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1、1七年级英语上册常考易错题汇总练习七年级英语上册常考易错题汇总练习班级班级考号考号姓名姓名总分总分1.What1.What isis this?Itthis?Its_s_ V.V.AaB anCDthe2.There2.There isis _ f f inin thethe wordword family.family.AaBanCD . the3 3ThisThis isis my_my_ book.book.AaBanCtheD4 4 -_-_ youryour namename Bob?Bob? - Yes,Yes, I I amam BoBBoBAAmBAreCIsDBe5.I5.I

2、 havehave a a lovelove dog._dog._ dogdog isis veryvery clever.clever.AAnBA C DThe6.-You6.-You looklook veryvery beautiful.-beautiful.- _._.AOk BYes, I am CThank you DNo, Im not7 7LookLook atat thethe wall.Somewall.Some picturepicture areare _ it.it.Aon Bin Cto Dat8.-_you8.-_you _ a a ping-pongping-p

3、ong ball?ball?AAre need BDo need CIs needs DDoes needs9._9._ mymy EnglishEnglish teacher,teacher, MissMiss Miller.Miller.AShe is BHe areCThis isDThis are10.Bob10.Bobs s rulerruler is_.is_.AgreenBcolorCin redDa green11.What11.What dodo youyou likelike forfor breakfast?breakfast?_._.ATwo piece of brea

4、dBTwo pieces of breadCTwo pieces of breadsDTwo piece of breads.14.Maths14.Maths _ isis mymy favoritefavorite subject.subject.Aam Bis Care Dwere1515HowHow manymany _ cancan youyou seesee inin thethe picture?picture?AtomatosBtomatoesCtomatoDthe tomato17.There17.There _ a a bagbag ofof milkmilk onon th

5、ethe deskdesk andand therethere _ twotwo piecespieces ofof breadbread onon it.it.AisisBis areCare isDareare18.British18.British peoplepeople eateat _a_a lot,lot, andand theythey areare cookedcooked inin differentdifferent ways.ways.ApotatoBpotatoesCbeefDchicken2020Here_Here_ twotwo photosphotos ofof

6、 mymy sister.sister.AisBamCareDbe2121I I likelike applesapples andand I I eateat _ forfor lunch.Helunch.He likeslikes breadbread butbut hehe doesndoesnt t eateat_for_for lunch.lunch.AititBtheyitCthemitDit 图片 them23.Tony23.Tony andand I I areare goodgood friends,friends, butbut wewe areare inin diffe

7、rentdifferent _._.2AclassesBschoolCgradeDage24.24._ WangWang FangFang havehave twotwo smallsmall eyes?eyes?No,No, sheshe hashas twotwo bigbig eyes.eyes.ADoesBDoCIsD Are25.25. Look,Look, thethe girlgirl hashas longlong legs.legs._AThats right.BYes, she is.CTha 图片 nks. DGooD26.There26.There areare thr

8、eethree _ inin mymy family.family.ApeopleBpersonCpeoplesDchild27.27.ThatThats s mymy bag.Pleasebag.Please _._.OK.OK.Agive it to meBgive me to itCgive it meDgive me it28.Li28.Li LeiLei oftenoften _ LinLin TaoTao _ hishis English.English.Ahelp; toBhelps; withChelps; toDhelp; with29.He29.He _ toto visi

9、tChinAvisitChinAAwantBto wantCdont wantDwants30.30. ItIt 图片图片s s veryvery kindkind _ youyou _ helphelp me.me.Aof; forBto; doCof; toDfor; for31.That31.That coatcoat isis nicenice andand I Illll _ it.it.AtryBtakeCwantDput32.I32.I dondont t havehave _ appleapple juice,juice, butbut I I havehave _ orang

10、eorange juice.juice.Aany; someBsome; someCany; anyDsome; any3434ThatThat songsong _ beautiful!beautiful!A isBsoundClooksDsounds3535OurOur teacherteacher says,says, “_ gogo there.there.”AWontBIsntCCantDDont37.He37.He cancan _ ping-pongping-pong atat school.school.AplaysBplayCplay aDplays the4242-Hell

