Unit 1 Playing Sports-Topic 1 I'm going to play basketball.-Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:100f4).zip

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school sports meet the high jump the long jump relay race basketball running 100-meter race 200-meter race 400-meter race 800-meter race football The school sports meet 2a Read the school interviews and match them with the pictures. ( )( )( )( )A C B D A. Its my first time to take part in the high jump. I think Ill have lots of fun. B. Im preparing for the long jump. Ill do my best. I wont lose. C. I enjoy running. I want to be in the relay race. Maybe Ill make many friends during the sports meet. D.I bought a pair of running shoes last week. Ill run in the teachers relay race. 1b Watch the flash, read 1a and fill in the blanks. 视频1a-P17 The school sports meet is coming. Both Yu Ting and Li Ming will _ _ _ it. Li Ming will be in the boys _ _ and Yu Ting is good at jumping and she will be in the _ _ and the high jump. Yu Tings friend, Steve, will go to _ her _. Both Yu Ting and Li Ming think the sports meet will be _. take part in 800-metre race long jump cheer on exciting excited I will take part in the boys 800-metre race. take part in + 活动, join in be in wont=will not Eg: 我们明天会参加运动会。 We will take part in the school sports meet tomorrow. = We will join in the school sports meet tomorrow. = We will be in the school sports meet tomorrow. Repeat the dialog. (Yu Ting and Li Ming are talking about the school sports meet on the playground. ) Yu Ting: Hi, Li Ming!The school sports meet is coming. Will you _ _ _ it? Li Ming: _ _ I will. Yu Ting: Which _ will you take part in? Li Ming: The _ 800-meter race. And you? Yu Ting: Im good at _. Ill be in the long jump and the high jump. Li Ming: I believe you will win. Yu Ting: I hope so. Steve, my _ friend, will come to _ me _. Li Ming: Thats great! Im sure the sports meet will be exciting. Of course sport boys jumping best cheer take part in on cheer up 3 AListen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.录音3-A-P18 ( ) 1. Li Ming will take part in _. A the boys relay race B the boys 800-metre race C the long jump ( ) 2. _ doesnt like jumping. A Li Ming B Yu Ting C Kangkang ( ) 3. Which of the following is true? A Li Ming is practicing for a long time. B Li Ming will cheer Kangkang on. C Kangkang is Li Mings fan. 3 B Listen again and complete the passage.录音3-B-P18 Kangkang and Li Ming are talking about the coming school _ _. Both of them will _ _ _ the sports meet. Kangkang doesnt like _, but he is good at running. So he will be in the boys _ _. Li Ming does well in _ and he will take part in the boys _ race. Li Ming is Kangkangs _ and he will go to cheer him on. Kangkang will _ his _ to win. sports meet take part in jumping relay race running 800-meter fan try best Write down Interview the players in the school sports meet. Act it out. 1. I hear you will take part in 2. Will you take part in? 3. What will you do in the sports meet? / Which sport will you take part in? 4. Ill be in the long jump. / I want to be in the long jump. 5. Ill come to cheer you on. The school sports meet next week Li Ming enjoys running, so he will take part in the boys 800-meter race. Yu Ting will be in the long jump, because she is good at jumping Some useful words: be good at, do well in,enjoy, take part in, join in, be in,relay race the high jump, the long jump,the girls 800-meter race, running,swimming Come on!Come on! We learn: We can: the future tense with “will”. talk about school sports meet next week. Write a passage The school sports meet next week Unit 1 Playing Sports Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 .Teaching aims and demands 教学目标教学目标 1.Learn some new words and phrases: foreign, have fun, lots of, be ready for, relay race, maybe, make friends, perhaps 2.Learn the future tense with will: (1)I think Ill have lots of fun. (2)Ill do my best. I wont lose. (3)Maybe Ill make many friends during the sports meet. (4)Ill join in the teachers relay race. 3.Talk about school sports meet: (1)I will take part in the school sports meet. (2)Which sport will you take part in? (3)Ill be in the long jump and the high jump. (4)Im sure our school sports meet will be exciting. . Teaching aids 教具教具 录音机/幻灯片 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步第一步 复习复习(时间:8 分钟) 复习上个话题的语法、句型及功能用语,引出本课生词、语法及话题,导入新课。 