(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit 3 知识清单+巩固练习(含答案).docx

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1、1 必修二必修二 Unit 3 知识清单知识清单+巩固练习巩固练习 *知识清单知识清单* Unt 3The Internet 一、词汇变换一、词汇变换 1.blog(n.) 博客vt.写博客 blogger (n). 博客作者,博主 2. engine(n.) 引撃;发动机;火车头 engineer (n). 工程师 engineering (n). 工程,工程学 3.identity(n.) 身份,个性 identify (v)确定,鉴定,识别,辨认出 4. convenient(adj.) 方便的,便利的 convenience (n). 便利,方便 5. access(n.) 通道;(v

2、t).进入;使用;获取 accessible (adj). 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的 6. function(n.) 功能;作用;机能 (vi.)起作用 functional (adj.) 功能的 7.confirm (v). 确认,事确信 confirmation (n). 确认,证实,证明 8.privacy (n). 隐私,私密 private( adj). 私有的,私人的,私立的 privately( adv). 9.particular (adj.). 特定的,特别的,讲究的 particularly (adv). 异乎寻常地;特别是;明确地 10.embarrassing (a

3、dj). 让人难堪(尴尬;害羞)的 embarrassed (adj.) adj. 尴尬的;窘迫的 embarrassment (n). 尴尬,窘迫 embarrass (v). 使尴尬,使窘迫 11.rude (adj) 粗鲁的,无礼的 rudeness (n). 无礼,野蛮 12.tough(adj.) 艰难的;严厉 toughness (n). 韧性;强健;有粘性 二、重点单词二、重点单词 1.chat vi. 聊天;闲聊 (1)谈论.;聊及. chat about. (2)闲聊事情、闲聊天气 chat about the affair/weather (3)与.闲聊 chat with

4、/to. 2.convenient adj. 方便的;近便的 (1)对某人来说方便 be convenient for sb (2)离某物近 be convenient for /to sth (3)(某人)做某事方便 It is convenient for sb to do sth (4)某 事 对 . 来 说 是 方 便 的sth is convenient for sb/sth Would it be convenient for you (对你来说方便)to pick me up at 8 oclock at the airport? 3.stuck adj. 卡住;陷入;困于 (1

5、) 陷 入 . 中 , 困 在 . 中get/be stuck in. =be trapped in . (2)遭遇交通阻塞 be stuck/caught/held up in the traffic. 4.benefit n. 益处 v.使.受益, 得益于. (1) 为 了 . 的 利 益 :for the benefit of=for ones benefit (2)对.有益: be of benefit to. =be beneficial to . (3)使某人受益: benefit sb (4)从.中受益:benefit by/from. (5)(非常有益): of great b

6、enefit 5.distance n. 距离 (1)在远处: in the distance (2)从远处,隔一段距离: at/from a distance (3)隔.远的距离;at a distance of (4)与某人保持距离: keep sb at a distance (5)(与.)保持距离:keep ones distance (from) distant adj. 遥远的; 远处的 6.inspire vt. 鼓舞;激励;启发思考 (1)受.的鼓舞: be inspired by . (2)鼓励某人做某事:inspire sb to do sth inspired adj.

7、受到鼓舞的 inspiring adj. 令人鼓舞的 inspiration n. 灵感; 启发灵感的人(或事物) 7.access n. 通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机 会 vt. 进入;使用;获取; (1)去.的通路: access to . (2)有权使用.;可以接近.have access to . (3)得到.的使用权;获得接近.的机会: gain/get access to . Nowadays everyone can have access to the information on the website. be accessible to .可以进入;可以使用: 8.

8、function n.功能;作用;技能vi.起作用;正常工 作;运转 (1).的功能 the function of . (2)起.作用;具有.功能function as . 2 这把椅子还可以兼做床用。 The chair can also function as a bed. 9.confirm vt.确认;使确信 (1)证实. confirm that/wh-从句 (2)已经证实. It has been confirmed that. (3)使某人确信某事 confirm sb in sth (4)任命某人担任某职位 confirm sb as sth 10.account n. 账户

9、;描述 (1)开立账户 open an account (2)描述. give an account of. (3)由于;因为. on account of . 11.rude adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的 (1)对某人粗鲁、无礼 be rude to sb. (2)粗鲁的举止 rude behavior (3)做某事是无礼的Its rude to do sth 12.particular adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的 (1)是.特有的 be particular to . (2)对.讲究,挑剔 be particular about/over sth (3)尤其,特别,格外in particu