11、o!-Hello! _ isis JimJim speaking.Whospeaking.Who _?-Hello!_?-Hello! _ Jack.Jack.AThis; is that; ThisBThis; is that; ImCThat; are you; ImDHe; are you; Im4545_ isis difficultdifficult forfor usus toto playplay soccersoccer ballball well.well.A ThatB ThisCItDHe4646WhoWhos s that,that, Kangkang?Kangkang

12、?_ Mary.Mary.AThatsBIt CHesDTheyre4747WhatWhat areare those?those?_ areare cakes.cakes.AThatBTheseCItDThey48.48. DoDo thethe twotwo boysboys havehave bigbig noses?noses?_3AYes, they are.BNo, they arent.CNo, they have big ones.DYes, they do.49.There49.There areare fewfew _ inin thethe fridge.Letsfrid

13、ge.Lets gogo andand buybuy somesome potatoes,potatoes, carrotscarrots andandpeppers.peppers.AeggsBmeatCvegetablesDfruit50.You50.You wantwant it,it, wewe havehave it,it, _ a a veryvery goodgood price.price.Afor Bat CofDIn51.We51.We havehave sweaterssweaters _ allall colorscolors _ ¥5050 each.each.Ain

14、, atBat, in Cin, in Dat, at52.We52.We cancan _ booksbooks _ thethe bookstorebookstore (书店)(书店). .Asell, toBbuy, fromCsell, from Dbuy, to53.We53.We readread $ $ 10as10as _._.Aten dollarBten dollarsCdollar tenDdollars ten54.Tom54.Tom speaksspeaks English._English._ JaneJane _ English,English, too?too?

15、ADo; speaks BDoes; speakCDo; speakDDoes; speaks55.Susan55.Susan cancan speakspeak ChineseChinese 图片图片, , _ sheshe doesndoesnt t likelike itit atat all.all.AbutBsoCasDand56.The56.The dressdress isis veryvery nicenice andand I Illll _ it.it.AthinkBtakeCwantDbring57.That57.Thats s tootoo expensive(expe

16、nsive(贵的贵的)._)._ thirtythirty yuan?yuan?AHow manyB How muchCWhy notDHow about58.58.TheThe boxbox isis tootoo heavy.heavy._ LetLet meme helphelp you.you.来源来源:Zxxk.Com:Zxxk.ComAYoure right.BYou cant study it well.CDont worry.DNot at all.59.59.I I dondont t likelike thethe greengreen coat.coat._ thethe

17、 redred one?one?AWhatsBWheresCWhat aboutDHow60.60.DoDo youyou wantwant _ withwith me?me?Yes,Yes, I I do.do.Ato do any shoppingBdo any shoppingCto do some shoppingDdo some shopping4附:参考答案附:参考答案1.What is this?Its_ V.AaB anCDtheCV 在此处为专用名词,其前不用任何冠词。2.There is _ f in the word family.AaBanCD . theB f 在此处

18、作普通名词用,且为元音因素开头,故用定冠词 an3This is my_ book.AaBanCtheDD 单数可数名词用在句子或短语中前应加冠词,但其前有形容词性物主代词,指示代词等时,不用冠词。4 -_ your name Bob? - Yes, I am BoBAAmBAreCIsDBeC 此题的主语为 your name 是物且为第三人称单数故选C5.I have a love dog._ dog is very clever.AAnBA C DTheD 上文提到的物,下文再次出现要用定冠词 the.6.-You look very beautiful.- _.AOk BYes, I

19、am CThank you DNo, Im notC对于他人的表扬,要用 thank you 回答。7Look at the wall.Some picture are _ it.Aon Bin Cto DatA On 在墙表面上,in 指进入内部。另 in the tree 指外来的东西在树上,on the tree 指树上与生俱有.8.-_you _ a ping-pong ball?AAre need BDo need CIs needs DDoes needsBneed 在此处为实义动词,且主语为第二人称,故用 do 构成问句。9._ my English teacher, Miss

