Unit 4 Our World-Topic 1 What's the strongest animal on the farm -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:c071f).zip

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Topic1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm? plant n. 植物植物 v. 种植,播种种植,播种 Look and learn. rose n.玫瑰花玫瑰花 snake n. 蛇蛇 fox 狐狸狐狸 (pl.) foxes frog 青蛙青蛙 Look and learn. insect 昆虫昆虫 Look and learn. goose 鹅鹅 cow 母牛母牛 sheep绵羊绵羊 Look at the pictures and write down the words according to the sounds. / frDg / _ / Insekt / _ / snei eik / _ froginsect snake 3 录音录音3-P84 / fDks / _ _ fox / gu:s / _ / kau / _ / i:p / _ goosecowsheep A : Which do you like better , cats or dogs? B : I like better. A : Why do you think so? B : Because they are . cuterbraver A : Which do you like better , or? B : I like better. A : Why do you think so? B : Because they are . horses taller elephants stronger monkeys cleverer dogs braver cats cuter rabbits nicer pigs fatter sheep friendlier A : Which do you like best , rabbits ,dogs or ducks? B : I like best. A : Why do you think so? B : Because they are the of all . nicestfriendliest bravest A : Which do you like best , , or? B : I like best. A : Why do you think so? B : Because they are the of all . horses tallest elephants strongest pigs fattest dogs bravest cats cutest rabbits nicest sheep friendliest monkeys cleverest A : Which do you like better , plants or animals ? B : I like A : Why do you think so? B : Because they Animals cute clever friendly our friends. make us happy. Plants beautif ul nice Plants and animals are important to us. Wang Wei took some photos about animals and plants. He is talking about the beautiful photos with his friends. Watch the flash of 1a, and answer the following questions. 1a 1.Which does Wang Wei like better , plants or animals? 2. Which does Michael like better, plants or animals? He likes plants better. He likes animals better. 视频视频1a-P83 the nicest of allbeautifulcuter ListenListen toto 1a a andand matchatch thethe peoplepeople withwith thethe thingsthings theythey likelike andand theirtheir reasonsreasons. 1b friendli er 录音1a-P83 Wang Wei Michael Jane Maria He likes both plants and animals. Because they are both important to us. We share the same world with them. 1c ReadRead 1a a andand fillill inin thethe blankslanks. Wang Wei likes _ better and he thinks roses are the _ of all the flowers. Michael likes _ better because he thinks they are _. They make us happy. Jane likes _ best because they are _ than other animals. Maria likes _ because they are _ and they can _ to us. Kangkang likes both _ and _ because they are both _ to us. We _ the same world with them. plants nicest animals friendli er cats birds beautiful sing plan ts animals important share cuter If we break the traffic rulers , what will happen to us? If we break the traffic rules , we may get a fine and even be in danger. As we know, plants and animals are important to us. be important to sb: 对某人来说是重要的对某人来说是重要的 众所周知众所周知 众所周知,英语对我们来说是重要的众所周知,英语对我们来说是重要的。 