Unit 1 The lion and the mouse-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f0280).zip

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6B Unit 1 The lion and the mouse (Period 3)My reading cardTitle(题目) : The Ugly DucklingWriter(作者): AndersenAbstract(摘要): There was a big and ugly duckling .His family didnt like him. He was sad and lonely . Then he left . Finally, he found he was a beautiful swan !Tips: Make a new reading card according different stories.My reading cardTitle(题目) : The Ugly DucklingWriter(作者): Andersen(可写中文哦)Abstract(摘要): There was a _ and _ duckling .His family _ like him. He was sad and _. Then he _. Finally, he _ he was a beautiful _!Unit1Thelionandthemouse(Soundtime,Culturetime&Cartoontime) Whattolearn?1. I can read and understand the story of Cartoon time.2. I know the intonation(语调) of Wh-questions.3. I know there are many animal stories in Aesops Fables and Chinese idiom books.Tips: 快速说出看到的动词词组,并说出其动词过去式。watch TVwatched TVpick orangespicked orangesfly kitesflew kitesgo swimmingwent swimmingdo homeworkdid homeworkread newspapersread newspaperscatch a big fishcaught a big fisheat a cakeate a cakeWhat is the story about?What is the story about? Watch Watch and findand findA. About the winner of the table tennis match.B. About getting the ball out of the hole.C. About how to play table tennis. What is the story about? What is the story about?Read and thinkBSamandBobbyareplayingtabletennishappily.1be good at 善于、擅长Im good at English.Shes good at speaking Chinese.Sam is good at _.Shes good at _ table tennis.table tennisplayingTips:1.be good at后面直接加学科类名词。2.be good at后面动词要变成-ing形式。BillyandWillycheerforthemloudly.Samistooexcitedandhehitstheballhard.Then,theycannotfindtheball.为欢呼打,击重重地2Finally,SamandBobbyfindaholeintheground.reach深的够得着3deepSamhasanidea.Hebringssomewaterquicklyandpoursitintothehole.把倒入4迅速地,快地Listen Listen and repeatand repeatRead Read and matchand match在地里cheer.forpour.intotoo deepbe good athit.hardin the holein the ground为欢呼在洞里把倒入擅长太深用力击打()1.Samisgoodattabletennis.()2.Bobbyhitstheballhard.()3.SamandBobbyfindaholeintheplayground.()4.Samcanreachtheballinthehole.Because the hole is too deep .True or False地面,地上SamcannotTFFFgroundA: Act out the story. (Narrator, Sam, Bobby, Willy and Billy)B: Retell the story picture by picture. (Four story tellers) ORAct or retellAct or retell214536ThinkandsayThinkandsayDo you have any other good ideas to get the ball out?Think and say Think and say Have you ever read a similar(相似的)story? The thirsty crow古希腊abookfromtheGreekstoryteller,Aesop.Greece古希腊(伊索寓言)伊索寓言相传为公元前六世纪,被释放的古希腊奴隶伊索所著,搜集有古希腊民间故事,并加入印度、阿拉伯及基督教故事,共三百五十七篇。AesopsFablesThetortoiseandthehareTheFoxandtheGrapesAesopsFablesTheboywhocriedwolfWhere else can we read funny animal stories? TheBlindMenandtheElephantTheBirdJingweiTryingtoFilltheSeaWaitingforRabbitsChineseidiombookKilltwobirdswithonestone(中国成语故事)成语故事是我国历史的一部分,成语是历史的积淀,每一个成语的背后都有一个含义深远的故事。经过时间的打磨,千万人的口口叮传,每一句成语又是那么深刻隽永、言简意赅。阅读成语故事,可以了解历史、通达事理、学习知识、积累优美的语言素材。ChineseidiombookTitle(题目) : The Ugly DucklingWriter(作者): AndersenAbstract(摘要): There was a _ and _ duckling .His family _ like him. He was sad and _. Then he _. Finally, he _ he was a beautiful _!biguglydidntlonelyleftfoundswanTips: 小组内推荐一位朗读展示。Title(题目) : _Writer(作者): _(可写中文哦)Abstract(摘要): _Stories are fun.Stories make us clever.We learn from stories.Lets go and read more.Enjoy the storiesThe same thing they have is _. How can we read/tell stories nicely? about animal storiesIntonation is the melody(旋律) of language.Intonationemotions 情感Intentions 意图attitudes 态度(声调)Wh-questionsWatch Watch and repeatand repeatRead and find.