20、Miller.AShe is BHe areCThis isDThis areC 这是介绍人或物的句型,复数用 these are.10.Bobs ruler is_.AgreenBcolorCin redDa greenA 颜色的单词用在 be 动词后作表语不必加 a/an, 如作定语后跟名词单数则加 a/an.11.What do you like for breakfast?_.ATwo piece of breadBTwo pieces of breadCTwo pieces of breadsDTwo piece of breads.B不可数名词的数量用数量短语表示,其量词是可数的,

21、故用复数。Bread 没有复数形式。14.Maths _ is my favorite subject.Aam Bis Care DwereB 有些名词以 s 结尾,但不是复数,学科名词多属此类如 physics 物理 politics 政治。应把它们作为单数看。15How many _ can you see in the picture?AtomatosBtomatoesCtomatoDthe tomatoB 用 how many 提问时,其后接名词复数形式,而 tomato 后加-es .类似还有 potato, hero 等。17.There _ a bag of milk on th

22、e desk and there _ two pieces of bread on it.AisisBis areCare isDareareB数词或冠词+名词+of +不可数名词的结构中,由 of 前的名词决定该词组的单复数。18.British people eat _a lot, and they are cooked in different ways.ApotatoBpotatoesCbeefDchicken5B根据后句中的 they 可知前句中需要复数食品,故 B 符合题意。20Here_ two photos of my sister.AisBamCareDbeC 此句为倒装句,

23、主语为 two photos of my sister。21I like apples and I eat _ for lunch.He likes bread but he doesnt eat _for lunch.AititBtheyitCthemitDit 图片 themC人称代词用在动词后要用宾格,且 apple 为复数形式故用 them,bread 为不可数名词用 it.23.Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different _.AclassesBschoolCgradeDageAdifferent 后接名词复数形式, 故选

24、A。24._ Wang Fang have two small eyes?No, she has two big eyes.ADoesBDoCIsD AreA 行为动词 have, has 的疑问句分别由 do, does 引导。have 由 do 引导;has 由 does 引导, 且 has 变为原形 have, 故选 A。25. Look, the girl has long legs._AThats right.BYes, she is.CTha 图片 nks. DGooDA 句意是 “看, 这个女孩有一双长腿”,根据题意, B、C、D 选项不合题意。Thats right.是同意对方

25、的观点或看法时的常用语, 译为“对, 正确”,故选A26.There are three _ in my family.ApeopleBpersonCpeoplesDchildA 本题考查名词单复数形式的运用。people 的单复数同形;person 的复数形式应是 persons;child 的复数形式为 children。故答案为:A。27.Thats my bag.Please _.OK.Agive it to meBgive me to itCgive it meDgive me itA 本题考查固定短语。表示“把某物给某人”可用 give sBsth.也可用 give sth.to

26、sB,但如果某物是代词时, 只能用 give it/ them to sB,故选 A。28.Li Lei often _ Lin Tao _ his English.Ahelp; toBhelps; withChelps; toDhelp; withBhelp sBwith sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”, 与 help sB(to) do sth.同图片义。题干中 often 暗示用一般现在时, 主语为第三人称单数, 故选B29.He _ to visitChinAAwantBto wantCdont wantDwantsD 主语 he 是第三人称单数, 其否定形式为 doesnt want

27、,故选 wants。30. It 图片s very kind _ you _ help me.Aof; forBto; doCof; toDfor; forC 本题考查常用句型 Its (very) kind/nice of sBto do sth.31.That coat is nice and Ill _ it.AtryBtakeCwantDputB 根据语境, 此题指购物时买下某物的说法。在购物时, 要买下某物时常说:Ill/Well take .因此选 B。32.I dont have _ apple juice, but I have _ orange juice.Aany; som

28、eBsome; someCany; anyDsome; anyA 本题考查 some 与 any 的基本用法。some 与 any 都作“一些”讲的时候, some 一般用于肯定句;any 一般6用于否定句、条件句、疑问句中。但在表示征询意见或建议的疑问句中常用 some 而不用 any。34That song _ beautiful!A isBsoundClooksDsoundsD 为感官系动词 ,后接形容词。35Our teacher says, “_ go there.”AWontBIsntCCantDDontD 构成否定祈使句只用 do.37.He can _ ping-pong at

