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高中英语新人教版必修二第二单元课时训练高中英语新人教版必修二第二单元课时训练 2题组 A 基础巩固单句语法填空1.The church tower which (restore) will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished. 2.Hes a very creative painter and his paintings (sell) well. 3.The parts of a museum open to the public (call) galleries or rooms.Often,only a small part of a museums collection is on display. 4.The gold medal (award) to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race. 5.Todays top Western designers (influence) by China now. 6.The artist was sure he (choose),but when he presented his masterpiece to the emperors chief minister,the old man laughed. 7.The flight (take) off.Please be seated. 8.Why do you keep looking back?Im afraid we (follow). 9.You (want) on the telephone now. 10.I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan (carry) out in the past two years.单句写作1.员工们无法待在正在被粉刷的办公室里。The clerks cant stay in the offices which .(paint) 2.目前,大量的食品和帐篷正运往地震灾区。At present,lots of food and tents to the earthquake-stricken areas.(transport) 3.请不要进入房间。里面正在举行重要会议。Dont go into the room,please.An important meeting in it.(hold) 4.由于大量的树木被砍伐,许多动物家园被毁坏了。A lot of animal homes due to the fact that lots of trees .(destroy;cut down) 5.我不知道为了帮助你们正在采取什么措施。I wonder to help you.(what;do) 改为同义句1.The company is under attack for its decision to close the factory.The company for its decision to close the factory. 2.The house which is being built now will be used for our library.The house now will be used for our library. 3.In the city,it is common to see many pets that are left behind by their owners.In the city,it is common to see many pets by their owners. 4.I am writing the alarming report and it will be finished soon.The alarming report and will be finished soon. 5.What do you know is being done to protect animals and plants?What measures do you know to protect animals and plants? 题组 B 高考提升阅读理解People have different ways of dealing with a common cold.Some take over-the-counter medicines such as aspirin while others try popular home remedies (治疗) like herbal tea or chicken soup.Yet here is the tough truth about the common cold: nothing really cures it.So why do people sometimes believe that their remedies work? According to James Taylor,professor at the University of Washington,colds usually go away on their own in about a week,improving a little each day after symptoms peak,so its easy to believe its medicine rather than time that deserves the credit,USA Today reported.It still seems hard to believe that we can deal with more serious diseases yet are powerless against something so common as a cold.Recently,scientists came closer to figure out why.To understand it,you first need to know how antiviral drugs work.They attack the virus by attaching to and changing the surface structures of the virus.To do that,the drug must fit and lock into the virus like the right piece of a jigsaw (拼图),which means scientists have to identify the virus and build a 3D model to study its surface before they can design an antiviral drug that is effective enough.The two cold viruses that scientists had long known about were rhinovirus (鼻病毒) A and B.But they didnt find out about the existence of a third virus,rhinovirus C,until 2006.All three of them contribute to the common cold,but drugs that work well against rhinovirus A and B have little effect when used against rhinovirus C.“This explains most of the previous failures of drug trials against rhinoviruses,” study leader Professor Ann C.Palmenberg at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,US,told Science Daily.Now,more than 10 years after the discovery of rhinovirus C,scientists have finally built a highly-detailed 3D model of the virus,showing that the surface of the virus is,as expected,different from that of other cold viruses.With the model in hand,hopefully a real cure for a common cold is on its way.Soon,we may no longer have to waste our money on medicines that dont really work.1.What does the author think of popular remedies for a common cold?A.They are quite effective.B.They are slightly helpful.C.They actually have no effect.D.They still need to be improved.2.How do antiviral drugs work?A.By breaking up cold viruses directly.B.By changing the surface structures of the cold viruses.C.By preventing colds from developing into serious diseases.D.By absorbing different kinds of cold viruses at the same time.3.What is the best title for this passage?A.Drugs against cold virusesB.Helpful home remediesC.No current cure for common coldD.Research on cold viruses完形填空My father always told me:“All work is noble.”He wasnt 1,but he earned a reasonable living.Thanks to his 2,I was able to go to an art college.I,however,wanted to do something 3,something more interestingI was special! After graduation,I moved to New York in search of a graphic designer job.It was winter and,ever the optimist,I only brought enough money to 4 myself for about a month.I wasnt 5I was sure Id find a fantastic job immediately. Within a few weeks,though,I found myself wandering around the streets having been 6 by every design office in town.My hostel 7 was almost gone and I hadnt eaten in days.