Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:e0836).zip

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Unit6 Whose dress is this? Learning aims Lets reviewWhatWhat clothesclothes areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? 他们在谈论什么衣服呢?他们在谈论什么衣服呢?Can you say some more?你还知道其他的你还知道其他的“衣服衣服”类单词吗?类单词吗? Brainstorm* Say the words one by one in your group.六人组内单词接龙六人组内单词接龙,依次说出衣服类单词依次说出衣服类单词,不许不许重重复哦复哦! * If you fail to say the word out in five seconds, you will be kicked out of the game; 5秒钟内无法说出正确的单词秒钟内无法说出正确的单词,将惨遭淘汰;将惨遭淘汰;* When the music stops, the game is over. 音乐停音乐停,游戏结束游戏结束。Words chain Lets review Hi, Helen! Hi, Helen! Whose dress is this? Dress, dress, its my cousins. Hi, Su Yang! Hi, Su Yang! Whose gloves are these? Gloves, gloves, theyre my fathers. Say a rhymeDanDans sJoeJoes sWhoseWhose sweatersweater is is this?this? Guessing game六人小组六人小组,猜测相邻组包裹中的衣服主人猜测相邻组包裹中的衣服主人;Rules: * 一人从包裹中挑选一件衣服后一人从包裹中挑选一件衣服后,进行提问;进行提问; * 每轮提问每轮提问,组内成员每人有组内成员每人有1次猜测机会;次猜测机会; * 试试看吧试试看吧,看谁先猜出衣服的主人看谁先猜出衣服的主人! Guessing gameTicking timeI can talk about the owners ofthe clothes. Cartoon timec co onfnfu us se ed d 困惑的困惑的 Watch and chooseWhat s this?A. Its a . B. Its a . Watch and chooseWhat s this?A. Its a . B. Its a .h he edgdge eh ho og g Watch and choose Listen and answerWhat s the matter? Bobby 怎么啦?怎么啦?MyMy handhand hurthurts s. .hurt: to feel pain 受伤受伤Whats this? Look! It can move. move: to change position 移动移动Learn to sayIs this a ball, Sam?Lets play.I think so.Learn to sayWhats the matter?Ouch!My hand hurts.怎么啦?怎么啦? Learn to sayHi! Nice to meet you.Hi! Nice to meet you too.Learn to say Lets read三人小组三人小组,分角色朗读分角色朗读! Try your best!大家一起给动画片配音吧大家一起给动画片配音吧! Try your best! Lets dub Lets act三人小组三人小组,演一演;发挥想象演一演;发挥想象,注意表情和动作哦注意表情和动作哦!Ticking timeI can enjoy and act out the cartoon. OneOne day,day, BobbyBobby invites(invites(邀请邀请) ) thethe littlelittle hedgehoghedgehog toto hishis home.home. HeHe showsshows hishis cloakroom(cloakroom( 衣帽间衣帽间) ) toto thisthis newnew friend.friend. Come in, please.Look at my cloakroom.Whats this?/ What are these?Its / They areWhose is this/ are these? Itss./ Theyre s. So cool/nice/big/beautiful! Lets showAct it out with your partner. Try to use your imagination.同桌两人续演故事同桌两人续演故事, 发挥你的发挥你的想象力哦!加油!想象力哦!加油!Preview Sound time and Rhyme time .HomeworkRead and act Cartoon time after class.主主 备备 人人使用人使用人序号序号总总 026026 课时课时课课 题题Unit 6 Whose dress is this?课时课时第第 2 2 课时课时教学内容教学内容Fun time & rhyme time课型课型新授课标要求:课标要求:1、通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,帮助学生掌握本单元所学主要词语、句型和日常用语。学习目标:学习目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读单词 coat, shirt, sweater, jeans, short.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 Whose . is this/that? Whose .are these/those? 并且会用 Its/Theyre .s.进行回答。3.能理解并且流利朗读小诗。教学重难点:教学重难点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读有关课程的单词 coat, shirt, sweater, jeans, short.2能理解并且流利朗读小诗。教学准备:教学准备:(含预习要求)PPT. 板书板书设计:板书设计:UnitUnit 6 6 WhoseWhose dressdress isis this?this?Whose . is this/that? Its .sWhose .are these/those? Theyre .s.教教 学学 过过 程程教教 师师 活活 动动学学 生生 活活 动动个个 性性 实实 施施StepStep 1:1: LearningLearning aimsaims1.能听懂、会说、会读单词 coat, shirt, sweater, jeans, short.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Whose . is this/that? Whose .are these/those? 并且会用 Its/Theyre .s.进行回答。3.能理解并且流利朗读小诗。StepStep 2:2: FreeFree talktalk1. 师生问候,交流关于课程的问题。StepStep 3:3: PresentationPresentation1. 出示 PPT,学生看图复习课文,表演课文,自我创编对话表演。1. FunFun timetime PPT 出示本课学习目标。T: Whose pencil is this ?.教师做好示范,引导学生课前准备好衣物图片,背后写好物品所属姓名,进行 Guessing game 游戏。S: Whose . is this/that? Whose .are these/those? S:Its/Theyre .s.2. RhymeRhyme timetimea. 试小组内自我学习小诗,找出难处。b. 跟录音试读小诗歌。c.自我创编小诗歌。Step4.Step4. PracticePractice完成课课练 补充习题中相对应的练习。评价,促进学生改进。教师指导。教师组织学生游戏,纠正错误。T: After Fun time, well go into Rhyme time.小组间进行比赛,让学生进行评价。 引导学生对诗歌进行改编,复习巩固课程类单词,并将知识进行内化。巡视学生完成情况,进行校对,对错题进行讲解。作业设计:作业设计:1. 熟读 Rhyme time, 并尝试背出。2. 抄写七个课程类单词两遍。3. 预习 Cartoon time 和 Sound time.教学反思教学反思本节课拓展部分的重点我把握得不是很到位。我本来是想将化妆舞会与购买服装联系起来,在用到描述衣服句子的同时可以复习买东西的用于,让学生学以致用。但是,这样简单的拓展是不够的,本单元的重点句型应该是Whoseis this?Itss 以及它的复数形式。我忽视了这一句型的操练,没有在拓展活动中体现出来,是不恰当的。coat dressshirt sweaterjeans gloves trousersshorts this?Whoseis Whose are they? Is it s? Are theys? Yes. Youre right.No. Youre wrong. Unit6 thisWhose is dress ? is
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