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1、1广东省部分地区广东省部分地区2020-20212020-2021 学年高一下学期期中考试英语联考试题精选汇编学年高一下学期期中考试英语联考试题精选汇编阅读理解专题阅读理解专题广东省东莞市 2020-2021 学年高一下学期七校联考期中英语试题第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读第一节第一节 阅读理解(共阅读理解(共 15 小题,每题小题,每题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 37.5 分)分)阅读下列短文阅读下列短文,掌握其大意掌握其大意,然后从然后从 11-25 各题所给的各题所给的 A、B、C 和和 D 项中项中,选出最佳选项选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe new

2、 Lively Flip from the makers of JitterbugThe new Lively Flip makes it easy to call, text, and helps you stay safe and healthy.EASY TO USEAlarge screen, big buttons and list-based menu make the Lively Flip an easy way to stay connected tofriends and family.Along-lasting battery and powerful speaker m

3、ake conversations loud and clear. Plus, withAmazon Alexa you can use your voice to make calls, write texts, and more.EASY TO STAYSAFEFeel prepared and protected anytime, anywhere with our Emergent Response Service.And with EmergentCare, you can speak to a live nurse or doctor right from the comfort

4、of your home. With the Lively Flip, help isavailable whenever you need it.EASY TOALERT LOVED ONESThe Lively Flip keeps all your loved ones informed about your well-being when they download theJitterbug Link app to their smartphones. You can stay active and independent while they feel more connected2

5、and reassured (放心的).Buy now and get a FREE Car Charger, a $25 value! To order or learn more, call 1-866-493-9280.1. What is the Lively Flip?A. Acomputer.B. Acellphone.C. A car charger.D. An e-book.2. What can you do with the Lively Flip?A. Write texts or make calls by using your voice.B. Build a lon

6、g-term relationship with a doctor.C. Download the Jitterbug Link apps for free.D. Keep informed of your loves well-being.3. Who is the Lively Flip probably intended for?A. Teenagers who seek online friendships.B. Working parents who look after babies.C. Sick people who are staying in hospital.D. Eld

7、erly people who live by themselves【答案】1. B2. A3. D【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了一款新的手机 Lively Flip。该手机让你的通话、发短信变得简单,并帮助你保持安全和健康。【1 题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“The new Lively Flip makes it easy to call, text, and helps you stay safe and healthy.”可知,全新的 Lively Flip 让你的通话、发短信变得简单,并帮助你保持安全和健康。结合选项,只有 B 选3项(手机)既可以用来通话,又可以用来发

8、短信。故选 B。【2 题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Plus, with Amazon Alexa you can use your voice to make calls, write texts, andmore.”可知,通过 Amazon Alexa,你可以使用你的声音打电话,写短信或做更多的事。故选 A。【3 题详解】推理判断题。根据第二题的解析可知,Lively Flip 可以使得用户通过语音来打电话,发语音。根据第三段中的“Feel prepared and protected anytime, anywhere with our Emergent Response Serv

9、ice. And with EmergentCare, you can speak to a live nurse or doctor right from the comfort of your home. With the Lively Flip, help isavailable whenever you need it.”可知,有了 Lively Flip,用户可以随时都可以得到紧急护理服务。根据最后一段中的“The Lively Flip keeps all your loved ones informed about your well-being when they downlo

10、ad theJitterbug Link app to their smartphones. You can stay active and independent while they feel more connectedand reassured”可知,当所有你爱的人下载 Jitterbug链接应用程序到他们的智能手机时,Lively Flip 可以让他们了解你的健康。你可以保持积极和独立,而他们会感到放心。结合选项,这款手机非常适合独自生活的老年人。它方便老人们使用语音来打电话,发语音。可以帮助老人们获得紧急护理服务。还可以让老人们的家人及时了解老人们的健康。故选 D。BThe pan

11、demic (流行病)has left a lot of families in financial difficulty. Not only have many found it difficultto pay bills, theyve also had to deal with huge unpaid debts. Thankfully, one very kind-hearted doctor, OmarAtiq,from Arkansas decided to forgive the $ 650,000 debt that his patients still had to pay.

