Unit 5 Seasons-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:82ff7).doc

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Unit 5 Seasons-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:82ff7).doc_第1页
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Unit 5 Seasons-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:82ff7).doc_第2页
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Unit 5 Seasons-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:82ff7).doc_第3页
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Unit 5 Seasons-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:82ff7).doc_第4页
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Unit 5 Seasons-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:82ff7).doc_第5页
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1、Seasons 教案一、教学内容义务教育教科书四年级英语下册Unit 5 SeasonsFun time二、教学目标1、知识目标:(1)能熟练运用 story time 中的词汇与句型介绍四季。(2)能理解四个季节的小诗,用正确的语音语调朗读。(3)能正确理解故事蚂蚁和蝈蝈 ,用正确的语音语调朗读并尝试表演。2.技能目标:(1)能用正确的语音语调朗读 story time。(2)能结合生活实际谈论四季。(3)能制作并介绍季节海报。(4)能正确理解故事蚂蚁和蝈蝈 ,用正确的语音语调朗读。3. 情感目标:(1)引导学生感受四季之美。(2)知道一分耕耘,一分收获的道理。三、教学重点:(1)能结合生活

2、实际谈论四个季节。(2)能正确理解并朗读四个季节的小诗。(3)能制作并介绍季节海报。四、教学难点:(1)能根据师生交流的课堂生成,制作季节海报并介绍。(2)能正确理解故事蚂蚁和蝈蝈 。五、教学准备:PPT、头饰,红色水彩笔等。六、教学过程:Step1 Greetings(1) T: Boys and girls, are you ready for our class?S: Yes.(2) T: First, lets see what we will learn today,OK?S: OK. (PPT 出现学习目标)1.能根据实际情况谈论四个季节。2.能为最喜欢的季节制作海报并能介绍。3.

3、能用正确的语音语调朗读并表演故事蚂蚁和蝈蝈 。T: Clear?S: Yes .Step2 Revision(1) Listen and guess.T: Good! Today I bring you some music. Listen and guess the seasons. OK?S: OK.T: (PPT: 播放春天的背景音乐) Which season is it?S: Its spring.注:可以伴着音乐回答注:可以伴着音乐回答T: Yes. Its spring. (PPT 揭示答案) (板书板书 spring 并拼读并拼读 spring)T: What about th

4、is one? (PPT: 播放冬天的背景音乐)S: Winter.T: Yes. Why do you think so?S: 圣诞节时播放的歌曲,圣诞节在冬天。T: Yes. Christmas is in winter. (PPT 揭示答案) (板板书书 winter 并拼读并拼读)Now letsgo on. (PPT: 播放夏天的背景音乐) Can you?S: Summer.T: Good. How do you know that?S: 有很多动物和昆虫的叫声。T: Oh, we can hear them in summer. (PPT 揭示答案)(板书(板书 summer 并

5、拼读)并拼读)The last one. (PPT: 播放秋天的背景音乐) Which season?S:Autumn.T: Yes. It is autumn. (PPT 揭示答案)(板书(板书 autumn 并拼读)并拼读)You can get theanswer easily, because youve learned the song at the music lesson. right?S: Yes.(2) Review the story timeT: Well, the music sounds beautiful. Actually, the seasons are bea

6、utiful, too.What about the seasons in their eyes? (PPT 出现课文中的人物) Do you stillremember?S: Yes.T: OK. Now open your books , turn to page 32and 33. Each group can chooseone season to introduce. Understand? ( 小组读的形式可以不一,可以齐读,每人读一句,等等)S: Yes.T:And try to read with emotion and add some actions. OK?注注:巡视时巡

7、视时,寻找选择夏天的学生寻找选择夏天的学生S: OK. (学生小组读)T: Have you finished? Which group can try?S:T: Which season are you going to introduce ?注:请选择注:请选择 summer 的学生的学生S( 组):summerT: Can you tell us with the music? (PPT 出现相关的背景图和背景音乐)S :(情况一情况一:没加动作)没加动作)T: Boys and girls , what do you think of their reading?S:.T:Any su

