Review of Unit 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:503b8).zip

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ReviewReviewReviewReview Grade 8Grade 8Grade 8Grade 8 Hi, boys and girls .What _ we _ (learn) today? We _ (review) something about sports. What are you going to do after class ? I am going to .+v . What will you do after class? I will+ v. 一般将来时时:1. be going to do 2. will do will learn are going to learn will review are going to review Would you mind _(introduce)something to me ? 回答:Of course not./Certainly not./ Not at all . mind not doing.? 回答: I am sorry. I wont do it again introducing 第9-10页 sports Which sport do you prefer A or B ? I prefer (doing) A to (doing) B. I prefer to do A rather than(do) B I would rather do A than (do) B Asking favorite sports: running cycling swimming skiing skating basketball volleyball table tennis football 第(1-2)页 A:A:A:A:Our school _ (hold) a school sports meet next week There_(be) a school sports meet next week Which sport _ you_ (take) part in ? B: B: B: B: Im good at Ill be in . will hold is going to hold will be is going to be will take Talking about sports meet : high jump long jump running More words about races boys100-meter race relay race girls200-meter race 100-meter race rope skipping standing jump 第17-23页 I will join in 100-meter race eg. There will be a two-day visit to Mount Tai She is a five-year-old girl 复合形容词结构:数词数词- -名词单数名词单数- -(形容词(形容词 ) What are you going to be when you grow up ? Im going to be a/an_in the future Thats my dream. policeman More words about jobs player worker farmer player writer dancer/ driver waiter/waitress actor/actress director inventor musician scientist pilot policewoman postman doctor engineer Talking about dream: 第3-4页 My favorite sport is . Because. There . a sports meet next week . .do well in. So. be in. want to be. grow up . . come true. (After speaking ,write a passage )大中考25页 假如你叫杰克,下面是你同班同学的体育活动情况, 请根据表格信息写一篇短文,不少于80 个词。 NameFavorite sport How often Favorite player Dream Steveswimming twice a week Sun Yang great swimmer Marytennisevery day Li Nadancer 注意人称. 动词用三单形式 提示词: sbs favorite sport/ player is be going to be/ will be (成为) 第5-6页 1.Would you mind helping me with my English? _ Lets go and practice. A. Not at all. B. Dont mind. C. Im sorry. D. Sure. 2-Its too cold today . Would you mind _ the window? - Certainly not. Go ahead A. not closing B not opening C opening D not open 3.(12通辽31题 )There _ a talk show on CCTV-10 this Monday morning. A is going to have B is going to be C will have D have 4.(14呼盟40题 )- What a heavy rain! - So it is . I prefer _ rather than _ on such a rainy day . A staying at home ; go out B to stay at home ; go out C going out ; stay at home D to go out ; stay at home 5.(14苏州)-Do you think grandpa and grandma_ late? -No,the train is usually on time A were B will be C was D have been 6.(14呼和5题 )How far is it from Tianjing to Shang hai ? - It is a _ flight from Tianjing to Shang hai A. 2-hour-long B 2- hours -long C 2 hours long D 2 hour long 7.(17山东泰安 ) It is five years since we began to enjoy a _ spring holiday each year. A . ten-day B. ten day C. ten days D. ten days 8. (17山东泰安 )With the development of science and technology, robot cooks _ in our families in the future. A. appear B. appeared C. will appear D. is appearing 9.(17山东泰安 )Would you mind going to the park with us this Sunday? -_. I havent been outdoors these days. I cant wait. A. Sorry, I cant B. Sure, Id love to C. Certainly not D. My pleasure 10. The last bus has already gone. Im afraid we have no c_ but to take a taxi. 11.He looks old and he is at _(little) 60 years old 12.(17黑龙江)Smoking is _(good) for our health, so we should keep away from cigarettes. 13.