Unit 1 Playing Sports-Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.-Section D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:f118c).docx

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Unit 1 Playing Sports-Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.-Section D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:f118c).docx_第1页
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Unit 1 Playing Sports-Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.-Section D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:f118c).docx_第2页
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Unit 1 Playing Sports-Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.-Section D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:f118c).docx_第3页
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Unit 1 Playing Sports-Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.-Section D-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(配套课件编号:f118c).docx_第4页
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1、课标要求本课属于复习提高课,要求学生在以下几方面加强提高 听:1. 能听懂学习活动中连续的指令和问题,并作出适当的反应 2. 能够听懂有关学校运动会和奥林匹克运动会的简单语段 说:1. 能使用本话题所学的语法和功能进行简单交流;(Free talk: sports events) 2. 能在口头表达中做到发音清晰,语音,语调准确。 3. 能在教师指导下进行简单的角色表演(Make a dialog about the school sports meet) 读:1. 能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意(Kangkangs Diary) 2. 能够理解并执行有关学习活动的简单书面指令 (Ti

2、ck the things; Mark (T) or (F)) 写:1. 能根据范文的结构和提供的信息仿写简单的片段: (Write a diary) 2. 能在老师或同学的帮助下起草和修改作文。 学习策略:1. 对所学内容进行复习和归纳 2. 在学习中善于分析文章结构并进行仿写 教学目标Knowledge aims: 1.学生能正确拼读本话题单词表中的单词。 exciting, hear, shall, message, theater, line, modern, Olympics, ring, stand, least, chance, feel, whether, gold, able

3、 2.学生能在英语对话或文章中听懂并能运用本单元的重点短语。 hold a sports meet, feel excited, run fast, do badly in, do well, take part in, do ones best, be the first to do sth., cross the finishing line, want to do sth., be able to do sth. Skill aims: 1. 学生能听懂有关校运会及奥运会的对话及类似的英语文字材料。 2. 学生能用英语和同学朋友简单谈论运动会并能邀约。 3. 学生能介绍自己参加运动会的经

4、历及意并且能写一篇有关校运会的文 章。 Emotional aims: 1. 学生乐于接触外国体育文化,增强跨文化意识。 2. 学生积极参与集体活动,培养集体荣誉感。 内容分析本课谈论了与运动有关的话题,语法重点是将来时。通过复习有关运动的 词汇、短语和谈论学生自己参加运动会,为他人喝彩,强化了学生的团队 意识,从而为后面的日记做铺垫。再通过分析学习 Kangkang 的日记,学生 能学以致用,书面介绍自己参加运动会的经历。 学情分析有关篮球历史和现代奥运会的学习, 帮助学生提升对运动的认识,有助于 他们参与运动、保持健康的好习惯的养成。已经掌握的运动项目的基本词 汇和参与运动的表达方式有助学

5、生完成关于运动会日记写作 教学重点能正确运用下面短语的过去式写一篇日记。 hold a sports meet, feel excited, run fast, do badly in, do well, take part in, do ones best, be the first to do sth., cross the finishing line, want to do sth., be a soccer player, do more exercise, be able to do sth. 教学难点Write a diary with correct form and tens

6、e. 学生课前需要1.复习 section A- section C 的单词、短语和对话。 做的准备工作2.列出所学运动项目的名称 教学策略采取任务教学法和 PWP(pre-while-post)的教学策略 课 堂 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学 环节 教师活动学生活动课 程 安 排 教学 目标 导 入 新 课 Introduction 1.Daily greeting: What day? Whats the date? Whats the weather like? 2.Teachers asks students to play a game “words bomb ” and show

7、the rules 3. Teachers asks students to say the names of sports events freely. 1.Students follow what the teacher says, and come into the new topic unconsciously. 2.Students read the rules and play the game. The one who makes a mistake will sing an English song next class. 3. Students speak out the e

8、vents as many as possible. 8 1.Getstudents ready for class. 2.Reviewthe words and phrases that students have learnt. 3.Leadtothe school sports meet. 学 习 新 课 Presentation 1. Teachers presents some pictures about the events of school sports meet and let students to speak out the names. 2. Teachers lea

9、d to the school sports meet and ask students to make a dialog about taking part in it and makingappointments.(Teachers show some sentences on screen to help students. ) 3. Teachers lead to the dairy and let students learn the form of a diary. 4.Teachers ask students to read four parts of the diary i

10、nstead of the whole passage and complete a passage with the information they got. (the date, 1. Students speak out the events of school sports meet according to the pictures. 2. Students make a dialog similar with that in section Aand B. 3. Students look at the diary but dont read the content. Tick

11、the things that a diary has. Learn the structure and the tense of a diary. 4. Students skim the four parts of the diary and finish the passage on the screen and check the answer. 131.Recallsome names of school sports meet and leadtothe dialog. 2.Prepare informationfor the diary. 3.Prepare structures

12、 for the a dairy. 4. Practicethe skill of skimming and scanning. a title a date in the top-left corner a greeting (Dear) a signature (Yours, ) at the end a weather in the top-right corner a passage in simple past tense Kangkang wrote this diary on _, _. It was _ that day. He took part in_ intheschoo