8、ggestions?S:(加动作等)T: Can you show us? Lets try together. ( 注:引导全体学生做起动作来注:引导全体学生做起动作来)S: (加动作等)T: Well done!Any other suggestions?S: (更有感情)T: Good idea! They can read with emotion. But how? (PPT 出现 reading tip)Look! Summer is a fun season. We can read it with the happy feeling. OK?S: OK.T: Now lets

9、try to read together, and dont forget to add some actions.S: (情况二:加了动作情况二:加了动作)T: Good!They can read with some actions. Do you have some suggestions tohelp them read better?S: (更有感情)T: Good idea! They can read with emotion. But how? (PPT 出现 reading tip)Look! Summer is a fun season. We can read it wi

10、th the happy feeling. OK?S: OK.T: Who can have a try?S: (如果学生还没读出感情,教师当场指导)T: Good. Now let me have a try. (教师读)T: Well, boys and girls, Im sure you can read better. Lets try to read together.OK?S: (情况三:既加动作,又加感情,但不到位情况三:既加动作,又加感情,但不到位)T: Good! But can you read better? Look! (PPT出现reading tip) Summe

11、r is a funseason. We can read it with the happy feeling. OK?S: OK.T: Who can have a try?S: T: Well done!/Excellent! Now Im sure you can read better. Lets try to readtogether. OK?(如果学生还没读出感情,教师当场指导)T: Good! Now let me have a try. (教师读)T: Well, boys and girls, Im sure you can read better. Lets try to

12、read together.OK?S: T: This time, which group can introduce spring?(PPT: 出现与之相关的背景音乐)S( 组): 注注: 如果没做动作如果没做动作, 还可以继续引导还可以继续引导:Can you add some actions?T: Good! How about autumn?/Can you introduce autumn? (出现与之相关的背景音乐)S( 组):T: The last one, winter, which group can introduce? (出现与之相关的背景音乐)S( 组):Step3 P

13、resentation(1) Brain stormingSpring:T: Good job! Now close your books, please. Boys and girls, we know there arefour seasons in a year. Which season is it now?S: Spring.T: Do you like spring?S: Yes.T: Why?S: Because T: Well, I like spring too. Why? Lets see. (PPT 出现春天的诗歌)SpringSpring is a beautiful

14、season!The flowers are red,The trees are green.The birds sing and sing.I like spring.T: Can you read it in your groups?And dont forget to read with emotion andadd some actions.S: (小组朗读诗歌)(指导学生朗读)T: Which group can read?(请一组朗读)S: T: Spring is so beautiful. Do you like spring?S: Yes.T: So we can read

15、it with our love for spring, right?S: Yes.T: Now follow me, please. (带读)S: T: Lets read together. (齐读)T: Good. Spring is a beautiful(板书板书 beautiful ) season in a year. How about theother seasons? Do you like them? And why? Please choose one to discuss inyour groups. (PPT: Brain storming.)S:(小组讨论)T:

16、Stop. Now its report time.T: Which group can try?S: T: Which season do you like? Why?S: 或:T: Who likes ? Why?Summer:T: Well, I like spring. I also like summer. Why? Because I dont go to schoolfor 2 months. I can have a long summer holiday. Do you have a longsummer holiday?S: Yes.T: What can you do o

17、n summer holiday?S: I can go to the beach/make ice creams/eat watermelonsT: Is it fun?S: Yes.T: So summer is a fun season. (板书板书 fun) Look, heres a poem about summer.(PPT 出现夏天的诗歌) Try to read this poem in pairs.SummerSummer is a fun season!Go to the beach,Swim in the sea.Have some ice creams,Under t

18、he tree.T: Who can read?(请 2-3 人)注注:如果请了一人如果请了一人,不加动作和感情不加动作和感情,可指导可指导:Dont forget your emotion and some actions.S:T: Boys read together. /Girls read together.(分男、女生读)Autumn:T: Spring is a beautiful season. Summer is a fun season. How about autumn?Autumn isS:丰收的季节T: Yes. Autumn is a harvest season.