1. (让学生进行链式问答,复习上一话题的重要语法和功能用语。) T:Make conversations with the help of the given words. “Be late for school.” S1:Im sorry Im late for school. S2:Thats OK. Please take a seat. T:Join us. S3:Will you join us? S4:Id be glad to. T:Smoking. S5:Would you mind not smoking here? S6:Sorry. I will go somewhere else. (师生谈话导入本课话题和生词。) T: Well done! Do you know who is my favorite sports player? Ss:We think your favorite sports player is Michael Jordan. T:Yes. Is he Chinese? Ss:No, he isnt. T:You are right. He comes from a foreign country. He is a foreigner. (板书并要求学生掌握。) foreig n T: We all like sports because we want to keep healthy. If there is a sports meet in our school, Ill join in the relay race. I think I will have lots of fun. Which sport will you take part in? (引出 词组:relay race, have fun, lots of; 语法:Future tense with will; 话题:Which sport will you take part in?) (板书并要求学生掌握。) relay race, have fun, lots of S1: Ill take part in the long jump. T: Which sport will you take part in? S2: Ill take part in the boys 800-meter race. Step 2 Presentation 第二步第二步 呈现呈现(时间:8 分钟) 呈现 1a 对话的情境,找出关键词,为下一步打下基础。 1. (听 1a 录音,呈现 1a 内容。) T: Boys and girls, there is going to be a school sports meet in Yu Tings school. She is talking with Li Ming about it. Which sports will they take part in? Now, please listen to 1a and answer the following questions. (用幻灯片呈现问题。) (1)Which sport will Li Ming take part in? (2)Which sport will Yu Ting take part in? (3)Do you think Yu Ting will win? (再听一遍,核对答案。) 2. (重放 1a 录音,让学生跟读并标出关键词,教师板书。) T: Listen to 1a, follow it, and mark the key words. take part in, which sport, be good at, be in, cheer on, be sure, be exciting 3. (男女生分两组朗读 1a。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步第三步 巩固巩固(时间:10 分钟) 通过表演对话等方式,巩固 1a 中所学的一般将来时态。 1. (再读 1a。根据 1a,完成 1b。) T: Read 1a again and finish 1b. (核对答案。) 2. (结合关键词及 1b 表格,学生两人一组表演 1a。) T: Well done! Now act out 1a in pairs according to 1b and the key words. 3. (模仿 1a 编写相似的对话,完成 1c。) T: Please make a similar dialog with your partner according to 1a. You can begin like this: S1:There will be a school sports meet in our school. Will you take part in it? S2:Yes, I will. S1:Which sport will you take part in? S2:I will Step 4 Practice 第四步第四步 练习练习(时间:12 分钟) 通过对学校运动会的采访,练习本课重点语法。 1. (教师扮演记者采访于婷,一名学生扮演于婷,引出短语: be ready for, make friends。导入 2a。) T:Now I am a reporter. Im interviewing Yu Ting. Hello! Yu Ting. Nice to see you! Yu:Hello! Miss/Mr. Nice to see you, too. T: Are you good at jumping? Yu:Yes, I am. And I will take part in the long jump and the high jump. T: Are you ready for them? (板书并要求学生掌握。) be ready for Yu: Yes, Im ready for them. I will do my best. T: I believe you will win. I think you will make many friends during the sports meet. Yu: I hope so. Thank you. (板书并要求学生掌握,同时介绍 make friends with sb.这一词组。) make friends make friends with sb. (让学生当记者,做采访。) T: Suppose you are a reporter. Please make an interview. S1: Hello! S2. Do you like running? S2: Yes, I enjoy running. S1: Which sport will you take part in? S2: I want to be in the boys 800-meter race. 2. (设置听力任务,播放 2a 录音,并让学生回答问题。) T: What about Ann, Michael and Miss Wang? Will they also take part in the sports meet? Now lets listen to 2a, and answer the following questions. (出示幻灯片上的问题。) (1)Which sport will Ann take part in? (2)Which sport does Michael want to be in? (3)What did Miss Wang do yesterday? Will she take part in the teachers relay race? (再听 2a 录音,核对答案。) 3. (让学生朗读 2a,完成 2b。) T: Read 2a aloud, then finish 2b. (让学生根据文意猜出生词 maybe, perhaps 的意思。) (板书并要求学生掌握。) maybe, perhaps 4. (根据 2a 内容写篇短文,注意人称的变化。) Example: Michael enjoys running. He wants to be in the boys 800-metre race. He will make friends during the sports meet. Yu Ting is ready for the long jump. She will do her best. She thinks she wont lose. Ann will take part in the high jump for the first time. She thinks she will have lots of fun. Miss Wang bought a pair of running shoes yesterday. She will take part in the teachers relay race. Step 5 Project 第五步第五步 综合探究活动综合探究活动(时间:7 分钟) 通过运用将来时态做调查,培养学生的合作精神和综合运用语言的能力。 1. (出示幻灯片做调查。假设下周将要举行运动会,调查班级同学参加运动会的情况,并汇 报给全班同学。) T: Imagine there will be a school sports meet next week. Make a survey to complete the table. And then report it to your class. 2. Homework: 将上面的调查结果写成一个报告。 Example: There will be a school sports meet next week. Many classmates will take part in it. will take part in the boys 400-metre race. will be in the long jump. 板书设计: Which sport will you take part in? Section A foreign I will take part in the school sports meet. have lots of funI think I will have lots of fun. be ready forMaybe I will make many friends during the sports meet. relay raceIll join in the teachers relay race. maybe make friends perhaps 反思:反思:和谐的师生关系还需要满足学生各种的需要,在教与学的过程中,真诚地热爱每一个学生, 关心、理解、体贴、尊重、信任他们,把每名学生都当作天才来培育。让他们尊重、依靠我,从而融洽 了师生感情。但是,此节课没有体现学生的主体性原则。教师的主动作用就是主动地为学生的“学”服务, 不能是被动地适应和追随学生当前的兴趣,而是要从教学目标出发,从学生的根本利益出发,把握方向, 因势利导,使学生轻松愉快地学到知识,获得发展而不费时费力。
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