“How had I reached this point?” I wondered as I 8 in my thin jacket. I was just about to 9 when my dad called.He suggested that I get a job in a 10 until something else came along.At first,pride made me 11.But I was cold,hungry,and unwilling to go home feeling 12 and defeated. I entered an expensive-looking cafe near one of the design offices that had turned me away and asked the manager if they were 13.She said they were shorthanded,and offered me a job right away. 14,I found that I really enjoyed serving people.I started making big tips right away.Later,the manager learned that I had a design 15 and asked me to design the cafe menus.That led to a part-time job at an advertising company. 1.A.concernedB.wealthy C.generous D.caring2.A.educationB.time C.power D.effort3.A.differentB.simple C.strange D.safe4.A.entertainB.protect C.support D.identify5.A.disappointed B.worriedC.helpless D.alone6.A.rejectedB.annoyed C.restrictedD.invited7.A.host B.room C.contractD.rent8.A.waited B.trembledC.regrettedD.sweated9.A.show offB.settle downC.give up D.set out10.A.libraryB.gallery C.factory D.restaurant11.A.hesitateB.agree C.continue D.reply12.A.relievedB.ashamed C.secure D.lonely13.A.hiringB.working C.serving D.checking14.A.Hopefully B.Undoubtedly C.SurprisinglyD.Obviously15.A.hobbyB.companyC.backgroundD.task语法填空There are several reasons why school uniforms are a good idea.First of all,uniforms help the school look smart.The students feel that they belong to a particular group.When every pupil in the school wears the uniform,nobody 1(have) to worry about fashion(时尚).Everybody wears 2 same style of clothes.Uniforms can be useful in unexpected ways.A school in Ireland has introduced an interesting new uniform.On the edge of the jacket,there is a piece of cloth 3 gives off light in the dark.When the children are walking or 4 (cycle) to school on dark mornings,car drivers can 5 (easy) see them. But can uniforms help improve school standards? The answer 6 this question is not clear.One study in America found that students grades 7(improve) a little after the school introduced uniforms.But some students didnt want 8(wear) the uniform.Other American studies showed no 9(connect) between uniforms and school performance. School uniforms are 10(tradition) in Britain,but some schools are starting to get rid of them.Some very good schools dont have a uniform policy.However,uniforms are still popular.Pupils at about 90 percent of British secondary schools wear uniforms. 1.2.3. 4.5.6. 7.8.9. 10.高中英语新人教版必修二第二单元课时训练高中英语新人教版必修二第二单元课时训练 2题组 A 基础巩固单句语法填空1.The church tower which (restore) will be open to tourists soon.The work is almost finished. 2.Hes a very creative painter and his paintings (sell) well. 3.The parts of a museum open to the public (call) galleries or rooms.Often,only a small part of a museums collection is on display. 4.The gold medal (award) to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race. 5.Todays top Western designers (influence) by China now. 6.The artist was sure he (choose),but when he presented his masterpiece to the emperors chief minister,the old man laughed. 7.The flight (take) off.Please be seated. 8.Why do you keep looking back?Im afraid we (follow). 9.You (want) on the telephone now. 10.I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan (carry) out in the past two years.单句写作1.员工们无法待在正在被粉刷的办公室里。The clerks cant stay in the offices which .(paint) 2.目前,大量的食品和帐篷正运往地震灾区。At present,lots of food and tents to the earthquake-stricken areas.(transport) 3.请不要进入房间。里面正在举行重要会议。Dont go into the room,please.An important meeting in it.(hold) 4.由于大量的树木被砍伐,许多动物家园被毁坏了。A lot of animal homes due to the fact that lots of trees .(destroy;cut down) 5.我不知道为了帮助你们正在采取什么措施。I wonder to help you.(what;do) 改为同义句1.The company is under attack for its decision to close the factory.The company for its decision to close the factory. 2.The house which is being built now will be used for our library.The house now will be used for our library. 3.In the city,it is common to see many pets that are left behind by their owners.In the city,it is common to see many pets by their owners. 4.I am writing the alarming report and it will be finished soon.The alarming report and will be finished soon. 5.What do you know is being done to protect animals and plants?What measures do you know to protect animals and plants? 参考答案:.单句语法填空1 is being restored2 sell3 are called4 will be awarded5 are being influenced6 would be chosen7 is taking 8 are being followed9 are wanted10 had been carried.单句写作1 are being painted2 are being transported3 is being held4 have been destroyed;have been cut down5 what is being done.