19、(板书板书 harvest 并带读并带读) What can you seein autumn? Can you see red apples?S: Yes.T: What else can we see?S: We can see yellow bananas/ nice orangesT: Yes. There are a lot of fruit in autumn. So we can go to the farm, pick themand taste them. (PPT 出现秋天的诗歌)Now try to read it by yourselves.AutumnAutumn i

20、s a harvest season!Juicy pears,Sweet oranges.Red apples,Yellow bananas.Yummy, yummy!T: Who can read?S: T: Read together.Winter:T: Spring is a beautiful season. Summer is a fun season. Autumn is a harvestseason. (此处教师可指着板书引导学生说出 beautiful season 等关键词)What about winter?(PPT 出现 Winter is a _ season.)S:

21、 Winter is a cold/white(板书板书 white)/happy season.T: Why do you say it is a white season?S: Because sometimes its snowy.T:Yes.What can you do when it snows?S: I can make snowmen.T: Do you have snow ball fights?S: Yes. (教读 fight, 用 night 迁移、have snow ball fights)T: Good. Here comes a poem about winter

22、. (PPT 出现冬天的诗歌)Lets enjoy.(齐读小诗)WinterWinter is a white season!No green grass,No yellow leaves,But white snow comes.Make snowmen and go skiing.(2) Make a posterT: Boys and girls , just now, we talked about the seasons we like. How aboutmy friend, Jack? (PPT 出示人物)Which season does he like? And why?No

23、w open your books, turn to page 34, read it by yourselves.S:(读)T: Which season does he like? He likes (PPT:出现 He likes)S: He likes winter.S: Miss Lu, 这里的like后面为什么要加 “s”?(引导引导学生质学生质疑疑 He likes)T: Who can help him/her?S: 当主语是第三人称单数时,表示喜欢,要在 like 后加“s”, 所以回答He likes winter.T: Good! Clear?S: Yes.T: Jack

24、 likes winter. Why? (引导学生说出理由)S1: Because he can go skating.S2: He can make snowmen.T:Yes, youre right. Look here.(PPT 出现 P34 文字) Lets read together.S:T: Well done! Jack likes winter. And he made a poster for winter. Look, hereshis poster.(PPT 出现冬天的海报) Would you like to make a poster for yourfavouri

25、te season?S: Yes.T:You drew the pictures in your posters yesterday, right?S: Yes.T: Today well write something about it. But how? What sentence patternscanwe use?S:(教师板书句子)(In , its .I canI go /play /have/eat /wearI like)T:And we can also use the other sentence patterns. Now lets finish our posters.

26、T:First,write some something according to the pictures in your poster.(PPT 出现要求)And please pay attention to this while writing. (PPT 出现 learning tips). OK?Then, read what you write after doing it. (PPT 出现要求)At last, exchange the posters and read it. Clear? (PPT 出现要求)S: Yes.S:OK.T: Now lets do it. If

27、 you need help, put up your hands.S: (学生做海报)T: 巡视观察好的做的好的海报。巡视观察好的做的好的海报。T: Have you finished?S: Yes.T: Show me your posters.Whod like to share your poster with us?S:拿学生的海报投影展示。T: Whats the weather like in ?/Which season does like? /Why?/ Whatdoes usually do in ?S: T: OK! So much for this. You can s

28、tick your posters on the wall in yourclassroom and share them after class.Step 4 ConsolidationT: Boys and girls, we do different things in different seasons. What about theant and the grasshopper?(PPT 出现蚂蚁和蝈蝈)What do they do ?Look, heres a story about them. (PPT 出现蚂蚁和蝈蝈的绘本封面) Didyou read it yesterda

