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高中英语新人教版必修二第四单元课时训练高中英语新人教版必修二第四单元课时训练 3 题组 A 基础巩固单词拼写1.There is a(显著的) difference between Jane and Mary. 2.It is the(习俗) in that country for women to marry young. 3.He is the only(诗人) in this country that deserves the name. 4.The mountain lies between two (县) with beautiful scenery. 5.They keep horses and(牛),the former for riding,the latter for food. 6.He liked to tell jokes and talked about (啤酒) and girls. 7.Now and then they heard the(咆哮) of thunder outside. 8.Now people around the world can enjoy the friendly Irish(酒吧). 9.It was(慷慨的) of him to offer to pay for us both. 10.(一群人) of people poured into the street at the festival. 单句语法填空1.In many ways,the magic of AI is its not something you can see or touch. 2.Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially(design) to help them succeed academically and personally. 3.Kate heard a mans voice in the background,but she couldnt makewhat he was saying. 4.This training program can give you a lift at work,as well as(increase) your income by 40%. 5.The speed of 6G will exceed (超过)125 GB/s,(allow) for a new generation of virtual reality. 6.I do every single bit of houseworkmy husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. 7.Although they havent been to school before,theyre so eager(learn) everything. 8.The waiting room(crowd) with passengers was decorated last year. 9.Childrens early sleeping problems are likely(continue) when they grow up. 10.I shall not attempt to give a detailed(describe) of the subject; it is beyond my ability. 组句成篇1.孔庙位于曲阜市,是祭祀中国古代思想家和教育家孔子的祠庙。(be located;sacrifice)2.该庙始于公元前 478 年,不时被增修扩建。(date back to,add to)3.孔子家谱是记载孔子家族起源、发展的重要文献。(the family tree,origin,document)4.孔子后裔有 100 多万人,遍及全世界。(descendant,throughout)5.孔子的教育理论影响着一代又一代中国人。(theory,influence,generation)_题组 B 高考提升语法填空Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) isnt 1(wide)supported by most Westerners.2,this is starting to change.TCM will be included in the new version of the International Classification of Diseases(ICD),which 3(bring) out by the WHO in the near future.This is the 4(one) time for TCM to be included in the ICD,serving as the international standard for diseases and health conditions. China has been making efforts 5(promote) TCM overseas.Twenty-six TCM centers were set up overseas over the past three years,according to a report 6(publish) by Xinhua News Agency.In 2015,Chinese scientist Tu Youyou 7(win) the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery of a drug that can cure malaria(疟疾).She said she was inspired by traditional Chinese medicine. The inclusion of TCM in the ICD is a mainstream acceptance that will have significant influence around the world.TCM has seen some growth in other countries for all these years.It is reported 8 a number of famous foreign people use it.For example,during the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics,US 9(swim) Michael Phelps was seen using cupping.Cupping is a traditional Chinese medical practice which has been around 10 more than 2,000 years. 1.2.3. 4.5.6. 7.8. 9. 10.阅读理解Have you ever heard of agritourism where you can experience the farm life? If not,Dr.Cindy Ayers-Elliott will tell you the real story of Foot Print Farms.The original concept of building Foot Print Farms was simple.When Ayers-Elliott returned to her hometown after graduation,she didnt have to look any further than her states alarming health statistics to find a mission.Everywhere she turned,there were reports of high blood pressure,diabetes,obesity and heart disease.“The problem was already identified,” explains Ayers-Elliott.“Too many Mississippians were seriously unhealthy and it didnt take research to see that.And many of the states greatest health challenges could directly result from poor diet.”These days,Foot Print Farms,which started with a few raised beds of herbs and vegetables,is making fresh,naturally grown food.“When speaking of the key to my success,the co-op model works because we share the work and rewards,” notes Ayers-Elliott.“A perfect example is the Wingfield High School football team.To earn the money for equipment and other items,players committed to working five hours a week on the farm,and by the end of the summer they produced 1,000 melons and the profits from their sales helped to buy weights,T-shirts,sweat suits and pregame meals.But the lessons they learned about the rewards of hard work and working together to accomplish something were even more valuable products of their efforts.”