As we know, English is very important to us, We share the same world with them. share with 与与分享分享 Eg: They often share beautiful music with each other. Which do you like better, plants or animals? like better 更喜欢更喜欢 我更喜欢苹果。我更喜欢苹果。 I like cats best. like best 最喜欢最喜欢 我最喜欢香蕉。我最喜欢香蕉。 I like apples better. I like bananas best. Read the pairs of words and pay attention to the difference between / r / and / l / . /r/ - /l/ : poor pull door doll or all here hill 录音4a-P84 ReadRead thethe conconversationsersations andand paypay attentionattention toto thethe pausepause inin eacheach sentencesentence. ThenThen readread a afterter thethe tapetape andand i imitateitate. 1.A: Which kind of animal do you like better, / frogs or snakes? B: I like frogs better / because they are more useful. 2.A: What about you, / Maria? B: I like birds./ They are beautiful, / and they can sing to us. 3. A: Do you like the countryside? B: Yes, / I like it very much / because / the air is fresher, the sky is bluer/ and the rivers are clearer there. 录音录音4b-P84 根据汉语完成句子。根据汉语完成句子。 1.众所周知,水对我们非常重要。众所周知,水对我们非常重要。 _ _ _, water is very _ _ us. 2.你更喜欢兔子还是狗?你更喜欢兔子还是狗? Which do you _ _, rabbits or dogs? 3.动物和植物与我们分享着一个世界。动物和植物与我们分享着一个世界。 Animals and plants _ the world _ us. 4.我认为玫瑰是所有花中最漂亮的。我认为玫瑰是所有花中最漂亮的。 We think roses are _ _ of all the flowers. 5. 我最喜欢熊猫,因为它们比其他动物更可爱。我最喜欢熊猫,因为它们比其他动物更可爱。 I _ pandas _, because they are _ than other animals. As we know important to like better share with the nicest like best cuter DiscussDiscuss thethe followingollowing questionsuestions a aboutout anianimalsals andand plantsplants . 1.Do you know the importance(重要性重要性 ) of plants and animals to us? 2. What should we do to protect(保护保护) plants and animals? Plants and Animals There are many plants and animals in our world . Li Ming likesbetter, because I like better, because Plants and animals are both important to us . We share the same world with them. So we should protect plants and animals. 1.Talk about plants and animals in nature. 2. Useful expressions: like better like best share with be important to as we know 1.Remember the new words and phrases. 2. Write a short passage about plants and animals. 3. Preview Section C. ClassClass isis over!over! 一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析 本节课通过 Wang Wei, Michael, Jane, Kangkang 之间的对话,引出谈论动植 物的话题。在这部分学习中,教师可以借助图片对比的方式好好培养学生爱护动植物 的意识。也通过动物、植物更喜欢哪个的表述的句子,继续学习形容词比较级和最高 级。 二、教学目标二、教学目标( (知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度价值观知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度价值观) ) 知识目标知识目标: 1. 通过本课学习,在口语表达的时候能根据意群或逗号适当地停顿。 2. 能在老师的引导下,听出 /r/ /l/ 之间的区别。 3. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词如:rose, 以及一些形容词的比较级、最 高级形式。 4. 能掌握形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。 5. 能运用本课所学语言,对某些事物进行比较。 能力目标能力目标: 1. 能听懂有关通过比较级、最高级来评价某个事物的话题,能根据停顿听出句子的 意 群。 2. 能正确地口头表达有关通过比较级、最高级来评价某个事物的话题,能在读句子 和 口头表达的时候,通过停顿,重音的方式引起别人注意。 3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及停顿。 4. 能正确地运用书面表达写出有关比较级和最高级的文章。 过程与方法过程与方法: 运用教材内容及图片进行“听、读”的练习,结合实际生活事例进行(讨论) “说”的练习,再进行“写”的练习把所学、所见、所论写下来。引导学生通过 动物、植物更喜欢哪个的表述的句子培养学习英语的自信心 情感态度情感态度: 通过对 Section B 的学习,要求学生明白动植物能带给我们欢乐、使我们的世界 更美丽,保护动植物,让我们和花鸟鱼虫和谐生存。 