春 42._ /s

4、vavl/ n. 生存;幸存;幸存事物 43._ /ekspt/ n. 专家;行家 adj.熟练的;内行的;专家的 44._ /bhevj(r)/n. 行为; 举止 45._ /denren/n.一代(人) 46._ /trkt/ vt. 吸引;引起的注意(或兴趣) 47._ 喜爱 48._ /fks / vi. he always plays_ _ _(独自). 4. When at college, I often _ _(分发)advertisements after school. 5. These volunteers_ _ _(对.负责)collecting plastic bag

5、s on the beach. 6. China is determined to improve its laws to ensure they_ _ _(跟上)the changing times. 7. 这次会议将着重讨论学生们的健康饮食问题。 The meeting willof the students. 8. 我宁愿做一些运动而不愿在家待着。 I _some sports stay at home. 9. 一些学生最近沉迷于电脑游戏。 Some students. 10. 他在 7 岁的时候就喜欢上了这项运动。 Heat the age of seven. .单句语法填空单句语法填

6、空 1. The _ (solve) of the problem has just come to me. 2. The ending of the film made him a little _ (confuse). 3. I think he was born to be an _ (edit) of a newspaper. 4. It seems that _ (read) English is easier than speaking it. 5. It is difficult for us_ (find) time for both studies and extra-cur

7、ricular activities. 6. _ (obvious) he takes an interest in swimming. 7. It is no use _ (operate) on the sick man. He should have been sent here early. 8. Mount Tai is _(attract) to tourists for its beautiful scenery and historical sites. 9. The new measures which have been taken show Chinas sense of

8、 _ (responsible) as a major country. 10. Chinese doctors have brought _ (advance) medical technology and experience which could help not only patients but also doctors in Africa. 11. There was a time when I am addicted _ computer games. 12. Senior high school life is _ really big challenge forAdam.

9、13. I am _(terrible) sorry to have you waiting for such a long time. 14. One of the _ (volunteer) said that she enjoyed her work because she could see the smiling faces of children. 15.As parents, we shouldnt force children to do _ they dont like. . .语法填空语法填空 In the age of the smart phone,there seem

10、s no reason to ask questions about: the weather forecast,a businesss phone number or directions,which can all be 1.(easy) found on Google,but very often people 2.(actual) ask these things by 3.(make) a call.Your answer may be replied to with a thank-you e-mail. This isnt the first time that great ch

11、anges 4.(take) place in our manners due to technology.In 5.late 1870s,when the telephone 6.(invent),people didnt know how 7.(greet) a caller.Often there is just 8.(silent).Alexander Graham Bell,the inventor,suggested that people 9.(say) “Ahoy”,but finally “Hello” went out,the greeting used in everyd

12、ay face-to-face communications now. Try to be respectful no matter 10.you communicate with.Just keep in mind that politeness never goes out of fashion. 基础达标训练(三)基础达标训练(三) .单句语法填空单句语法填空 1. Behave _ (you) in public and you will win the respect of most of us. 2. The cherry blossoms in spring is_ (attra

13、ct) to the crowds of tourists in Wuhan University in Hubei Province. 3. To be honest, I regret not having focused my mind _ my study. 4. He _ (addict) to computer games; thats why he has to drop out of school. 5.The trip _ (schedule)to begin next Monday. 6. Youre walking too fast. I cant keep up _ y

14、ou. 7.At last, he quit _ (teach) and worked as an official. 8. Its a good idea to make preparations for it _ advance. 9. To my surprise, he is _ graduate in medicine. 10. I prefer the red dress _ the green one because it fits me better. 11. My brother signed up _ the army last year. 12. Therefore, l

15、ets take the _ (responsible) to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles. 13. I recommend that Tom _ (take) part in the game after school. 14. Hes been in Britain for two years, so he could speak English _(fluent). .完成句子完成句子 1. 他发现离开德国去美国是不可能了。 He found _ _ _ _Germany for the USA. 2.Addicted to

16、 surfing the Net, many kids have lost interest in study.(改写句子) Many kids _ _ _ surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in study. Many kids _ _ _ surfing the Net, so they have lost interest in study. 3. 为了将来过上幸福的生活,趁着年轻你应该多关注你的事业。 To lead a happy life in the future, you should _ _ _ your career w

17、hile you are young. 4. 展览将吸引来自国内外的大量游客。 The exhibition will _ at home and abroad. 5. 这门课程的主要目的是帮助你提高阅读能力。 The main purpose of the course is _. .选词填空选词填空 A different; independent;solve;challenging;efficient; adult; become; roads Being a teenager can be 1._,but it can also be exciting.Youre becoming m

18、ore 2._ and making decisions for yourself.You are also learning to take risks and 3._ problems better.And changes are happening throughout your body,even in your brain. The changes in your brain are influencing how you develop into an 4._.Imagine the structure(结构) of your brain is like a big road ma

19、p.Lots of roads lead to 5._ destinations(目的地).When you were a child,as you learnt new things,your brain created more and more roads to different destinations.By the time you 6._ a teenager, many different 7._lead to the most important places on the map.Now your brains job is to make that map more 8.

