Review of Units 1-2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:60044).zip

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The beautiful Snow White and the prince lived a happy life ever after. Sports? No! questionkwest()nn.问题 v.询问 preventprventv.阻止,阻碍 buildbldv.增强;建造 finallyfanladv.最后;最终 crowdedkraddadj.拥挤的 soresadj.(发炎)疼痛的,酸 痛的 throatrtn.咽喉,喉咙 fatftadj.胖的n.脂肪 choosetuzv.选择;挑选 habit Internetntnetn.互联网, 因特网 themselves()mselvzpron.他 /她/它们自己 happenhp()nv.发生,出现 happinesshpnsn.愉快,幸 福 unhappynhpadj.不高兴 的,伤心的 stretchstretv.伸展,舒展 insteadnstedadv.代替;反而 hbt n. 习惯 Words in this topic Task 1 Words Bank P9 根据首字母提示填空。 1. Potato chips may make you f_. 2. -Excuse me, may I ask you some q_? -Sure, go a_. 3. Sometimes accidents may h_ when you do sports. 4 points at uestions head appen P9 3 points 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Helping others can bring us _(happy). 2. The old town square was _(crowd) with people. 3. _(final), I would like to thank you all for coming here today. happiness crowded Finally P9 根据音标填空。 1. Nowadays many people like to keep in touch with friends on the _ntnet. 2. A good _hbt can help us keep healthy. 3. She had an _ nhpi childhood. 3 points Internet habit unhappy P9 buildup allthetime takesomecoldpills firstaid ontheotherhand haveasorethroat warmup keepawayfrom saynotodoingsth insteadof dosth.byoneself 2. 增强体质 3. 一直 4.吃一些感冒药 5.急救 6.另一方面 7.喉咙痛 8.热身 9.远离 10.对说不 11.代替 12.某人自己做某事 Task 2 Phrases Collection 1. 采取某人的建议 takeonesadvice 根据汉语提示填空。 1. Why not _(采取她的建议) to work hard from now on? 2. _(代替,反而) giving us a hand, he laughed at us. 3. She spends plenty of time _(增强) her body every day. 4. Please _ the little boy _(让远离 ) the boiling water. 5. We should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh _(一直). 6. Asweallhavegrownup,weshouldlearntolook after_(自己). take her advice Instead of building up keep away from all the time ourselves 1. Linda and Kitty will go to Greenery Theme Park by _ next Sunday. (2017 江苏南京) A. themselves B. them C. their 2. Theforeignerenjoyed_(he)inQinhuLake lastweek.(2010泰州) 3. Tom, believing in _(you) is the first step on the road to success. (2016 福州中考) 反身代词词 : Task 3 Grammar Focus yourself himself Must 引导导的一般疑问问 句 1. -Must she do exercise every day? -Yes, she must. 2. -Must she do exercise for 3 hours every day? -No, she neednt. =No, she doesnt have to. Task 4 Sentences linking 1. should not4. had better2. must3. must not 1. She should not stay up late at night. 2. She must do more sports. 3. She must not eat junk food. 4. She had better keep happy. You should/must/had better (not) .You should/must/had better (not) . 看图图写话话 : do sthdo sth Sports? ? No! Discuss with your partners. Give more advice on keeping healthy. Start You should (not). You must (not) You had better (not) Dont You ought to You are supposed to 童话故事里面都说“从此,白雪公主和王子过上了幸 福的生活。”可是,事实并不是这样。白雪公主结婚后 由于适应不了快节奏的生活和工作上的压力,身体健康 状况频频亮起红灯,请你以“Howtokeephealthy”为题 写一篇80词左右的短文给白雪公主一些建议。 Task 5 Writing Practice Howtokeephealthy _ _ _ _ _ _ How How to keep to keep healthy?healthy? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Body: Beginning: Ending: 连接词: First, Second, Third, Finally,/ first of all/besides/whats more 句型: Its necessary/important to is also helpful. as we know Its commonly believed that Nothing is more important than in short/ in a word/in my view Famous sayings: 1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果医生远离我。 2. Good health is over wealth. 健康是最大的财富。 1. Finish your composition. 2. Review this topic. Task 6 Homework All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。 Thank you! Goodbye! 八年级上册八年级上册 Unit2 Topic3 导学提纲导学提纲 Task 1 Words Bank 根据首字母提示填空。 1. Potato chips may make you f_. 2. -Excuse me, may I ask you some q_? -Sure, go a_. 3. Sometimes accidents may h_ when you do sports. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Helping others can bring us _(happy). 2. The old town square was _(crowd) with people. 3. _(final), I would like to thank you all for coming here today. 根据音标填空。 1. Nowadays many people like to keep in touch with friends on the _ntnet. 2. A good _hbt can help us keep healthy. 3. She had an _ nhpi childhood. Task 2 Phrases Collection 根据汉语提示填空。 