Project 1 Being a good student-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f0205).zip

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添添加加文文本本添添加加文文本本Round1Round1 Round2Round2 Round3Round3 Round4Round4 Being a good student lateearlyslowlyquietlyloudlywell higha lot ofsomea fewa littleRules:Rules:根据出根据出示的单词选示的单词选择正确的不择正确的不定代词或副定代词或副词与之搭配,词与之搭配,配对正确即可配对正确即可摘下苹果。摘下苹果。 Game1:Pick applesruncarsget upplay footballreadsweetscolasinggo homepotatoesjump up your diete.g.I like/dont like. . I have/eat/drink. for. . 请尽量用到a lot of /some/ a little/a few等不定代词。Game2:Talking-chainRules:1. In turns轮流轮流,No repeats无重复无重复. 2.30 secondsMusic stops, Stop talking. your habitse.g. I always/usually/often/sometimes. . 请尽量用到频率副词和程度副词early/late/well/fast等。Game2:Talking-chainyour safety awareness(意识意识)e.g. We can/cant. .We must/mustnt. . Game2:Talking-chainGame3:Look and judgeGame3:Look and judgeThink and sayWe should/shouldnt . / We must/mustnt .添添加加文文本本添添加加文文本本Round1Round1 Round2Round2 Round3Round3 Round4Round4 Being a good student go to school earlyhelp her classmatesget up earlyhave breakfastfinish her homework Good habits Bad habits ?AmyAmy getsgets upup earlyearly andand hashas breakfastbreakfast everyevery dayday. .SheShe goesgoes toto schoolschool early.early. She helps her classmates.SheShe finishesfinishes herher homeworkhomework beforebefore dinner.dinner. wait for the green man SheShe alwaysalways waitswaits forfor thethe greengreen manman beforebefore sheshe crossescrosses thethe road.road. eat too many sweetsSheShe oftenoften eatseats tootoo manymany sweets.sweets. get up early have breakfasthelp her classmatesfinish homework before dinner wait for the green man eat too many sweetsgo to school early Writing timeI I andand I I everyevery I . .I I . .I I . .I I alwaysalways . . I I oftenoften . . Talking timeI get up early and havebreakfast every day.I go to school early.I help my classmates.before dinner.I always wait for the green man before I cross the road.Your habitsI .I finish my homeworkI often eat too many sweets. Talking timeI say “Good morning to my teachers but sometimes Im late for school.I watch TV after school and do my homework in the evening. I usually eat a lot of meat for lunch and dinner. I wait for the green man before I cross the road, but I sometimes run quickly on the road. What habits does John have?eat a lot of meatsometimes be late for schoolwatch TV before homeworkrun quickly on the roadThink and saysay good morning to his teachers wait for the green man watch TV after schooldo homeworkrun quickly on the road eat a lot of meatbe late for school Writing timeShare your opinions.I think Amy follows the rules well,because . I think .Talking timeYouYou cancan /cant./cant. YouYou shouldshould /shouldnt./shouldnt. YouYou must/mustnt.must/mustnt.添添加加文文本本添添加加文文本本Round1Round1 Round2Round2 Round3Round3 Round4Round4 Being a good student WhatWhat makesmakes a a goodgood studentstudent? ?A A goodgood studentstudent shouldshould/shouldnt/shouldnt.A A goodgood studentstudent can/cantcan/cant.A A goodgood studentstudent must/must/mustntmustnt. .Talking time1234on the busin the libraryin the parkin the classTalking time添添加加文文本本添添加加文文本本Round1Round1 Round2Round2 Round3Round3 Round4Round4 Being a good student Make a poster.HowHow cancan wewe bebe goodgood studentstudents?s?Rules: 1. 6-7人小组,讨论poster 。2. 分工合作,完成poster。3. 共同配合,展示post。ShowShow timetimeWeWe areare beingbeing good.good.WeWe areare beingbeing good.good.WeWe areare beingbeing good.good. Be a good sudent! Build your future!Homework2.Continue to revise the key words and sentences from Unit1 to Unit4.(继续复习第一单元到第四单元的重点单词和句型)1.Try your best to finish your posters.(尽你最大的努力完成海报,我们将评选出“最佳海报”) Thank you!on the bus On the bus,. I think its good/ not good. He/She/they should/shouldnt. must/ the library In the library,. I think its good/ not good. He/She/they should/shouldnt. must/ the park In the park,. I think its good/ not good. He/She/they should/shouldnt. must/ the class In the class,. I think its good/ not good. He/She/they should/shouldnt. must/mustnt.6B Project 1 Being a good student Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Project 1 Being a good studentTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. Students can tell which habits are good and which are bad.2. Students can use “a few”, “a little”, “some”, “a lot of”, “many” and “much” very well.3. Students can talk about “My habits” or “My friends habits” and give suggestions.