Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:d0a3d).zip

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Unit 1 The lion and the mouse(Grammar time & Fun time) Lets reviewTip: The lion and the mouseOne day, There was a lion in the forest. He was large and strong. The pictures can help us remember the story.Fun time Lion: Im and Animals: Here comes the lion. Run! N:The lion said excitedly/loudly/happily. N: The animals cried loudly/said worriedly/loudly.Try to imagine:想想象象 Lion: What are you doing here, Little Mouse? Im going to ! Mouse: Please dont , Lion. I can some day. Lion: Ha ha! You are so How can you help me? Lion: Help! Help! Please help me! Mouse: Dont be Lion. I can help you! Lion: , Little Mouse! The lion said The mouse said Disscuss in groups of three小组讨小组讨论论What did they say? How did they say?并加上旁并加上旁白。白。 Lion: Im and Animals: Here comes the lion. Run! Lion: What are you doing here, Little Mouse? Im going to ! Mouse: Please dont , Lion. I can some day. Lion: Ha ha! You are so How can you help me? Lion: Help! Help! Please help me! Mouse: Dont be Lion. I can help you! Lion: , Little Mouse! 1. The lion said 2. The animals 3. The lion 4. The mouse 6. The lion 5. The lion 7. The mouse 8. The lion Choose one scene,Act in groups of three. 1. Narrator 2. Lion 3. MouseRead and feelPlease dont eat me.I can help you some day!Ha! Ha! Youre so small and weak! How can you help me?Help! Help!Who can help me?Thanks! Thanks! Youre really helpful!The mouse said quietly:The lion laughed loudly:The lion asked sadly:The lion said happily:Grammar time The mouse said quietly.The lion laughed loudly. The lion asked sadly. The lion said happily.adverbs 副副 词词What are the adverbs for? Read and Feel.朗读体验朗读体验 Please dont eat me.I can help you some day! Ha! Ha! Youre so small and weak! How can you help me?The mouse said quietly:The mouse said :The lion laughed loudly:The lion laughed : Ha! Ha! Youre so small and weak! How can you help me?Grammar time The mouse said quietly.The lion laughed loudly. The lion asked sadly. The lion said happily.adverbs 副副 词词What are the adverbs for?They show the actions more vividly. 副词能更副词能更生动形生动形象象地表现地表现动作动作。 Know morequiet loud sad happy angry excited worried careful kind quietlyloudlysadlyexcitedlyworriedlycarefullyhappilyangrilykindly形容形容词词副副词词Imagine and sayHes a happy boy.He often laughs happily.He happily.He happily.He reads happily.He happily.He happily.He happily.Jack is a sad dog.Jack sadly.Jack sadly.Jack sadly.Jack sadly.Jack sadly.Lets talk about our real life听录音,选词填空听录音,选词填空hurriedly quicklyhappilycarefullyworriedly 四人小组讨论,介绍你四人小组讨论,介绍你的一天。(的一天。(Your day or your school life)What about you?Imagine:One day of the life for the good friends What happened? Imagine! Then act in groups of four:1. Narrator 2.Lion 3.Mouse 4.CatDont forget to: Use adverbs to show actions vividly旁白选择合适的副词来为每句旁白选择合适的副词来为每句台词增加表现力,使动作或语气更生动。台词增加表现力,使动作或语气更生动。Summary:1.We can retell the story.(会复述故事)会复述故事)2.We can act out the story more vividly.(更生动更生动地表演故事情节)地表演故事情节)3.Weve got some adverbs. And we know what are adverbs and what are the adverbs for. (知道知道什么是副词以及副词的用法。什么是副词以及副词的用法。)4. We can use adverbs to make our description more vividly. (会用副词使得我们的(会用副词使得我们的描述描述更生动)更生动)The ant and the Dove蚂蚁和鸽子蚂蚁和鸽子The ant and the Dove蚂蚁和鸽子蚂蚁和鸽子Homework1. Surf the Internet and learn more adverbs.2. Read the picture book and use the proper adverbs to finish the blanks.3. Write a short passage with adverbs about todays topic in class.教学内容教学内容Unit1 The lion and the mouse(Grammar time& Fun time)课时课时本单元共六课时,本课为第 2 课时上课时间课时目标课时目标1. 能听懂,会读,会说副词 loudly, quietly, sadly, happily, excitedly 并能体会副词在句中的作用。2. 能正确恰当地运用副词修饰动词。3. 能生动形象地表演 Fun time 中的课本剧。教学重点教学重点教学重点:能正确恰当地运用副词修饰动词。 教学难点教学难点能理解形容词和副词的区别,了解副词的功能,能在剧本表演中体现出副词的功能。教学准备教学准备练习,PPT教学过程教学过程修改栏修改栏Step 1 Lets review1.Look, whos he? Hes a lion.Whos he? Hes a mouse.How do you think of the lion?