12、Dr. Omar Atiq closed his clinic in Pine Bluff after 30 years of offering patients radiation therapy (治疗) ,andCAT scans. While putting his affairs in order,with the help of a debt collection agency, Dr.Atiq realized that hispatients were really struggling to pay off their debts. “So my wife and I, as

13、 a family, thought about it andlooked atforgiving all the debts. We saw that we could do it and then just went ahead and did it.”The reasoning behind the decision comes from his understanding toward those hes seen suffer throughout hisyears as a doctor: “Since I started practicing,Ive always been ra

14、ther uncomfortable with sick patients not onlyhaving to worry about their own health, quality of life, their longevity, their families and their jobs but also money.4Thats always concerned me.” Atiqs wife, Mehreen, shares his caring nature and supported her husband in hisdecision.So Omar sent the fo

15、llowing letter at Christmas to around 200 of his patients: Although various healthinsurances pay most of the bills for the majority of patients,the deductibles (自负额) and co-pays can beburdensome. Unfortunately, that is the way our health care system currently works. My clinic has decided toforgive a

16、ll the debts owed to theclinic by its patients.Omar, the father of four children who are also doctors or becoming doctors, seems to have always put thepatients first. “I have never refused to see a patient,not for lack of health insurance or funds nor for any otherreason. Tve always considered it a

17、high honor and privilege to be someones physician more important thananything else,Omar shared with the local media.4. When did Atiq realize his patientsinability to pay off their debts?A. As the debt collection agency helped him.B. When he was collecting the debt in person.C. After he clearly knew

18、the details of the debt.D. After he found out the pandemic was serious.5. What mainly results in Dr.Atiqs generous decision?A. His responsibility.B. His wifes support.C. His sympathy.D. His medical practice.6. What can we learn about Dr.Atiq?A. He values his patients and his job.B. He works together

19、 with his children.C. He will start another clinic in the future.D. He thinks that being a doctor is profitable.57. What is the main idea of the text?A. Dr.Atiq has made a very important decision.B. Dr.Atiq removes his patients financial burden.C. Dr.Atiq has contributed a lot to the medical field.D

20、. Dr.Atiq has set a good example for all the doctors.【答案】4. A5. C6. A7. B【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个名为 Omar Atiq 的医生在得知病人无力还款的情况后,免除了病人的医药费用。【4 题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“with the help of a debt collection agency, Dr. Atiq realized that his patients werereally struggling to pay off their debts.”可知,在债务公司的帮助下(债务公司帮

21、助他要钱的时候) ,Dr. Atiq意识到他的病人们苦苦挣扎还不起债务了,故选 A。【5 题详解】细节理解题。 根据第三段中“The reasoning behind the decision comes from his understanding toward those hesseen suffer throughout his years as a doctor”可知,是因为他对病人的理解(同情) ,所以做了这样的决定,故选 C。【6 题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Omar, the father of four children who are also doctors or

22、becoming doctors,seems to have always put the patients first. ”(奥马尔是四个孩子的父亲,他们都是医生或即将成为医生,他似乎总是把病人放在第一位。 )可知,Dr. Atiq 是一个重视病人,重视工作的医生,故选 A。【7 题详解】主旨大意题。 通读全文, 特别是根据第一段“Thankfully, one very kind-hearted doctor, Omar Atiq, from Arkansas6decided to forgive the $ 650,000 debt that his patients still had

23、 to pay.”(谢天谢地,来自阿肯色州的一位非常善良的医生奥马尔阿提克决定免除病人需要偿还的 65 万美元的债务)可知,文章介绍了奥马尔阿提克医生免除了病人的巨额债务,故选 B。CWhen it comes to being fit and healthy, were often reminded to aim to walk 10,000 steps per day. This canbe a frustrating target to achieve, especially when were busy with work and other commitments.The 10,00

24、0 steps a day target seems to have come about from a trade name pedometer sold in 1965 byYamasa Clock in Japan. The device was called Manpo-kei, which translates to 10,000 steps meter. This was amarketing tool for the device and has seemed to have stuck across the world as the daily step target. Its

25、 evenincluded in daily activity targets by popular smart-watches, such as Fitbit.In ancient Rome, distances were actually measured by counting steps. In fact, the word mile originatedfrom the Latin phrase mila passum, which means about 2,000 steps. Its suggested the average person walks about100 ste

26、ps per minute,which would mean it would take a little under 20 minutes for the average person to walk amile. So in order for someone to reach the 10,000-step goal, they would need to walk about five miles a day,nearly two hours of activity.Researchers have investigated the 10,000 steps a day target.

