Project 2 A travel book-Part B & C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:70724).zip

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*The world is so big,I want to have a look.世界这么大,我想去看看。Do you like travelling?Why?Which countries will the panda visit? Korea韩国krGermany德国d:mn My travel plan I want to travel around the world. , I will visit China. Ill go to Beijing, its the capital of China. Ill visit the Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace. Ill take some nice photos there. Ill taste Beijing Roast Duck and some snacks too. , Ill go to the UK. lll go to London and see the London Eye. Its very beautiful, right? , Ill go to Australia. Sydney and Melbourne are also beautiful. I want to have a look. I think I will have a wonderful trip.head开头body正文ending 结尾FirstNextFinallyWhat will he do?Which cities will he go?To make the passage more logical.(使文章更有逻辑性)Questions:英文短文格式:1.缩进式每段开头约空四个字母,这样的格式每段之间是没有空行的。How many paragraphs(段落) are there?What do you want to know about my plan? Who? My travel planThis summer holiday, I will go to Thailand with my family. Well go there by plane. We will stay there for a week. I have a travel plan for this trip. First, I will visit Thai Palace. It is very beautiful. Next, Ill go to Phuket and take some photos there. Finally, I will eat Mango with Sticky Rice and Curried Crab. They are very delicious and I cant wait to have them. Well have a lot of fun. Would you share your travel plan with me?普吉岛Thailand泰国 My travel planThis summer holiday, I will go to Thailand with my family. Well go there by plane. We will stay there for a week. I have a travel plan for this trip. First, I will visit Thai Palace. It is very beautiful. Next, Ill go to Phuket and take some photos there. Finally, I will eat Mango with Sticky Rice and Curried Crab. They are very delicious and I cant wait to have them. Well have a lot of fun. Would you share your travel plan with me?普吉岛普吉岛Thai Palace大皇宫 My travel planThis summer holiday, I will go to Thailand with my family. Well go there by plane. We will stay there for a week. I have a travel plan for this trip. First, I will visit Thai Palace. It is very beautiful. Next, Ill go to Phuket and take some photos there. Finally, I will eat Mango with Sticky Rice and Curried Crab. They are very delicious and I cant wait to have them. Well have a lot of fun. Would you share your travel plan with me?普吉岛Phuket普吉岛 My travel planThis summer holiday, I will go to Thailand with my family. Well go there by plane. We will stay there for a week. I have a travel plan for this trip. First, I will visit Thai Palace. It is very beautiful. Next, Ill go to Phuket and take some photos there. Finally, I will eat Mango with Sticky Rice and Curried Crab. They are very delicious and I cant wait to have them. Well have a lot of fun. Would you share your travel plan with me?普吉岛Mango with sticky rice芒果糯米饭Curried crab 咖喱蟹 My travel planThis summer holiday, I will go to Thailand with my family. Well go there by plane. We will stay there for a week. I have a travel plan for this trip. First, I will visit Thai Palace. It is very beautiful. Next, Ill go to Phuket and take some photos there. Finally, I will eat Mango with Sticky Rice and Curried Crab. They are very delicious and I cant wait to have them. Well have a lot of fun. Would you share your travel plan with me?普吉岛英文短文格式:2.齐头式每段开头顶格写,但是段与段之间空行。注:这两种格式不能混用,不可以既开头空格,又段与段之间空行。句子中英文的标点后面要空一格(一个字母左右),它是有意义的,它是单词的边界,是单词的切分依据. My travel planThis summer holiday, I will go to Thailand with my family. Well go there by plane. We will stay there for a week. I have a travel plan for this trip. First, I will visit Thai Palace. It is very beautiful. Next, Ill go to Phuket and take some photos there. Finally, I will eat Mango with Sticky Rice and Curried Crab. They are very delicious and I cant wait to have them. Well have a lot of fun. Would you share your travel plan with me?普吉岛be going to通常指的是相当近的将来,will既可以指最近的将来,也可以指比较遥远的将来。一般将来时一般将来时Simplefuturetense定义:定义:基本构成基本构成:常用的时间状语:常用的时间状语:表示将要发生的动作或将要存在的状态;及打算、计划或准备做某事.1.will(shall)+动词原形,is,are)goingto+动词原形tomorrow,nextweek/month/year,intwohours/daysMy travel plan The summer holiday is coming soon. Qingdao, one of the most beautiful cities in the China, is fantastic for me. The first day, I go to the beach. Qingdao is famous for the seafood, my friend tell me that the seafood in Qingdao is very delicious. And I will bring some seafood as presents for my parents and friends. I think I will go to the Zhongshan Park the second day. There are many different kinds of animals. The last day I will go to the Qingdao Beer Museum. The Beer Festival is so excited.What a wonderful plan!对来说太棒了因而著名最美丽的城市之一excitingwillGood!么I can write the passage in the right pattern.(我的写作格式没有错误)I can write at least 6-7 sentences.(我能够至少写6.7句话)I have no grammar mistakes.(我的写作中没有什么错误。)I can use more words and sentences.(除了今天所学的,我还能使用更多的单词和句型。)My handwriting is very nice.(书写认真漂亮。)1.Showyourpassageingroups. firstinGood!2.Reviseotherspassages.3.Giveyourgroupmatethecomment.1.