/What do you think of the mouse? 2.Its an interesting story. So first lets try to tell this story.(1)Here is a tip for you: these pictures can help us remember the story. So you can look at the pictures and tell the story. Now, please do it in groups of four. Each student say one or two sentences. Pay attention the past tense. (2)This time lets tell the story sentence by sentence. Start from me: There was a lion in the forest. He was large and strong. One day 请学生逐个复述Step2Fun time1.You are all good story tellers. You can tell the story very well. Can you act it out by dialogues? Now lets look at Fun time.(1)Lets take picture one as an example. Look at this lion. What might he say? Im strong and large/big. Im the king of the forest. Im hungryMaybe. And how did he say this? Did he say it sadly? (loudly/excitedly/happily )And how about the animals? What did they say? And how?Did they say excitedly? (loudly/firghtenedly/worriedly)No. Maybe they cried loudly to tell the others to run away. Can you be the animals?(2)Great! The left pictures please discuss in groups of three and choose the proper adverbs for each line. (3)汇报:小组每人一句汇报:The lion said loudly:(4)Acting time.Act in groups of three: Narrator lion mouse (任选一副图) Step3 Grammar time1.Wonderful,Just now, from the acting, we know in the story, the mouse and the lion said something. And they have different feelings at different time. Can you try to read and feel? Lets read together.2.Boys and girls, lets look at the four words again. What are they?They are quietly, loudly, sadly and happily.What are they? They are adverbs.3. What are the adverbs for?(体验二种句子对比。Please read. Who can try? Read together.有副词读得感情生动,没有副词读得感情平淡)Ss:They can show the actions more vividly.4.And look(板书), do we often put them before or after the verbs?Yes, we often put adverbs after the verbs.5.Any more adverbs do you know? We know quietquietly. Any more? what else? 学生快速说,读词,贴板书。6.And we can get some adverbs from the adjectives. What can you find? How to change from Adjective to adverbs? (Can you find any rules?)Often we add ly after the adjectives. And sometimes if the adjective ends up with y, we should change y-I,then add ly.7.Look, we learned so many adverbs today.You can read well, and can you use them well, too?(1)Look at this boy. Is he happy?Hes a happy boy, so maybe he does everything happily.For example, he often laughs happily. He reads happily. What else does he do happily, can you guess?(2)Is this a happy dog?So maybe he does everything sadly. Can you guess and talk in groups? 学生自由说(3)a happy boy/ a sad dog./I think a boy is not always happy every day. A dog is not sad everyday. Let me show a real day-That is my day.Listen and choose.Read together.(4)This is my day. Can you show us your day?Step4 ExpansionYour day is so interesting./happy. How about the mouse? Look, Heres another day for the mouse and the lion. What will happen for the friends?Look, one day, a big cat came to the forest. Was the mouse happy? What would his friend Mr Lion do?Can you imagine and make a story in groups of four?The lion, the cat, the mouse, and most importantly, a narrator! He can use adverbs to tell us more vividly!Focus on the emotion what they do.(2)小组表演请两组展示This is an interesting story. It also showed us that we should help each other. Everyone is good at something.Step5 Summary+homework1.What did we learn from this lesson?Adverbs are useful. They can make our discretion/stories more vividly. 2.Heres a picture book: an ant and a stove. After class, please try to use proper adverbs to make the story more vividly.Homework2 Write a short passage to describe your familys day. To more vividly, please use more adverbs.板书设计: Unit1 The lion and the mouseThe mouse said quietly.The lion laughed loudly.The lion said sadly.The lion said happily.教后反思与重建本节课是一节市级课题研究展示课。我们将教学研究视角就从教师的教转向了学生的学。 “现实的儿童” “眼前的儿童”到底是怎样的?他们需要并喜欢怎样的学习活动?