“Its a model that can easily be learned in other places and Im looking forward to seeing some of our current partners do just thatto take what they have learned here and spin it off in other communities,” Ayers-Elliott remarks.She is now looking forward to developing an agritourism area to the farm,where visitors can experience the farm life,learn new skills and take with them seeds of inspiration they can sow in their own communities when they return home.1.What made Ayers-Elliott set up Foot Print Farms?A.The problems faced by local farmers.B.Her further research into heart disease.C.The failure of her career after graduation.D.The health state of people in her hometown.2.Why does the author take the football team as an example?A.To advocate the concept of independence.B.To stress the importance of teamwork.C.To support the idea of co-op model.D.To explore the key to success.3.What is Ayers-Elliotts attitude towards the future of Foot Print Farms?A.Optimistic.B.Skeptical.C.Cautious. D.Ambiguous.4.What is the main idea of the text?A.Naturally grown food benefits peoples health.B.Food Print Farms is making a difference in Mississippi.C.Ayers-Elliott encourages people to experience the farm life.D.Agritourism is becoming increasingly popular in America.七选五With todays stressful lifestyles,its important to have time that you spend doing something just for the fun of it.While there are many great hobbies to choose from,the hobbies here are particularly useful in relieving stress.1 Whether you simply learn to take better pictures of your friends and family,or explore the world of creating true art,photography can be a great hobby.As you practice seeing the world through the eyes of a photographer,you may begin to see things differently.GardeningGardening can be a great stress reliever for many reasons.2.In addition,it can also create more beautiful surroundings to come home for each day,and more. KnittingAside from helping you create beautiful gifts for yourself and others,knitting provides you with an opportunity to relieve stress.The repetitive motion can get you into an experience of “flow”,or can at least provide an outlet for nervous energy.3. DrawingYou can get in touch with your artistic side and use drawing as a way to process emotions.4.The end result will be something beautiful and personal that you can enjoy or share. Playing the piano5.While listening to music can probably be considered as a hobby,creating music can be an even more powerful stress relieving hobby.Learning to play an instrument such as the piano can be a stress reliever for you as well as for those around you. A.Laughing more,stressing lessB.Exploring photographyC.It can get you into the sunshine and fresh airD.Music has many health and stress relief benefitsE.These suggestions can help you reduce tension in your body nowF.Gradually knitting may be making you better at your day jobG.Besides,it can distract you,and achieve other stress management benefits1.2.3. 4.5. 读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。On a bright,warm July afternoon,Mac Hollan,a primary school teacher,was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends.One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair,but they had encouraged Mac to carry on,and they would catch up with him soon.As Mac pedaled(骑行) along alone,he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home.He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday.Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him.“Man,thats a big dog!” he thought.But when he looked to the side,he saw instantly that it wasnt a dog at all,but a wolf,quickly catching up with him.Macs heart jumped.He found out his can of bear spray.With one hand on the bars,he fired the spray at the wolf.A bright red cloud enveloped the animal,and to Macs relief,it fell back,shaking its head.But a minute later,it was by his side again.Then it attacked the back of Macs bike,tearing open his tent bag.He fired at the wolf a second time,and again,it fell back only to quickly restart the chase(追赶).Mac was pedaling hard now.He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down.He saw a steep uphill climb before him.He knew that once he hit the hill,hed be easily caught up and the wolfs teeth would be tearing into his flesh.At this moment,Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska.They didnt think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road.A bit later,they spotted what they,too,assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike.As they got closer,they realized that the dog was a wolf.Mac heard a large vehicle behind him.He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast,just a dozen yards away now.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;2.应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:The car abruptly stopped in front of him._Paragraph 2:A few minutes later,the other two cyclists arrived._高中英语新人教版必修二第四单元课时训练高中英语新人教版必修二第四单元课时训练 3 题组 A 基础巩固单词拼写1.There is a(显著的) difference between Jane and Mary. 2.It is the(习俗) in that country for women to marry young. 3.He is the only(诗人) in this country that deserves the name. 4.The mountain lies between two (县) with beautiful scenery. 5.They keep horses and(牛),the former for riding,the latter for food. 6.He liked to tell jokes and talked about (啤酒) and girls. 7.Now and then they heard the(咆哮) of thunder outside. 8.Now people around the world can enjoy the friendly Irish(酒吧). 9.It was(慷慨的) of him to offer to pay for us both. 10.(一群人) of people poured into the street at the festival. 