新人教版八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake.(Section B 2a-2e)导学案.doc

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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B 2a-2e 导学单 一、 How much do you know about Thanksgiving? 背景知识链接 感恩节的由来要一直追溯到美国历史的发端。 1620年著名的“ 五月花号 “船满载不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的 清教徒 102 人到达美洲。 1620 年和 1621 年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民只有 50 来人。这时心地善良的 印第安人 给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩

2、猎、捕鱼和种植 玉米 、 南瓜 。在 印第安人 的帮助下,移民们终于获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照 宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并决定为感谢 印第安人 的真诚帮助,邀请他们一同 庆祝 节日。 在第一个感恩节的这一天,印第安人和移民欢聚一堂,他们在黎明时鸣放礼炮,列队走进一间用作教堂的屋子,虔诚地向上帝表达谢意,然后点起篝火举行盛大宴会, 将猎获的火鸡制成美味佳肴盛情款待印第安人。 1941 年,美国国会经罗斯福总统批准通过一项法案,宣布每年 11 月的第四个星期四为全国的感恩节。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。 二、 Task 1: a. Learn the new wo

3、rds: traditional, tradition, celebrate, place, pepper, oven, plate, gravy, temperature, Thanksgiving, serve, b. Learn the new phrases: be a time to do give thanks for celebrate by doing fill with cover with serve sth to sb first, next, then, when its ready, finally 三、 Task2: 1. We can divide the art

4、icle into _ parts. 2. The first part is about _. 3. The second part is about _. 四、 Task3: Read the first part carefully, and finish 2c 1. Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving? 2. Why do people celebrate it? 3. When do people celebrate it? 4. How do people celebrate it now? 5. What is the main dish

5、 of the Thanksgiving meal? 五、 Task4: Read the pictures and number them in the right order. 六、 Task5: Read the second part carefully, find the step words and verbs used in the article. 七、 Task6: How to write a passage about a special day and a recipe for its traditional dish. 八、 Task7( Group work): W

6、rite a recipe for your favorite food. Then share it with other. A recipe for _ _ =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 八、 Task 8: help finish the plan. May Day is coming. It is one of _ holidays in China. It is a _ to go out and relax ourselves. It is also a time to g_ our thanks to workers _ their hard work. Of course,

7、 we may _ (庆祝 ) it by _ (do) different things. For me, I _ (make) dumplings with my daughter and I plan _ (go) on picnic with my family and as well. What is your May Day Plan? 十、 Summary: (总结 ) What weve learned today: 1. I can remember_. place pepper oven plate gravy temperature Thanksgiving 2. I c

8、an say and use_ _. be a time to do give thanks for celebrate by doing fill with cover with serve sth to sb traditional first finally 3. I can read and understand _. the story of Thanksgiving the recipe for the turkey dinner 4. I can write about _. a special holiday traditional food on special days in China =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = U 盘、电脑坏了?教学资料不见了? 以前的资料没 保存?每一届重复劳动? 找不到精品课件、试题、教案反思? 各大文库价格昂贵? 来【 163 文库】吧,你可以: 上传分享资料赚取零用钱; 创建教学空间,分类收藏存储资料;方便下届使用; 百万教学资源供你下载; 【平台地址: 】


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