20、_. B matter; new ;volunteer;However; terrible;fun;farm;French;free One rainy afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so bored.Instead of feeling sorry for myself,I wanted to meet people and have9experiences so I decided to start volunteering.I found a website where I could10on a farm in France. Volu

21、nteering could provide so many opportunities to have11and share great stories.Working on a12was a new experience for me.It was basically a13holiday as food and accommodation were provided. 14 ,it was not your typical holiday as Ihad to look after fifteen horses!I soon discovered that I was a15farmer

22、 but it did not16because I made some great friends and also improved my17 . . .阅读理解阅读理解 A I suffered from mental illness and depression when I was younger,and it totally affected my teenage years.But after a long struggle,I found a hobby that changed my life. My depression really kicked in after my

23、parents moved to the UK when I was about 11 years old.Having to get used to life in a foreign country was very difficult.The friends I knew were gone,and the changes in my environment led to my depression.I had problems in many parts of my life,which made it feel impossible for me to carry on. At th

24、at time,I didnt understand that depression was an illness.I remember a particular day when I couldnt find enough strength to get myself home from playing in the parkit felt like I was carrying the world on my shoulders. Other times,I even thought about killing myselfI just felt so trapped.I never re

25、ally reached out for help either,as I felt that there wasnt anyone who could have helped with my situation. What turned my life around,however,was discovering street dancing.I was introduced to it by a friend,and I started taking classes at a studio in London.After a few weeks,I began to go out and

26、meet a lot of other dancers to practice and train with them on a regular basis.It gave me a purpose,and eventually the happiness I gained from it helped me manage my depression.The dancing helped me get my life back,focus on my studies,and get through university. My advice to anyone who might be goi

27、ng through something like I was is to reach out for help.The thing about life is that it changes,and you never know what might come your way.If someone had said to me during those dark moments that I would have gone on to achieve the things I have,I wouldnt have ever believed it. Just take each day

28、as it comes,and remember that theres always someone,or something,out there to help you. 1.How did the author deal with his depression at first? A.He turned to his old friends for help. B.He talked about it with his parents. C.He put up with it by himself. D.He read many articles about it. 2.How did

29、street dancing benefit the author? A.It helped him find a good job. B.It taught him how to control his emotions perfectly. C.It let him find many true friends. D.It cheered him up and made him feel positive. 3.What does the author suggest people do when they feel down? A.Always be confident in thems

30、elves. B.Find someone or something to rescue them. C.Wait for help to come patiently. D.Accept everything that life sends their way. 4.How might the author feel about his future? A.Hopeful.B.Fearful. C.Satisfied.D.Uncertain. B B When Facebook was entirely used by people under the age of 25, things w

31、ere simple. But now an important social question has appearedshould you “friend” your child, or accept a parent as a “friend”? Lindsay Stewart, 15, completely understands why youd refuse a parents friend request. Her parents have agreed on not becoming Facebook friends. Lindsay says, “She said she w

32、asnt going to ask to be friends. My brother and I were relieved(放心的). ” Though there may be nothing embarrassing or secrets being discussed, its not a place she wants her mother to have access to. Lindsay explains, “My mum is my mum. I like her, but shes not necessarily what Id call my friend. ” Mum

33、 is Sandy Stewart, a 50-year-old Indiana-born mother of two now living in South London. Mrs Stewart has strong opinions about what role a parent should play in the worlds biggest networking sitestay away from your children. “I wouldnt dream of being friends. Theres no way,” Mrs Stewart insists and s

34、uggests trying “friending” could seem like an invasion of privacy(侵犯隐私). Yet Tim Harness, 54, and his daughter Josie, 18, are “friends” on Facebook and perfectly happy. Josie left home in the summer for university in Plymouth, and Mr Harness can see her online. “I have a little look at her photos no

35、w and again,” he explains. “She seems to be having a good time. ” Josie tells me its reassuring(令人安心的) to know that her fathers checking up on her every few days.She has plenty of family friends and what they see on her Facebook doesnt concern her. “The worst dad might see is a photo of me a bit dru