单句语法填空1.In many ways,the magic of AI is its not something you can see or touch. 2.Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially(design) to help them succeed academically and personally. 3.Kate heard a mans voice in the background,but she couldnt makewhat he was saying. 4.This training program can give you a lift at work,as well as(increase) your income by 40%. 5.The speed of 6G will exceed (超过)125 GB/s,(allow) for a new generation of virtual reality. 6.I do every single bit of houseworkmy husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. 7.Although they havent been to school before,theyre so eager(learn) everything. 8.The waiting room(crowd) with passengers was decorated last year. 9.Childrens early sleeping problems are likely(continue) when they grow up. 10.I shall not attempt to give a detailed(describe) of the subject; it is beyond my ability. 组句成篇1.孔庙位于曲阜市,是祭祀中国古代思想家和教育家孔子的祠庙。(be located;sacrifice)2.该庙始于公元前 478 年,不时被增修扩建。(date back to,add to)3.孔子家谱是记载孔子家族起源、发展的重要文献。(the family tree,origin,document)4.孔子后裔有 100 多万人,遍及全世界。(descendant,throughout)5.孔子的教育理论影响着一代又一代中国人。(theory,influence,generation)_参考答案:.单词拼写 1 striking2 custom3 poet4 counties 5 cattle6 beer7 roar8 pubs9 generous10 Crowds.单句语法填空1 that2 designed3 out4 increase 5 allowing6 while7 to learn 8 crowded 9 to continue10 description.组句成篇The temple of Confucius is located in Qufu, a temple where people sacrifice the ancient Chinese thinker and educatorConfucius. The temple dates back to 478 BC and has been added to from time to time. The family tree of Confucius is an important document to record the origin and development of Confucius family. To our surprise, the number of Confucius descendants is up to over one million throughout the world. Confucius is great because his educational theories have influenced Chinese generation after generation.题组 B 高考提升语法填空Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) isnt 1(wide)supported by most Westerners.2,this is starting to change.TCM will be included in the new version of the International Classification of Diseases(ICD),which 3(bring) out by the WHO in the near future.This is the 4(one) time for TCM to be included in the ICD,serving as the international standard for diseases and health conditions. China has been making efforts 5(promote) TCM overseas.Twenty-six TCM centers were set up overseas over the past three years,according to a report 6(publish) by Xinhua News Agency.In 2015,Chinese scientist Tu Youyou 7(win) the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery of a drug that can cure malaria(疟疾).She said she was inspired by traditional Chinese medicine. The inclusion of TCM in the ICD is a mainstream acceptance that will have significant influence around the world.TCM has seen some growth in other countries for all these years.It is reported 8 a number of famous foreign people use it.For example,during the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics,US 9(swim) Michael Phelps was seen using cupping.Cupping is a traditional Chinese medical practice which has been around 10 more than 2,000 years. 1.2.3. 4.5.6. 7.8. 9. 10.阅读理解Have you ever heard of agritourism where you can experience the farm life? If not,Dr.Cindy Ayers-Elliott will tell you the real story of Foot Print Farms.The original concept of building Foot Print Farms was simple.When Ayers-Elliott returned to her hometown after graduation,she didnt have to look any further than her states alarming health statistics to find a mission.Everywhere she turned,there were reports of high blood pressure,diabetes,obesity and heart disease.“The problem was already identified,” explains Ayers-Elliott.“Too many Mississippians were seriously unhealthy and it didnt take research to see that.And many of the states greatest health challenges could directly result from poor diet.”These days,Foot Print Farms,which started with a few raised beds of herbs and vegetables,is making fresh,naturally grown food.“When speaking of the key to my success,the co-op model works because we share the work and rewards,” notes Ayers-Elliott.“A perfect example is the Wingfield High School football team.To earn the money for equipment and other items,players committed to working five hours a week on the farm,and by the end of the summer they produced 1,000 melons and the profits from their sales helped to buy weights,T-shirts,sweat suits and pregame meals.But the lessons they learned about the rewards of hard work and working together to accomplish something were even more valuable products of their efforts.”“Its a model that can easily be learned in other places and Im looking forward to seeing some of our current partners do just thatto take what they have learned here and spin it off in other communities,” Ayers-Elliott remarks.She is now looking forward to developing an agritourism area to the farm,where visitors can experience the farm life,learn new skills and take with them seeds of inspiration they can sow in their own communities when they return home.1.What made Ayers-Elliott set up F
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