为了了解学生的需求,我们首先在课前进行了口头访谈和书面调查两项儿童研究。在口头访谈中,学生说语法板块是他们单元学习中最不喜欢的板块,排位在单元第五第六位,因为枯燥,知识点多。他们期望语法板块这样学习:大量造句问答之后让他们自己发现归纳,然后老师再补充。不要背诵语法规则,太枯燥了,希望多给他们运用,表达,表演的机会,如果能将规则改编成诗歌就更好了。我们也抽样 120 名学生进行了问卷调查。在调查中 95.8%的学生表示复习 story 板块环节最喜欢表演,期待多一些游戏朗诵等等。在语法学习环节学生选择“小组合作”活动的达 58.3%,其他选项均在 10%以下。他们期待一起讨论归纳发现,小组活动能让他们更自信,老师能加入他们的小组活动就更好了。在操练输出环节,学生选“绘本阅读、创编故事”项目的最多,达 61.6%。她们期待小组竞赛游戏,口头运用的Adverbs: quiet quietly loud- loudly happy-happily sad-sadly Worried-worriedly quick-quickly slow-slowlysad - sadly happy- happily喜欢多于笔头运用,如果要笔头写,希望是制作海报动手做比如卡片等。他们也喜欢编写短文。这些研究数据,与老师们当初的设想还是有着一定的差距的,让老师们倍感意外的同时,成为我们课堂学习活动设计的有力依据。所以本节课我从以下几方面区设计:1.基于语篇,感知语法。基于语篇,感知语法。通过复习故事,学生再述狮子和老鼠的故事,体会狮子和老鼠当时的动作和情绪变化。不断感受副词的生动性。2.不断体验,自主探究。不断体验,自主探究。学生在故事中发现了大量的副词。老师再次让学生朗读体验故事角色的情绪变化。学生读得有声有色。而后老师作了小小的改变,把副词拿掉,学生再读,总觉得读不出生动的感情了。老师放手让学生小组合作讨论探究这些特殊的词到底什么?有什么用处?该怎么去用?学生有了前期大量的实践与体验,很快小组合作探究发现了规则。3.联系生活,反复实践。联系生活,反复实践。调查中学生表示喜欢语言实践,希望多一些与生活相联系的实际意义的操作。课标也要求“各种语言知识的呈现和学习都应从语言使用的角度出发,为提升学生用英语做事情的能力服务。 ”所以语法学习同样最终要回归真实生活情境,引导学生通过听说读写的综合性活动来提升语法技能,发展综合语言运用能力。为此,第三环节我又设计了逐层提升的语言实践活动来练习巩固语法板块内容。首先出示情境引导学生介绍男孩的状态,之后引导学生运用副词介绍自己的一天,最后以故事创编提升综合语言运用能力。绘本的阅读再次激发学生运用语言的兴趣,提升语言实践能力。一系列语言实践难度逐步提升,取得了不错的效果。 Once upon a time, a little ant went to a river. “I will see what it is like in the river.” he said curiously. He went down, down ,down . But he fell into the river and he “Help!Help!” called the ant A dove saw the ant in the river. The dove put the leaf in the river could not get out. “I will help you,” she said It was like a little boat. The ant got on the leaf The ant said to the dove, “One day I will help you,” One day a man saw the dove. The ant saw the man. He bit the man.The dove said to the ant, “You are too little to help.” “I will get you,” said the man. 读完故事,完成下列任务: 1.选用下列副词填空: happily carefully excitedly quickly slowly loudly kindly 2. What do you think of the ant? 3. What do you think of the dove? 4.What did you learn from the story?“Ow !Ow! Ow!” said the man painfully.(痛苦地) “I did help you.” the ant said . “Yes, you did.” Said the dove gratefully.(感激地) The man jumped up and down and the arrow went into the river.Listen and choose:Yesterday morning, I got up late. The bed was so warm. So I had breakfast . Then I go to school by car. I drove my car . I love teaching, so I taught my students . I checked my students homework . I had my lunch at school. The lunch was yummy. I enjoyed it . I went home at 5 oclock. But suddenly I cant find my key. I looked for it .Miss Wang helped me patiently(耐心地). At last, I found it in my bag. I went home happily.Listen and choose:Yesterday morning, I got up late. The bed was so warm. So I had breakfast . Then I go to school by car. I drove my car . I love teaching, so I taught my students . I checked my students homework . I had my lunch at school. The lunch was yummy. I enjoyed it . I went home at 5 oclock. But suddenly I cant find my key. I looked for it .Miss Wang helped me patiently(耐心地). At last, I found it in my bag. I went home happily.A. worriedly B. hurriedly C. quickly D. carefully E. happilyA. worriedly B. hurriedly C. quickly D. carefully E. happily1、搜集并写一写已经接触到过的形容词、副词。 2、把下列中文翻译成英文,划出句子中的形容词和副词,注意它们在句子中的位置。学生们很兴奋。 杨玲是一个漂亮的女孩,她舞跳得美。 Bobby 能跑得快,他足球也踢得好。 3. Fun time:加上句子,丰富内容。 并补上 Narrator(旁边)的话。1、形容词、副词的用法:Open your books to page9. Lets read the sentences together.The lion asked sadly.The lion laughed loudly.The mouse said quietly.The mouse said happily.2、形容词变化为副词的规律Sadsadly loudloudly quietquietly happyhappily Can you find out the rules?Summary: 形容词副词a. 词尾直接加 lyexcitedexcitedly beautifulbeautifully carefulcarefully b. 去 e 加 ilyhappyhappily angryangrily heavyheavily c. 形副同体hardfasthighearlylated. 不规则goodwell模仿造句:The boy is running fast.The girl is shouting excitedly.The children are talking loudly.The people are laughing happily.The man is reading carefully.The woman is crying sadly.
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