Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu -Section C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:43ab9).docx

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Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu -Section C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:43ab9).docx_第1页
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Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu -Section C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:43ab9).docx_第2页
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Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu -Section C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:43ab9).docx_第3页
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Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu -Section C-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:43ab9).docx_第4页
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1、整体设计思路:整体设计思路: 1.围绕本单元主题“Keeping healthy”培养学生阅读能力,熟练掌握略读和扫读的阅 读技巧。 2.培养学生的写作能力。指导学生分层次写作并学习如何安排写作内容。 教学背景分析教学背景分析: 1. 教学内容分析:该部分是八年级上册第二单元的第三个话题,以如何预防流行感 冒为话题,而 Section C 这节阅读写作课的主要学习内容分为两个方面: (1) 阅读策略的培养。通过阅读文章了解如何保持健康的建议并培养学生迅速找出 文章和段落的主题句、略读和精读等阅读策略。 (2) 语言输出能力的培养。通过完成文章的结构图,运用顺序过渡词,层次清晰的 发表自己的看法

2、。在此基础上了解如何保持健康,怎样预防疾病等相关知识。 并根据这些知识完成写作活动。在写作活动中帮助学生形成正确的健康知识, 养成良好的生活习惯。 2. 学生情况分析:经过初一一年的学习,学生们有了比较扎实的英语基础,但是实 际语言运用的能力还是比较薄弱,尤其是英语写作能力并没有得到一定的提升。 而现在处于初二年级的学生有了明显的自我认识能力和自主学习意识,能够积极 学习来展示自我,对自我能力的要求提升有了一定的渴望和兴趣。 I:Teaching aims .(教学目标教学目标): 1. knowledge aims.(知识目标知识目标): (1)Enable students to know

3、 about the reading skillsskimming and scanning.(让学生 掌握阅读技巧) (2)Enable students to know how to write a composition and how to arrange the writing content.(指导学生分层次写作并学习如何安排写作内容) 2. Ability aims.(能力目标能力目标): (1)Improve the students abilities of reading and writing.(提高学生们的读写能力) (2)Enable students to mast

4、er the reading skills, such as skimming and scanning. Make the students have the abilities of finding the information, getting the main idea and writing arrangement.(让学生们掌握快速浏览并捕捉信息的能力和找出文章主旨 的能力及掌握写作顺序性) 3. Emotional aim.(情感目标情感目标): Smile to life and live healthily. II:Teaching key points.(教学重点教学重点

5、): 1. Help students master the reading skills.(帮助学生掌握阅读技巧) 2. Help students collect information to compose a passage.(帮助学生收集信息创作文 章) 3. Let students grasp writing arrangement.(培养学生学习分层写作能力) III:Teaching difficult Points.(教学难点教学难点): 1. Help students collect information to compose a passage.(帮助学生收集信息创

6、作文 章) 2. Let students grasp writing arrangement.(培养学生学习分层写作能力) IV:Teaching methods.(教学方法教学方法) 1. Task basked teaching and learning.(任务型教学法) 2. Cooperative learning.(小组合作学习法) V:Teaching aid.(教学手段教学手段) Teaching steps (教学环节)(教学环节) The teaching content (教学内容)(教学内容) Activities between teachers and studen

7、ts (师生活动)(师生活动) purpose (设计意图)(设计意图) Time Lead-in Watch a video about “health age” Ask students a question and lead to health. 以问题和图片来引 出本课所要学习的 内容,以此来调动 学生学习的积极 性。 2 Pre-reading Watch a flash of 1a Let students watch a flash and find out how many ways of keeping healthy in the talk of Kangkangs fat

8、her. 通过快速阅读让学 生们了解康康的父 亲在演讲中提到的 几种保持健康的方 法 2 While-readingDealing with 1aLet students have a通过略读让学生快2 of Section Cscroll-reading and answer three questions. 速找到问题的答案 Ask students to read 1a again and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. 培养学生 skimming 能力 2 Let students read the passage care

9、fully and answer different kinds of questions. 通过 Scanning 细读 活动,培养学生查 找细节的能力,让 学生了解课文内 容,明确阅读任务 4 Let students read another two passages about how to keep healthy. 通过增加一篇泛读 来训练学生的阅读 技巧 10 Post-reading Survey and give a report about how to keep healthy Let students make a survey and students can sur

10、vey any students or teachers in the class 通过小组合作调查 来寻找更多的保持 健康的方法并能够 做一个简单的报告 8 about how to keep healthy, then give a report. Writing How to write a composition well. The teacher leads the students to conclude what affect health and the structure of the composition. Then ask students to finish it and show it in class. 巩固课堂所学知 识,锻炼学生组织 语言的能力,进一 步提高写作水平。 15 八、板书设计八、板书设计 Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu? Section C


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