(14呼伦贝尔83题 ) Yao Ming is a great basketball_(play) 14.He goes cycling every day. (用tomorrow morning改写句 子) He _ _ _ _ cycling tomorrow morning. hancechoice least bad player Is going to go We learned useful expressions to talk about preferences: Which sport do you like better /prefer A or B ? I prefer (doing) A to (doing) B. useful expressions to talk about favorite sports meet: There will be. I will be in . I am good at. . useful expressions to talk about dreams: What are you going to be when you grow up? I am going to be useful expressions to talk about asking for permission(请求允许): Would you mind (not)doing Not at all ./ Sorry. Grammar: Be going to+V / will +V 1.Finish the reading part on your paper 2.Copy your writing on your notebook 3.Review the words and phrases of unit 2 Love your life an 1 Review of Unit 1 Playing Sports(初三第一轮复习) . Material analysis 本课是八年级第一单元的复习课本单元内容丰富,谈论的主话题是运动、运动会及将来想成为什么样的人。 通过谈论以上内容感 知并掌握 be going to do / will do 结构、be going to be +职业名称、There is going to be Will you ? I will be in/ join in/ take prt in、Would you mind (not) doing sth ? 和 Do you mind (not) doing sth?在综合复习 T1T3 的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,巩固整个单元的重要知识。并通过综合 的阅读和写作的联系,拓展延伸学生的学习内容。 .Teaching aims 1.Knowledge aims: A掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语如:the boys 800-meter race ,prefer doing sth to doing , prefer to do rather than do., practice +n/ v-ing,cheer sb. on/up,take part in/join in/ be in, be good(bad) for, be good at, the day after tomorrow,scientist, musician, pilot, policeman, policewoman,weekend, exercise, B. 掌握并能运用本单元的重要句型:1.正确运用 be going to do 表达运动计划。 2.能正确地运用 prefer doing 结构表达喜好(拓展:would rather do than do,prefer to do ranter than do ) going to be 谈论运动爱好及梦想(总结有关职业的名词) 4. The school sports meet is coming. There is going to be a school sports meet Which sport wiil you take part in? I will join in C. 掌握并能运用表达请求的句型: Will you ? Would you mind (not) doing sth ? 回答: of course not/ Certainly not/Not at al 九年级上册教学案例设计 2 Do you mind (not) doing sth? 回答:Sorry. D 语法:一般将来时: be going to+v will + v The school sports meet is coming 2.Skill aims: 培养学生的合作学习能力。 培养学生的口语表达能力。 能通过整合对话内容,提升综合语言运用能力,让学生能结合课本内容和已有的有关运动会的知识,写一篇有关运动会的文章。 3.Emotional aims: (optional) 通过学习谈论运动会积极上进的对话内容,鼓励学生要积极参与学校集体活动,培养自己乐观、自信、乐于合作的优良品质,成为自己想成为的优秀 的人。 . The key points and difficult points 1. Key points: Words and phrases: the boys 800-meter race , prefer doing sth to doing , prefer to do rather than do., practice +n/ v-ing,cheer sb. on/up,take part in/join in/ be in, be good(bad) for, be good at, Grammar: Present Future Tense (be going to 和 will to 的用法) 2. Difficult points: 能通过听、说和读的方式感知并掌握一般将来时:be going to do ,will do 能区别并会恰当使用 there be 句型的一般将来时: there will be / there is going to be (不是 have) . Learning strategies 3 培养学生通过图表信息重组语言的综合能力。 培养学生通过图片表达相应信息的能力。 . Teaching aids 幻灯片 . Teaching procedures Step1Step1 DictationDictation 1.vplay - n._ 2.v. 花费,度过_ -(过去式)_-(过去分词) 4.little-(比较级)_ -(最高级)-_ 5.n . music- n._ 6. /prkts/ v._ 7. r v_ -(过去式)_-(过去分词) 8.v. invent n_ 发明家 n._ 发明 9. n. hero (pl) _ 10.v. 抓住,举办_ -(过去式)_-(过去分词) 11. fat n&v _ 汉译_ -(过去式)_-(过去分词)12. n. 世纪,百年_(pl)_ 13.postman (pl)-_ 14.v 完成,做好_ 15. break v. _ -(过去式)_-(过去分词) (设计意图:(设计意图: 巩固基础词汇,掌握重点词汇的词形变化)巩固基础词汇,掌握重点词汇的词形变化) Step2Step2 LeadingLeading inin T: Hi Boys and girls What _ we _(learn) today? Can you guess? We _ (review) something about sports. (设计意图:以提问方式导入新课,在问题中引入(设计意图:以提问方式导入新课,在问题中引入 bebe goinggoing toto /will/will dodo 结构,让学生在语境中激活所学知识)结构,让学生在语境中激活所学知识) T: What are you going to do after class ? What will you do after class? 九年级上册教学案例设计 4 S: I am going to .+v . I will+ v. T: I am going to do some sports Do you like sports? S: Yes T: Would you mind _(introduce)something about sportsto me? S: Of course not./Certainly not./ Not at all T:. mind not doing.? S :I am sorry. I wont do it again (设计意图:呈现(设计意图:呈现 wouldwould youyou mindmind (notnot) doingdoing ? 