三教学重难点三教学重难点 教学重点教学重点: 1. 复习比较级和最高级的用法。 2. 从重音、停顿等方面培养自己的口语。 3. 复习/r/ /l/之间的发音区别。 教学难点教学难点: 1. 比较级和最高级在句子当中的正确使用。 2. 根据音标写单词的时候容易漏掉不发音的字母。 四、学习者特征分析四、学习者特征分析 通过一年多的学习,部分学生已具备一定的英语表达能力,但是本班学生已经出 现两级分化,基础较好的学生比较活跃,课堂上能自主地表达自己的思想。针对这种 情况,在引入新语言点时,设置问题由易到难,本节课我希望能用基础较好的学生来 带动基础相对较差的学生,并使他们对英语产生兴趣。 五媒体选择和资源设计五媒体选择和资源设计 1.利用多媒体大屏幕,声音及动画播放器等教具。 2.资源设计:本节课借助多媒体、声音、动画等运用生活中与教学内容相关的情景, 设计问题,组织教学内容,提出有启发性的引申问题,激发学生的学习兴趣,积极地 参与到讨论污染问题、提出解决建议的学习当中。在学习过程中建立小组讨论、交流、 合作的课堂氛围。在探究过程中,教师旨在通过引导,利用教具 PPT 引导学生探究, 让学生自主合作学习,在探究中合作,把话题教学较好地融入探究活动中解决。 六、教学过程设计六、教学过程设计 导入导入 看图引入生词。 听录音3,复习单词,拼读音标写单词,完成3。 谈论最喜欢的动物和植物,导入1a。 A : Which do you like better , ? B : I like better. A : Why do you think so? B : Because . 呈现呈现 观看视频1a,回答问题。 1.Which does Wang Wei like better , plants or animals? 2. Which does Michael like better, plants or animals? A : Which do you like best , , or? B : I like best. A : Why do you think so? B : Because they are the of all . 听录音1a,完成1b,把对话中的人物和他们各自喜欢的东西连线,并说明 原因。 读1a的对话,完成1c的短文填空。 巩固巩固 五人一组读1a的对话,并讲解语言点。 like better like best share with be important to as we know 语音语音 听录音4a,学习辅音 / r / 和 / l / 的发音区别。 听录音4b,通过朗读对话,学习句子的停顿。 综合探究综合探究 如何保护动物和植物。 写作写作- 写一篇小短文介绍植物和动物。 PlantsPlants andand AnimalsAnimals _ _ _ _ _ _ 巩固练习巩固练习 根据汉语完成句子。根据汉语完成句子。 1.众所周知,水对我们非常重要。 _ _ _, water is very _ _ us. 2.你更喜欢兔子还是狗? Which do you _ _, rabbits or dogs? 3.动物和植物与我们分享着一个世界。 Animals and plants _ the world _ us. 4.我认为玫瑰是所有花中最漂亮的。 We think roses are _ _ of all the flowers. 5. 我最喜欢熊猫,因为它们比其他动物更可爱。 I _ pandas _, because they are _ than other animals. 小结小结 1.Talk about plants and animals in nature. 2. Useful expressions: like better like best share with be important to as we know 作业作业 1. Remember the new words and phrases. 2. Write a short passage about plants and animals. 3. Preview Section C. 七板书设计 UnitUnit 4 4 OurOur WorldWorld TopicTopic 1 1 WhatsWhats thethe strongeststrongest animalanimal onon thethe farm?farm? SectionSection B B A: Which do you like better, plants or animals? B: I like. better. A: Why do you think so ? B: Because. 1. as we know 2. be important to sb 3. sharewith 4. likebetter 5. likebest Animals cute clever friendly our friends. make us happy. Plants beautiful nice Plants and animals are important to us. 八、教学评价设计八、教学评价设计 我觉得自己的这一节课总的来说是较成功的,在达到了设定的教学目标的同时也 做到了重点突出,难点突破的预期效果,做得较好的方面有: 1.以学生为中心,在整个教学过程 中由教师起组织者、指导者、帮助者和促进者 的作用,在完成 1a 时利用情境、合作、会话等学习手段充分发挥学生的主动性、积极 性和创新精神,最终达到使学生有效地实现对当前所学知识理解与掌握的目的。能运 用本课所学语言,对某些事物进行比较。能正确地运用书面表达写出有关比较级和最 高级的文章。 2.教学目标 是教学活动所要达到的标准,是教学工作的出发点和归宿,学生带着 明确的学习目标去学习,是课堂教学的最关键的部分。只有目标明确,才能有的放矢 的把握重点和难点。在完成 1a,本课的重难点时,我先给出例子让学生感知比较级和 最高级让他们自己总结并给予指导,然后再做相应的练习以达到掌握并巩固的目的, 轻松做到了重难点突破。 3.对本节课的内容进行了有效的整合,我认为各环节之间的衔接过渡很自然,而 且也达到了重难点突出的目的。 4.本节课我遵循学习先易后难,先简后繁,由浅入深的学习规律,有效地降低了 学习难度,学生很容易接受新课内容,同时还引导他们对所学的知识进行归纳总结。 5.本节课后,大部分学生可以运用比较级和最高级 。他们能够掌握句式: Which do you like better, plants or animals? I like.better. Why? Because. 然而在语法方面会犯一些小错误,如果给学生更多的真实情境来练习此语 法,可能会更好。 “教无定法,如何提高课堂效率,使用 40 分钟能够使学生得到最大收益,我还得多 研究和学习!感到任重道远!希望各位评委老师给予宝贵意见和建议。
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