27、 The fact that some studies have shown this steptarget improves heart health, mental health, and even lowers diabetes (糖尿病) risk, may, to some extent, explainwhy we have stuck with this number.But while some research has shown health benefits at 10,000 steps, recent research from Harvard MedicalScho

28、ol has shown that, on average, nearly 4,400 steps a day is enough to significantly lower the risk of death inwomen. This was when compared to only walking around 2,700 steps daily. The more steps people walked, thelower their risk of dying was, before leveling off at around 7,500 steps a day. No add

29、itional benefits were seenwith more steps.Although its uncertain whether similar results would be seen in men, its one example of howmoving a little bit more daily can improve health and lower risk of death.8. From which does taking 10,000 steps for walkers originally come?A. Ancient Rome.B. Fitbit.

30、C. Mila passum.D. Manpo-kei.79. How many steps will you take on average to cover two miles?A. 2000.B. 2700.C. 4000.D. 7500.10. What does the underlined phrase leveling off mean?A. Remaining steady.B. Increasing greatly.C. Decreasing sharply.D. Disappearing suddenly11. What can we learn from the last

31、 paragraph?A. The more you walk daily,the healthier you will be.B. 7,500 steps or so a day is the ideal number for women.C. To be healthy youd better walk ten thousand steps.D. The number of effective steps is the same for men and women.【答案】8. D9. C10. A11. B【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了每天走 10000 步的起源,并结合科学

32、研究介绍了每天走多少步数对人体健康带来的好处。【8 题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句话“The 10,000 steps a day target seems to have come about from a trade namepedometer sold in 1965 by Yamasa Clock in Japan. The device was called Manpo-kei, which translates to10,000 steps meter.(每天 10000 步的目标似乎来自日本山崎钟表公司 1965 年出售的一款计步器的商品名称, 这个商品被称为“Manpo

33、kei”, 意思是“10000 步米”。 ) ”可知, 每天走 10000 步的说法起源于 1965年日本山崎钟表公司出售的一款被称为“Manpo kei”的计步器。故选 D 项。【9 题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“In fact, the word mile originated from the Latin phrase mila passum, which means8about 2,000 steps. Its suggested the average person walks about 100 steps per minute, which would mean it woul

34、dtake a little under 20 minutes for the average person to walk a mile.(事实上,mile 这个词来源于拉丁语 milapassum,意思是大约 2000 步。据说普通人每分钟步行 100 步,这意味着普通人步行 1 英里需要不到 20 分钟的时间。 )”可计算出,步行 1 英里,大约需要 2000 步;所以步行 2 英里,大约需要 4000 步。故选 C项。【10 题详解】词义猜测题。 选项含义: A. 保持稳定; B. 极大地增长; C. 急剧下降; D. 突然消失。 根据划线词组“levelingoff”所在句 “The

35、 more steps people walked, the lower their risk of dying was, before leveling off at around7,500 steps a day.(在每天走的步数稳定在大约 7500 步之前,人们走的步数越多,死亡风险就越低。 )”,及下文“No additional benefits were seen with more steps.(没有看到更多步数带来的额外好处。 )”可知,在步数达到 7500 步之前,走的步数越多,死亡风险越低,走太多的步数,也不能带来额外的好处;也就是说,每天所走步数稳定在 7500 步左右就

36、可以了,可推断此处划线词组意为“保持稳定”。故选 A 项。【11 题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段前四句“But while some research has shown health benefits at 10,000 steps, recentresearch from Harvard Medical School has shown that, on average, nearly 4,400 steps a day is enough tosignificantly lower the risk of death in women. This was when compared t

37、o only walking around 2,700 steps daily.The more steps people walked, the lower their risk of dying was, before leveling off at around 7,500 steps a day.No additional benefits were seen with more steps.(虽然一些研究表明,走 10000 步对健康有益,但哈佛医学院最近的研究表明,与每天只走 2700 步相比,平均每天走接近 4400 步,已经足以显著降低女性的死亡风险。在每天走的步数稳定在大约