10、lar=particularly The girl spends too much money on her clothes, for she is particular about her clothes. 13.upset adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt 使烦恼; 使生气;搅乱 (1)为某事心烦意乱、不安 be upset about/by/at sth (2)生某人的气 be upset with sb (3)因.而心烦意乱、不安 be upset that . 让汤姆感到沮丧的是我们忘记了他的生日。 Tom is upset about our forgetting his b

11、irthday. =Tom is upset that we forgot his birthday. =It upsets Tom that we forgot his birthday 14.familiar adj. 熟悉;熟知 (1)熟悉、通晓. be familiar with. (2)为.所熟悉 be familiar to. 15.case n. 盒;箱;情况;案件 (1)在多数情况 in most cases (2)以防,万一 . in case of. 她不应该动,以免伤了脖子。 She should not move in case she injures her neck

12、. (in case +句子) 三、重点短语三、重点短语 1.陪伴某人 keep sb company 有.为伴 have .as company 和某人在一起 in ones company 2.既然;由于 now that; because; since; as 3.go through. 经历.;度过.;仔细检查 (1)经历很多困难go through many difficulties (2)仔细检查试卷go through ones papers (3)完成任务go through a task 4.in shape 状况良好 (1)保持健康 keep/stay in shape (

13、2)处于良好状态in good shape 5.keep track of. 掌握.的最新消息;了解.的动 态 (1)不了解,与.失去联系 lose track of. (2)了解.的情况 keep track of. 6.取笑.; 戏弄.: make fun of. ;play a trick/tricks on . 7.keep (.) in mind 牢记. (1)记住 .;将.记在心中 keep/bear in mind that 如果你把某事记在心里,那就意味着你记住了它。 Ifyoukeepsomethinginmind,thatmeansyou remember it. 四、重点

14、句型四、重点句型 1.take turns to do sth 轮流做某事 课本原句 take turns (轮流)to ask each other about your online habits. 句式仿写 这种年轻的父母不得不轮流照看他们生病的孩子。 The young parents had to take turns to look after their sick baby. 2.too.to.太.而不能(表示否定意义) 课本原句 1. Sometimes Im too busy to go online. 句式仿写 这个问题太难了,无法回答。 The question is t

15、oo difficult to answer. 3 他年纪太小,不能独自一个人去。 He is too young to go on his own. 3.whenever 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句 课本原句 You get a message whenever there has been an update. 句式仿写 我本来希望每当我处于困境,他都可以帮我。 I had hoped that he could help me whenever I was in trouble. 4.The more., the more.越.,就越. 课本原句 然而,你越有礼貌,你被攻击的可能性就越

16、小。 However, the more polite you are , the less likely it is you will be attacked. 句式仿写 你练习得越多,理解的就越透彻。 The more you practice,the better you can understand. 一个人越博学,他通常就变得越谦虚。 The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually becomes. *同步练习同步练习* Unit 3 The Internet 基础巩固练习基础巩固练习 一、重点短语一、重点短语 1. 某人做

17、是方便的 _ 2. 对某人有益_ 3. 从受益_ 4. 激励某人做某事_ 5. 接近、进入、使用_ 6. 陪伴某人_ 7. 既然;由于_ 8.经历;度过;通读_ 9. 状态良好_ 10.了解的动态_ 11.尤其,特别_ 12.某人熟悉_ 13.取笑;戏弄_ 14.牢记 _ 二、词形转换二、词形转换 1. convenient (adj.) _ (n.) _(反义) 2. benefit (n.) _(adj.) 3. distance (n.) _(adj.) 4.inspire(v.)_(adj.令人鼓舞 的)_(adj.受到鼓舞的) 5. access (v./n.) _(adj.) 6.