13、lsportsmeet _. he wants to be in _ in the the weather, the first sentence of Paragraph 1 and 2, and the last sentence.) consolidation 1.Teachers ask students to read the whole passage carefully and tick the things Kangkang wrote about. 2. Teacheraskthepassage again silently and mark (T) or (F) 1.Stu

14、dents read the whole passage silently to understand the whole passageandchecktheanswer. 2.Studentsreadagainand finish the exercise and check the answer. 81.Understandthe whole passage. 2.Practicethe detail reading. Practice 1. Teachers ask the students to read the diary loudly and complete the passa

15、ge paragraph by paragraph, and explain the key points. 1. Students read passage loudly and learn the key points while filling in the blanksonthescreen. hold/have a sports meet feel excited win first place be good at/do well in do badly in/ be bad at take part in/be in/ join in do ones best be the fi

16、rst to do want to be be able to 10 1.Learnthe knowledge pointswhile doingthe exercises. Production 1. Teachers ask students to write a similar diary and check one of their diaries together. 1. Students write a diary about their school sports meet with the help of the questions on screen. 6 1. Practi

17、ce writing a diary. 1.when the school sports meet was held. 2.who took part in it. 3.what sport they won the first place. 4.who did badly in the high jump. 5.who cheer them on. 6.what sport he took part in. 7.what he will be. When did your school held the sport meet? Who took part in it in your clas

18、s? What sports were they in? Did they win first place, second place or third place? What did you do in the sports 2. Teacherassigns homework: (1)Exchange your diary with your partner and find out the mistakes for each other. (2)Try to find out some information aboutBeijingOlympicsandtalk about it in

19、 groups. 2. Studentsdothefollowingjobs: (1) Correct the mistakes of their diary. (2)Collectinformationabout BeijingOlympicsasmuchas possible. 2.Consolidate whattheyhave learnt in this lesson and prepare for the next lesson. 思路 达标检测 教学目标测试题目内容 考察知识点的 掌握 适当形式填空 1. This is a _ match. We are _ about it.

20、 (excite) 2. Mick was able to _ a bike when he was young.(ride) 3. Lily was the first _to school this morning. (come) 考察将来时态 的运用 句型转换 1. Bob is going to be a basketball player when he grows up?(划线部分提问) 2. I think I will win the high jump.(变为否定句) 3. We will meet at the school gate. (变为一般疑问句) 加强阅读理解 训

21、练, 扩展课外 阅读 The 29th Olympic Games was held in our country in 2008. It had twenty-eight different sports. More than ten thousand athletes competed the Beijing Olympic Games. Every four years the Olympic Games will be held once. Athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. The old

22、Olympic Games began in Greece in 776 BC. Women didnt allowed to compete and only 14 countries took part in the first Olympics. There was only one sport at the first ancient Olympics. It was the sprint. The Olympic Games have changed a lot since they started. The modern Olympic Games started in Athen

23、s, Greece in 1896. There were 311 athletes from 13 countries joined the game. In 1992, more than 150 countries sent over 8,000 athletes to Barcelona for the 25th Summer Olympics. The Olympic motto (格言) is Higher, Faster, Stronger. It means that every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher and

24、 throw further. They try their best to win medals. One of the great competitions is not for a medal. It is the competition among countries to hold the Olympics. To hold the Olympic Games is a rich prize for a country. 1.Where is the 29th Olympic Games held in? A. AthensB. GreeceC. BeijingD. Barcelon

25、a 2. How many athletes competed at the 2008 Olympics? A. Over 776B. Over 311C. Over 8,000D. Over 10, 000 3. What was the sport at the first ancient Olympics? A. DivingB. RunningC. SprintD. Long jump 4.Which of the following is right? A. The Olympic Games became popular since 1896. B. Few people took

26、 part in the Olympic Games in the early years. C. The modern Olympic Games started in France. D. Many countries sent their player to the first Olympic Games. 5. The best title for the passage should be _. A. The History of the Olympic Games B. The Changing Olympic Games C. When to Start the Olympic

27、Games D. The Ancient Olympic Games 板书设计Unit 1 Playing sports Topic 1 The school sports meet is coming. Section D Wednesday, Spet.13thSunny/Fine 1. be good at = do well in doing sth. be bad at = do badly in 2. excited (sb.) exciting (sth.) 3. be the first to do sth. 4. be able to= can/could +V原 教学反思亮

28、点: 本节课的设计遵循了以学生为主的原则,由词汇短语积累到对话练习, 再进入日记阅读;由结构 分析再到内容理解;由浅入深,从感知到认知,层层深入;最后实现了“阅读为写作服务” (Read for writing)的目的。 不足: 1.平时对扫读和跳读(skimming and scanning)的练习做的不到位,致使该部分的内容花费时间 过多;2.学生对英语指令理解不到位;3.老师对多媒体辅助教学设施使用不很熟练;以上原因共 同导致最后未能投影展示学生的作文并进行集体修改。 采取措施: 1.多注重学生日常阅读中快速阅读的训练。 2.加强自身专业素质和课堂驾驭能力。 3.锻炼学生课堂指令的理解你能力 4.作文在下节课前投影展示修改。


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