1. Why not _(采取她的建议) to work hard from now on? 2. _(代替,反而) giving us a hand, he laughed at us. 3. She spends plenty of time _(增强) her body every day. 4. Please _ the little boy _(让远离) the boiling water. 5. We should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh _(一直). 6. Asweallhavegrownup,weshouldlearntolookafter_(自己). Task 3 Grammar Focus 反身代词: 1. (2017 江苏南京) Linda and Kitty will go to Greenery Theme Park by _ next Sunday. A. themselves B. them C. their 2. (2010 泰州)Theforeignerenjoyed_(he)inQinhuLakelastweek. 3. (2016 福州中考) Tom, believing in _(you) is the first step on the road to success. Must 引导的一般疑问句 Task 4 Sentence linking 看图写话 学习目标:学习目标: 1. 通过复习掌握情态动词 must 在一般疑问句中的用法; 2. 通过复习学会运用情态动词 should, had better, must (not) 来表达建议; 3. 通过复习掌握反身代词的用法; 4. 通过复习能够运用本话题所学内容写一篇关于如何保持健康的短文。 1. should not _ 2. must _ 3. must not _ 4. had better _ Give more advice on keeping healthy. Task 5 Writing Practice 童话故事里面都说“从此,白雪公主和王子过上了幸福的生活。 ”可是,事实并不是这样。白雪公主 结婚后由于适应不了快节奏的生活和工作上的压力,身体健康状况频频亮起红灯,请你以“How to keep healthy”为题写一篇 80 词左右的短文给白雪公主一些建议。 How to Keep Healthy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Task 6 Homework 1. Finish your composition. 2. Review this topic. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。 八年级八年级 Unit2 Topic3 复习课教学设计复习课教学设计 教学过程设计 课题名称Review of Topic3, Unit2 Must we exercise to prevent the flu? 教材内容分析 内容设计紧贴生活,旨在通过复习,让学生能正确把握情态动词及反身代词在具体语 境中的运用,从而能比较流利地谈论有关保持健康的话题,达到语言交际的目的。 学习者特征分析 本节课是复习课,授课的内容对九年级的学生来说都是旧知识。因此学生 对本话题的学习内容基本上有了相当的了解,有了一定的语言基础及语言表达 能力,便于老师组织小组合作学习和课上引导学生对知识进行扩展。 教学目标及确立依据 一、教学目标 1.知识目标: 学习情态动词 must 在一般疑问句中的用法; 运用情态动词 should, had better, must 的适当形式表达建议; 识记反身代词的音形义。 2.能力目标: 能用英语与他人交谈关于怎样保持健康生活习惯的话题; 能够运用所学句型征询建议和提出建议; 能够用本话题中的用语写出语句连贯,表意准确的短文。 3.情感目标: 积极参加课堂英语学习活动; 通过本话题的学习形成正确的健康理念,养成良好的生活习惯。 二、确立依据 英语课程标准要求学生能够听懂并且能够比较流利地用本话题所学表达法 进行交流,注重对学生听说能力的培养。 教学重难点分析及确立依据 1. 运用情态动词表建议,后面加动词原形。 2. Must 引导的一般疑问句的否定回答。 教学策略选择与设计 根据教学法的真实性原则,设计学习活动任务,引导学生进行主动思考,发挥 想象力,调动学习积极性。教学设计面向全体学生,培养学生的自学能力和合 作能力。 教学资源准备 1. 复习提纲 2. 单词词汇卡片 Step1 Lead-in (2 minutes) 1. Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls! Class begins! Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Lin! T: Good afternoon, everyone! Sit down, please. Ss: Thank you! 2. Lead-in. T: I believe all of you have heard of the story of Snow White, yes? Ss: Yes! T: At the end of the story, we are always told that the beautiful Snow White and the prince lived a happy life ever after. Yes? Ss: Yes! T: But do you know what happened to the beautiful Snow White later? Ss: No! T: You dont know? Let me show you! Look! How is the beautiful Snow White now? Is she still beautiful? Ss: No! T: Is she fat? and ugly? Ss: Yes! T: Do you know why? Why has she become so ugly? I have the answers here. Id like to show you some photos. Look, what is she doing? Ss: She is eating hamburgers. T: Wow! So many hamburgers! No wonder she is so fat. And what about this one? Show some other pictures about Snow Whites bad habits. T: So today I would like to divided you into two groups and you are going to work really hard to help Snow White keep healthy living habits. Do you remember what “habit” means? Ss: 习惯! T:Yes, you are right. And what about the other words in this topic? 设计意图:1. 导入本话题的讨论内容 2. 导入单词的复习 Step2 Words revision (5 minutes) T: These are the words in this topic. I will leave you 2 minutes to recite all the words. Stand up and read loudly. Shall we begin? Ok, we have to stop here. Now can you remember all these words? Lets have a test. Take out this paper and finish Task 1 on the paper. Time is up! Have you finished? Now I have put all the questions behind the balloons. You can choose a balloon and tell me the answers. 设计意图:单词的复习 Step3 Phrases revision (5 minutes) T: You know words are the basic of English learning. So I think you should recite words every day. I hope you can take my advice. Do you remember “take ones advice”? What about the following phrases? I would like three lines of students to tell me the answers. Ok, again 2 minutes for you to recite the phrases. Stand up, please. Now finish Task 2 on your paper. Who can tell me the answers? 