改错符号:frist2.漏写符号:stayShanghai.3.多余的单词:gotothere4.好词好句在下方画线:Show in class:1.1. 展示的同学大声朗读,并向同学们提出问题。展示的同学大声朗读,并向同学们提出问题。2.2. 其他同学认真倾听、回答,并找出其中未改出的错其他同学认真倾听、回答,并找出其中未改出的错误。误。3.3. 给展示的同学修改好的作文评星。给展示的同学修改好的作文评星。What do you want to say to the panda?Be friendly and polite.(礼貌的)No littering.No painting. Be a good panda and a good tourist.(旅行者,观光客.) 1.Finish your passage.2.Find out more interesting places on the Internet. * If you have a travel chance,如果你有一次旅行机会,如果你有一次旅行机会,Where will you go?Who will you go with?How will you go?When will you go there?How long will you stay there?What will you do there?ice tomatoes on sticksbeefsteakthe Statue of LibertyHong Kong-style dessertsVictoria HarborSydney Opera HouseOur travel planMy parents and I have a travel plan. We will go to Australia this winter. We will have a great time.The first day, we are going to Sydney Opera House. I think it is very beautiful and there are many visitors. And then we will visit Sydney Bridge. It is really long and grand. At the end of the day, we are going to Sydney Harbour. We will be very happy. We can eat some famous snacks. They must be very delicious. What a wonderful travel plan! Do you have a travel plan?WhichWhich countrycountry willwill DoraemonDoraemon traveltravel ? ? MakingMaking a a traveltravel planplan ClassClass NameName A.ListenA.Listen andand circlecircle PandasPandas traveltravel planplanMy travel plan I want to travel around the world. First, I will visit China. Ill go to Beijing, its the capital of China. Ill visit the Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace. Ill take some nice photos there. Ill taste Beijing Roast Duck and some snacks too. Next, Ill go to the UK. lll go to London and see the London Eye. Its very beautiful, right? Finally, Ill go to Australia. Sydney and Melbourne are also beautiful. I want to have a look. I think I will have a wonderful trip.A.A.B.B.C.C.D.D.E.E.F.F.B.B.MissMiss WusWus plan:plan:MyMy traveltravel planplanThis summer holiday, I will go to Thailand with my family.Well go there by plane. We will stay there for a week. I have a travel plan for this trip. First ,I will visit Thai Palace. It is very beautiful. Next, Ill go to Phuket and take some photos there. Finally, I will eat Mango with Sticky Rice and Curried Crab. They are very delicious and I cant wait to have them. Well have a lot of fun. Would you share your travel plan with me?C.C. YourYour traveltravel planplanMyMy traveltravel planplan Useful phrases:Cities(province)PlacesFoodXian 兵马俑 Terra Cotta Army华清池 Huaqing PoolBiangBiang noodles(biangbiang 面)Chinese hamburgers(肉夹馍)Shanghai 欢乐谷 Happy Valley水上乐园 Water park东方明珠塔The Oriental Pearl TV Tower Fresh Fried Bun(生煎包)Small steamed buns(小笼包、汤包)Nanjing夫子庙 Confucious Temple中山陵 Zhongshan Tomb湖南路 Hunan RoadBoiled salted Duck(盐水鸭)Duck blood soup with vermicelli(鸭血粉丝汤)a lot of nice foodBeijingBeijing Roast Duck(北京烤鸭)Xiamen鼓浪屿 Gulangyu厦门大学 Xiamen University厦门海底世界the Undersea WorldShacha noodlesXiamen Fried Oyster(厦门海蛎煎)Hangzhou西湖 West Lake灵隐寺 Lingyin TempleVinegar fish (醋鱼)Dongpo meat(东坡肉)Yunnan丽江 Lijiang大理 Dali 西双版纳 XishuangbannaRice noodle(米线)Making a travel plan 教学目标:教学目标:1. 复习一般将来时,能积极运用所学的地方名进行表达与交流。2. 以“Making a travel plan”为主题,培养学生的口头表达能力及书写能力。3. 培养学生对文本信息的概括归纳能力和小组合作的能力。4. 引导学生热爱生活,热爱旅行,同时在做事情之前能够合理的计划安排。教学重点、难点教学重点、难点: 1. 能认真完成 travel plan 的制定和修改。2. 培养学生的小组合作能力,共同完成学习任务。教具准备:教具准备: PPT,板书教学步骤:教学步骤:Step 1. Have a talkT: Do you like travelling? Why?S: T: Travelling is so wonderful. Summer vocation is coming, so this lesson we will talk about travel plans, ok?Step 2. The pandas travel plan1. T: The world is so big and the panda wants to have a look, can you tell him some interesting places you know?2. Enjoy a video 3.Talk about the pandas travel plan(1) Listen and circle (2) Read and fill in the blanks.(3) Read and answer. a: Which cities will he go? b: What will he do? c: Hows his plan?(4) Present the first way of the writing pattern.Step3. Miss Wus travel plan1. T: I think the panda will enjoy his travelling. You see , Miss Wu is a traveller too. Ill visit an exciting country this summer holiday. So I make a travel plan, you can ask me some questions about it.(引导学生用 when, where, how, how long, who, what 来提问)2. Talk about Miss Wus plana.Listen and try to find the answers.b. Enjoy some pictures about new words.c.Present the second way of the writing pattern.3. Review the simple future tense.Step4. Revise others passages1. Present a passage2. Read and find the mistakes.(教师向学生展示一些修改的符号)3. Find some good words and sentences.4. Show your plan(1) Show your plan in groups(2) Give your groupmate the comment.(3) Revise others passages.(4) Show in class.Step5. Enjoy a video1. T: Does the panda do well when hes travelling?2. T: What do you want to say to the panda?3. T: I think you will be a good tourist.Step6. Homework1. Find out more interesting places on the Internet.2. Share your travel plan with your friends.
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