38、7500 步之前,人们走的步数越多,死亡风险就越低。没有看到更多步数带来的额外好处。 ) ”可知, 对于女性来说, 每天走 7500 步左右, 就是比较理想的步数了。 选项 B 意为“每天 7500 步左右是女性的理想步数。”,与原文最后一段相符。故选 B 项。DJust like humans, birds too rely on sound to communicate. However, they do not have a “language” in thetrue sense of the word and instead produce a variety of sounds to

39、 convey different emotions.Often, birds recognize their mates (or young) by sound rather than sight. Hungry young birds use begging9calls to let their mothers know it is feeding time.Alarm calls, flight calls and warning calls are other sounds madefrequently by adults.Anew study shows that songbirds

40、 rehearse (排演) their songs even in their sleep. The activity in the brain ofthe birds when asleep is similar to the brain activity when the birds were awake and singing. The team used tinyrecording devices to measure the activity of individual brain cells in four songbirds both when they were singin

41、gand when they were asleep.Apparently the bird stores a song after hearing it, and then rehearses it later in its sleep. Scientists nowbelieve the birds “dream of songs and tunes” to help them master the fine art of singing and that sleep plays a keyrole in the learning process!Many songbirds learn

42、to sing listening to adult birds of the same species. However, if separated from theadults, the young birds develop sounds which are hard to understand instead of normal song patterns. Researcherscarried out an experiment in which a male bullfinch (灰雀) was raised by a female canary (金丝雀). The bullfi

43、nchsoon learned the canarys song and when it was later mated to a female bullfinch, Mr.Bullfinch taught his childrenthe canarys songs.Last year, a British survey of Londons songbirds showed that the citys birds are losing their tunes. Birdscould hardly hear one another, over the traffic noise; as a

44、result, instead of copying the sweet notes of the adults,young birds were copying the sounds they heard most often, namely car horns and beeping cellphones!12. According to the passage, how do birds recognize their mates?A. By using their own words.B. By listening to their sounds.C. By looking at th

45、eir appearances.D. By singing the same songs.13. What does the story of Mr.Bullfinch suggest?A. Young birds learn to sing from whom they live together with.B. Birds only learn how to sing from the same adult species.C. Its not easy for adult birds to teach young birds songs.10D. Acanarys song is mor

46、e beautiful than a bullfinchs.14. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Traffic noise makes young birds become deaf.B. Birds in the city can sing as sweetly as those in the wild.C. Birds in the city recognize their mates mainly by sight.D. Noise pollution causes much trouble for birds in the

47、city.15. What does the author mainly intend to tell the readers with the text?A. To inform the readers how songbirds bring up their babies.B. To show the differences in songbirdsbrain activities when they are awake and asleep.C. To persuade the readers to reduce the noise pollution and protect the b

48、irds.D. To explain to the readers how songbirds communicate with each other.【答案】12. B13. A14. D15. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,文章介绍了鸟类和人类一样,依赖声音进行交流,通过产生各种各样的声音来传达不同的情感。【12 题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“Often, birds recognize their mates (or young) by sound rather thansight.(鸟类通常是通过声音而不是视觉来识别它们的配偶或幼鸟。)”可知,鸟类是通过聆听声音来辨别

49、自己的配偶。故选 B 项。【13 题详解】推理判断题。根据第五段所举的事例“Researchers carried out an experiment in which a male bullfinch(灰雀)was raised by a female canary(金丝雀). The bullfinch soon learned the canarys song and when it was later mated11to a female bull finch, Mr. Bullfinch taught his children the canarys songs. (研究人员进行了一

50、项实验,一只雄性灰雀被一只雌性金丝雀养大。灰雀很快就学会了金丝雀的鸣叫声,后来当它与一只雌灰雀交配时,灰雀先生就教会了它的孩子们金丝雀的鸣叫声。)”可知,在金丝雀的抚养下,灰雀学会了金丝雀的叫声。学会金丝雀叫声的灰雀的孩子们,在父亲的照顾下也学会了金丝雀的叫声。由此推知,幼鸟从与它们生活在一起的鸟类那里学会鸣叫。故选 A 项。【14 题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Birds could hardly hear one another, over the traffic noise, as a result, insteadof copying the sweet notes of th


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