Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01395).doc

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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01395).doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01395).doc_第2页
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Unit 4 Drawing in the park-Fun time&Cartoon time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:01395).doc_第3页
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1、Unit4 第第 2 课时课时教案教案教学内容教学内容:Fun time &Cartoon time教学目标:教学目标:1. 复习上节课所学的关于公园物品的单词,能进一步熟练拼读。2. 通过 Fun time 练习 What can you do?的句型以及问答。3. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。4. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容编写 chant。重点:重点:1.能熟练运用 can 的句型2. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。3. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容编写 chant。难点:难点:能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容编写新的 chant。教学准备:教学准备

2、:CAI、头饰、多媒体课件、图片Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warm up & Free talk1. Enjoy the song:What can you see?【设计意图】以歌曲形式引入,激活学生已有知识,为导入部分做铺垫,同时营造轻松的课堂氛围,活跃课堂气氛。2. Look and say:T:Last class I asked you to draw some pictures,lets enjoy it. Andtell me what can you see in this picture?Step 2.Presentation一一.Fun

3、 time:1.Review & lead in:Look at the picture,what can Tim do in story time?Whatcant Tim do?Rule:会用 can,不会用 cant,会不会吗把 can 题前大写加问号,变人称人称一致。【设计意图】通过从 story time 中的问题复习,导入 can 句型,带领孩子总结 can 用法,通过旧的知识引出新知识2.Make a survey and say: Look at the table, What can you do,Mary?I can drawand make a cake. So

4、we can say Mary can draw and make a cake.Before the class I make a survey about Hanxue. What can you do,Hanxue?I canmake a fruit salad and make a cake. So we can say Hanxue can make a fruit salad andmake a cake.Make a survey about your friends and use these sentence patterns.【设计意图】通过从不认识的 Mary,到本班学生

5、韩雪,再到同学之间相互调查层层推进句型 What can you do?I can.以及 He can.和 She can.贴近学生的生活与实践。二.Cartoon time:1.Lead in:Look at this picture,and guess what can I do? T:Yes,I can draw,and I can draw a big box. Today I have a box.2.Game:whats in this big box,you keep saying whats in this box,and I will seewho is better who

6、 can have a chance to have a guess.【设计意图】以游戏增加孩子的自信心和积极性,与此同时在玩游戏的同时操练句型,增加趣味性。3. Look and guess:Look at the picture and guess what happened between Bobby and Sam,andhave a guess whats in the box?4. Watch and choose:watch the cartoon and choose whats in this big box?AboatB.A tigerC. Atree5.Listen an

7、d repeat:Listen to the tape and repeat,please pay attention your pronunciation andintonation.6.Read and answer:Q1:.What can Bobby see at first(首先)?Q2:What can Bobby see then(然后)?7.Happy reading:Its time to read,you can read together,read one by one and read after one.【设计意图】在学习卡通环节,通过看动画选择,读找答案,跟读模仿以

8、及不同形式的读等不同环节来操练孩子的动画掌握情况,从而为孩子的生成性学习做好铺垫。Step3. Practice1.Act the Cartoon out:3. Sing a chant and make up a new chant:What can you see?What can you see,in the box,in the box ?I can see a.I can see a._ the box,_ the box.Step4. Summary and Evaluate1. Today, from this lesson we know whatever it is difficult,we should have a try.2. Do some exercises in 伴你学.3. 引导学生用 I can 总结今天的学习。 S: I can say/ read/ chant/ 以及能够表演卡通Step 5:Homework:1. Recite cartoon time2. Make a new dialogue with your deskmate after class.3. Share the story with your parents.


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