让学生看书让学生看书 P9-P10,P9-P10,自己读课本回想所学并记住如何回答)自己读课本回想所学并记住如何回答) Step3Step3 ReviewReview T: Do you like sports?Would you mind introducing something about sportsto me? S: Of course not./Certainly not./ Not at all (设计意图:过渡语用(设计意图:过渡语用 wouldwould youyou mindmind (notnot) doingdoing ? 不断运用,让学生记住)不断运用,让学生记住) 1.1. AskingAsking favoritefavorite sportssports: T:how to talk about favorite sports? S: I like/ enjoy /love/ am fond of / am interested in. T: well done. We can also use enjoy to express Please read your book from P1 to P2(After read it , summarize the usage of enjoy ) prefer (doing) A to (doing) B. prefer to do A rather than(do)B would rather do A than (do) B 2.2.SportsSports meetmeet: T:I have some exciting news to tell you A: Our school _(hold) a sports meet next month There _(be ) a sports meet in our school next month 5 Which sport _ you _(take) part in? S :B:I am good at So I will join in/ be in.(let ss ask and answer ) T:Would you mind telling me which sport you will be in ? S :. T:Would you mind telling me some names about sports? S :high jump 、girls200-meter race、 relay race(Let ss read books from p17-p23 quickly) T:I will join in 100-meter race eg. There will be a two-day visit to Mount Tai She is a five-year-old girl 3.3.SportsSports dreamdream: T: Yao Ming is good at basetball He becomes a basketball player What _you _(be) when you grow up? S : I am going to be a/ an. T: wonderful . if you work hard , you will reach your dream How many jobs in our life?list them(Let ss read books from p3-p4 quickly) (设计意图:通过在语境中谈论运动会以及梦想(设计意图:通过在语境中谈论运动会以及梦想, ,掌握相关词汇和一般间来时)掌握相关词汇和一般间来时) 4.4.SpeakingSpeaking My favorite sport is . Because. There . a sports meet next week . .do well in. So. be in. want to be. grow up . . come true. (设计意图:让学生开口说话,把刚才复习的句型综合起来,介绍自己最爱的运动和梦想,提高语言表达能力)(设计意图:让学生开口说话,把刚才复习的句型综合起来,介绍自己最爱的运动和梦想,提高语言表达能力) 4.4.WritingWriting 假如你叫杰克,下面是你同班同学的体育活动情况,请根据表格信息写一篇短文,不少于 80 个词 NameFavorite sportHow oftenFavorite playerDream 九年级上册教学案例设计 6 Steveswimmingtwice a week Sun Yanggreat swimmer Marytennisevery dayLi Nadancer Firstly,look at the table and think how to write(人称,时态) Then, let students read the passage on books (P5) Third,begin to write Finally, let ss exchange and check their own passages with partners (设计意图:要求学生能学以致用,把所学的落实到写,培养学生的写作能力。写之前指导学生认真审题,注意哪些问题,为了(设计意图:要求学生能学以致用,把所学的落实到写,培养学生的写作能力。写之前指导学生认真审题,注意哪些问题,为了 照顾水平较低的学生,让学生在写之前读书上第照顾水平较低的学生,让学生在写之前读书上第 5 页的课文,让水平较低的学生有所参照,避免犯过多错误,写完让学生互相交换批页的课文,让水平较低的学生有所参照,避免犯过多错误,写完让学生互相交换批 改,课后收上来老师二次改,一是培养学生自主学习的能力,通过改别人的作文自己有所提升,二也是为了减少老师的负担)改,课后收上来老师二次改,一是培养学生自主学习的能力,通过改别人的作文自己有所提升,二也是为了减少老师的负担) Step4Step4 SummarySummary usefuluseful expressionsexpressions toto talktalk aboutabout preferencespreferences: Which sport do you like better /prefer A or B ? I prefer (doing) A to (doing) B. usefuluseful expressionsexpressions toto talktalk aboutabout favoritefavorite sportssports meetmeet: There will be. I will be in . I am good at. usefuluseful expressionsexpressions toto talktalk aboutabout dreamsdreams: What are you going to be when you grow up? I am going to be usefuluseful expressionsexpressions toto talktalk aboutabout askingasking forfor permission(permission(请求允许请求允许) ): Would you mind (not)doing Not at all ./ Sorry. 7 Grammar:Grammar: Be going to+V / will +V Step5Step5 ExerciseExercise Finish the exercise on the paper Step6Step6 HomeworkHomework 1. Finish the reading part on your paper 2. Copy your writing on your notebook 3. Review the words and phrases of unit 2 九年级上册教学案例设计 8 Blackboard design Review of Unit 1 Playing Sports Grade 8 Grammar: Would you mind (not) telling. be going to do /will do 肯: Of course not./Certainly not./ Not at all 否:Sorry Sports favorite sportssports meetsports dream There will be . There is going to be be in / take part in / join in I like/enjoy /prefer/love/ am fond of /am interested in I am going to be a/ an. 9 1 Exercises 1.Would you mind helping me with my English? _ Lets go and practice. A. Not at all. B. Dont mind. C. Im sorry. D. Sure. 2-Its too cold today . Would you mind _ the window? - Certainly not. Go ahead A.not closing B not opening C opening D not open 3.