Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 2 What sweet music!-Section A-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:60569).zip

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初中英语科普 2011 课标版 八年级上册 Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A教学设计 一、本课例探究方向 农村学生在英语课堂上参与度不高,有学生和老师两个方面的 原因。学生方面,缺乏正确的学习动机,自信心不足,怠于思考, 习惯于被动接受知识,疏于互动交流等。教师方面,上课方式方法 单一,缺少情景激励、教学资源匮乏,评价反馈不及时等。 如何将信息技术有机的溶入农村英语课堂是本课作出的一次小 小地尝试。通过巧妙设计课件,使得课堂趣味横生,大大提高学生 英语课堂参与度。结合小组合作比拼方式,让学生在课堂上协作学 习,互争竞争共同提高。摸索用手机来代替 IPad 作为学生端来答题 反馈,让农村孩子也能感受到异彩纷呈的信息课堂。 2、本课的信息技术亮点 1、将学生头像植入课件中,创设情境,英语课堂寓教于乐。 2、利用展台展示学生提前制作的海报,让学生们根据海报内容 编英语小对话,提着语言组织能力。 3.让手生用手机作为抢答器,答题情况直接呈现在屏幕上。尝 试用手机替代 IPad 方案。 三、教学目标: Knowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标正确拼读有关乐器的词汇,如 violin, drum 等和 单词表中本课的黑体词如 concert,lend 等。 2. 能正确地拼写 violin, drum, concert, hmm, lend, what a pity 等。 3. 能初步感知感叹句的用法及复习 be going to do sth.的用 法。 Skill aims: 1. 能在声音或图片的提示下听懂有关乐器的词汇、话题;能听 懂别人的邀请。 2. 能正确地制作一份简单的英文海报,并能将海报的内容用书 面的形式进行介绍。 Emotional aims: 培养学生爱音乐生活、善于发现生活中的美的能力。 四、学情分析: 学生是八年级学生,经过一年多的学习与磨合,学生对我的英 语课堂教学有了一定的适应。这个班的学生活泼好学,学习英语的 氛围浓厚,基础相对不错。33%的学生英语兴趣浓厚功底扎实,46%的 学生能理解老师指令紧跟步伐,15%的学生学习相对吃力自觉性不 高,极个别学生学习态度欠端正。 在此之前,学生已经学过”be going to “句型结构,这节课 让学生用这个句型去表达一些想法。同时初步感知感叹句,为以后 的教学内容作铺垫。本课将鼓励学生合作学习,展现自我。 五、教学重点和难点 Key points: 1. 复习 be going to do 的句型。 2. 学习有关乐器的词汇。 Difficult points:区别 borrow,lend 两个近义词 六、教学过程 Step1 Leading-in 学习新词:violin, drums,instrument,扩展课外词汇:koto, flute 呈现图片,学习新词 2、听音频材料,匹配图片 3、听音效,辨乐器 通过图片呈现,刺激学生的感观功能,有利于单词的记忆。通过音 频呈现,培养学生语感及听力的提升。通过音效呈现,寓教于乐, 增添学生的课堂参与 Step 2 Activity 1 问:Whats your favorite ? Why ? 复习句型:I like/ loveMy favorite instrument is 让学生表达自己喜好的乐器及原因,通过操练深化对句型的认知。 。 Step 3 Activity 2 学习新词:singer,lend,学习短语:what a pity 呈现轮图片,让学生用”be going to”进行句型操练。 通过动态图片呈现,尤其是班上同学头像做成的动态娃娃效果,让 学生觉得很贴切,很有趣,愿意参与到课堂活动中来。 Step 4 Listening 听或看视频,回答四个问题,带着预设的四个问题,听或看 flash 视频,回答问题,通过呈现 flash 视频,学生可根据自身程度,选择听或 观看视频,回答预设的问题,以提高听力能力。 Step 5 Dialogue 看海报,编对话,阅读三份海报,进行问答对话。 通过 PPT 呈 现课文中的两份海报,根据海报内容进行问答对话,以提高学生口主表 达能力。通过展台呈现学生优秀的海报作品,让学生获得成就感。 Step 6 Games 复习本课单词:guitar,singer,drum。 复习旧单词:panda,basketball,doctor 等单词 猜单词游戏, 老师用英文解释英语单词,学生用智能手机在 QQ 群进行抢答。学生 通过手机端在 QQ 群上抢答单词,电子白板呈现出答题过程,让词汇学 习变得生动而有趣。 Step 7 Summary I know something about concert. I know some useful expressions: at the concert,give a concert,lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb, borrow 借进, lend 借出。 Step 8 Homework Recite the conversation by yourself. Make a poster about the basketball game between your class and Class 2 in groups. Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 2 What sweet music! Section A violin erhu pianoguitar drums Musical Instruments 25 4 3 1 Listening and guessing Listening and guessing Listening and guessing Listening and guessing zheng / koto Listening and guessing bamboo flute Listening and guessing Which is your favorite? Why? There is going to be a concert in our class next week. Some of our classmates will perform some programs. What is he going to do at the concert ? What is she going to do at the concert ? What are they going to do at the concert ? what a pity ! What is she going to do at the concert ? singer Celine Dion. What are they going to do at the concert ? lend Li Hongwei lent a guitar to Yang Hongy yesterday. Yang Hongyu borrowed a guitar from Li Hongwei yesterday. L Hw lent a guitar to her yesterday. L Hw lent her a guiar yestereday. WatchWatch thethe flashflash ofof 1a,1a, andand answeranswer thethe followingfollowing questions.questions. At 7:30 p.m.,the Music Hall. 1.What is Sally going to do this Sunday evening ? 2. What is Jack going to do ? 3. Which singer will sing at the concert ? 4. When and where will she give the concert ? She is going to a concert. He is going to watch movies with Steve. Celine Dion. WatchWatch thethe flashflash ofof 1a,1a, andand answeranswer thethe followingfollowing questions.questions. At 7:30 p.m.,the Music Hall. 1.What is Sally going to do this Sunday evening ? 2. What is Jack going to do ? 3. Which singer will sing at the concert ? 4. When and where will she give the concert ? She is going to a concert. He is going to watch movies with Steve. Celine Dion. Want to spend a wonderful evening? Want to enjoy exciting hip pop? Want to see your favorite school singers? Come and join us ! PLACE: The School Hall TIME: 7:00 p.m. Nov.7th Welcome to Our Music Lessons Want to become a musician? Want to make beautiful music? Want to become happy in life? Just come and join us! Music lessons (guitar, violin, piano and drums ) Only 100 each Place: Training Room 304, Little Star Building Time: 8:30-9:30 a. m. every Sunday Come to to learn more ! SCHOOL CONCERT MakingMaking a a conversationconversation ShowShow youryour postersposters MakingMaking a a conversationconversation 1. Do they speak _ English _ ? Yes, they do. A. everyday ; every day B. every day ; everyday C. everyday ; everyday D. every day ; every day 2. Lily thinks playing _ is exciting. She always play them in her free time. A. drums B. the drums C. a drum D. drum 3. Could you _ your dictionary _ me ? Of course, here you are. A. borrow; for B. lend ; to C. lend ; for D. borrow; from ExercisesExercises Words Games I know something about concert. SummarySummary I know some useful expressions. at the concert give a concert lend sb. sth. = lend sth. to sb. borrow 借进借进 lend 借出借出 I can make a poster now. 1. Recite the conversation by yourself. 2. Make a poster about the basketball game between your class and Class 2 in groups. HomeworkHomework ThankThank youyou ! !
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