36、nk, ” she says. “Is it an invasion of privacy? Not really. Everyone has Facebook these days. In my view, the only reason why you wouldnt want them is if youve got something to hide. ” 1.After Lindsays parents promised not to “friend” their kids, she_. A. still looked worriedB. thought it was a trick

37、 C. felt quite relaxedD. made her privacy public 2. Which of the following best describes Lindsays parents? A. Understanding.B. Outgoing C. Warmhearted.D. Curious. 3. The writer mentioned the Stewart family and the Harness family to show_. A. Facebook is popular with people of all ages B. young peop

38、le pay no attention to protecting their privacies C. parents play an important role in social websites D. different opinions about “friending a child” online 4. What can be learned from the passage? A. Social websites are not safe enough. B.Parents should care more for their kids in real life. C. Ti

39、m Harness checked up on Josies Facebook with her agreement. D. It is only an excuse for kids to refuse their parents on Facebook. Unit 1 基础达标训练(一)参考答案基础达标训练(一)参考答案 题号答案 I自行翻书检查 II 1.teenage-teenager (adj-n) 青少年的-青少年 2.volunteer-voluntary(n/v-adj)志愿者/自愿-自愿的 3.prefer-preference -preferred-preferable (

40、v-n-adj-adj) 较喜欢-偏爱-首选的 -更可取的 4.move-movement(v-n) 移动-动作 5.suit-suitable (n/v-adj) 外套/适合-合适的 6.actual-actually (adj-adv)实际的-事实上 7.challenge-challenging-challenged (v/n-adj) 挑战-具有挑战性的-受到挑战 的 8.confuse-confusing-confused-confusion (v-adj-adj-n)使糊涂-不清楚的-感 到糊涂的-迷糊 9.fluent-fluently-fluency (adj-adv-n)流利

41、的-流利地-流利 10. graduate-graduation(v/n-n)毕业/毕业生-毕业典礼 11. recommend-recommendation (v-n) 建议/推荐 12. advance-advanced(n/v-adj)前进/发展-先进的,高级的 13. obvious-obviously(adj-adv) 明显的-明显地 14. quit-quitting (v-现在分词)停止 15. responsible-responsibility (adj-n)有责任的-责任 16. solve-solution (v-n)解决 17. edit-edition-editor

42、(v-n-n(人)编辑-版次-主编 18. young-youth (adj-n) 年轻的-青春 19. survive-survival -survivor (v-n-n(人) 存活-生存-幸存者 20. behave-behavior(v-n) 行为,举止 21. attract-attractive-attracted-attraction(v-adj-adj-n) 吸引-具有吸引力的- 被吸引的-吸引人的事物 22. addict-addictive-addicted-addiction(n-adj-adj-n)对入迷的人-使 人上瘾的-有瘾的-毒瘾 III 1. prefer to喜

43、欢.多于 2. be content with对.满足 3. clean up 打扫,清除干净 4. be suitable for 对合适的 5. sign up for 报名(参加课程) 6. be responsible for 对.负责 7. be attracted to 喜爱 8. focus on 集中,特别关注 9. be addicted to 对很入迷 基础达标训练(二)参考答案基础达标训练(二)参考答案 I 1. solution 2. content 3. fluent 4. literature 5. Obviously 6. responsibility 7. ed

44、itors 8. volunteers 9. actually 10. improve II 1. is prepared for 2. get used to 3. on his own 4. handed out 5. are responsible for 6. keep up with 7. focus on the healthy eating 8. I would rather do 9. has recently become addicted to computer games 10. had become attracted to the game III 1. soluti

45、on 2. confused 3. editor 4. reading 5. to find 6. Obviously 7. operating 8. attractive 9. responsibility 10. advanced 11. to 12. a 13. terribly 14. volunteers 15. whatever 1. easily 2. actually 3. making 4. have taken 5. the 6. was invented 7. to greet 8. silence 9. (should) say 10. who/whom 基础达标训练(

46、三)参考答案基础达标训练(三)参考答案 I 1. yourself 2. attractive 3. on 4. is addicted 5. is scheduled 6. with 7. teaching 8. in 9. a 10. to 11. for 12. responsibility 13. should 14. fluently II 1. it impossible to leave; 2. become/are/get addicted to;addict themselves to; 3. focus more on; 4. attract a large number of visitors; 5. to help improve your reading ability III 1. challenging 2. independent 3. solve 4. adult 5. different 6. become 7. roads 8. efficient 9. new 10. volunteer 11. fun 12. farm 13. free 14. However 15. terrible 16. matter 17. French A:CDBA B:CADC


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