(12 通辽 31 题 )There _ a talk show on CCTV-10 this Monday morning. A is going to have B is going to be C will have D have 4.(14 呼盟 40 题 )- What a heavy rain! - So it is . i prefer _ rather than _ on such a rainy day . A staying at home ; go out B to stay at home ; go out C going out ; stay at home D to go out ; stay at home 5.(14 苏州)-Do you think grandpa and grandma_ late? -No,the train is usually on time A were B will be C was D have been 6.(14 呼和 5 题 )How far is it from Tianjing to Shang hai ? - It is a _ flight from Tianjing to Shang hai A 2-hour-long B 2- hours -long C 2 hours long D 2 hour long 7.(17 山东泰安 ) It is five years since we began to enjoy a _ spring holiday each year. A. ten-day B. ten day C. ten days D. ten days 8. (17 山东泰安 )With the development of science and technology, robot cooks _ in our families in the future. A. appear B. appeared C. will appear D. is appearing 9.(17 山东泰安 )Would you mind going to the park with us this Sunday? -_. I havent been outdoors these days. I cant wait. A. Sorry, I cant B. Sure, Id love to C. Certainly not D. My pleasure 10. The last bus has already gone. Im afraid we have no c_ but to take a taxi. 11.He looks old and he is at _(little) 60 years old 12.(17 黑龙江)Smoking is _(good) for our health, so we should keep away from cigarettes. 13.(14 呼伦贝尔 83 题 ) Yao Ming is a great basketball_(play) 14.He goes cycling every day. (用 tomorrow morning 改写句子) He _ _ _ _ cycling tomorrow morning. Reading Wechat is popular among us,but if someone deletes you or blocks(屏蔽)you on it,does it mean youve made him or her angry? It depends. Maybe you have just left messages too often without much valuable information.For example ,the questions are those likehow are u? what are u doing? do u love me? too often. You know, people may feel bored after answering such kinds of questions time after time. Another possible reason may be that youve sent something unpleasant to your friend or in your friend circle. I just blocked one of my middle school classmates yesterday because she was trying to sell fake goods in the friend circle, and I hale it quite much. Some people delete the ones name from friends list because they no longer want to see it (maybe ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend) and they dont want the one to see their“ Moments” (动态) on WeChat (maybe they publish very private pictures or life or thoughts they dont want to share with him or her.) So why you are blocked may depend on his or her mood or preference (喜好), and the reasons a person gets blocked are various from person to person. So I suggest you to write an email or make a phone call to that person if he or she really means a lot to you to see why he or she is dissatisfied with you ,and to find out how you can make up for the case. 1.From paragraph 3,we can know if you are blocked that is because _. A. you are asking too many boring questions B. your friend is angry C. your friend doesnt like answering questions D. your friend has no time to reply 2.The underlined word “flake” in the passage probably means_. A.令人喜爱的B.真实的C.完美的D.假冒的 3.In paragraph 5 ,the underlined word it refers to _. A. the goodsB. the name C. the private life D. the friend circle 4._causes of being deleted or blocked are mentioned in the passage. A.4B.2C.3D.5 5.Which is the best title for the passage? A. Friend Circle B. Why Are You Blocked? C. A Popular Way of CommunicationD. How to Make Your Friend Satisfied
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