18、 rude (adj.) _(n.) _(adv.) 7. particular (adj.) _(adv.) 三、单词拼写三、单词拼写 1. The police are trying to discover the _(身份) of the killer. 2 .He is a famous writer who always writes some meaningful stories in his _(博客) 3. The shop will give a discount of ten percent as long as you pay in _(现金) 4. Id appreci

19、ate it if you could _(更新) these files. 5. The moment he arrived home,he got down to dealing with the _(艰难的) problem. 6. If you pay in cash,you can get a _(折扣) 7. He _ ( 按 ) the doorbell and his mother answered the door. 8. In China , it is _( 无 礼 的 ) to put the chopsticks straight into a bowl of ric

20、e. 9. He is a very open minded man , and wont be _(讲究的) about these small things. 10. It still _(使心烦) him when he thinks about the accident. 四、单句语法填空四、单句语法填空 1.Checking it on the official website is much more _(convenience) 2.This magazine _(update) every August, so it is popular with people. 3.In o

21、rder to attract more customers, many supermarkets usually sell their goods _ a discount at weekends. 4.Eatingmorefruitandvegetableswillbe _(benefit) to peoples health. 5.A bridge is being built in the _ (distant) and its construction will be finished in a year. 6._ (inspire) by her new understanding

22、, Emily spent the rest of her year in England taking courses in communications studies. 7.Themagazinemakestheseideasattractiveand _ (access) to children. 8.I cant imagine the boy speaking so _(rude) to you. 9.I think a lot of people, women _ particular, pay attention to these sensitive issues. 10.Sh

23、e likes to chat _ her friendsabout things in school. 五、单选题五、单选题 1.Every time some of his fellow students saw him, they would _ him. 4 A. laugh onB. make fun of C. play jokesD. make fun with 2.I wonder if it is convenient _ you to join me in visiting the exhibition. Please let me know _ your earliest

24、 convenience A. for; forB. with; at C. with; forD. for; at 3.It is known to us all that doing eye exercises _ our eyes. A. benefitsB. benefits from C. for the benefits ofD. beneficial to 4.Yao Yue, 17, _ many young people to have interest in computer science. A.encouragingB.keep C.inspiredD.made 5.I

25、n other words, he had no access _ many things, such as playing basketball and football. A. forB. atC. withD. to 6.Only the stars kept little Tom _ when he returned home at night. A. companyB. accompany C. companionD. comparison 7._ you have a good chance, you may as well make full use of it. A. Now

26、thatB. Since C. BecauseD. A&B 8.When you _ tough times, you meet others who are facing similar challenges. A. look throughB. go through C. cut throughD. break through 9.This battery can last longer, keeping your smart phone in_. A. discountB. distance C. shapeD. convenience 10.Theyreadthenewspaperse

27、verydayto _current events. A. keep track ofB. keep track with C. keep track byD. keep track for 11.Though Im not familiar _ the poem, Ill try to learn it by heart. A. toB. atC. withD. by 12.You must always _ the reader in mind when writing a report. A. getB. haveC. makeD. keep 13.More than 100 famou

28、s films _ in the city since July. A. have shownB. have been shown C. are being shownD. are shown 14.Great changes _ place in my hometown in the past 10 years. A. have takenB. have been taken C. are takingD. are being taken 15.Little Tom _ by his father last night for getting full marks in his math e

29、xam. A. has been praisedB. was praised C. is being praisedD. has praised 六、完成句子六、完成句子 1.我想知道你是否有空与我一起参观展览。 2.既然你有一个好机会,你应该充分利用它。 3你学习越努力,你取得的进步就越大。(the比较 级., the比较级.) *参考答案参考答案* 一、重点短语 1. It is convenient for sb. to do sth 2. benefit sb = be beneficial to sb= be of benefit to sb 3. benefit from/by 4

30、. inspire sb. to do sth. 5. have /get access to 6. keep sb. company 7. now that /since8. go through 9. in shape 10. keep track of 11. in particular 12. (sb) be familiar with 13. make fun of /laugh at/play jokes on14. keep/bear () in mind 二、词形转换 1.convenience/inconvenient2.beneficial 3.distant 4.insp

31、iring/ inspired 5. accessible 6. rudeness/ rudely7. particularly 三、单词拼写 1. identity2. blog3. cash 4. update5. tough 6. discount7. pressed 8. rude 9. particular10. upsets 四、单句语法填空 5 1.convenient2.is updated 3.at4.beneficial 5.distance 6.Inspired7.a ccessible8.rudely9.in10. with 五、单选题 15BDACD 610 ADBCA 1115 CDBAB 六、完成句子 1. I wonder if it is convenient for you to join me in visiting the exhibition. 2. Now that you have a good chance, you should make full use of it. 3. Theharderyoustudy,thegreater progressyoull make.


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