Unit 2 Good habits-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:6397b).zip

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  • 全部
    • Checkout time听力稿.mp3
    • My students habits.mp4
    • Unit2 Good habits课件.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案6397b.docx--点击预览
    • 课件用背景音乐1.mp3
    • 课件用背景音乐2.mp3
    • 课件用背景音乐3.mp3
    • 课堂练习倡议书.docx--点击预览


Unit 2 Good habits ( Checkout time & Ticking time ) 译译 林林 小小 学学 英英 语语 六六 年年 级级 下下 册册 ListenListen carefullycarefully 仔细地听仔细地听 SpeakSpeak loudlyloudly 大声地讲大声地讲 ReadRead loudlyloudly 大声地读大声地读 WriteWrite carefullycarefully 认真地写认真地写 GoodGood habitshabits What habits do Wang Bing and Liu Tao have?What habits do you have? Free talk I say , you judge(我说你判断) Rules(游戏规则): Say Thats a good habit. and if you think it is right. Say Thats a bad habit. and if you think it is wrong.My sister never goes to bed early.Wang Bing brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.Helen does her homework late at night.Nancy always puts her things in order.Miss Wu always run in the playground every morning. The children are running now. They are running fast.Do more sports. It helps us keep healthy. 多做运动。它有助于我们保持健康。多做运动。它有助于我们保持健康。 What is the old man doing?How is he walking?walk slowly慢速地慢速地 What is the man doing?How is he singing?sing badly差地差地 完成书上第完成书上第24页练习:看图并圈出恰当的单词。页练习:看图并圈出恰当的单词。Look and circle1.The children are running fast/slowly.2.The old man is walkingfast/slowly.Lets check3.The man is singing badly/well.4.The boy is doing badly/well at school.5.I go to school early/latein the morning.6.I go to school early/latein the morning.Early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 正反义副词正反义副词 opposite adverbsfast/quicklyslowlyearlywell latebadly Know moreloudly - quietlyhappily - sadly正正反反义义副副词词 is/usuallyquietly/loudly. happily/sadly just now.可以可以尝试尝试用用不同不同时态时态来来描述描述图片图片哦!哦!Play a game: Use the adverbs to make sentences.自主选择自主选择其中一组图片,其中一组图片,两人两人伙伴交流:用副词的正反义词造句。伙伴交流:用副词的正反义词造句。可以尝试用可以尝试用不同时态不同时态来描述图片哦!来描述图片哦! happily/sadly1.happilysadlyquietlyloudly2.可以尝试用可以尝试用不同时态不同时态来描述图片哦!来描述图片哦! quietly/loudlygood habits bad habits1. Su Hai and Su Yang get up at _ in the morning. a. six oclock b. six thirty c. seven oclock2. They help their _. a. classmates b. parents c. friends3. They keep their _ clean. a. rooms b. schoolbags c. desks4. What is their bad habit? _ a. b. c.cccaListen and chooseListening skills:1.1.快速浏览快速浏览题目,进行题目,进行听前预测听前预测。 2.2.认真听录音,提取认真听录音,提取关键关键信息。信息。 Su Hai and Su Yang are good children. They have many good habits. They get up at seven oclock in the morning. Su Hai and Su Yang are good to their friends. They help them with their homework. Su Hai and Su Yang are clean and tidy. They keep their desks clean at school.But Su Hai and Su Yang have one bad habit. They watch TV right after school. 他们一放学就看电视。at once立刻立刻,马上马上Read and checkright My students habits Enjoy the video Miss Wus students habits Lets talk An initial written proposal 一封倡议书一封倡议书 Lets enjoyTitle 标题Appellation 称呼正正文文Name 姓名Date 日期Reason倡议理由Main content倡议的主要内容How to write it ? 四人伙伴交流合作完成一封畅议书Tips: 1.自主自主选择选择“Good learning habits” 或或”Good living habits”,四人伙伴交流四人伙伴交流一封畅议书。一封畅议书。 2.每个人每个人书写书写两至三句养成好习惯的两至三句养成好习惯的建议建议并并互查互查,要求:,要求: 3.