改为同义句1 is being attacked2 being built3 left behind4 is being written5 are being taken题组 B 高考提升阅读理解People have different ways of dealing with a common cold.Some take over-the-counter medicines such as aspirin while others try popular home remedies (治疗) like herbal tea or chicken soup.Yet here is the tough truth about the common cold: nothing really cures it.So why do people sometimes believe that their remedies work? According to James Taylor,professor at the University of Washington,colds usually go away on their own in about a week,improving a little each day after symptoms peak,so its easy to believe its medicine rather than time that deserves the credit,USA Today reported.It still seems hard to believe that we can deal with more serious diseases yet are powerless against something so common as a cold.Recently,scientists came closer to figure out why.To understand it,you first need to know how antiviral drugs work.They attack the virus by attaching to and changing the surface structures of the virus.To do that,the drug must fit and lock into the virus like the right piece of a jigsaw (拼图),which means scientists have to identify the virus and build a 3D model to study its surface before they can design an antiviral drug that is effective enough.The two cold viruses that scientists had long known about were rhinovirus (鼻病毒) A and B.But they didnt find out about the existence of a third virus,rhinovirus C,until 2006.All three of them contribute to the common cold,but drugs that work well against rhinovirus A and B have little effect when used against rhinovirus C.“This explains most of the previous failures of drug trials against rhinoviruses,” study leader Professor Ann C.Palmenberg at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,US,told Science Daily.Now,more than 10 years after the discovery of rhinovirus C,scientists have finally built a highly-detailed 3D model of the virus,showing that the surface of the virus is,as expected,different from that of other cold viruses.With the model in hand,hopefully a real cure for a common cold is on its way.Soon,we may no longer have to waste our money on medicines that dont really work.1.What does the author think of popular remedies for a common cold?A.They are quite effective.B.They are slightly helpful.C.They actually have no effect.D.They still need to be improved.2.How do antiviral drugs work?A.By breaking up cold viruses directly.B.By changing the surface structures of the cold viruses.C.By preventing colds from developing into serious diseases.D.By absorbing different kinds of cold viruses at the same time.3.What is the best title for this passage?A.Drugs against cold virusesB.Helpful home remediesC.No current cure for common coldD.Research on cold viruses完形填空My father always told me:“All work is noble.”He wasnt 1,but he earned a reasonable living.Thanks to his 2,I was able to go to an art college.I,however,wanted to do something 3,something more interestingI was special! After graduation,I moved to New York in search of a graphic designer job.It was winter and,ever the optimist,I only brought enough money to 4 myself for about a month.I wasnt 5I was sure Id find a fantastic job immediately. Within a few weeks,though,I found myself wandering around the streets having been 6 by every design office in town.My hostel 7 was almost gone and I hadnt eaten in days.“How had I reached this point?” I wondered as I 8 in my thin jacket. I was just about to 9 when my dad called.He suggested that I get a job in a 10 until something else came along.At first,pride made me 11.But I was cold,hungry,and unwilling to go home feeling 12 and defeated. I entered an expensive-looking cafe near one of the design offices that had turned me away and asked the manager if they were 13.She said they were shorthanded,and offered me a job right away. 14,I found that I really enjoyed serving people.I started making big tips right away.Later,the manager learned that I had a design 15 and asked me to design the cafe menus.That led to a part-time job at an advertising company. 1.A.concernedB.wealthy C.generous D.caring2.A.educationB.time C.power D.effort3.A.differentB.simple C.strange D.safe4.A.entertainB.protect C.support D.identify5.A.disappointed B.worriedC.helpless D.alone6.A.rejectedB.annoyed C.restrictedD.invited7.A.host B.room C.contractD.rent8.A.waited B.trembledC.regrettedD.sweated9.A.show offB.settle downC.give up D.set out10.A.libraryB.gallery C.factory D.restaurant11.A.hesitateB.agree C.continue D.reply12.A.relievedB.ashamed C.secure D.lonely13.A.hiringB.working C.serving D.checking14.A.Hopefully B.Undoubtedly C.SurprisinglyD.Obviously15.A.hobbyB.companyC.backgroundD.task语法填空There are several reasons why school uniforms are a good idea.First of all,uniforms help the school look smart.The students feel that they belong to a particular group.When every pupil in the school wears the uniform,nobody 1(have) to worry about fashion(时尚).Everybody wears 2 same style of clothes.Uniforms can be useful in unexpected ways.A school in Ireland has introduced an interesting new uniform.On the edge of the jacket,there is a piece of cloth 3 gives off light in the dark.When the children are walking or 4 (cycle) to school o
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