29、y?S: Yes.T: Do you have any difficulties?(情况一:有困难)S: (学生说,教师当场投影)T: Who can help him/her?( 请学生教,学生不会,教师教)(情况二:没有困难)T: Really?(教师投影:Im storing food for winter.Come in and have nice food with me.)T: Who can read this sentence?S: (如果读不好,请学生教,学生不会,教师教)T: Well done. Now please take out your picture books

30、, share the story withyour group members. Try to add some actions while reading. (教师指导)T: Now its time to read and act out the story. Which group can try?(请小组表演)The grasshopper, who can read? The ant, who can? And who can act outthe grasshopper? (头饰) The ant, who can try? (头饰) They are thegrosshoppe

31、rs and the ants. We are the narrators. OK?S: OK.T: Lets begin.S: T: This time who can read and act it out better? Whod like to have a try again?(可以再请演的好的和读的好的同学演一演)S: T: Boys and girls , do you like the story?S: Yes.T: What do you learn from the story?S: (可用中文表达)不劳动就没有食物。T: Well done! No work,no foo

32、d. So we should study hard and work hard everyday. Because “No pains, no gains.”, right?(PPT:No pains, no gains. 一分耕耘, 一分收获。 )T: Boys and girls, you all did a good job. You can act out the story in yourgroups after class.Step 5: Ticking timeT: Now lets come back to our learning objectives.(PPT) Can

33、you do all ofthem now?I can talk about the four seasons.我能谈论四个季节。I can make a poster for my favourite season and say something aboutit.我能为自己最喜欢的季节制作海报并介绍。I can read and act out the storyTheAnt and The Grasshopper.我能朗读并表演故事蚂蚁和蝈蝈 。T: If you can do all of these well, you can get three stars for each(PP

34、T). Ifyou need a little help, you can get two stars for each(PPT). If you needto practice more, you can only get one star for each(PPT). You can tickthe stars in your groups after class, OK? 中文S: OK.T: Now heres the homework for you.1. Share your posters with your classmates.2.Act out the story in y

35、our groups.T: And try to act out the story vividly. But how? You should act it out withfeelings. And if you can use proper body language, it will be better. (PPT 出示要求。) OK?3. Preview Cartoon time on P35.T: Thank you so much. Goodbye, boys and girls.S: Goodbye, Miss Lu.Homework:1. Share your posters

36、with your classmates.2. Act out the story in your groups.3.Preview Cartoon time on P35.TheAnt and The GrasshopperTogether: Spring is warm. Listen! The river is singing.G: I like singing near the river. Hello, Little Ant, come and sing with me.A: Sorry, Im looking for food. (我正在寻找食物。)G: Oh, what a pi

37、ty!Together: Summer is so hot. Its cool under the tree.G:I like sitting under the tree. Little Ant, come and sit with me.A: Sorry, Im moving food. (我正在搬运食物。)G: Oh, what a pity!Together: Autumn is cool. Look , the leaves are dancing.G: I like dancing on the grass. Little Ant, come and dance with me.A

38、: Sorry, Im storing food for winter.(我正在为冬天储存食物。 )G: Oh, what a pity!Together: Cold winter! So cold! No green grass. No hot sun. No yellow leaves. Only white snow!G:Achoo!(阿嚏) I have no food. Im cold and hungry. Help! Help!A: Oh! Dear friend, its cold there. Come in and have nice food with me.G: Tha

39、nk you.SpringSpring is a beautiful season!The flowers are red,The trees are green.The birds sing and sing.I like spring.SummerSummer is a fun season!Go to the beach,Swim in the sea.Have some ice creams,Under the tree.AutumnAutumn is a harvest season!Juicy pears,Sweet oranges.Red apples,Yellow bananas.Yummy, yummy!WinterWinter is a white season!No green grass,No yellow leaves,But white snow comes.Make snowmen and go skiing.


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