四人一起四人一起读一读读一读,推选出一名小代表来,推选出一名小代表来展示并介绍展示并介绍畅议书。畅议书。 奖励的贴纸可以用来装饰畅议书哦奖励的贴纸可以用来装饰畅议书哦 (1)(1)书写认真书写认真,标点规范标点规范。(2)(2)条理清晰条理清晰,内容完整内容完整。(3)(3)拼写正确拼写正确,语,语 法无误法无误。(4)(4)好好词佳句词佳句,富有富有情情感感。 the school corridor 学校走廊过道Let us together initiative (让我们共同倡议让我们共同倡议) : Try to form good learning habits and living habits.Please start from the little things right around you. Homework1.Finish the Ticking time on Page 25. 完成书上第完成书上第25页的页的Ticking time.2.Enrich your proposal, talk about good habits with more information. 完善你的倡议书,更多信息维度谈论好习惯。完善你的倡议书,更多信息维度谈论好习惯。1译林小学英语六下 Unit2 Good habits (Checkout time& Ticking time)教学目标教学目标1.知识目标:知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读单词 slowly, badly。能熟练掌握副词的用法。1.能力目标:能力目标:能熟练运用本单元的单词、词组和句型来描述自己和他人的习惯并完善“好习惯倡议书”。2.情感目标:情感目标:引导学生养成好习惯,摒弃坏习惯,更有效地学习、更健康地生活。 教学重点教学重点能听懂、会说、会读单词 slowly, badly。能熟练掌握副词的用法。 教学难点教学难点能熟练运用本单元所学知识点来描述自己和他人的习惯并完善“好习惯倡议书”。教具准备教具准备课件 PPT,展牌,部分板书图片 教学过程教学过程2Step1 Warm up1. Lets reviewWhat habits do Wang Bing and Liu Tao have?Wang Bing: get up early, never. brush teeth. put things in order finish the homework.Liu Tao: listen to the teachers. keep the room.do homework late. feel sleepy.2. Free talkWhat habits do you have?3. Lets play a game “I say, you judge”.Step2 PresentationI. Look and circle1. Lets talkT: (呈接游戏环节最后一句)Miss Wu always run in the morning every day. I like running . Look , the children also like running. The children are running now. And how are they running? (Theyre running fast.) Yes, so Ill give you a sentence: do more sports. It helps us keep healthy.(情感教育)2. Look , answer and learna. What is the old man doing? How is he walking? Teach: walk slowly / slowlyb. What is the man doing? How is he singing?3 Teach: sing badly / badly3. Look and circleT: Open your books turn to Page 24, look at the pictures and circle the correct words.4. Lets check(渗透情感教育)T: Early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wrise.5. Know moreFast / qucikly - slowly early-latewell - badlyloudly - quietlyhappily- sadly 6. Play a game “Use the adverbs to make sentences”(学生自主选择其中一组图片,两人伙伴交流,用副词的正反义词造句,提醒学生:可以尝试用不同时态来描述图片)II. Listen and choose1. T: Well done, boys and girls. Now, look! Su Hai and Su Yang have some habits too. What good habits do Su Hai and Su Yang have? And what bad habits do they have? Do you want to know? Lets listen and choose.T: Now, before listening , Ill give you two listening skills.Please open your books, turn to Page 25, listen care fully and choose the right answers. 42. Lets checkT: They watch TV right after school. Thats a bad habit. Can you give them some advice?(生自由发言建议)Step3 Consolidation1. Enjoy the video观看微课“My students habits”. 2. Lets talkTry to talk about “Miss Wus students habits”. (边讨论边完善板书,渗透情感教育:Good habits benefit you forever.)3. An initial written proposal (1) Lets enjoy (2) How to write it?a. T: This is an initial written proposal. First, we should write the title, than appalation(称呼), Reason(理由), Main content(主要内容). At last, dont forget to write the name and date.b.呈现范文框架c. Try to write.d. Show timeStep4 Homework1.Finish the Ticking time on Page 25.(完成书上第 25 页的 Ticking time.)52.Enrich your proposal, talk about good habits with more information.完(善你的倡议书,更多信息维度谈论好习惯。 )
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