29、 school.AplaysBplayCplay aDplays theB 情态动词后接动词原形,没人称和数的变化。Play + 球类名词中间不加 the.Play+the+乐器名词。比如 He cant play the guitar.42-Hello! _ is Jim speaking.Who _?-Hello! _ Jack.AThis; is that; ThisBThis; is that; ImCThat; are you; ImDHe; are you; ImA 打电话时,this 用于就是介绍自己,that 用于询问对方是谁。45_ is difficult for us t

30、o play soccer ball well.A ThatB ThisCItDHeC It is + 形容词+ for sb + to do sth.对某人来说做某事怎样。46Whos that, Kangkang?_ Mary.AThatsBIt CHesDTheyreA this 和 that 充当主语用于问句询问是谁, 回答仍用 this, that;当知道所问对象的性别时也可用She/He is .回答, 故选 A。47What are those?_ are cakes.AThatBTheseCItDTheyDthese, those 在问句中指代物体时, 答语中用 they 代替

31、, 而对 this, that 回答则用 it 代替, 故选D48. Do the two boys have big noses?_AYes, they are.BNo, they arent.CNo, they have big ones.DYes, they do.D 以 do 或 does 引导的一般疑问句, 其答语仍用 do, does 作答, 否定用 dont, doesnt, 名词作主语要用相应的人称代词主格,故选 D。49.There are few _ in the fridge.Lets go and buy some potatoes, carrots and peppe

32、rs.AeggsBmeatCvegetablesDfruitC本题考查名词单复数形式的运用。由题干 few 提示,后接可数名词,故排除 B、D 项。根据下文,去买一些洋芋、红萝卜和辣椒。可知冰箱里没有蔬菜了。故选 C。50.You want it, we have it, _ a very good price.Afor Bat CofDInB(“以价格销售”用介词 at)51.We have sweaters _ all colors _ ¥50 each.Ain, atBat, in Cin, in Dat, atA(in all colors 各种颜色的, at ¥50 each 以每件

33、 50 美元的价格)52.We can _ books _ the bookstore (书店).Asell, toBbuy, fromCsell, from Dbuy, toB(buyfrom从购买)。53.We read $ 10as _.Aten dollarBten dollars7Cdollar tenDdollars tenB($10 读作 ten dollars)。54.Tom speaks English._ Jane _ English, too?ADo; speaks BDoes; speakCDo; speakDDoes; speaksB 实义动词作谓语的一般疑问形式用

34、do/does+主语+谓语, 主语是第三人称单数, 故选 B。55.Susan can speak Chinese 图片, _ she doesnt like it at all.AbutBsoCasDand前后两个分句在意思上形成转折关系, 故用转折连词 but,选 A。56.The dress is very nice and Ill _ it.AthinkBtakeCwantDbringB 本题考查在购物时说“买下某物”的用法, 要买下某物常用 take, get, have, buy 等动词, 而最常用的是动词 take, 意思是“决定买走”。57.Thats too expensiv

35、e(贵的)._ thirty yuan?AHow manyB How muchCWhy notDHow aboutD根据语境, 这是和别人讨论商品价格的话题。why not+动词原形, how about+名词/代词/doing sth.所以选 D。58.The box is too heavy._ Let me help you.来源:Zxxk.ComAYoure right.BYou cant study it well.CDont worry.DNot at all.C当别人出现困难或者问题的时候,要给予别人关心和安慰, 让别人不要担心,常用 Dont worry。59.I dont like the green coat._ the red one?AWhatsBWheresCWhat aboutDHowC本题通过语境考查征询别人意见或建议的句子, “怎么样?”用 What/How about .? 因此选 C。60.Do you want _ with me?Yes, I do.Ato do any shoppingBdo any shoppingCto do some shoppingDdo some shoppingC 本题考查 want to do sth.和 do some shopping 的用法, 在疑问句和否定句中 some 不需变成 any。


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