Unit 3 My day-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:50008).zip

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Unit3 My day(Fun time&Cartoon time) go to bedget upplay footballhave lunch活动类卡片6:3011:401:257:00时间类卡片Lets playtake a bath3:10地点类卡片in the bedroomat schoolin the kitchenin the washroom under the table Rules(游戏规则):三三人一组,同时出牌同时出牌A打出一张活动类牌,get upB打出一张时间类牌,three tenC打出一张地点类牌,in the kitchenD连成一个句子I get up at three ten in the kitchen.Miss WuLets say?I at ?以第一人称说一说Mike的一天,30秒时间到就停止哦!比比谁说的句子多。 ActivitiesTimeget up7:00go to school7:40have lunch12:00play football4:00go home4:40do my homework5:30have dinner6:15watch TV7:00go to bed9:00at nightin the _in the _in the _morningeveningafternoon Tips: evening 傍晚, 一般指晚6点-9点 night 夜里, 一般指晚9点-12点I go to school at seven thirty.I go to school at seven thirty.When do you.? 你能帮助你能帮助MikeMike问一问吗?问一问吗?get up 6:30have breakfast 7:10go to school 7:30give English lessons 8:10go home 5:40read books 7:30 go to bed 11:00 My day Fun time My dayFun time.Fun time.Lets draw 拿出卡纸,画一画钟,将自己一天的活动时间画出来。(可以补充额外活动哦!) 两人一组,轮流问答各自的一天,看看谁的更合理。A:I at When do you?B:I at When do you ?A:I at When do you?B:I at When do you?A:I atAsk and answer 两人一组,选择一个活动,问一问时间吧。A:When do you?B:I at Ask and answer I atGive a speech演演讲讲讲讲开始,开始,认认认认真真倾倾倾倾听,听完听,听完准准备备备备接受提接受提问问问问哦!哦!When does he get up every day? I have a good friend. Guess!When do they get up every day? fivesixI get up at .I get up at .Lets recall 上集回顾When does Bobby have dinner every day?(Bobby每天什么时候吃晚饭呢?)Watch and answerWhen does Bobby have dinner every day?(Bobby每天什么时候吃晚饭呢?)At _ .sixQ1. Whats the matter with Bobby? (Bobby怎么了?)Q2. Can Bobby eat the cake?He is hungry. No, he cant. Read and answer自读自读P21P21,划出关键句。,划出关键句。Bobby had a dream!(Bobby做了个梦!)Im hungry, Sam.At six.Listen and read开心/疲惫happy/tiredTips:试着为人物选择正确的语气吧!Its seven oclock.What time is it now? Tips:试着为人物选择正确的语气吧!焦急/兴奋worried/excitedI can see a cake.Tip:试着为人物选择正确的语气吧!苦恼/惊喜worried/surprisedTip:跟读故事,注意人物的语调变化!Get up! Get up!Listen and Listen and readreadpillow 枕头四人一组,朗读这个有趣的故事吧。Lets readRead in roles.分角色读Read together.齐读 Read after one. 一人领读 GiveGive a a title title 给给Cartoon timeCartoon time 加一个你喜欢的标题吧。加一个你喜欢的标题吧。Give a titleWhat will Bobby say?Lets imagine Oh, my cake! Im hungry.What a pity!I want to eat a real(真的) cake.Sam, lets go .四人小组想一想,四人小组想一想,BobbyBobby醒来后将会说些醒来后将会说些什么?什么?Look, listen and answerTip:四人小组表演开始,记得加上结尾哦!Lets actI get up every morning. I take a shower. Then I get dressed. Do you do that, too?I dont get dressed, but I do take a shower. I make my own shower!Lets enjoy I have breakfast every morning. I like cereal for breakfast.Do you like cereal, too?I dont like cereal! I like bugs. I eat bugs for breakfast.Every afternoon, I play with my friends after school. Do you?I dont go to school, but I do play with my friends!Every night, I have dinner with my family. Then I always do my homework. After I do my homework, I relax(放松) with my family. Do you?I eat with my family at night, but I dont do homework! I relax with my family, too.After I do my homework, I brush my teeth. Then I go to bed. Do you go to bed at night?I dont go to bed at night! I am awake at night. I sleep all day.Useful sentences:A: Hello, Im .B: Hello, Im.When do you take a bath/do your homework/eat/drink/play.?B: I.at . What about you? When do you do.?A: I dont. Lets go and.B: OK./Sorry, I.两人一组,各选一个两人一组,各选一个人物或动物人物或动物形象,创编形象,创编对话。对话。Make a dialogue babyowlelephantschool girl/boyArrange your time reasonably.Arrange your time reasonably. Have a nice day! Have a nice day!合理安排你的时间!祝你拥有愉快美好的一天!1. Interview your friends about his/her day. 采访你的朋友他/她的一天。2.Complete your mini poster of your day.完成你的迷你海报“My day”,图文并茂。3.3.Read ,recite and act act “ “Cartoon time.Cartoon time. 朗读、背诵并朗读、背诵并创编表演卡通时间。