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:Students can tell which habits are good and which are bad.教学难点:Students can talk about “My habits” or “My friends habits” and give suggestions.Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程StepI RevisionT: Good morning, children. Do you remember what habits does Wang Bing have?S1: Wang Bing gets up early in the morning.S2: Wang Bing always puts his things in order.S3: Wang Bing brushes his teeth twice every day.T: Great. And I think Wang Bing has many good habits,and he is a good student.(引出课题 Being a good student)StepII.Present1. Lets play.Game1:Pick apples (根据出示的单词选择正确的不定代词或副词与之搭配,配对正确即可摘下苹果。)e.g.jump high/get up early/a little cola/a few sweets.Game2:Talking-chain1) Talk about your diet with a lot of/some/a little/a few;2) Talk about your habits with always/usually/sometime/often and well/early/late/fast.;3) Talk about your safety awareness with can/cant/must/mustnt;Rules:1. In turns(轮流),No repeats(无重复).2.30 seconds Music stops, stop talking.【设计意图:头脑风暴的游戏有利于激发学生思维。学生想说但不会用英语表达的内容允许他们适当使用中文,教师无须过多纠正,语言学习应该注重的是流畅的表达,让学生培养敢说的态度,持之以恒的口头操练才能有效提高学生口头表达的流利度。】Game3:a. Look and judge. Rules:Say “Yeah,yeah,yeah”when you see a picture and judge the behavior right. Say“No,no,no”when you see a picture and judge the behavior wrong.【设计意图:通过紧张刺激的游戏让学生快速回顾 1 至 4 单元所学内容,为下面的交流做好预热。同时也鼓励学生脱离课本,尝试用不一样的表达。】b. Think and sayT:Why do you agree with the above behaviors or not?Tell us your reason.(回放刚才快速闪过的图片,提醒学生用 We should/shouldnt/must/mustnt .进行解释)Ss:. .2. Lets listen.Amys habits:1)Listening time: Listen to Amys habits and judge what habits are good or not.2)Writing time:Write down Amys good habits and bad habits on the different blanks.3)Talking time: a. Change “she(Amy)” into “I” to talk about “my” habits with as many adverbs of frequency as possible. b.Talk about your habits like Amys model.Johns habits:1) Listen and catch what habits John has.2) Judge what habits are good or not.3) Write down Johns good habits and bad habits on the different blanks.Think and say: 1) Q:What do you think of Amys and Johns habits?T:I think Amy has a good habit,.She follows the rules well because she always waits for the green man before she crosses the road.(老师先给出示范,并在屏幕中出示答句结构供学生参考)e.g. I think XX has a good/bad habit. He/She. .because. .2)Q:What advice would you like to give Amy or John? Your advice: You can/cant. . You should/shouldnt. . You must/mustnt. .【设计意图:在前面环节中口头表达之后再做教材的阅读书写已是水到渠成,本环节的亮点在于分清好习惯、坏习惯之后你想对 Amy 和 John 说什么。这里可以鼓励学生答案多样化。】3. Lets talk.1) Lets talk:What makes a good student?Ss:. .(引导学生用所学的句型阐述如何成为一名好学生,也鼓励学生尝试用自己的表达)2) Lets choose;(利用易加互动平台让学生选择哪些因素可以塑造一位好学生)3) Lets conclude;a healthy diet/follow rules/be helpful(/polite/honest)/good study habits【设计意图:适当的发散思维练习能有效巩固学生所学语言知识,提升概括、归纳的能力,最终提高对所学语言的运用能力。】StepIII .Practice1.Lets discuss;T:Amy and John do well at school and on the road.Where should a good student try to do?e.g. A good student should do well in/at. .(先让学生思考,再给出一些场所的图片给学生启发。)2.Lets say;T:Discuss in groups and choose a public place to talk about how to be a good student there.e.g.on the bus/in the library/in the park/in the class.3.Lets make;T:Make a poster according to the place your group chose just now,then share your opinions about “How can we be good students?”in class in groups.Rules: 1. 6-7 Ss in a group,discuss the poster;2. Divide the work and make the poster;3. Work together and share the poster.4.Lets show; The whole group comes to the front and talk about their opinions about “How can we be good students somewhere”.StepIV.Emotional education;T:As we grow up,we are getting better and better not only at school, but also at home or in other places. (出示学生平时生活中在学校打扫卫生、在家帮做家务或在其他地方热心帮助别人的图片,让学生明白我们正在变得越来越好。) Be a good student;build your future!【设计意图:让学生感受到老师和家长时刻关注他们学习生活中的每一点进步,并激励他们不断努力!】StepV.Homework;1. Try your best to finish your poster;2. Continue to revise the key words and sentences from Unit1-4;
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