Project 2 A travel book-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f01aa).zip

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Project 2 A travel Book年级:六年级译林2011课标版三年级起点graduate What do you want to be? Why? To make your dream come true, what will you do?Task 1: Talk about your dreams with deskmatesJOIN US FOR A GraduationPARTYInvitation Date:_Time:_Place:_With _Come and have fun!WelWelcome to the partycome to the partyWhen are we going to have the party?Where are we going to have the party?What are we going to bring to the party?What are we going to do at the party?We are going to have a party at in We are going to invite We are going to bring We are going to Task 2: Write an invitation letter in groups .What do you think of Suzhou?Weather: _Places: _Things: _Warm, hot, cool, coldTiger Hill, Suzhou MuseumSnacks, Pingtan Today I will tell you about The weather is You will like You will findThere are some Task 3: Finish a name card of your favourite city. I hope you will be a person who likes reading. I hope you will be a healthy and happy person. I hope you will have a bright future.Task 4: Write your wishes to your teachers or friends.Homework1. Review Unit 5-8.2. Finish the exercise of Project 2Project 2 A travel book一、教材分析一、教材分析教学内容:英语六年级下册 Project 2 第一课时 本单元既是一个活动单元也是一个复习单元,需要对已学过内容进行综合,归类,转化和辨别,挖掘知识的内在联系,把所学的知识融会贯通起来,使学生对知识的掌握更加准确,从而提高运用语言的能力。本单元以一般将来时作为语言基础,同时又围绕学生们熟悉的课余生活展开,学生能积极开动脑筋,参与课堂活动,发展他们的口笔头语言实践能力,也可以提高复习课的效率,并切实减轻学生的学习负担。二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生已经学习了六年的英语,大部分同学对英语学习很感兴趣,班上还有部分学生参加课外培训班的学习,英语水平比较好。同学们即将小学毕业,本课时的教学就设计为“毕业计划” 。通过本单元的教学活动,帮助学生复习巩固第 5-8 单元的词汇句型,同时培养学生语言能力,文化意识和创新能力,从而实现学生英语学科核心素养的发展。三、教学目标三、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用五到八单元的所有句型和日常交际用语:What are you going to ? Im/ Were going to Are you going to ? Ill /Well What do you think? Will you? Where/ When/ How long/ What will you? What do you want to be in the future? I want to be 2. 能熟练使用一般将来时。3. 能介绍自己喜爱的城市或国家,能查阅资料制作信息卡,能说出这个城市或国家的气候特点,特色食物及著名旅游景点或地标建筑。4. 能制作毕业派对邀请函,并能用说出邀请函上的主要内容。5. 能用英语完成毕业赠言,进一步促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的综合人文素养。四、教学重点四、教学重点1. 能介绍自己喜爱的城市或国家,能查阅资料制作信息卡,能说出这个城市或国家的气候特点,特色食物及著名旅游景点或地标建筑。2. 能制作毕业派对邀请函,并能用说出邀请函上的主要内容。3. 能用英语完成毕业赠言,进一步促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的综合人文素养。五、教学难点五、教学难点1. 能介绍自己喜爱的城市或国家,能查阅资料制作信息卡,能说出这个城市或国家的气候特点,特色食物及著名旅游景点或地标建筑。2. 能制作毕业派对邀请函,并能用说出邀请函上的主要内容。3. 能用英语完成毕业赠言,进一步促进学生思维能力的发展,提高学生的综合人文素养。六、教学辅助六、教学辅助1. 多媒体课件2. 练习纸七、教学过程设计七、教学过程设计课前欣赏学生毕业微电影拍摄花絮Step1 Free talk1. Boys and girls, shall we begin our lesson?I hope you will enjoy this lesson and try to practise English more.2. Ask the students three questions. What day is today? Whats the date today? Whats the weather like today?Step2 Talk about dreams1. Show the calendar to the students. Look at this date? What date is it? Yes. Its the thirtieth of June. After that you will finish primary school,that means you will graduate. Learn the new word, graduate. So today we are going to plan for graduation. Learn the new word, graduation.2. First lets talk about your dreams? What do you want to be in the future?S: I want to be a .Why?S: Because I want to To make your dream come true, what will you do?I will3. Pair workChoose three or four groups to practice.You all have a dream. And your ideas are great. I want to see your dreams come true.【设计意图】课前让学生观看毕业微电影的拍摄花絮,让学生更好地理解 graduate 的意思,为点出本课时的主题“毕业计划”做铺垫。接着让学生讨论自己的梦想,复习第八单元的主要内容。Step 3 Talk about Graduation Party1. Now, boys and girls, after graduation shall we have a graduation party? Then we should write an invitation letter.There are some important information in the letter. We should writeWhen are we going to have the party?Where are we going to have the party?What are we going to bring to the party?What are we going to do at the party?And you can answer like this. We are going to have the party at/ in We are going to bring We are going to invite We are going to 2. Let the four students be a group and finish the invitation letter.After finishing the invitation letter, let the students say to all the students.Im looking forward to your graduation party.【设计意图】由前一板块的毕业计划,引出毕业派对的设计。让四个同学一组自由设计派对时间地点,邀请的人员及准备携带的东西,并填写邀请函。最后由一名组员汇报邀请函的内容,以此复习第五单元的内容。Step 4 Talk about summer holiday plans1. After graduation, the summer holiday is coming. In this summer holiday, you dont have any homework, right? Do you like it?So what are you going to do for your summer holiday?S: I will I will go to I know you all like travelling. And you will travel to many places. But we live in Suzhou now. Let the students enjoy some pictures of Suzhou. Then ask them, what do you think of Suzhou?Whats the weather like in Suzhou?S: Its warm in spring. Its hot in summer. Its cool in autumn. And its cold in winter.Are there any interesting places in Suzhou? What do you know.S: I like I know Are there any interesting things in Suzhou? What are they?S: Show the name card of Suzhou. Look, this is the name card of Suzhou. I like Suzhou very much. It is my favourite city. Which city do you like?2. Please take out your pictures and make a name card of your favourite city.Let the students share the name cards. Then the teacher collects some name cards and put them together.What is it? Its a travel book. You made a travel book together.Can I keep it as a graduation present?【设计意图】这一板块让学生思考毕业后的这一个暑假会做些什么。一部分同学会呆在家里继续复习功课,但大部分同学还是会外出旅游。接着让同学们思考哪一个是自己最喜爱的城市或者国家。而老师则用苏州做示范,先让学生欣赏苏州的图片,包含了四季的景色,苏州的地标建筑,著名景点,小吃评弹等。接着让学生说一说苏州的四季,著名景点及美食。在接下来的活动中,学生就能写出并说出自己喜欢的城市的信息。最后,老师将学生制作的信息卡收集起来,这就是一本旅行书。以此复习第六第七单元。Step 5 Talk about the wishesAs in return, I have some wishes for you.I hope you will be a person who likes reading.I hope you will be a happy and healthy person.I hope you will have a bright future.Now its your turn to write your wishes. You can write to your teacher or friends.Ask the students to write the wishes on the paper. Then say it loudly, and put it on the blackboard.【设计意图】学生将这本旅行书做为毕业礼物送给老师,作为回赠,老师对学生说了一些毕业赠言。以此来打开学生思路,让学生综合自己的语言能力,运用一般将来时,对同学或老师写出自己的祝福。学生有话可说,并在自然的情境中运用语言。Step 6 Ending and homeworkBoys and girls, congratulations on your graduation. I hope your dreams and plans will come true some day.Todays homework. Review unit 5-8. Finish the exercises of Project 2.八、板书设计八、板书设计_
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