创编表演卡通时间。Unit3My day 第二课时教案第二课时教案教学内容:教学内容:Fun time, Cartoon time教学目标:教学目标:1.能熟练运用 get up, go to school, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, go to bed, watch TV, do ones homework, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night 表示一日主要活动和时间段的短语。2. 能描述我的一天。3. 能区别 evening 和 night。4. 能掌握特殊疑问句及答句:When do you ? I at 5.能读、理解、表演卡通故事的内容,体会卡通故事的趣味性。6.养成良好的合理分配时间的习惯。教学重点:教学重点:1.能熟练运用 get up, go to school, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, go to bed, watch TV, do ones homework,in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night 表示一日主要活动和时间段的短语。2. 能掌握特殊疑问句及答句:When do you ? I at 3.能读、理解、表演卡通故事的内容,体会卡通故事的趣味性。4.培养学生养成良好的时间分配习惯。教学难点:教学难点:1.能描述我的一天。2.能读、理解、表演卡通故事的内容,体会卡通故事的趣味性。3.培养学生养成良好的时间分配习惯。教学准备:教学准备:PPT, Bobby、Sam 头像、cake, pillow 教学过程:教学过程:Step1:Warm up1.Free talkWhat day is it today?When do you get up?What lessons do you have this morning?What subjects do you like?2.Lets play T: I like English. We can play games at English lessons. Look! Heres a game. Lets play. The blue cards are about activities. The pink cards are about time. The yellow cards are about places. Look at the rules first. Each of you gets cards of one colour. Show one card at the same time. Then Ill invite another one to complete the sentence. Who wants to try?(此处扩大学生参与面,多请几个同学重复句子)3.RevisonT: Listen, my chat. Mike is my friend. Lets have a look. If you were Mike, can you say sth about your day.30seconds for you. Try to say as many sentences as possible.(S1 PK S2) I at【设计意图:】以自由交谈开启话题,在趣味性的游戏中复习第一课时出现的短语,以 Mike 是我的好友,阅读我的微信朋友圈这一贴近生活的情景为依托,开展比赛,复习第一课时语篇内容,在情景中复习,以旧带新。Step2 Presentation(Fun time)1.Show the new sentences.See! A message from Mike. Listen, What does he ask?(点音频)When do you go to school?I go to school at seven thirty.Can you help Mike ask more about my day? How to ask/answer?板书句型S1/2/3 When do you? T:I at2.T gives a speech “My day”3. Draw and say(1) Take out your min poster and draw the time of your day.(2) Ask and answer in pairs.(3) 反馈几组(4) Give us a speech. (演讲者提问: When do I ?)【设计意图:】以 Mike 给我发微信为情景,呈现目标句型,自然过渡,引发学生提问,层层递进,教学设计体现了重视语言的实践性和应用性。演讲环节,教师重视其他学生的听,以演讲者提问的方式提高了全班同学听的专注度。Step3Cartoon timeT: I know your day. Mike also wants to show you his good friends Bobby day.T: When does he get up? S1:He gets up at six. When does he have dinner?(1) Lets watch and findWhen does he have dinner?(2) Read and underlineWhats the matter with Bobby?Can Bobby eat the cake? Why?T: He had a dream.(3) Listen and repeatTips: Choose the right feeling of Bobby in each pictureI can see a big cake.What a big cake!(模仿语气读、单人读、集体读)The last picture:T:What is Bobby doing? He is biting the pillow.(4) Lets read it together(5) Choose one way to read(Work in four)A. Read it in roles B. Read after one. C. Read it together(6) Give the story a title(7) Lets imagine(Discuss in four)What will Bobby say when he wakes up?(8) Lets act in groups of four(Add an ending)A.T sets an exampleB. Students show time【设计意图:】Cartoon time 的教学教师重视故事的趣味性,让学生在多种感官参与下理解故事内涵,体会人物心情,注意朗读技巧的指导,开放性的问题启发了学生的思维,培养了学生的思维品质。Step4 Consolidation1.Lets enjoy a picture book.Work in pairs. Choose one role to act.(1)What sentences can we use?(2)T: I want to be anbaby. Who can be my partner?You can be a baby/an owl/an elephant/ a school boy/girl.S: 扮演另一角色,示范表演。2.Today, we know Mikes, your classmates and Mikes friends days. Here are my best wishes to you.Arrange your time reasonably.Have a nice day!【设计意图:】拓展环节,教师让学生阅读自制小绘本,了解了不同人、动物的生活,重视培养学生的语言运用能力。Step5Homework1.Read, recite and act cartoon time.2.Finish your mini posters about your day.3.Interview your good friends about his/her day.Blackboard design: Unit 3My day When do you?IatBobbys dream/A nice dreamWhat a pity!Wheres my cake? I want a real cake.
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