设计意图:短语的复习 Step4 Grammar Focus (3 minutes) reflexive pronoun T: So I think Snow White should learn to look after herself well. And here are three more exercises about “oneself” for you. Lets do it together. Yes-no question led by “Must” T:Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to success. But for Snow White, what is the first step on the road to lose weight? or to keep healthy habits? T: Must she do exercise every day? Ss: Yes, she must. T: Must she do exercise for 3 hours every day? Ss: No, she neednt./No, she doesnt have to. Show the yes-and-no answers to the question on the PPT. 设计意图:本话题语法复习 Step5 Sentences Revision(5 minutes) T: So what should she do? Can you give her some advice according to the four pictures? Ask some students to give advice according to the pictures and the given words. T: So, if we want to give advice, we can use should/must/had better (not) do sth You should pay attention to “do” here. T:Now look at the four pieces of advice you gave. I found that they are about different kinds of habits in our life. For example, when we say “you should not stay up late”, we are talking about living habits, right? So what about ”You must often do exercise”? This is aboutAnd these are all important for us to keep healthy. ( 把 Keeping Healthy 贴在黑板上) Now can you give some other advice on keeping healthy to Snow White? You can think about it from the 4 parts. Now discuss with your partners for 1 minute. T:Sorry to disrupt you, as time is limited, we have to stop now. So are you ready to share your advice? Who wants to go first? 设计意图:在复习完单词、短语和语法后,自然而然进入句子的复习 Step6 Writing Practice (19 minutes) 1. Before writing. (8 minutes) T:Wow! You really surprise me! You have come up with so many suggestions about keeping healthy, now I think you must be able to write a composition to give Snow White advice. (呈现写 作作文题目) Look at the title. Ok, before writing, Id like to discuss with you a little bit. So tell me, how many paragraphs do you usually write? Ss: Three. T: And in which paragraph should we put the advice? Ss: The second paragraph. T: Yes, you are so clever! So we call the second paragraph the body part. But can we put the sentences about advice right into the 2nd paragraph directly? Ss: T: No, we cant. Because we need some words to connect them together. Can you tell me some words that can connect them together? Ss: First, Second, . Third, T: Well done! Now this is the body part. And paragraph 1 should be the beginning part; paragraph 3 should be the ending part. So how would you write your beginning? Do you have any ideas? And what about the ending part? Wow, you have a lot of wonderful ideas to write a good composition, but I think it would be better if you add some famous sayings in it, for example Anything else? 2. While-writing (6 minutes) Now, please write the composition in groups of four. Two of you write the beginning and the ending part, and the other two of you write the body part. At last, you can ask a student who has a good pen-writing to write down. Youve got about 5 minutes to do that. 3. Post-writing (5 minutes) The teacher chooses a composition to share with the whole class. 评价比赛:评价比赛:Wow, you have helped Snow White get back to what she used to be successfully. You are of great help to Snow White. And you are really smart. I am so proud of you. I think you should be proud of yourselves, too. But which group helps more? Congratulations to them! 设计意图:引导学生进行语篇的输出 Step7 Homework (1 minute) 1. Finish your composition. 2. Review this topic. T: Well, time always flies, doesnt it? I am afraid we are almost done today, and this is the homework for you. But remember: To keep healthy, all of us should learn to work and rest. Because (呈现 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.) Now thats all for today! See you! Bye bye! 设计意图:复习巩固本课所学并进行情感教育 板书设计 Grade 8 Unit2 Topic3 教学反思(包括课堂教学情况、学生学习情况、教学设计等) Living habits Exercise Eating habits Mood Review Keeping Healthy Help her! 12 本节课由学生耳熟能详的白雪公主的故事导入,即刻吸引了学生的课堂注意 力,进而通过一系列图片给学生创造问题并逐步通过单词、短语、语法和句子的 复习引导他们学会运用自主复习、小组讨论和合作学习的方式解决问题。课堂学 习氛围比较活跃,不管是自主复习部分还是小组讨论,到最后合作学习部分学生 都能踊跃参与。同时,本节课是复习课,复习内容相对来说比较简单,这也是大 部分学生都能轻松参与课堂学习的关键。个人认为比较不足的地方就是,没有时 间给学生呈现一篇优秀范文,让他们更进一步提升写作能力。
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