使用降调调的句子:1.特殊疑问问句。2.陈陈述句。3.祈使句。Who woke the lion up?What did the men use to catch the lion?Who helped the lion?What did the mouse use to make a hole?The mouse did .A large net.The mouse did.His teeth.Wh-questionswhowherewhatwhichwhyAsk and answer Ask and answer Try to readEat? Who eats?You?Yes?Where are you?In the shop?What are you eating?How does it taste?Can you buy me one?Please! Please!Eat!Who eats?Me!Yes!In the shop!Yes, I am.A lollipop.Sweet, sweet!WellWellOK! OK!A:B:Weknow:1. I can read and understand the cartoon.2. The falling intonation(降调) of Wh-questions.3. There are many animal stories in Aesops Fables and Chinese idiom books.Agoodbookisagoodfriend.1.Read the story after class.2.Period 3 on exercise book.3.Prepare for the dictation. Homework义务教育教科书英语义务教育教科书英语 English(三年级起点(三年级起点 六年级下册)六年级下册)Unit 1 The lion and the mouse (Period 3)Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容 Sound time Culture time & Cartoon Time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. 能掌握特殊疑问句中语音语调的使用。2. 能了解伊索寓言与中国成语故事的异同。3. 能听懂、会读、会说 cheer、hit、deep、reach、quickly、pour into 了解三组新的形容词与副词:realreally、hardhard、quickquickly。4. 能正确地理解并表演卡通故事。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点: 教学重点:1. 能梳理出学过的疑问代词并能使用正确的语音语调进行提问。2. 能用使用合适的副词描述故事。3. 能正确地理解并朗读故事内容,并能表演故事。教学难点:1. 能使用正确的语音语调进行提问。2. 能整理出关键词,并根据关键词复述故事。 Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1. Present what to learn about this lesson.(课前呈现,让学生了解本节课需要学习的相关的内容) 2. Brainstorming T:Boys and girls,Today we are still going to learn unit1 the lion and the mouse.This is an Ss: Animal story. T:Yes.I like reading stories very much.First,Lets play a game.OK?(学生举手抢答说) Step 2 Cartoon time 1. Predict the story. Watch the cartoon and find what is about in the story.(边看边想,这个有趣的故事有关什么呢?能否用学过的英语知识表达自己的想法?) S: 2. Read and think. T: Now tell me what is about in the story. And choose a right one? (学生举手回答,老师给予一定的引导与激励) 3. Learn the story picture by picture. T: Now lets learn the story together. (在课文学习中,通过实物展示,肢体语言,师生示范等方式突破 cheer for, hole, deep, reach, pour.into.等单词。) 4. Listen and repeat.5. Read and match.6. True or False.7. Read,act or retell. T:you can choose to act in four or retell the story one by one. (学生可以表演或复述) 8. Think and say. T:What other ways can we use to get the ball out? Do you have any good ideas? S: (学生根据自己的生活经验可自由发挥) Step 3 Culture time 1. What similar stories you have read? (与 cartoon time 相似的故事,引出 the thirsty crow) 2. Present students two books. One is Aesops Fables. The other one is a Chinese idiom book. Show them some animal stories and ask about other animal stories they know.3. Complete “My reading card”.4. Enjoy the sentences about the stories.5. The same thing these two books have is that _.(we can find many animal stories in them.) 6. Read after the recorder.(听录音跟读录音跟读老师跟读录音,反复朗读,增强记忆。)Step 4.Sound time 1. How can we read/tell stories nicely? (如何才能把故事读得优美动听?) 2. Show the function of intonation. (T:Intonation is the melody of language. It has rising and falling tones. It can show our attitudes, emotions and intentions) 3. Present and find out the intonation of wh-questions.4. Watch the sound time. 5. Summary.(总结使用降调的句子,1.特殊疑问句。2.陈述句。3.祈使句。) 6. Ask and answer.7. Read a new dialogue. (初读新编故事,体会正确的语调变化。) 8. Present what we learn about this lesson and give a sentence.Homework: 1. Read the story after class. 2. Period 3 on exercise book. 3. Read more animal stories.
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